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Resident Evil 4 needed to happen. I loved Nemesis and CV but they were just kind of old by then.
For Resident Evil 5 I wish you could play through the main story with all the multi chars. Just even nix the cut scenes. |
Yeah but the recent lack of zombies in the franchise doesn´t please me at all. Resi is about gloomy eviroments and zombies, not hot daylight settings and...some people running towards you.
Have you played the RE5 DLC forgotten nitemares or whatever its called.
No, if I recall correctly it´s not available in germany without performing some techno-voodoo and I never felt the need to play more Re5 after clearing it about five thousand times in Coop. :)
Did the DLC have Zombies? A friend of mine got it somehow but he said it was rather short and bland and he´s the second biggest Re-Fan I know, right after myself :D |
Its kind of fun. Chris and Jill go through a Spencer Mansion. There are zombies but they're already (re)dead.
For an added challenge you can click on the main door 3 times and it'll put the gameplay in RE 1 mode, with tank controls/camera angles and all. The 2nd DLC is Jill and Sheva's boss(I always forget his name from merc mode[also dlc]) fighting through a shipyard cove military base.. I love playing as him because for melee moves he has a Hulk Hogan big boot, a german suplex(does everyone suplex like that in germany?) and also an elbow drop. |
Hm, interesting but I´ll wait for the next Re game down the line I guess...or play the older ones again. I love the cute little DS-Port of the first one, it´s so tiny and yet so much fun :)
And just so you know, the suplex as such is a traditional german greeting. That´s where the rumor comes from that all germans are kinda unfriendly, we´re not, we just don´t want to hurt anyone ;) |
GAHRG was playing Civ V all today without saving, for roughly six hours straight and Windows decides to restart to install updates and I lost it all. This is the worst.
Lol, everything is rough in germany.
Is there an autosave Zhukov that maybe caught it? |
@Autosave: Didnīt the older Civ games autosave every 10 turns or so? |
lol, there totally should be a guy named autosave.
*snrk* True. Autosave and his buddy Quickload. Menace of the board.
well with halloween coming up i like to prepare myself by dusting off My NEC Turbographix-16 and playing some Splatterhouse. It's quite a bit dated as the game was made in 1988 but it's just not halloween without fighting hordes of monsters as an undead horror posessed by a mask in order to save your kidnapped girlfriend who may or may not already be dead.
Too bad they don't make 'em like that anymore. |
Ox, regarding dead rising. I keep seeing a trailer on television where Chuck is riding what looks like a motorcycle combined with a big blue bunny(the kind you can stuff onto a zombie) but it doesn't look like you can combine them. Do they have any different combos for the PAL release?
New splatterhouse is coming out snake. |
No, the PAL is exactly the same as your version in every way. Maybe you can use the bunny to decorate your bike or something? I know that you can change the color at least...
You got a link to that commercial? Or is it TV-exclusive? Or maybe it´s the same thing as in the Castlevania commercial where Gabe swings a flaming whip...which doesn´t exist in the game. |
No autosave that I can see.
Can someone tell me that the Castlevania game is crap so I can save myself some money and not buy it? |
I can try and find a link. I think its downloadable on xbox as well. At work for another 7 hours though.
It's shite, Zhukov. Just copied and pasted shit from every other action game out now.
Yeah, but then you don't have to play any other action game out there. Therefore you are actually saving money playing this.
Yeah, but it does everything not as good. Sooooooooo
Finished Baldur's gate last week, starting Baldur's Gate 2 tonight
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Minsc & Boo, Fuck Yeah!
Found the autosave, hats off to those who showed concern. Looks like I'll be late for work again tomorrow!
Fathom that sounded genuine enough to sway me, thanks.
Oh, and I've heard that the game is a mediocre pastiche of other successful games. |
Motherfucker, I've been picking up missile expansions in Metroid Prime for the last three hours and apparently I'm missing one >:
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So...I was lying in bed yesterday night, checking my email and looking through the latest IGN-Reviews when I saw Cladun there. I opened up the Youtube app and watched the trailer.
Then I got out of bed, grabbed my trusty credit card bought one of those stupid PSN Card and bought it right away. Why am I such a sucker for this kind of games...but anyway, it´s really charming in a very odd way, the story is super stupid, the dialogue is total crap (on purpose) and it´s good, fun dungeon-crawling in realtime. Might be a bit pricey with 20$ but hey, nothing like an impulse-purchase at 2 in the morning, right? |
I hate having to worry about one-time scans. In one of the Phendrana Drifts rooms there's about four Ice Shriekbats that go kamikaze on you and if you don't scan one before they all die you'll never get another chance. >:
Also I went through everywhere again and still couldn't find the elusive missile expansion. Either I accidentally didn't save after picking one up that I thought I already had, or I got glitched. |
lol Ox, that game looks interesting. It reminds me of some of the SNES RPGs.
I've been playing the new Kirby and it's great! |
Your Main is cheered on by the Subs on the circle which use their mana to activate artifacts that boost the Main in all kinds of ways, depending on how you set up the circle youīve chosen. You can make the Mains strong, resilient or you could focus on improving their skills or making those skills cheaper to use...an while your Subs level, they become better Mains and vice versa...pretty cool. |
Nippon Ichi may have done it again! A new PSP game is also good news. Speaking of which, I'm playing Dungeons and Dragons Tactics on PSP. It ain't bad.
That sounds pretty sweet. If I had a PSP, I'd get it :P
100%ed Kirby's Epic Yarn and it gave me 8 cavities because it's so fucking adorable. The last world was a bunch of old Kirby throwbacks too. IN YARN.
I think itīs safe to say that for me, after the PS2, the portable Consoles provided the most consistent and intense fun in gaming in the last couple years... |
I got that wrangling eight survivors at once achievement. You just get better and better with every playthrough, it's crazy. That, and I have all the gambling books, so when I play the Megaman slots at the Yucatan, I get $5000 per pull and $1500 and up on every other slot I come across. That, and playing the strip poker is cake. Imma get that goddamn Humvee so I can try for those Genocide achievements in style. Also, at one of the restaurants in a casino, (can't remember which), there's a Driving magazine, which triples the durability of four-wheeled vehicles. AWESOME.
I've never owned a handheld console. I have no idea why, but it's always been that way. Maybe I'll buy a 3DS when those get affordable.
Wow, you´re missing out on some great games there Doug. I fucking love my Handhelds :)
The humvee looks like the most practicle vehicle to buy because of the wide open space. The haggling magazines help out too by making the pawn shop prices drop. |
:O I don't know where those are. But I also need that $6,000,000 acheivo, too, so I'm not worried.
I'm missing 5 six or so survivors in my notebook, and I know where all of them are. I'm totally nabbing them on this playthrough. THIS GAME'S GONNA GET MASTERED, BITCHES. Also, TESLA BALL. USE IT. |
I made it once but I took it all the way back to the first maintenance room in that area. Maybe it I find a closer room.
The discount magazine is in the casino(atlantica maybe?) Inside there is a BBQ restaurant with two floors with a suspended bi-plane. Go up to the 2nd floor and platform jump from chandelier to chandalier and you'll find the magazine on a ledge. Also Zombrex and a purrple rabbit. |
Except maybe Pokemon Silver, which is the last game of its kind I played. That one feels fully fleshed-out. Games like Metroid Fusion and New Super Mario Brothers seem very cold compared to Super Metroid and Super Mario World. :\ |
ive been playing twisted metal head-on a lot. it is mind numbing |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gufhYicCUs4 Started Final Fantasy XII: Zodiac Job System last night. Loved that game, and I hear this one's even better. |
Dead Rising 2. Going to make a motorcycle with a sidecar and be father of the year. Demoting SAM to weekend daddy once again. |
Son, you crazy. FF12 was plenty fun.
It felt like more of a chore.
I liked the battles quite a bit but the story and more importantly the characters were soooo fucking boring and forgettable it really hurt to watch all that crap. Worts FF-Story until 13 came out. Yes I´m aware that FF8 exists and even that had a better story and characters...I so wanted to like and play 12 but it just doesn´t work, I can´t do it.
Speaking of things I can´t do: Alpha Protocol. I thought it might be fun to play through that thing again on hard until New Vegas is released on Thursday but noooo, the game has to fuck things up again. Unbeatable boss in Rome. Almost unbeatable mission in Russia...not much fun at all. Might have something to do with me picking SMGs as my primary weapons, the most useless weapon-class in the game... |
I liked the story for FF8 until the whole orphanage business happened.
Y'all bustas. Balthier and Basch were clutch. Larsa and Al-Cid too. Everyone's actors were fantastic too. Oh, and Cid was fucking awesome. Did NOT see that guy taking center stage in the third act.
I would go gay for Balthier. Probably. I mean, look at the guy. If Square hadn't given Matsuno shit, Vaan and Penelo wouldn't have been added, and it'd be even better. X-2 and 5 are the worst stories of the series, but 5 gets some slack for being old, even if it's villain is a tree and it's hero is named Butz. X-2 gets no sympathy. Speaking of awful Final Fantasys, I still need to uninstall the beta of FFXVI. I was in such a rush to never play it again that I forgot to purge it from my harddrive. That's game's not finished in the slightest and I recommend with every fiber of my being that you avoid it for at least one year. |
Balthier was suede because he's basically Han Solo with a Shotgun. The sub story between Basch and his twin brother was garbage. I don't think Cid was any good because he was in the game for like half an hour, the came up with a bunch of convoluted garbage about him being posessed by a super being. When I was at that point in the game I was just grinding to get done with it.
5 had a good story, it just took a bit ages. x-2.....was more of a fan game |
Yea...well...that's just like...you're opinion, man :posh
5 didn´t even need a good story imo, the job system was the star of that game for me.
12 would´ve been fine if it wasn´t for Vaan. That single character ruined the whole game for me basically. Not only because he was the Main but just because he was there. I mean would it have been so hard to let him die in the intro instead of his slighty better designed brother or something? Or how about killing both off and letting Basch be the Main or Balthier. |
I liked 12's gameplay and, although it was weak, I didn't dislike the story. The fatal flaw for me was the in-game traveling. Getting from place to place was a huge pain in the ass and I never finished the game because of it.
Also, I liked 5's storyline. It's more lighthearted than anything else in the series, lots of comedic relief. And because it was lighthearted your characters rarely got mawkish on you. |
He was added in a later in development because Square execs (actually, Enix execs. This all went down after the merger and Enix's sloppy steering of the company) believed they would alienate their fanbase unless they had an effeminate male lead again. Lots of arguing went on over this, and the director, Matsuno, left the project. Thus, Basch was no longer the set perspective of the story, and Vaan was created. Not that it matters too much, since Ashe more or less steers the boat once she joins and becomes the main lead. The moral is that Enix is the worst thing to happen to Square and Dragon Quest isn't even that good >:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>: Jeremy Parish wrote a great article about this game on his site awhile back. That dude knows role playing games like no one's business. http://www.gamespite.net/toastywiki/...inalFantasyXII @King Hadas: International Edition adds a turbo button. Press L1 and you basically have in-game frameskip ala an Emulator. It's pretty handy. |
fallout killing things
also, will get Super Meat Boy in mere hours. |
And yes, it can ruin the whole game for me because the game establishes Vaan as the main character, even though thereīs no real main character after a while. Just the fact that you start out as him makes him the permanent main for me, my mind works that way. Vaanīs the main, his presence AND his voice ruin the story mostly. Honestly, who did his lines? *looks it up*...a boyband singer...great. As we would say in germany, it fits like a fist to an eye. >: It doesnīt help that the story itself was fucking boring either. I never liked these political plots (but thatīs just me, I know a lot of people liked the plot of FFT for example) and I donīt like the world it plays in (let alone the fact that Ivalice is a "used" world). In conclusion, there was a lot to like about FF12 but for me personally there was more to hate about it and it was all about the story and the character, the battle- and leveling-systems were fine if a little stupid. Gotta get a license to wear a knit cap, we canīt have you run around town without a fashion license, that would mean TOTAL ANARCHY! :lol Many people will disagree with me on this, but of the newer FFs, I still prefer 10 over 12...OR 13. Tidus is a fucknugget too, yeah but heīs not as annoying to me as Vaan. Err..is fucknugget a word? I think I just made that up...donīt know where it came from but I like it :) |
I got completely lost in this conversation :lol.
Fallout New Vegas is great, but it feels like an expansion to Fallout 3. I still haven't tried out Vanquish. I guess I'll get around to it eventually. Arcana - Gothic 4 should be banned from existence for sucking as badly as it does. It feels like a game from 2000. |
And this is where I have to apologize for german entertainment software development in general. We simply canīt make clean games. We have great ideas but QA is something we simply canīt do. Now donīt ask me why, if I had any say in any german software company I would bite my employees to death if they pieced together such a piece of shit like Gothic 3 or 4. In terms of games, weīre stuck in the PC-Era of 2002 or something. Some of our adventure games are good though :lol And I am so getting Costume Quest tonight, looks fun :) |
AH HA HA HA HA HA HA.... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. AAAAAAAAAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! >: And 13 is just 10 with different combat. Except now this time people actually realized it was linear instead of totally missing that point years ago :X |
As far as linearity goes FFX is nothing compared to FFXIII. The most apt description I've heard for FFXIII is it's like running through a tube for fifty hours.
And if we're going to use 'what could've been' as a valid argument for the quality of a game then Tidus' only fault is his english voice acting. Otherwise we would of all erupted into tears when he high fives Jecht at the end of the game (I know I did anyways). |
FFX was cool because you can play as Bender. I read some interview with the maker of FFX and FFX-2 about the character Shinra in both games. In X-2 there's a side mission about how he learns how to harness the planets energy and use it as Mako or some shit. So then Shinra blasts off to another world to try it....later generations make a corporation. I read the comment about being called a busta at work Phoenix and I almost spit out my coffee. |
As passionately as everyone feels about the later entries, I still think that FF4 and 6 tie for the best in the series, hands down.
Ox, I don't think that German software is the problem, I think that a lack of will to keep up with the times is the problem. JoWood software really needs to kick the bucket already. |
How were 4 and 6 tied in?
Njerg, I still like 10 better than 12, nothing I can do about it.
And yes, 13 IS a 50 hour tuberun, it was a horrible game. One that I did play through because I more or less enjoyed the combat in the "free" part later on but I would never have played through it if I wasn´t already unemployed when it came out. Didn´t have anything better to do...it´s like watching bad movies just so you can talk about how bad they are, same thing. Played 40mins of Costume Quest. Very charming little game and we don´t even have Halloween over here (only St. Martin which is one aspect of Halloween with the other being incorporated into Karneval/Fasching). I for one do love the dark time of the year so it appeals to me a lot more I guess. Quote:
I think that the combat is better in 6 but the story is better in 4. I can't believe people actually sat through 13, everyone tells me that it doesn't even get remotely enjoyable until about 20 hours in. WTF?
If you liked any FF game after 6 then you like the little yellow cocks of asian men. Sorry. Facts are facts. :\
I've only played FFX. Blitzball is the worst >: Also I wish catching 10 of each enemy for the monster bank didn't eat up about 30 hours of my time.
i got an arcade stick for y ps3 so i'm back playing ssf4
@darkvare, totally jealous :P
Why no 360 Vare?
well cause i have ssf4 on ps3 lol so any further fighting games are gonna be on ps3 and they only had ps3 sticks
Well I supposed having the game on PS3 makes a good reason to get the stick for PS3. :lol I guess i meant why did you get SSF4 on PS3? We could be standing in line waiting for Sam to kick our asses.
o i got it on ps3 cause my 360 was dead by the time ssf4 released
The dude making the HD remix of Sonic 2 posted a demo on his site.
It's like Sonic 4, except ACTUALLY 3D. And not awful. Looks great at the highest settings. Really want to play Chemical Plant now. http://sonicfanremix.com/ |
There was one mandatory Blitzball game right? Cause I wouldn´t know where else I´ve seen footage of that minigame, never played it, never will. I also wasn´t very fond of the card games in 8 and 9, I want to kill monsters not play cardgames with people from the village...
I think there was a mandatory game but all your players are garbage. I thought either Tidus' or Benders final limit break were won with Blitzball but I could be wrong on that.
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I'm gonna fail this semester with all these games, also because I'm being incredibly irresponsible with my time. >: |
That's the worlds fault for not having more time in the day.
So the world should either be bigger or turn slower?
I was all about the Jupiter Sigil, though, which means playing about 50 additional games. >: |
Once you can start recruiting people get Brudda. I can't think of her name but she might have an asian sounding name or is really short. Reminds me of the Girl guitar player in the Gorillaz. She's an awesome goalie. You can also get the Jecht Shot II. Play around with some of the formations too.
Also, The world should be bigger. |
I can´t even understand why someone would work up the interest to check different players or even how the whole thing works...it just looked and played soooo boring...it´s just not for me.
It plays exactly like Soccer(Football). The team you start with are terrible, I got rid of them as quickly as I got better players except Wakka(Bender). Once you get good players the game is really easy actually.
That sonic fan remix is amazing. It's everything that the new Sonic should have been.
So Atlus' Catherine is coming out in February. Looks like sexy, sexy fun to be had.
Also, I just remembered there's gonna be a pseudo-sequel to Demon's Souls from From Software. I'm excited for next year already. |
Hm, I canīt stand soccer to be honest, itīs fucking boring as long as thereīs no "we against them" going on in the world championship or something like that. I never watch or play it normally. ;) |
As much as I'm looking forward to the new Twisted Metal I hope they at least do a re-release of Rogue Trip.
Yeah, Rogue Trip was faaaaantastic!
I beat New Vegas last night, mostly because if I didn't beat it, I was gonna sink another 20 hours into it. I might start over and try things differently. I can't wait to see what kind of mods people are going to create for it.
Just found out about Xenoblade but with little to no info on it. Also for the Wii and only in Japan but its supposed to be related to Xenosaga.
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