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Jeanette X Dec 5th, 2004 04:35 PM

"Family Values"
Source: http://www.cozine.com/archive/cc2004/01270122.html

A former state representative from Wetmore has found a new career in Los Angeles. He's in charge of distribution for an adult-entertainment company.

But there are all sorts of ways to define family values according to Larry Schwartz.

Schwarz, a Republican, represented House District 44 (then comprising all or parts of Custer, Teller, and Pueblo counties) in the Colorado General Assembly from 1993 to 1997. He resigned his House seat to accept an appointment to the State Parole Board from Gov. Roy Romer, and was re-appointed in 2000 by Gov. Bill Owens.

On Dec. 4, 2001, Schwarz's Wetmore home was raided by the Custer County Sheriff's Department, acting on a complaint that he had child pornography. Court records, according to the Rocky Mountain News, showed that "cartoon books depicting children having sex," as well as racy videos, were removed. However, no charges were ever filed.

Even so, Owens immediately fired Schwartz from the Parole Board, on the grounds that he had filed false information on his application for re-appointment. The application asks if there is anything which would be an embarrassment if it became public, and Schwarz said there wasn't.

Schwartz and his wife moved to California in 2003 to work at Platinum X Pictures along with their adopted daughter Stephany, an adult-film star whose screen name is Jewel DeNyle.

State Sen. Ken Chlouber of Leadville, who once worked with Schwarz in the legislature and boarded his donkeys on Schwarz's Wetmore land, was more than surprised about Schwarz's new career: "I could put my finger in an electrical socket and I wouldn't get this kind of shock. If you knew Larry, none of this fits."

Schwarz told the News that the term "family values" has multiple definitions, and that he will "never abandon the Republican ideals of self-reliance, lower taxes, and individual freedom."

Big McLargehuge Dec 6th, 2004 02:57 AM

republicans like kiddie porn, what else is new :rolleyes

Strapping Young Lad Dec 6th, 2004 04:49 AM

Re: "Family Values"

Schwarz told the News that the term "family values" has multiple definitions, and that he will "never abandon the Republican ideals of self-reliance, lower taxes, and individual freedom."
Schwarz told the News that the term "family values" has multiple definitions, and that he will "never abandon the Republican ideals of self-righteousness, lower taxes for the wealthy, and individual freedom (certain restrictions apply)."

Miss Modular Dec 6th, 2004 10:00 PM

Did anyone ever hear about the Southern Far Right Legistlator who slammed Gay Marriage during a session, only to be exposed on an answering service to a gay sex hotline!

Cosmo Electrolux Dec 7th, 2004 12:08 PM

Please let it be someone from Alabama....oh, please!!!!!

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