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doopa Aug 24th, 2009 05:17 AM

conspiracy theories you believe
ok lets have em. Back them up and be specific.

kahljorn Aug 24th, 2009 05:50 AM

I believe every conspiracy about the vatican because they are rich cocksuckers and jerks.

kahljorn Aug 24th, 2009 05:50 AM

like that the vatican is behind the international drug trade :(

Zhukov Aug 24th, 2009 06:43 AM

If only Alienkid were here.

Anyway, it's sort of against the rules for hard cord conspiracy believers to ever have solid proof and be able to back things up, that's why they are theories! And that's why there are so many nutters in the I Want to Believe community.

Personaly I don't realy think people landed on the moon when they said they did. It's more of a pessimistic outlook on life than it is a solid factual stance. They might have, they might not have, but I'm not going to believe it because Buzz Aldrin wont swear on the bible. >:

Another one I am interested in, but not something I believe in, is that Martin Bryant, convicted for the Port Arthur massacre in 1996, was not the actual perpatrator, or that there were two shooters. Bryant was mentaly retarded, but somehow managed to fire off X amount of headshots in X amount of seconds, witnesses put him in two different places at the same time, the police recently ordered a special vehicle to be able to cope with the large amount of corpses, a nurse who was an eye witness and called 000 (911) had their testimony dismissed from court... Anyway, the conspiracy says that the government was behind it so that they would be able to pass draconian gun laws without people making a fuss.

10,000 Volt Ghost Aug 24th, 2009 10:46 AM

I am also in the group about the moon landing. I feel like they(they being NASA) have been to the moon. Just not when they said originally said they did.

elx Aug 24th, 2009 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 643615)
Personaly I don't realy think people landed on the moon when they said they did. It's more of a pessimistic outlook on life than it is a solid factual stance. They might have, they might not have, but I'm not going to believe it because Buzz Aldrin wont swear on the bible. >:

apollo 11 was a world-wide effort that millions of people witnessed, not only at the actual launching/landing sites but also on live television courtesy of the austerALIENS, who are equally responsible for the 'missing footage' that the ignorant conspiracy theories revolved around. take the time to learn about it and you'll know better. the most obvious answer to put these stupid claims to rest is that the evidence is still there on the moon. there is nothing there to disturb the site so it will remain intact. the first footprints could easily outlive the human species. go see for yourself. >:

dearest people who believe the hoax stories, please educate yourselves.

anyways, i believe that vladimir putin was directly involved in the internal scandals at the federal counter-intelligence offices of russia and was responsible for the assassination of alexander litvineko. most people seem to believe he was murdered by his own side, to set up the russian federation. but that just doesn't add up for me. rationally speaking, the possible chance at the government taking responsibility isn't enough incentive for them to murder their own. even prior to his death he was the most vital person to the opposition of the administration. following lex parsimoniae, the simplest answer is the most reasonable, it was orchestrated by the government.

Zhukov Aug 24th, 2009 11:53 AM

Elx, the only people to have witnessed the landing are the astronauts that were there. Watching it on a screen doesn't count as witnessing it.

10K and I are only concerned about when they landed, not if. Besides, have YOU been to the moon?

elx Aug 24th, 2009 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 643633)
Elx, the only people to have witnessed the landing are the astronauts that were there. Watching it on a screen doesn't count as witnessing it.

10K and I are only concerned about when they landed, not if. Besides, have YOU been to the moon?

no, but i don't need to witness something directly to understand that it has occurred. this wasn't a cold-war competition or a triumph for americans, it was a world-wide success for the human race. and to humor the conspiracy theory with such little understanding of it is insulting all of those who dedicated their entire existence to it. it also shows me that you're operating on very little knowledge of the subject, because if you knew the impact on the scientific community and understood the role the information collected on that mission has played in the educational advances you wouldn't doubt it for a moment.

if you do educate yourself and still come to the same conclusion please let me know, because honestly, i hold very little esteem in those who truly believe that something of this magnitude and significance did not occur, almost as little respect for those who deny the existence of holocaust.

you have absolutely no basis for assuming that it didn't occur on the date it was said to have, other than that you assume we were not technologically sophisticated enough for it at the time. which is absurd, because the successful use of those machines has lead to the development of the ones we're currently using today! you should also consider all of the other amazing things humans have been able to construct, all of the other advancements in technology, some single-handidly developed and working long before any space-machine designs.

edit: errors :(

Zhukov Aug 24th, 2009 12:31 PM

Ha, well it was cold war competition at it's finest, but yes, still a great leap for mankind. It can be both.

Also, I never explained my assumptions or what they were based on, so where are you getting that I said we weren't technologicaly developed enough? I'm not doubting SCIENCE, I'm doubting 1960s American government. It's 2:30 am and I am not gerared up for a debate anyway :\

Ok, when they send up another mission, and they have live footage, and photos, and the footprints and flag and moon lander are in exactly the same place as they are in the original photos, then I will switch sides. Before that, I wont be sure because I haven't studied either the theories for or those that are against.

elx Aug 24th, 2009 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 643640)
Ha, well it was cold war competition at it's finest, but yes, still a great leap for mankind. It can be both.

Also, I never explained my assumptions or what they were based on, so where are you getting that I said we weren't technologicaly developed enough? I'm not doubting SCIENCE, I'm doubting 1960s American government. It's 2:30 am and I am not gerared up for a debate anyway :\

Ok, when they send up another mission, and they have live footage, and photos, and the footprints and flag and moon lander are in exactly the same place as they are in the original photos, then I will switch sides. Before that, I wont be sure because I haven't studied either the theories for or those that are against.

again, this was a world-wide effort in which your own government had quite a bit involvement in from start to finish. i understand that it was only funded and popularized as a 'race', but that's not how it was conducted or how it should be remembered.

here's the most recent evidence of the apollo landing sites as they currently stand.


Zhukov Aug 24th, 2009 12:57 PM

I don't want you to put so much work into convincing me when it's going to take more than what you are able to provide. That's not an insult, but I need surface photos that match the 60s surface photos. I wouldn't worry yourself, it's hardly important that you change my mind, all the scientific advances are still valid.

It might not have been conducted as a space race by the scientists working on it, but as part of the larger picture, it most certainly was. I don't think the USSR sent NASA much information to help them along to be honest. In fact, I think they kept their cards close to their chest, and vice versa. It's sad that such a fantastic achievment was only brought about to prove superiority over others, but that's how a lot of great advances have happened. Oh well, there will always be more.

2:54 = bed time.

The Leader Aug 24th, 2009 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by elx (Post 643642)
i understand that it was only funded and popularized as a 'race', but that's not how it was conducted or how it should be remembered.

You stupid or something?

doopa Aug 24th, 2009 01:49 PM

yes I was hoping for moon landing discussion! ELX made me crack up at something that only dr. boogie, proto, rog and max burbank would get.

Vatican- yeah frankly I wouldn't put anything past them
The others are good too.- i love reading these

Keep em coming people.

MetalMilitia Aug 24th, 2009 01:58 PM

I don't for a second believe the moon landings were fake. There is no evidence of this and there is a mountain of evidence to the contrary. I think a lot of people have a kind of "no smoke without fire" attitude to it which is understandable but when it comes to internet conspiracies there is absolutely smoke without fire.

Ultimately you've got to choose who to trust - NASA with the support of the scientific community or someone on the Internet with the support of the Internet community.

Tadao Aug 24th, 2009 02:24 PM

God is the biggest conspiracy of them all. :(

Dimnos Aug 24th, 2009 02:45 PM

Coleslaw mafia. :chatter

Wiffles Aug 24th, 2009 05:01 PM

I thought they already proved the moon landings because they photographed all the abandoned stuff they left up there with the hubble space looky thingy. Yeah it was only a few pixels wide, but they definately up there ^^

As for me I think some of our Global Financial institutions are a conspiracy. I cant pinpoint exactly what, but something fishy going on. Always has been

kahljorn Aug 24th, 2009 05:35 PM


Bryant was mentaly retarded, but somehow managed to fire off X amount of headshots in X amount of seconds,
Maybe he was one of those SUPER RETARDS who's special skill was cappin heads.

Elx quit being a fish jesus.


no, but i don't need to witness something directly to understand that it has occurred. this wasn't a cold-war competition or a triumph for americans, it was a world-wide success for the human race.
You and your fancy sophism, dear word smith.

the only thing you said that was relevant was the "educational advances" but those are easily questioned. They could have made a moon landing afterward. They could have just been making educated guesses.

Those pictures you posted for all I know could be a slice of fucking cheese, and that's the best proof?


i understand that it was only funded and popularized as a 'race', but that's not how it was conducted or how it should be remembered.
I know nuclear arms races were funded and popularized as a race, but that's not how it was conducted or how it should be remembered.

go throw fish elsewhere, elx.

Tadao Aug 24th, 2009 05:44 PM

I'm actually in the middle of a "movie" called "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon". Nothing to interesting yet. They talk about the Van Allen Belt, but I haven't read too much on it to decide if it would have killed them or not.

MetalMilitia Aug 24th, 2009 05:44 PM


the only thing you said that was relevant was the "educational advances" but those are easily questioned. They could have made a moon landing afterward. They could have just been making educated guesses.

Those pictures you posted for all I know could be a slice of fucking cheese.
Yeah it's pretty easy to argue for the moon landing being a hoax if you just write off every piece of evidence as being fabricated. Better wait till they can fly us all up there and show us the site for
ourselves. Then we'll know for sure.

Yes they could have gone up afterwards, or guessed - or they could've just fucking landed on the fucking moon. Why not believe something that every astronomer on eath believes in, just because someone made a spooky video full of mis-information and bullshit?

kahljorn Aug 24th, 2009 05:46 PM


yes I was hoping for moon landing discussion! ELX made me crack up at something that only dr. boogie, proto, rog and max burbank would get.

Vatican- yeah frankly I wouldn't put anything past them
The others are good too.- i love reading these

Keep em coming people.
You should read robert anton wilson :(

kahljorn Aug 24th, 2009 05:48 PM


Yeah it's pretty easy to argue for the moon landing being a hoax if you just write off every piece of evidence as being fabricated.
That's how conspiracy theories work. Also, if they fabricated the moon landing, wouldn't they fabricate the evidence for it? Plus pictures aren't good evidence, as discussed in the mongolian death worm thread.
the educational advances is the best evidence.


Better wait till they can fly us all up there and show us the site for ourselves. Then we'll know for sure.
They could've drugged and hypnotized me to see that man I just don't know

Plus they could've just gone there afterward and planted the shit there.

at least use your brain metal militia :rolleyes

dirtyxblondexdame Aug 24th, 2009 05:48 PM

im starting to believe the moon consipracy theory. i blame Tadao.

MetalMilitia Aug 24th, 2009 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 643729)
I'm actually in the middle of a "movie" called "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon". Nothing to interesting yet. They talk about the Van Allen Belt, but I haven't read too much on it to decide if it would have killed them or not.

Well it wouldn't. Because it didn't.


Bad: A big staple of the HBs is the claim that radiation in the van Allen Belts and in deep space would have killed the astronauts in minutes. They interview a Russian cosmonaut involved in the USSR Moon program, who says that they were worried about going in to the unknowns of space, and suspected that radiation would have penetrated the hull of the spacecraft.

Good: Kaysing's exact words in the program are ``Any human being traveling through the van Allen belt would have been rendered either extremely ill or actually killed by the radiation within a short time thereof.''
This is complete and utter nonsense. The van Allen belts are regions above the Earth's surface where the Earth's magnetic field has trapped particles of the solar wind. An unprotected man would indeed get a lethal dose of radiation, if he stayed there long enough. Actually, the spaceship traveled through the belts pretty quickly, getting past them in an hour or so. There simply wasn't enough time to get a lethal dose, and, as a matter of fact, the metal hull of the spaceship did indeed block most of the radiation. For a detailed explanation of all this, my fellow Mad Scientist William Wheaton has a page with the technical data about the doses received by the astronauts. Another excellent page about this, that also gives a history of NASA radiation testing, is from the Biomedical Results of Apollo site. An interesting read!
It was also disingenuous of the program to quote the Russian cosmonaut as well. Of course they were worried about radiation before men had gone into the van Allen belts! But tests done by NASA showed that it was possible to not only survive such a passage, but to not even get harmed much by it. It looks to me like another case of convenient editing by the producers of the program.

Tadao Aug 24th, 2009 05:53 PM

HEY NOW! I never stated where I stand on it and never will,

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