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Sam Jan 7th, 2010 02:02 AM

Denialated is my new favorite word.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 7th, 2010 02:04 AM

All that and more in my correspondence course: Speakanomics 101.

dextire Jan 8th, 2010 12:20 AM

I bought Command & Conquer: Generals with the Zero:Hour expansion pack today.
I've only been playing it for like 10 minutes, but my clock says it's been 4 hours. Stupid clock. :)

Pentegarn Jan 8th, 2010 01:41 AM

That sounds like an MMORPG clock Dextire :P

BatmanJohnson Jan 8th, 2010 03:09 PM

I'm playing Monster hunter freedom unite. Game is frustrating but fun.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 8th, 2010 04:45 PM



Sam Jan 8th, 2010 04:48 PM


Ant10708 Jan 8th, 2010 06:57 PM

Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

in the second temple. liking it so far

executioneer Jan 8th, 2010 08:03 PM

on the last part of sam & max s2. i love this series, can't think of another game that's made me laugh so hard :(

OxBlood Jan 8th, 2010 08:06 PM

Finished Silent Hill 2 for the first time today. I don´t really understand why everyone praises it so much though...there´s virtually nothing happening and nothing is resolved in the end it seems.

Also kinda finished Secret of Mana today. Didn´t beat the last boss because to do that I´d have to grind another hour and beat the 3 or 4 bosses before it without using items, which I can´t really do. So yeah, done with that too.

Guitar Woman Jan 8th, 2010 08:14 PM

What ending did you get?

Most of 2 is really bad game-wise. The Hotel, Hospital, and part of the Prison are the only parts where it feels like it's trying.

Every time I play a Silent Hill again I generally like it better than I did last time, 2's not really an exception. Get all 6 endings!

Zomboid Jan 8th, 2010 09:57 PM

SH2 is easily one of my favorite games, but that has to do more with the story and atmosphere than the gameplay itself, obviously. The first time I played, I looked at the picture of my wife too often and got a pretty bad ending.

LordSappington Jan 9th, 2010 01:53 AM

Playing Half Life 2: Episode 1. I'm trying to get the One Free Bullet achievement. The urge to start blasting away with the shotgun is almost overpowering....
Also, for some reason, even though I haven't used any bullets, except the required ONE bullet, I keep instinctively pick up ammo for guns I long since maxed out on.

Dr. Boogie Jan 9th, 2010 06:15 AM

Brutal Legend.

I like just about everything about the game. Except the gameplay.:(

OxBlood Jan 9th, 2010 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 666817)
What ending did you get?

Most of 2 is really bad game-wise. The Hotel, Hospital, and part of the Prison are the only parts where it feels like it's trying.

Every time I play a Silent Hill again I generally like it better than I did last time, 2's not really an exception. Get all 6 endings!

What really got on my nerves was, that nothing ever happened. True, we played it with easy combat because we wanted to concentrate on the story but still, 90% of the time the game makes you run around empty buildings with WAY too many doors to find some parts for some puzzle that doesnīt make sense in the first place, even less than a Resident Evil-Puzzle :lol

The main gripe for me though is, that the game has essentially nothing to do with Silent Hill, the town itself doesnīt play any important part in the game, it just happens to take place there and the other world that the cult created, with the whole messiah-thing isnīt important at all anymore (okay, thatīs why they made 3 I guess)

The ending we got was the "Leave" Ending but we watched the other 3 (there are four apparently) on Youtube, none of them was very satisfying.


those were all the endings we saw.

What Iīm trying to say is:

I never played through SH2 before but I heard about the twist, canīt avoid reading a spoiler for a ten-year-old game I guess. But still, after we finished, I just thought: "Thatīs it? THAT is the epic masterpiece the people praise to this day? Are you kidding me?"

Zhukov Jan 9th, 2010 07:17 AM

I've returned to my dream of becoming a professional Street Fighter IV player. :\

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 9th, 2010 09:29 AM


darkvare Jan 9th, 2010 11:11 AM

i have a beta code for star trek online if any body wants it just pm me

Pentegarn Jan 9th, 2010 11:16 AM

My friend has one of those.

Personally, I expect it to be a disappointment. Not going to bother downloading that one till I see it in action for myself

darkvare Jan 9th, 2010 11:59 AM

i didn't asked for it apparently being part of gametrailers granted me one

Guitar Woman Jan 9th, 2010 04:06 PM

You could try playing it on hard mode, Oxblood, but that fucking awful chase scene in the Hospital basement is probably going to be a brick wall when you get to it.

Maria is so terrified of Pyramid Head she is unable to run past James to escape from him. And if she dies, it will give you a game-over, despite the fact that she dies as part of a fucking cutscene 2 seconds later.


Fathom Zero Jan 9th, 2010 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 666794)


That was, I think, the second one I got. I tried for about three minutes and nabbed it.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 9th, 2010 05:17 PM

Dammit. That took months to get. I guess I didn't really try for it until the other day though.

King Hadas Jan 9th, 2010 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 666846)
The main gripe for me though is, that the game has essentially nothing to do with Silent Hill, the town itself doesn´t play any important part in the game, it just happens to take place there and the other world that the cult created, with the whole messiah-thing isn´t important at all anymore (okay, that´s why they made 3 I guess)

The town is the game, you think if James got an imaginary letter from Kearney, New Jersey he'd still be fighting mannequin monsters. They give you some interesting Silent Hill history in SH2 but they never explain the nature of Silent Hill in any of the games. That bit you said about the cult creating the other world is bullshit, those fags can't even create one good blasphemous devil-god.

Silent Hill 2 is my favorite Silent Hill because the story is the most mature one in the series. James Sunderland was in a real bad situation with his wife that could happen to anyone. No psychic god-children or satantic cults or crazy serial killers which makes me feel less silly analyzing it in great detail. Like, James' Silent Hill is not all bloody with mutilated bodies everywhere like Heather's, it's empty and decrepit. Even his dark Silent Hill is just more decrepit buildings. James vision of hell is nothing but the ugly world around him.

Dog spelled backwards is god. It's all coming together now.

OxBlood Jan 9th, 2010 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by King Hadas (Post 666906)
The town is the game, you think if James got an imaginary letter from Kearney, New Jersey he'd still be fighting mannequin monsters. They give you some interesting Silent Hill history in SH2 but they never explain the nature of Silent Hill in any of the games. That bit you said about the cult creating the other world is bullshit, those fags can't even create one good blasphemous devil-god.

Silent Hill 2 is my favorite Silent Hill because the story is the most mature one in the series. James Sunderland was in a real bad situation with his wife that could happen to anyone. No psychic god-children or satantic cults or crazy serial killers which makes me feel less silly analyzing it in great detail. Like, James' Silent Hill is not all bloody with mutilated bodies everywhere like Heather's, it's empty and decrepit. Even his dark Silent Hill is just more decrepit buildings. James vision of hell is nothing but the ugly world around him.

Dog spelled backwards is god. It's all coming together now.

As far as I remember, they explain it all pretty well in Silent Hill 1, parts of it in 3 too.

Part 2 is just the one SH that doesnīt have anything to do with Silent Hill itself, even 4 has more to do with it and that one isnīt even a real Silent Hill Game ;)

But thatīs not the point. My point is, that for me, SH2 was really boring. I didnīt like the story, I really thought there was something great coming along the way, as People around the net made me believe all those years.
But there wasnīt. James killed his wife for one reason or another, thatīs really all there is to it.
Sure, there are some monsters he might imagine, maybe he imagines the other four human beings as well, maybe not.
But none of that gets any spotlight in the game, apart from the Maria-aspect, which in the end didnīt make any sense either. Eddy is not important, Angela is not important though I thought she was, the annoying girl is mostly just that, annoying and has one rather stupid thing to add to the whole story... (correct me if Iīm wrong though, itīs not like I donīt WANT to get the story, I just get the impression that there is nothing to get).

Wow, Iīm really ranting on the game. That was never my intention actually but the more I think about the Story, the less I like it, itīs just so...so...meaningless compared to the other Silent Hill games, maybe thatīs why so many people liked it, because itīs just about some insignificant lad and his insignificant deeds that have no impact on anyone but himself. Itīs simple and bland.

Oh, and Pyramid-Head? I actually thought he was supposed to be a key-figure in the game or the story. But again: Nope, he has no meaning at all, just another enemy. First thereīs one and you think "oh, he must be important". Then thereīs three in the end, one vanishes and the other ones kill themselves and give you two eggs that for some reason open a door.

Maybe Iīm just really lazy, but does any of that have ANY meaning at all? Is it supposed to be symbolic? Are the P-Heads supposed to be a figment or rather an aspect of Jamesī mind in all of this? And even if so, there is NO evidence for that at all in the game, which makes me rather sad.

Anyway, this is long enough as it is. Itīs not my intention to bash the game so much but I just canīt help it, sorry about that :\.

Guitar Woman Jan 9th, 2010 06:09 PM


Pyramid Head is definitely a letdown, though. He shows up something like 4 times and it's the easiest thing in the world to take absolutely no damage from him.

OxBlood Jan 9th, 2010 06:50 PM

Guess I WAS just lazy then ;) Still kind of a strange way of presenting the whole thing. Ah, whatever, enough of Silent Hill 2, I´m happy for those who like it. My favorite is still 4 I guess thanks to the awesome feeling of dread it creates. Only Fatal Frame 3 came close to that as far as I remember...

King Hadas Jan 9th, 2010 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 666912)
As far as I remember, they explain it all pretty well in Silent Hill 1, parts of it in 3 too.

oh shit, I guess they did explain it. That kind of pisses me off >:. That's probably the difference between opinions. I'm not interested in whatever they've concocted to explain the town "It was Alessa, she's psychic!" Hell I don't want anything in the series explained to well. I like that they leave everything disjointed and expect you to put them together.

The games twist is not that big of a surprise. You'd probably have figured it out before it happened even without it being spoiled. What it does is completely change how we see James, everything said and done is thrown into a completely different light. I was 14 when I first played this game which makes it easier to admit I teared up when you walk down that long hallway. You hear how his relationship with Mary was like near the end, James was trapped in a complicated emotional scenario and it did not end well for him. Silent Hill 2 is sadder than it is scary.

OxBlood Jan 9th, 2010 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by King Hadas (Post 666918)
oh shit, I guess they did explain it. That kind of pisses me off >:. That's probably the difference between opinions. I'm not interested in whatever they've concocted to explain the town "It was Alessa, she's psychic!" Hell I don't want anything in the series explained to well. I like that they leave everything disjointed and expect you to put them together.

The games twist is not that big of a surprise. You'd probably have figured it out before it happened even without it being spoiled. What it does is completely change how we see James, everything said and done is thrown into a completely different light. I was 14 when I first played this game which makes it easier to admit I teared up when you walk down that long hallway. You hear how his relationship with Mary was like near the end, James was trapped in a complicated emotional scenario and it did not end well for him. Silent Hill 2 is sadder than it is scary.

Youīre right about one thing: Itīs hard to appreciate certain games if you play them "later". The classic example would be Final Fantasy 6 and 7. If you never played them back then and play them now, you tend to say "What, THATīS it?" Itīs some kind of you-had-to-be-there-thing.

Iīll try to explain my relation to Silent Hill a little differently:

I really love alternate, twisted realities, compact pockets of chaos, chunks of hell, glimpses of the screaming insanity of the warp, the mind-shattering horror of the void as it thickly drips into our normal reality and brings with it the beauty of total insanity (I canīt describe it much better in english). Maybe thatīs why I like the original premise of Silent Hill so much, it has this glimpse of madness in it that Silent Hill 2 lacks. 2 on the other hand HAS a certain comfiness (can you say that?) to it, since James really isnīt phased all that much by anything he encounters. His sadness and denial weigh heavier than Silent Hill itself, which is impressive.

Though I was dissappointed that James was really just a sad slob in denial rather than...I donīt know, I just thought his state had more of an impact to the town, if you know what Iīm trying to say.

King Hadas Jan 9th, 2010 07:40 PM

I think I understand what you're saying, sort of like some immense Lovecraftian horror that once seen cannot be unseen. Personally, I like to think of Silent Hill as more like a phenomenon where a person's psychological disposition has a physical effect on the reality of the town. If a person with a good state of mind came to Silent Hill I imagine they'd find it very pleasant. Basically the town is just an unthinking psychological mirror of those inhabiting it. Everybody in Silent Hill 2 is self-hating so naturally they're treated poorly but notice they don't try to leave. Unlike other Silent Hill's there are no huge gaps in the road, James is free to leave but refuses to do so.

This interpretation breaks down with the other SH's but that's okay. I love all the Silent Hill's except for Homecoming (I haven't played Shattered Memories yet).

OxBlood Jan 9th, 2010 08:14 PM

The town reflecting the visitor´s mind-thing is about what I think as well. When it´s in its "normal" state at least.

And imagine how much fun "Daisies wonderful vacation in Silent Hill" would be as a game :D

Zomboid Jan 10th, 2010 01:26 AM

Silent Hill 2 is essentially a non-terrible Halloween 3 of the SH series. Well, it was until SH4. It's just a really solid stand-alone game. The town is the antagonist and everything that James sees is a manifestation of his own guilt. You can even explain the scantily-clad nurses in that way, even though they pop up in every other game in the series. It's all about confronting one's demons, and that's what every character trapped in the town is doing. I agree with Hadas in that it's cool that there's no stupid child-God or anything over the top like that.

While we're on the subject... I didn't mind SH4 as much as some people seem to. It was pretty shitty compared to what I'd played in the series before, but it's not entirely unplayable based on its own merits.

MarioRPG Jan 10th, 2010 03:27 PM

Huh, that's kind of weird. I played some SH2 just the other day. Granted, it was only for an hour or so. After reading some of your comments, I can definitely back up the comment regarding empty buildings with too many doors.
But, as said, I only played a small part of the game.

LordSappington Jan 10th, 2010 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 666836)
Playing Half Life 2: Episode 1. I'm trying to get the One Free Bullet achievement.

FUCKING GOT IT! Man, if it weren't for the RPG/grenade loophole, I would have broken my tv out of frustration.

darkvare Jan 10th, 2010 06:37 PM

i turned my ps3 on and had a message that said "i was promised hentai" it made me laugh so muh i don't even know the guy

OxBlood Jan 10th, 2010 07:32 PM

Aaaaand there goes Illusion of Time/Gaia. Piss-easy, stupid story, another on of those games that left a better impression on me when I was a kid. But still quite good entertainment.

Pentegarn Jan 10th, 2010 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by darkvare (Post 667009)
i turned my ps3 on and had a message that said "i was promised hentai" it made me laugh so muh i don't even know the guy


Guitar Woman Jan 10th, 2010 09:51 PM

Left 4 Dead.

I like it less than I did when I was playing the demo. If any of you chumps want to hit me up, I haven't played Blood Harvest at all yet.

Versus mode is fucking bad. Playing as the Infected is like being the Spy in TF2 if you couldn't cloak or disguise, and if backstabbing people didn't result in an instant kill. And if you made horrendous amounts of noise while walking everywhere. And could only use the butterfly knife against a team of Soldiers.

kahljorn Jan 11th, 2010 01:27 AM

yea playing versus kind of requires some sun tzu strategy :(

Phoenix Gamma Jan 11th, 2010 02:43 AM

New version of Brawl Plus came out the other day. Ness got a nice set of tweaks, though his Lightning is a lot faster, so I have to get used to the new timing. Still, he's got way more options now.

King Hadas Jan 11th, 2010 03:11 AM

Civilizations IV is really kicking my ass. I love strategy games in theory but the problem is I'm fucking awful at them. The highest score I've been able to muster so far is Warren G. Harding.

Guitar Woman Jan 11th, 2010 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 667099)
New version of Brawl Plus came out the other day. Ness got a nice set of tweaks, though his Lightning is a lot faster, so I have to get used to the new timing. Still, he's got way more options now.


Is Nintendo re-releasing Brawl with tweaks every year like Street Fighter now, or are you doing some dirty Homebrew shit

Edit: so I looked at Brawl+, and I was intrigued until the "stage freeze" option came up, along with "Rumble Falls is the Online Waiting Room: When picking Rumble Falls in offline VS. mode only, it will be replaced with the Online waiting room stage." Is this backed in any way by Dylan TNGA? :lol

I hope the complete removal of items is present in the changelist, I can't stand Super Smash Bros not being completely free of pesky random elements!

Zhukov Jan 11th, 2010 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by King Hadas (Post 667102)
Civilizations IV is really kicking my ass. I love strategy games in theory but the problem is I'm fucking awful at them. The highest score I've been able to muster so far is Warren G. Harding.

Love this game. Have lost many days to it.

Phoenix Gamma Jan 11th, 2010 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 667106)

Is Nintendo re-releasing Brawl with tweaks every year like Street Fighter now, or are you doing some dirty Homebrew shit

Edit: so I looked at Brawl+, and I was intrigued until the "stage freeze" option came up, along with "Rumble Falls is the Online Waiting Room: When picking Rumble Falls in offline VS. mode only, it will be replaced with the Online waiting room stage." Is this backed in any way by Dylan TNGA? :lol

I hope the complete removal of items is present in the changelist, I can't stand Super Smash Bros not being completely free of pesky random elements!

Items are still something you set yourself. Rumble Falls is ass, though. I leave almost all of the stages turned on, but I'll let fucking Electroplankton be turned on before I play that stage. It's just not fun. Stage freeze is also optional, though off by default. Which is good, because Summit fucking rocks :rock

The only major changes to the game are:
-slightly faster. Not immediately noticeable
-no tripping (unless by banana, or Dedede's forward smash, which now shakes the stage)
-you keep momentum after you jump, which was in Melee. In Brawl, jumping slows you down. This is mostly to help Capt. Falcon have more control of the stage and recover better. Helps Yoshi a lot too, actually, since his Up B becomes viable.
-some changes to the move sets (i.e. Ganon's down B in the air gives him his second jump back, Lucario can attack after using his Up B, Mario's Fludd has more knockback for both the opponent and Mario if he's in the Air).
-no bullshit chain grabbing from assholes like Falco.
-custom skins (Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtle! :rock)
-unlimited time for replays
-the pause camera can go anywhere now

I think it's a lot more fun. Falcon, Ganondorf, Yoshi, Link, and Sonic probably got the biggest improvements. And of course Metaknight got toned down. They really didn't add anything stupid like wavedashing or whatever. And since it runs off of cheat codes, you can still boot up the game normally and play regular Brawl.

At least try it out before you knock it. It's not as retarded as you think. At least, not as retarded as Brawl Minus. But I kinda want to play that...

Guitar Woman Jan 11th, 2010 05:03 AM

Rumble Falls is fine, you ninny

Although I play Peach and can KO everyone if I time my final smash with the stage speedup, so that's probably why I don't hate it :lol

Phoenix Gamma Jan 11th, 2010 05:07 AM

Yea, I like jumping for 10 minutes. Give that stage designer a raise! :rolleyes

I guess it's more exciting than Mushroomy Kingdom. At least Rumble Falls has shit happening in it.

bigtimecow Jan 13th, 2010 07:45 PM

so fuck star wars force unleashed. this game looks fucking beautiful and the gameplay is fantastic, but it is impossible to see everything that's going on. the radar really needs to show enemies. and the lightsaber duels make no fucking sense. this faggot i fight jumps around all over the place and i have to dart around like a chicken with its fucking head cut off

darkvare Jan 13th, 2010 11:27 PM

i liked the force unleashed it was a good game i really hope they fix the issues in the sequel anyways a friend lend me gta 4 for ps3 so i'm replaying that one

OxBlood Jan 14th, 2010 04:37 AM

Heh, so I spent around 2 days downloading the Star Trek Open Beta-Client, and Darkvare was nice enough to provide me with a key, thanks again for that :)

But guess what? The key is just for the closed beta, the open beta needs a new one :(

Let´s try this Amazon-preorder-get-the-key-then-cancel-your-order-again-thing...

Apart from that and REALLY wanting Mass Effect 2, I just can´t play much right now somehow...tried Fallen Earth for a few hours but as it seems there´s only one way to play that game and I don´t like MMOs that have one golden way and many inferior ones.

Zhukov Jan 14th, 2010 04:45 AM

I'm really liking Darksiders. I find it's a cross between Zelda and Ninja Gaiden, which is only a good thing.

Phoenix Gamma Jan 14th, 2010 01:07 PM

I started up the Disgaea 2 remake for PSP. I put a shitload of time into the first game, and didn't get much time with the second.

That said, I've reached the point where I've broken the game over my knee and levelled up my troops over 100 Levels in two battles. In one day, I unlocked a secret character, and levelled it from 50 to 600 two days later.

I'm gonna see if I can make it to 9999. This game's got enough shit to abuse that it's actually feasible this time.

Guitar Woman Jan 15th, 2010 12:27 AM

Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30.

...It's fucking awful. What the hell, Gearbox, I thought we were bros.

Ant10708 Jan 16th, 2010 02:55 AM

Took a break on the new zelda and rented the new game Darksiders for 360. Having fun with it so far at about two hours into it. Some very cool kills to be performed. The game borrows heavily from various games but it executes most of it well. Overall I'd call it an action adventure game thou.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 16th, 2010 10:30 AM

Way to accept my friend request on Live Ant. Castle Crashers are waiting.

Ant10708 Jan 16th, 2010 05:00 PM

Havn't been on Live in awhile. Had no idea you ever even saw that post of mine. I'll sign on when I return from the dog park and will try to play around 5 pm eastern time today(sat)

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 16th, 2010 05:02 PM

Saul Goode. I get out of work at 6pm but have to sleep then go out drinking tonight.

Sam Jan 16th, 2010 05:48 PM

Are you practicing for July?

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 16th, 2010 05:52 PM

Oh, We should bring a Wii because I'm awesome at Brawl but the online sucks. I went camping at Six Flags one weekend in middle school and brought a TV, PS1 and Diablo. I had to quit playing though because girls with beer wanted to hang out.

Zomboid Jan 16th, 2010 06:56 PM

What is happening in July?

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 16th, 2010 07:01 PM


Fathom Zero Jan 16th, 2010 09:50 PM


10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 16th, 2010 10:50 PM

What I meant was http://trash.com/

bigtimecow Jan 17th, 2010 02:16 PM

i'm trying to play mass effect but it crashes as soon as i open :(

windows vista suuuuuuccckkkks

Sam Jan 17th, 2010 02:21 PM


I have video game ADD :(

darkvare Jan 17th, 2010 04:25 PM

i'm triying to finish god of war 2 in titan mode currently at euryales temple thesus always gives me a hard time

Fathom Zero Jan 17th, 2010 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by bigtimecow (Post 668104)
i'm trying to play mass effect but it crashes as soon as i open :(

windows vista suuuuuuccckkkks

It doesn't work on any Vista machine. Sorry, Chalie.

LordSappington Jan 17th, 2010 07:50 PM

Motherfucking L4D2! Love this game.

bigtimecow Jan 17th, 2010 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 668124)
It doesn't work on any Vista machine. Sorry, Chalie.

are you fucking serious? then thank you steam for telling me i just need to run it as administrator


kahljorn Jan 18th, 2010 02:58 AM

Well according to what ive read it does run on vista (what i've read is about 100 people saying they have vista but it works) but fathom zero's the pro.

what kind of laptop do you have? What happens when it crashes? have you tried changing compatability mode even though that usually doesnt do shit? Is your vista updated? You got direct x updated/your video drivers updated? And some people say you need ageiaphysix but i dunno about that :O QUESSSSTIOOOONS. before you do all that i would try turning user account control off though.


WINDOWS VISTA OR WINDOWS 7 USERS: Launching “Mass Effect” from Steam requires the setting “Run as Administrator”. If the User Account Control feature of Windows Vista is enabled, launching “Mass Effect” from Steam will result in failure. For users with User Account Control enabled, launch Steam using the “Run as Administrator” option or launch from the windows shortcut.
you should just turn run as administrator on the mass effect launcher, the .exe that actually loads the game AND steam i guess ;/ you're launching from steam right? :O

THATS ALL THE CRAP I WOULD START WITH IF I WERE YOU :( You can also turn off user account controls entirely which might make it easier for you. To do that open the microsoft security center which you can access through the control panel. Then click other security options or something and that should be one of the options. IF THAT DOESNT HELP ILL TRY TO GIVE YOU SOME OTHER SUGGESTIONS.

Dr. Boogie Jan 18th, 2010 03:18 AM

I saw in one thread that a guy was having that same problem, but that downloading the Bring Down the Sky content pack solved it.


They have it for free here, but you have to register the game with them.

kahljorn Jan 18th, 2010 03:29 AM

lol yea i saw that too :P

Fathom Zero Jan 18th, 2010 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by Sam (Post 668105)

I have video game ADD :(

Red Faction Guerrilla, Street Fighter IV, Shadowrun, Osmos, Halflife 2, Uplink, and Psychonauts. :/

kahljorn Jan 18th, 2010 03:48 AM

Supposedly the reason why bigtimecow is having problems is cause it edits the registry when the game runs the first time and user account control stops that from happening. Prolly the downloadable content might add the registry data automatically :O
but anyway regarding that some dude having the same problem was all, "THIS GAME EDITS THE REGISTRY? I DONT WANT NO GAME MESSIN WITH MY REGISTRY"

Fathom Zero Jan 18th, 2010 04:02 AM

Red Faction also had a problem with that. It edits the registry so that, at the end of the process, a patch is downloaded and installed for the game. Well, when a lot of people bought it off of Steam like I did, they found that it wouldn't patch itself because the update wouldn't download itself, and if it did, it wouldn't install. That means you couldn't sign into GFW and couldn't get any multiplayer on.

So I just found the address of the patch on Microsoft's servahs and manually downloaded it.

I'm actually having to do that with more and more games. I wonder what my computer's beef is.

Zhukov Jan 18th, 2010 07:35 AM

I hate Vista. Sorry Kahl, I didn't notice you offered me good advice in my "installing xp" thread until recently.

Anyway, I downloaded the Bayonetta demo, and while I can see why people would enjoy it, and I can see why they see it as a good game; it's not really my type of thing. In other news, Darksiders is still enthralling me.

kahljorn Jan 18th, 2010 09:15 AM

its cool dude, just trying to help.

Fathom Zero Jan 18th, 2010 10:19 AM


10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 18th, 2010 10:37 AM

Vista is horrible. I need to get some 7.

kahljorn Jan 18th, 2010 10:45 AM

I lurve it :(

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 18th, 2010 11:41 AM

It never wants to run my FFXI so I had to quit playing it. That and Age of Empires II has a lot of trouble with compatability.

Pentegarn Jan 18th, 2010 01:16 PM

Did you try run as admin for FF11? That worked for me with DAoC

bigtimecow Jan 18th, 2010 01:56 PM

heyyyyy, if i install a second operating system (say, XP) and run steam on that then will mass effect work?

executioneer Jan 18th, 2010 02:44 PM


Sam Jan 18th, 2010 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 668263)
It never wants to run my FFXI so I had to quit playing it. That and Age of Empires II has a lot of trouble with compatability.


kahljorn Jan 18th, 2010 02:58 PM

probably bigtimecow, assuming its not a hardware/driver issue. Just try turning off user account controls or doing that thing boogie said first, though. You only need to run it once and it should work permanantly after that, and it will only take you a couple minutes to do it.

bigtimecow Jan 18th, 2010 03:33 PM

haha i probably should've read this thread before asking another question :(

UAC has been turned off, and i've been doing run as administrator. but i'm gonna try installing the DLC now


10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 18th, 2010 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Sam (Post 668282)

Also don't have any time anymore. Busy 360'in my girlfriend :orgasm

For real though I want to play some Zombie related game tonight. I have off work tomorrow but I'm do in court as a witness at 9:45AM.

Fathom Zero Jan 18th, 2010 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by bigtimecow (Post 668277)
heyyyyy, if i install a second operating system (say, XP) and run steam on that then will mass effect work?


MarioRPG Jan 18th, 2010 06:52 PM

I started playing Majora's Mask a few days ago. Just got the mirror shield.

bigtimecow Jan 18th, 2010 06:55 PM

bring down the sky downloaded and installed, but alas, no mass effect

however, i think over the weekend i'm going to wipe my computer clean and set up two OS's: one vista and one xp. unless, is there a way for me to install XP as a second operating system right now?

Fathom Zero Jan 18th, 2010 07:15 PM

Yes. Partition your hard drive and install it on the new partition.

I dunno if XP installs a bootloader or not, though. It'd be ass if it doesn't. Windows 7's got one, though.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 18th, 2010 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 668251)

I got mad when we got to level 100 and nothing happened



Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 668274)
Did you try run as admin for FF11? That worked for me with DAoC

Yeah, no such luck.

Fathom Zero Jan 18th, 2010 08:12 PM

Bitch, it's the journey that's the reward.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 18th, 2010 08:23 PM

Its a few hours I'm not getting back is for sure. Would have spent that playing Dark Legacy at the very least.

OxBlood Jan 18th, 2010 09:26 PM

Finished Mario & Luigi 3 earlier tonight (awesome game, still the best DS Game of 2009), then made the mistake of falling asleep on my couch again. 2:24 in the middle of the night and I am awake AND hungry.

What sounds like the premise for an extremely shitty teen-vampire-novel is really just an annoyed guy in his late twenties walking up and down in front of his game shelf trying to figure out what to play. Hrmm...

darkvare Jan 18th, 2010 10:53 PM

i started playing dead space today and i made it to the part with a huge meteor and i keep diying triying to plant a beacon :(

executioneer Jan 19th, 2010 02:27 AM

i beat dragon age! wish i'd fucking seen the ballistae scattered around the rooftops BEFORE i tried fighting the archdemon hth ten times and losing, though

dextire Jan 19th, 2010 02:33 AM

Nice! Do you have any idea how long it took you to beat it?
I haven't had much time to play, and was hoping for a 60+ hour game.

Phoenix Gamma Jan 19th, 2010 02:47 AM

Played this at a friend's. Kinda bad, but pretty funny.

Also, Dark Void Zero for DSiWare, which is pretty awesome. And still playing Bayonetta. Love that game.

executioneer Jan 19th, 2010 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by dextire (Post 668355)
Nice! Do you have any idea how long it took you to beat it?
I haven't had much time to play, and was hoping for a 60+ hour game.

a long goddamn time. and i've only done two out of ?9? origin stories so far :x 60+ hours seems about right, especially if you play thru all 9 origin story quests and all the sidequests

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