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No offense, but this birthday party is kinda lame. I'm gonna go.
K, bye. |
I went to some recruitment lecture thing today and got a free yo-yo.
Yo-yos are awesome.:picklehat |
happy birthday sammy boy!
And Christ, I'm the tamest one among them. |
Dear sam,
I wish you many happy returns and good luck in all of your future endeavours. Best regards, England |
Happy birthday eyeroll
Happy Birthday Sam!!!!!
I'm drunk and somehow naked too. Goddnight all. |
Also, I'm still drunk. Where is Pub Lover????
Pubbles dissappeared again, into the internet's deep abyss.
Let's pretend he has exotic diseases.
I'm trying to decide whether it should be beriberi or guinea worm. Then again, he's in Australasia, so we could always go with kuru. |
What about all 3?
that's real conversation for your ass.
Maybe he's secretly one of those people with crab hands.
A crab people? :eek
It's probably Kuru. Does anyone know how many people he's eaten?
Well, that's why I thought kuru would be most likely.
I'm fairly sure he has some sort of spongiform encephalopathy. I mean, look at him. |
Pictures or video? I think you would need video of him shaking before you could give anything more than an educated guess.
![]() Pub Lover, Pub Lover, Look like crab, Talk like people. |
In honor of that comment, I'm going to take everything literally/seriously for the rest of the day. |
I just woke up at like 2:30 in the afternoon and remembered that I drank for 15 hours straight yesterday only with minor breaks for food intake. I don't plan on being able to function today but I am hungry.
I just got back from a very, very long walk with my dog. I have blisters now :(
Some asshole in a semi hit his air brake shortly as he passed (no good reason for it). The dog hit the deck and went nuts. I hate people who go out of their way to see if they can distract a service dog who's on-duty. Fuckers. |
Sounds like a pretty nice fella.
From the "Whiplash Awards" at mlaw.org:
The Case of . . . An impoverished blind man named Vernon Henley was thrilled when he received the gift of a seeing-eye dog. The two took their maiden voyage to a shopping mall, where they came upon Susan Faith. The woman saw them coming, but did not move out of their way because she "wanted to see if the dog would walk around me." The dog tugged at his leash, but Henley didn't change directions fast enough, accidentally stepping on Faith's toe and breaking it. Faith could not believe the gall of the blind man. After learning that Henley had no money, Faith sued the dog's owner, Southeastern Guide Dogs, for "loss of earning capacity . . . and mental pain and suffering." Her husband, Reverend Ian Faith (yes, Reverend), felt he also deserved compensation for the loss of his wife's care, comfort, and consortium. The Faiths refused Southeastern's offer to cover $5,000 worth of medical bills. Vernon Henley died, but the couple kept the faith and soldiered on with their case."Blind Justice" Susan Faith and Reverend Ian Faith, Plaintiffs, v. Southeastern Guide Dogs, Inc., Defendant, in the Manatee Circuit Court The Verdict, Please . . . After a newspaper article about the lack of faith shown by the plaintiffs, the couple was inundated with furious phone calls. Reverend and Ms. Faith then decided to be good Christians and they turned the other cheek. After dropping their claim, their born-again law firm, Mulock, Thompson, and Little, followed suit and donated $1,000 to Southeastern Guide Dogs. |
On the other hand, while we were walking we came upon this excellent dead hawklike thing.
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I hate birds.
No pity for the wretched fiends. |
you're in a good mood today.
No, just medicated.
Heavily. |
I did however find a heavy metal song about telling a girl to shave her arm pits.
Danish people are great. |
I still have no clue where the fuck that came from.
This is your brain on drugs kids. Just say no. |
Yesterday I saw a big hawk teaching a little hawk how to fight in the air. The big one was doing all kinds of upside down claws up attacks. Pretty cool.
Stupid blisters.
I didn't know you were blind.
Incidentally, I am back after finding a job, a girlfriend, and a new apartment. I'm sure no one missed me, or noticed I was gone. Whee.
I'm not blind, I'm a gimp.
The bf just came back inside to report that our drunken neighbor is peeing out his back door about 6 feet from ours. Fantastic. |
My mistake. He can pee six feet? Colour me impressed.
EDIT: I just realized blind people cannot use forums. |
I hope he can't. His door is 6 feet from ours.
He's the kind of fella whose general alcohol aura about knocks you over when he waddles over to talk to you :( |
Counter him by wearing oppressive amounts of crappy perfume. It will drive him away in an instant. Or make an even fouler odor by mixing with the alcohol. Either way, it will send him off.
I don't know, he kind of operates in his own alternate reality, where neighbors' yards are good places for automotive repair and the world is your pissoir.
The world is your pissoir for every man. That is why the "urine delivery system" is designed like a fire hose. Some places are just more inconvenient than others.
yeah, well, c'etait fucké.
Or something to that extent. |
Blind people can use forum you twit.
Yeah, it's the Aspies that can't use forums.
![]() I-Mockery isn't nearly as evil as I would've guessed. :( |
Braille monitors.
lol. they actually make devices that translate things on screen to some braile thing ;\ and programs that read text on webpages.
in the tutoring center they have all kinds of cool machines for blind/deaf persons ;o |
I've been watching TLC for the last two hours. It's like a sad carnival.
Jon & Kate Plus Eight can go straight to hell.
Tonight was My Shocking Story night. First they had a guy with a really hideous tumor covering his whole face; he wanted it removed, but wouldn't undergo surgery because he's Jehovah's Witness. Nonsense. In the end they said they'd tried to take it off little by little. Then it was primordial dwarfs. The lady who interviewed the dwarfs kept asking them shit like, "Do you think you'll ever get married?" and "How long do you think you'll live?"
Primordial Dwarves have big problems with embolisms, don't they?
Yeah. They actually interviewed the oldest primordial in the US-- she was 42.
Sucks :(
yea, thats what i meant when i said they have programs that read text on pages ;o the machine at my school that transcribes what people says is pretty awesome ;o
They also have a program that you can stick a book into and it will speak it outloud, and also something that turns things into braille but I haven't seen that one ;\ |
![]() They have computer screens like this that pop up in braille. No, I don't know if they do but that'd be pretty fucking cool. |
Happy BDay Fatty Catty Daddy
Nothing beats a birthday like having a terrible chest cold.
I've just got a cold yesterday! It's gonna be a rough one. Feels like I've been drinking for a week.
I thought today would be much better than it actually was. It's supposed to be 60 degrees, but it's rainy and chilly. I took the dog for a long walk yesterday, and I have big blisters on my feet, so it's just as well I didn't take the walk I intended to today.
Also, my grandmother, who has been in "how does she pull through at all?" territory for 2 years, has had another health crisis and it's not looking good. So there's all the usual family drama surrounding that. Instead of being all sprightly and springy on a sunny Thursday, I passed out watching Kairo on the couch with a box of Frosted Mini-Wheats on my stomach. I woke up with a jolt during that bit where they cut out all the ambient sound and the guy is whispering "help me" like he's in the damn room with you. Came backwards off that couch like Hunter S. Thompson on amyl poppers. |
Happy Birthday, WhiteRat. Some binge drinking will loosen up that phlegm.
Mother sets fire to her daughter's gloating rapist
By Peter Upton in Alicante Last Updated: 11:48PM BST 25 Jun 2005 A Spanish mother has taken revenge on the man who raped her 13-year-old daughter at knifepoint by dousing him in petrol and setting him alight. He died of his injuries in hospital on Friday. Antonio Cosme Velasco Soriano, 69, had been sent to jail for nine years in 1998, but was let out on a three-day pass and returned to his home town of Benejúzar, 30 miles south of Alicante, on the Costa Blanca. While there, he passed his victim's mother in the street and allegedly taunted her about the attack. He is said to have called out "How's your daughter?", before heading into a crowded bar. Shortly after, the woman walked into the bar, poured a bottle of petrol over Soriano and lit a match. She watched as the flames engulfed him, before walking out. The woman fled to Alicante, where she was arrested the same evening. When she appeared in court the next day in the town of Orihuela, she was cheered and clapped by a crowd, who shouted "Bravo!" and "Well done!" A judge ordered her to be held in prison and undergo psychiatric tests, provoking anger from friends and neighbours, who have set up a petition calling for her release. Soriano suffered 60 per cent burns in the attack on June 13 and was airlifted to a specialist unit. He survived for 11 days before succumbing to his injuries. It is understood that the woman, who cannot be named because of laws safeguarding the identity of rape victims, claims to have no recollection of the attack which took place in the Bar Mary, just 300 yards from the family home. As decorators painted over the blackened walls of his bar last week, Antonio Ferrendez Lopez told how Soriano had walked in at lunchtime. "The place was packed with people eating. I was sitting at a table and Soriano was standing at the bar very close to me when the woman walked in," he said. "She didn't acknowledge anyone but walked up to Soriano, who was drinking a coffee, put her hand on his shoulder and turned him round to face her. "Then she pulled the bottle she was carrying from under her arm and began to tip it over him. At first I didn't realise what was happening, but then I smelt the petrol. I jumped up and tried to grab her, but when she struck a match I got clear. "The petrol was in a pool around Soriano, and she threw the match into it. It ignited with a whoosh, and he screamed and staggered about covered in flames. As people rushed outside to escape the flames, she just looked at him, then turned and walked away." Customers helped Mr Lopez put out the fire with extinguishers and doused Soriano with water until paramedics arrived. Soriano's attack on the woman's teenage daughter took place in 1998. The girl was going to buy a loaf of bread when Soriano snatched her from the street, threatened her with a knife and raped her. Her mother is said to have suffered mental illness ever since. Soriano was convicted of the rape and ordered to serve 13 years in jail. The sentence was later reduced to nine years on appeal. The woman's lawyer, Joaquín Galant, told The Sunday Telegraph last night: "The family has suffered a double tragedy. First the attack on their daughter and now this. Both the father and his daughter would like to express their sadness at the death of Soriano." Earlier, Mr Galant said that the woman did not deserve to be kept in prison. "For seven years she has been deeply affected by what was done to her daughter," he said. "This man, fresh from prison and asking how her daughter was, might be considered to have provoked her." |
I'll get the Broadway Baby
http://thesingingtelegram.com/images/lorre1.JPG |
awesome story Kitsa ;D
i prefer the justice of persons to justice of the state :O I DUNNO WHYYY |
Happy birthday WhiteRat! :O
Today I officially decided to extend the celebration of my birthday to this Saturday because I have lots of beer. |
Happy birthday Rat :eek
Man, all the cool guys are born in february |
I think it's safe to say I've drank myself sober. Goodnight all.
February is a good month for Birthdaying.
Happy belated birthday...
Man, this is shaping up to be a shitty day. We did have one tiny bit of fun last night. We were out and a cop pulled us over on the I-75 on-ramp. We had no idea what the problem was until the cop started playing his "I bet I can guess your name and birthdate" thing and ended with, "I bet you didn't renew your registration." Luckily for us, we'd made a color copy of the check and the completed form and put it in the glove box just in case that very thing happened. We handed it to the cop, who said that he'd never dealt with on-the-site proof in 5 years and that he'd have to let us go. That was an expensive ticket we got out of, so that was good. |
I just threw up a little in my mouth..
@kahl- yeah, entirely justified in my opinion, the prick was actually taunting her about getting off light for raping her 13 year old daughter.
Since I'm not reading the entire thread, this might already have been said; but honestly, can you really tell anymore what is rape and what was once willing? I am not justifying any type of sexual behavior being forced onto anyone, but there is a vast majority of 13 year old's humping around like bunnies now; And they also like to lie.
Man this sucks. My girlfriend is out of town for the night so I was trying to arrange some kind of manly get-together. About 10 minutes ago it became clear that I basically have too few friends to arrange shit. Of the three people I thought I could coax into some Friday night drinking two have dropped out and it'll be kind of queer with just two of us.
On top of this I got shit marks for my first two exams which is kind of putting a downer on things. Now I have thirty quids worth of booze and no one to drink it with. Fuck my life :lol |
I'd hate to make you go back a whole page, but the guy ambushed a 13 year old girl while she was on a grocery-shopping errand for her mom. He raped her at knifepoint, so unless she was mega-kinky that way I doubt she was into it.
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I want that as a painting.
And I'll whisper "....no"
Hurrah, I got my DVD player to work :rock
On top of what had already been a shitty day, I lifted the lid of the washer and smelled that the clothes were not as April-fresh as expected. I unloaded the washer, saw a dark lump at the bottom and ended up picking up a washed cat turd with my bare hand. I have no idea how it got there, nothing like this has ever happened before.
Ugh. I'm bleaching what I can and tossing the rest. |
Not very many washing machines have a cat shit cycle.
I would think that you would not pick up a dark thing in the bottom of the washer with your bare hands when your laundry doesn't smell normal.
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