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Guitar Woman Apr 16th, 2008 01:32 AM

I love it when seth reminds us of how much more classy than everyone else he is.


Asila Apr 16th, 2008 01:33 AM


i smoke menthol cloves on occasion!
cloves are something entirely different

And thank you Seth, for both the advice and the picture.

Sethomas Apr 16th, 2008 01:34 AM

With Carnivore on sabbatical, I have to over-compensate for the demand for situations where :posh seems appropriate but isn't used.

And he used it pretty often, if I remember.

Sethomas Apr 16th, 2008 03:41 AM

SUBJECT: You have sent me a friend request
... And I'm starting to think you're not a spambot, since usually when I ignore those for long enough they disappear.

Hi. I'm Seth. Do we know each other? While I always figured I'd eventually see a "Chicks in Vader Helmets" website, I didn't expect it to come to me through a Myspace friend request. All the same I'd normally ignore it, but since Vincennes is probably close enough (is it? I forget) that I could conceivably take you to dinner and brag about it to everyone I've ever met who's watched Star Wars or has the internet, I figured I'd at least get my chit/chat on first.

Hugs and kisses,
She has 72 hours to respond in a way that would keep me from linking to her profile before you guys get the link to her profile, unless Pub figures it out before then.

Esuohlim Apr 16th, 2008 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by Sethomas (Post 549484)
With Carnivore on sabbatical, I have to over-compensate for the demand for situations where :posh seems appropriate but isn't used.

And he used it pretty often, if I remember.

I know Dole used it a lot. :o

Sethomas Apr 16th, 2008 04:04 AM

:posh was MADE for Dole.

For that matter, I-Mockery was made for :posh to be made for Dole.

The birth of Roger Barr? Oh, it goes on. It goes back far.

Sethomas Apr 16th, 2008 10:48 AM

Guys, I'm glad in that Spanish thread that it didn't take me four years to get a joke. I explained to someone yesterday that it took me about three years to get a joke that my physics professor threw at me, and I'd be content with that as my personal worst.

T-Rex Apr 16th, 2008 11:07 AM

It took me forever to get an Emmanuel Lewis/Michael Jackson joke. Mostly in part because I couldn't remember who Emmanuel Lewis was.

Also, I really thought Gary Coleman was Webster.

Sethomas Apr 16th, 2008 01:10 PM

I'm not sure why posting a poem that wrote itself in my head into the books section makes me feel stupid, but it does.

Asila Apr 16th, 2008 01:12 PM

It's not any worse than anything I've posted in there. Or no, it's better than... semantics aside, you get my point.

liquidstatik Apr 16th, 2008 01:14 PM


Grislygus Apr 16th, 2008 01:19 PM

How's it goin

I see Seth wrote a poem, haven't read it yet but I'm sure that it will be awesome and that I will be infuriated with the complex sentence structure

Fat_Hippo Apr 16th, 2008 01:29 PM

But they're usually still readable at the least. I've noticed that my own sentences get nearly unreadable when they get longer, which means I usually have to improve upon them, and even then they're usually kind of ugly. Probably due to my limited vocabulary as well.>:

Grislygus Apr 16th, 2008 01:32 PM

Uh, the infuriation at the complex sentence structure has more to do with MY reading comprehension than problems with the writing

Grislygus Apr 16th, 2008 01:34 PM

Moving on, does anyone know if Region 2 encoded cds will be able to play on my computer

I really, really don't want to import a british cd player so I can play all of the good nwobhm bands

Pub Lover Apr 16th, 2008 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 549482)
I love it when seth reminds us of how much more classy than everyone else he is.

That post really burned my goat, but hell guys LETS ALL WAVE OUR COCKS! :eek

Pub Lover Apr 16th, 2008 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 549579)
Moving on, does anyone know if Region 2 encoded cds will be able to play on my computer

I really, really don't want to import a british cd player so I can play all of the good nwobhm bands

When did CDs get region encoding? WTH?

Grislygus Apr 16th, 2008 01:38 PM

CDs and DVDs both

I can never watch my Blake's 7 dvds :(

Fat_Hippo Apr 16th, 2008 01:38 PM

I don't think it's an issue with cd's. All my american cd's work fine with my swiss boombox, and I've never observed any other issues of this kind with music cd's either.

Grislygus Apr 16th, 2008 01:42 PM

Well, we'll soon see.


Originally Posted by JediScum (Post 535586)
Is "Man or Astroman" power metal? I forget.

Oh man, I forgot about this one

Pub Lover Apr 16th, 2008 01:43 PM

DVDs have region encoding yeah, but Region 0 players are only slightly more expensive.

I have never encountered a regioned CD.

Grislygus Apr 16th, 2008 01:43 PM


Grislygus Apr 16th, 2008 01:44 PM

I'm hoping not, I've only recently been clued into Blitzkrieg, and the rest of the American public is still out of the loop, apparently

Pub Lover Apr 16th, 2008 02:55 PM

Why is no one ragging on T-Rex for his GW-esque behaviour?

Pub Lover Apr 16th, 2008 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by MetalMilitia (Post 549530)
I could draw you a diagram of a dick farting in Jack Black's face if you want, Pub.
In the business we call it an "acid test". :posh


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