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DougClayton4231 Jun 23rd, 2010 07:53 PM

New Possible Anti Piracy Law
Holy Unconstitutional Law Batman! Our current administration is planning some 1984/Minority Report shit to stop all your downloadin'. This law will criminalize DRM circumvention (Converting AAC to MP3), typing certain keywords into search engines (anything involving torrents or an equivalent), and of course, downloading files they deem to be illegal. This is why I refuse to vote for a corrupt two party system.


The Leader Jun 23rd, 2010 08:32 PM

Philosophy and politics. :rolleyes

Fathom Zero Jun 23rd, 2010 08:36 PM

There'll be good people out there subverting this shit if it happens, (which it won't). :rolleyes

Evil Robot Jun 23rd, 2010 09:27 PM

Yeah really, what right does anybody have to protect thier investments? All I know is if company spends milions of dollars to create something it should IMMEDEATLY become public domain. I mean if I pull 80 hours a week, I think it's perfectly fine that some other person who didn't do a thing should get 50% of my paycheck. After all, they want it, so they should be entitled to it.

How are all these lazy people supposed to make a living off other peoples efforts if it becomes a crime to steal?

Also, I think we should repeal the ban on spammers. It's perfectly fine that Rog spends his time and money on this site so other people can advertise products on it for free without his consent. I see nothing wrong with that.

Fathom Zero Jun 23rd, 2010 09:36 PM

Go eat a bag of dicks, sir.

Evil Robot Jun 23rd, 2010 09:42 PM

Just as long as the dicks were created by somebody else and I didn't compensate them financially for the dicks.

Evil Robot Jun 23rd, 2010 09:44 PM

Also, if the dicks could be 480 copies of a 1080 dick with surround sound that has been converted to mono, that would be great. I also don't want any of the box art that ussually comes with the dicks.

kahljorn Jun 24th, 2010 03:00 AM

i dont think software pirates make a lot of money from pirating

kahljorn Jun 24th, 2010 03:10 AM

:It also implements an interesting provision called "imminent infringement", which allows the government to charge people who they think might be about to infringe with a civil offense (for example if you searched "torrent daft punk"). This is among the first official "thought crime" provisions to be proposed by the U.S. government."


Tadao Jun 24th, 2010 03:32 AM

It might force people to go outside and ride a bike!

kahljorn Jun 24th, 2010 03:51 AM

man if everybody starts riding bikes they'll probably criminalize bikes :(

Zhukov Jun 24th, 2010 05:11 AM

I'm sort of for thought crime punishments while we're at it.

DougClayton4231 Jun 24th, 2010 10:03 AM

lol the thing is that most people use the items that they download for personal use, not for resale or distribution. If I miss an episode of Heroes or something, I'll just download it and watch it. With this new law, I am a dirty criminal and deserve to be punished for not watching primetime television.

The Leader Jun 24th, 2010 01:09 PM

What's wrong with punishing you for being a loser?

Dimnos Jun 24th, 2010 01:22 PM

You dont own a DVR yet? Come on dude.

Sethomas Jun 24th, 2010 01:55 PM

The conclusion to be drawn is that it should become illegal to not own a DVR.

A few days ago I was talking to someone about how industries vulnerable to digital piracy need to rely on a paradigm shift rather than legislation because of the relative ease of subverting laws. I don't think you can justify piracy as being something other than theft, but at the same time if some studio makes a plotless movie with a $150 million budget that is only watched by people who download it, they should realize they dug their own grave. I think that the music industry still exists because they gave up the ghost on halting mp3 downloads and shifted profit models to favor things like iTunes and live performances. The motion picture industry has proven that similar tactics can be effective: people spent $1 billion to watch Avatar as an "experience", whether in IMAX, 3D, or both. Someone who downloads Avatar to watch it at home just ends up with a tedious "Ferngully: The Last Rainforest" knockoff with a little more profanity and a lot less creativity.

I also wonder how television stays afloat when people no longer are required to endure commercials. JJ Abrams spoke on NPR how this is a "golden age" of television because tv studios have to compete with the internet. They're investing in programs that require a huge effort to get into them. I find shows like Lost and Heroes insufferable because their focus seems to have been to just make the shows addictive rather than creative. It's like how restaurants add certain ingredients to foods that make you crave eating them without actually tasting good. People hated the final episode of Lost because they realized they were duped and the subplots they pondered for months ended up not contributing to the story. What did they expect?

Evil Robot Jun 24th, 2010 05:38 PM

I think this law is specically to target people who download, burn, then sell DVDs in various places. For instance, every single day I see Korean people walking the subway chanting "DVD movie DVD movie" and I see these people pull in $20-30 in the time it takes to go one stop. As for the "imminent infringement" thing, this gives the prosecuters the ability prove that the pirater downloaded it to sell illegally.
There entire shops in china that sell nothing but pirated crap and this law might also help convince the chinese big shots to follow suit and finally start prosecuting counterfeiters.

Fathom Zero Jun 24th, 2010 06:06 PM

Yeah, but, and it's really fucking clichéd to say, it never stops there. It won't stop at the guys selling bootlegs, nor will they be able to catch the guys that are really good at it.

The DMCA didn't do anything to stop people that really wanted to download music, but it did let the RIAA sue plenty of people for frivolous shit. The woman that was accused of downloading 24 songs off of Kazaa four years ago and was billed $1,920,000 for them still is being fucked by the RIAA. The case hasn't closed yet and only now they're trying to avoid a third trial.

If this goes through, (I still don't believe it will, considering that the democrats don't have as much of a majority in Congress and the approval rating of this administration is in the shitter), the bad guys will just reinvent themselves and adapt to the new law and regular people are gonna get fucked on it.

Evil Robot Jun 24th, 2010 06:31 PM

Rod Blagojevich

Evil Robot Jun 24th, 2010 06:41 PM

No senator or congressman is going to show up to vote for this little unimprotant bill anyway. I say it gets about 10 people voting on it and it comes down to some senile old man who thinks it has something to do with negroe's rights.

DougClayton4231 Jun 24th, 2010 08:41 PM

Fuck DVR's and paying for cable. I have better things to spend my money on and I don't watch TV anymore. The internet is much more useful for viewing the things I want to see without commercials. But then again half of the legit shit on the internet is getting commercials, so fuck it all.

I guess it doesn't matter anyway, seeing as Obama and the people in his administration probably will never be employed in the US government again. I just hope they don't take a shit in the sink on the way out.

The Leader Jun 24th, 2010 09:14 PM

You're still in high school, aren't you?

Evil Robot Jun 24th, 2010 09:23 PM


The Leader Jun 24th, 2010 09:38 PM

Don't judge me.

kahljorn Jun 24th, 2010 09:43 PM

I don't know if the source is accurate but i heard that the record/movie industry posted record profits for the past two years ;/ :lol What a bunch of whiny fucks. I also find it interesting that when they sue people they sue them for more money then they probably would've ever made selling it legitimately.

something about this reminds me of the oil thing where they were like, "WE GOTTA INCREASE THE COST BECAUSE WeRE LOSINg SO MUCH MONEY" and then they posted record profits for the next few years ;/

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