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Zelda turned 25 today, so I'm playing Link to the Past because it's the best Zelda and anyone who disagrees is gay or something unless they want to argue that Majora's Mask is the best in which case we would agree to disagree like gentlemen :posh
OoT :posh
Im playing Prototype on the X-Box 360
Is Prototype any fun?
I finally picked up MvsC3 on Friday and played it all weekend. Also playing around with Inside A Star-Filled Sky. |
Edit: so I subconciously wrote "awesome" instead of "awful" combat, so maybe it wasn't as bad as I remember. |
So I went to play some of my old PC games since I was feeling nostalgic, but I've given up in fury.
Lost Total Annihilation. Lost the CD keys for Supreme Commander. Lost Dark Reign and am rubbish at computers so I can't download it or anything like that. Red Alert 2 disc is scratched or broken or whatever; starts to run then just stops. I hate the world. |
with like 20 minutes of dicking around you could probably figure out how to download a torrent and use it. total annhilation would probably take like five minutes to download :O :O well maybe in hour in australia
google Supreme Commander cd key or contact the company if you made like a username to play online i dunno how that one works. |
You need a photo of your receipt or of the box. If I had the box the CD key would be inside so I wouldn't be in this problem, and I don't have a receipt. Nor do I have the energy to ring up the company and organise all that shit.
I did look around for torrents and shite but I got bored. Turns out Medieval 2 Total War will work with 1111-1111-1111-1111 as the CD key, which is awesome. I'm now playing Total War. |
i have total annihilation around here somewhere, i should see if it still works
i have a torrent search engine attached on my firefox browser
So I got Bulletstorm for the PC. Stand by for some sort of review, I guess.
Got it for PS3 yesterday and played the first chapter. Doesn´t look very good and tears a bit but it´s a fun little game. I especially like that you have a use for your points in the campaign (you buy ammo, charge-ammo and upgrades with them).
In terms of story, the game is über-stupid but I like that somehow. Doesn´t take itself very serious which is a good thing. kicking people into cacti and screaming fuck and dick at the top of your lungs is not exactly highlevel poetry... |
I think it's a beautiful game. It's as good-looking to me as Bioshock is. No mystery why, though - they're both very colorful and run on the same engine.
In Act 2. Best game dialogue ever. Waggleton P. Tallylicker.
Borderlands. Never played it, 'cause it didn't seem too interesting. A friend of mine kept bugging me about it, so I went ahead and bought it. Been playing it in co-op mode and I must admit that this game is totally radical. It's basically just Diablo in first person mode and post-apocalyptic scenery, but then again, I fucking love Diablo.
Also been re-playing Zelda a bit. I realized the other day that my opinion on Zelda is pretty much "It's the Star Wars of video games," by which I mean "I feel so bad about comparing these games to anything else because I love them so goddamn much that they will always win." Not to mention the way both serieses boil down the essential tropes of their respective genres and then inflate them to ridiculously iconic levels, and how they got pretty horrible all of a sudden. Zelda's even got its own equivalent to the Holiday Special, the CD-i games.
I haven't played any of the handheld games past Oracles, despite owning all three. Capcom doesn't do Zelda very well. Although I could be mixed up in thinking they did the two DS games, maybe I'll give those a shot. Here's hoping they don't fuck Skyward Sword up as badly as Twilight Princess. |
Oddly enough, I just started playing the Oracles. Finished up Seasons yesterday and decided to give Ages a go. I don't think they are 'fantastic' but they are enjoyable enough. The Roc's Cape is a stupid item though.
Also this is coming from someone who has only played through less than half of Link's Awakening so I can't compare it to anything else really. |
Problem is no more online play, which is turrible. The game ran silky-smooth on the laptop I had before I had to trade up for a macbook, no matter how much madness was hordeing up the screen... some guys did some sort of downloadable online-only version or something, though. Not sure if that's still going or what |
Actually, I can see if I still HAVE my torrented ultra-everything-copy on my old high-school external hard drive; I'll put it up if I do. Most of the fan-made units were redundant as hell/useless, but some of them were really fun and game-changing
As for the DS games...they're Nintendo made, but Phantom Hourglass is pretty shit. Only one good puzzle (wasn't even in a dungeon :T) and the rest of it was just a less interesting Wind Waker crammed into a tech demo. Spirit Tracks won me over though. The Zelda partner mechanic gets really cool later on, the puzzles are a little better, the writing is actually pretty funny a few times, and the whole game is just more fun. |
To me both DS-Zeldas are shit. Phantom Hourglass was just annoying with that fucking temple and uninspired and Spirit Tracks was boring as hell but what can you expect if your main activity is waiting for your stupid train to get where you need to be while you move on linear paths...
My favorite Zelda is and will always be A Link to the past. Still gotta play Majora´s Mask though but I´m afraid that the fuck-ugly graphics will hinder my experience, it´s what happened when I tried playing OoT a few years ago...Many N64 games are among the most ugly pieces of shit I´ve ever seen. |
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