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bigtimecow Dec 28th, 2009 02:25 PM

suppose you didn't read the cheap bastard part

darkvare Dec 28th, 2009 04:59 PM

can someone send me a copy of mgs 4 i wanna play mgo but i can't find it here and amazon won't ship it to mexico

bigtimecow Dec 28th, 2009 05:21 PM

if you give me 18 bucks i can get it from the local gamestop here, used

Microshock Dec 28th, 2009 05:30 PM

Dark, ebay not an option?

Phoenix Gamma Dec 28th, 2009 05:48 PM

Tried Demon's Souls today.

I don't see what the big deal is. Yea, it's challenging...great. Plus, the hints from other people so far have been fucking useless. Like "Hole ahead!" right next to the hole, or watching another player die by facing the wall, not playing. Then I ran into some executioner-like dude in the first level or whatever, and he killed me in two hits. I took another path for about 30 minutes, and ended up back at the beginning. Basically, the hour or so I spent playing was totally redundant.

Regarding Silent Hill:

Guitar Woman Dec 28th, 2009 06:07 PM

the black jacket is indicative of the "Sleaze and Sirens" ending, meaning your roomate is a slut.

Phoenix Gamma Dec 28th, 2009 06:14 PM

I'm pretty sure he's a virgin :V

Wait, I remember in the high school analysis, he said he was a slut and a virgin in high school. So...yea, he's a douchebag who has to ruin all the fun >:

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 28th, 2009 06:15 PM


Zomboid Dec 28th, 2009 07:13 PM

Dragon Age: Origins.

Fucking shit, this game can be ridiculously difficult in certain parts if I'm not using the little sub-menu thing to select everyone's attacks. It definitely doesn't feel as fluid and natural as KotOR, Jade Empire, or Mass Effect. I'd say it's a step back in that regard, but everything else is pretty solid.

darkvare Dec 28th, 2009 08:39 PM

i think i secured a sale on mgs4 now i just need my fingers crossed :P

Phoenix Gamma Dec 28th, 2009 11:11 PM

About to try and beat FFIII on the DS. I've had the game since launch, but the last boss is so fucking strong that I've never been able to beat it. I pick it up every year to try and grind and win, but I always get crushed.

This year, I have 25 Shurikens on me, and I'm about 5 levels higher than I usually am, so if I don't beat it tonight, I'll never finish it.

EDIT: Holy fuck, my Ninja was about to get killed, but my knight leapt infront of him, took the hit, died, and the Ninja finished the boss off with a Shuriken. Fucking close call. Now I can finally put that game away for good.

Guitar Woman Dec 29th, 2009 12:02 AM

Team Fortress Classic.

Spy is a lot easier than it is in TF2, holy shit. This game puts in perspective how much horse shit I've put up with. Killing sentries with grenades is way fucking easier than with sappers, you can actually fool people with disguises, playing dead is a surefire way to hide in plain sight, and the Tranq gun is massively sexy. If they came out with that shit for the TF2 Spy I'd use it in a heartbeat.

I was thinking Soldier would still be the most overpowered class, but it seems like it's the Medic. They can fly across half the map with conc jumps, and they've got a double nailgun, a super shotgun, and can poison people.

Every class having grenades is a little annoying, especially when you think you've gotten a clean kill but they fucking explode when you go to pick up their dropped ammo.

The thing I like most about it is probably all the CTF maps; TF2 has about 3, and only Well is really any good. The lack of motherfucking Targe demos and the uselessness of Soldiers is also very, very, very refreshing. It's just a shame Demoman is total crap, since I lurve him in TF2.

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 29th, 2009 10:21 AM

Demoman is awesome in TFC. I've smote many with his prowess.

LordSappington Dec 29th, 2009 12:57 PM

I've never figured out how to get my Half-life games to work online. :(

Guitar Woman Jan 1st, 2010 02:45 AM

I forgot that Max Payne was the kind of game where you have to quickload every 5 seconds and memorize where everyone is so you don't get perforated fucking immediately

Max Payne 2 made me remember that part, though. Now with the addition of scripted events that would put Half Life's habit of not telling you shit to shame! And totally completely not horrible escort missions!

timrpgland Jan 3rd, 2010 12:50 PM

Started up a new game of Starlancer (dreamcast one). Good stuff.

Chojin Jan 3rd, 2010 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 665785)
I forgot that Max Payne was the kind of game where you have to quickload every 5 seconds and memorize where everyone is so you don't get perforated fucking immediately

Max Payne 2 made me remember that part, though. Now with the addition of scripted events that would put Half Life's habit of not telling you shit to shame! And totally completely not horrible escort missions!

Most people are awful at Max Payne until they figure out that you can go into bullet time without leaping into the air like a gazelle

Then the game becomes incredibly simple and posts like yours make us Payne vets do this -> :|

Also on the harder difficulties they limit the amount of quicksaves you can use. Not that you should ever need them.

Guitar Woman Jan 3rd, 2010 05:29 PM

in Max Payne 1 I just shootdive'd everywhere and did fine; I actually never used the "just bullet-time" thing because it made the game go way too fucking slow.

Max Payne 2's shootdiving is worthless, though, so I mapped bullet time to my middle click and would run into rooms in slow-motion, pump lead into everyone unfortunate enough to be standing around, execute BALLET TWIRLS as I reloaded my gun, and then go back into normal time as ragdolls rained gaily onto the floor around me. Good fun!

Both Max Payne games more or less have a difficulty curve that shoots directly upward for final collection of chapters. I don't know how many fucking times I had to re-do the end segment when the mansion was burning, or the shitty part where you play as Mona in the construction site.

It was a pretty good game, though, worth the 3 dollars I spent on it. I didn't think it was TOO HARD WAAH; I'm perfectly fine with games like Megaman 9 wherin you are constantly assaulted by barbed-wire baseball bats the entire time, and have enjoyed such experiences, I just hate it when moderately difficult games get insanely bullshit difficult right at the end. Especially good ones, since it ends up leaving a bad taste in my mouth and makes me feel like a trusted friend has betrayed me and kicked me in the bollocks. See also: Sands of Time

Chojin Jan 3rd, 2010 05:51 PM

I didn't think Mona's part was any harder, especially since she starts with a dragunov which is a guaranteed knockdown on anyone regardless of where you shoot them.

The mansion also isn't very difficult! Maybe you are bad at video games!

Also you get a SECRET ENDING for beating it on the hardest difficulty!

And i hear there's a max payne 2 mod that's pretty hot

Guitar Woman Jan 3rd, 2010 06:12 PM

Mona's part is hard because of the escort mission

I hate escort missions in every game because I am not a friendly person. I don't see why I couldn't have just played as Max during that part, anyway

OxBlood Jan 4th, 2010 04:33 AM

I shoved all that FF12 and FF10-2 stuff aside and played through Super Metroid again after 10 years. Not as good as I remembered, sadly. Now playing Secret of mana but I would really like to play Darksiders, seems to be really good.

Dimnos Jan 4th, 2010 12:09 PM

Still stuck on Dragon Age... Damn this game sucks you in.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 4th, 2010 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 666195)
I shoved all that FF12 and FF10-2 stuff aside and played through Super Metroid again after 10 years. Not as good as I remembered, sadly. Now playing Secret of mana but I would really like to play Darksiders, seems to be really good.

Great idea! I want to play the Metroid games for GBA and DS. Never got a chance. If you haven't yet try and play the Legend of Zelda games for GBA. I think they are called Oracle of ages and Oracle of seasons. Both are very fun and play just like Link's awakening.

Guitar Woman Jan 4th, 2010 06:06 PM

Metroid Fusion is a fucking masterpiece. Zero Mission, not so much, but it's good.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 4th, 2010 06:17 PM

I have a GBA around somewhere with Phantasy Star unbeaten in it. :(

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