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I may actually donate to your site Esuohlim.
:eek :eek :eek
The problem with you site is that the URL is a word with doesn't exist and is hard to spell, making it much more difficult for people to remember.
It's just Milhouse backwards, you fuckwad.
Metalmilitia sort of has a point though :( But everything I really wanted was taken (milhouse, ihateinternet, hateyouinternet, hateuinternet) and between "esuohlim" and "milhousebackwards" i settled with esuohlim. :(
In hindsight I probably should have picked milhousebackwards but I'm relatively happy with it anyway >: |
I'll deal with this matter when my site becomes a huge internet phenomenon but until then it's the least of my concerns.
The joke here is that I'll never have to worry about it. >: |
Milhousebackwards would've been great.
But hey, what ever floats your boat. |
Illusion has relased another 3D H-Game. Its called RapeLay. I can't read any foreign scribble so I have no idea what its about. I'm sure it has something to do with rape though.
Hey, what the hell is this?
http://vampirefreaks.com/u/Esuohlim I thought at first it was a coincidence but then I saw I-Mockery links near the bottom of the page >: |
i think it was Lunlun guys
haha. vampire freaks. :(
Wait, a horrible place, but he was gay enough to steal Milhouse's name?
Haha, there are some gems on his friends list.
I think he did me too on there - He linked me to vampirefreaks.com once but I just ignored it.
yeah going from i-mockery to vampirefreaks, way to trade up womti :rolleyes
[19:53] Switch Dingo: YOU LOVE FAT WOMEN
[19:53] F99Cloud: NO [19:53] F99Cloud: MAYBE [19:53] F99Cloud: NO [19:55] Switch Dingo: YES [19:55] Switch Dingo: PUB TOLD ME [19:55] F99Cloud: NOoooooo :( [19:55] Switch Dingo: YEssssss :( [19:55] F99Cloud: no [19:56] F99Cloud: GW isn't fat, and I sorta like her. [19:56] F99Cloud: YOURE not fat. [19:56] F99Cloud: my dick isnt fat [19:56] Switch Dingo: WTF YOU LIKE GW [19:56] F99Cloud: but its long [19:56] Switch Dingo: YOU [19:56] Switch Dingo: LIKE GW [19:56] F99Cloud: yeah [19:56] Switch Dingo: HAVE YOU SEEN A PICTURE OF HER [19:56] F99Cloud: YES [19:56] Switch Dingo: BESIDES THE ONE I SHOWED YOU [19:56] F99Cloud: no [19:56] F99Cloud: Wait, the ghost [19:57] F99Cloud: I know what she looks like [19:57] Switch Dingo: NOT THE GHOST [19:57] Switch Dingo: EVEN THOUGH IT IS SURPRISINGLY ACCURATE [19:57] F99Cloud: I KNOW NOT THE GHOST [19:57] F99Cloud: THE ONE WHERE SHE IS GRINING AT THE CAMERA [19:57] Switch Dingo: UGH [19:57] Switch Dingo: YOU SHOULD ASK HER FOR ANOTHER PICTURE [19:58] Switch Dingo: AND TELL HER THAT YOU WILL TOUCH YOURSELF [19:58] Switch Dingo: WHILE YOU LOOK AT IT [19:58] Switch Dingo: she'll like that [19:58] F99Cloud: She probably blocked me. [19:58] F99Cloud: :( [19:59] Switch Dingo: ME TOO [20:01] F99Cloud: It's kinda too bad, because I kinda think she's ok. She just needs to stop showing off and being a ditz on the forums. :/ [20:02] F99Cloud: And fix her face a little bit. [20:03] Switch Dingo: WITH A SLEDGE HAMMER [20:03] Switch Dingo: AM I RIGHT [20:03] F99Cloud: That could work. [20:03] Switch Dingo: I AM GOING TO POST THIS [20:03] Switch Dingo: *POSTED* AAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW HOW CUTE ![]() |
I posted in a former Mocker's livejournal (that of Feueraffe) and livejournal told me "Comment Posted Successfully".
That just caused me all kinds of joy, because I feel like that's the first thing I've done successfully in my life. |
You got that avatar thingy to spin.
I think that when I was making that avatar, I was procrastinating on studying for a calculus exam that I ultimately bombed. Big surprise.
I'm going to go make some coffee. I don't care if it's a quarter 'til four. I fucking like my coffee. |
COFFEE UPDATE: I selected Kenyan AA beans, medium roast, and finely ground them for use in a French press. Upon cooling, I will drink.
Oh man that was good coffee.
I think maybe I'll make some more. I'd make Irish coffee, but I'm totally out of sugar and it's awkard with just the Irish Cream and no sugar. I just decided moments ago that I am going to expand my horizons and get breakfast from Burger King. I've been eating a great deal at Arby's, but I think this will be a step in a positive direction. Maybe Burger King won't have as great of a breakfast as Arby's, maybe it's prices will be less reasonable, but at this point in my life I think I need to make the most of the possibilities at hand. If you think that this belongs in the Ska forum then you do not respect me. |
After having driven to Burger King and had a good enough breakfast, I just thought I'd follow through that if you do not recognize that place wherein we discuss food as the Ska forum, I do not respect you.
They sell breakfast there? Nice.
you mean they aren't running those wonderfully creepy WAKE UP WITH THE KING commercials where you are?
how sad. :( |
Sharing a bed with a masked fast food regent is, at best, awkward. But I'd certainly argue that McDonalds referencing a coital act with one of their sandwiches falls far lower.
Historians are going to look at these posts and determine that my consistently improper use of conjunctions is a sign of mental disjuncture. |
you are such a rebel.
Salty Sadie I was hoping of all people you would understand me.
i was commiserating, dearie. 'cause i do. see?
okay. so the real deal is once you know the rules you can feel free to break them. grow up. and lose the guilt.
haha, VGcats :(
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Damn! Quick, he's gonna ban THE INTERNET!
Chojin fought the internet and, he won :(
200th post :D.... |
Chojin, is that really a VGcats poster :(
they sent him two
i request that you unban mister fart immediately
uh didn't he stalk you? ;<
how can he stalk anyone from australia :(
That was Fartin Mowler who stalked people.
i'm in agreement with the unbanning of mrfart proposal.
Thirded >:
Why was Capn Crunch banned?
The infamous Dilbert porn incident :eek
oh right
he kinda sucked, too
He balanced a pumpkin on his penis!
Pub sent me an email last week to an account I rarely check, and he wanted to know how to say in Latin "The pants I'm wearing are blue". So, I told him in typical long-winded fashion yesterday. I hope I wasn't too late! I haven't seen him online since then, I hope he's okay.
I explained to him different classical versus medieval/ecclesiastical ways to express "the pants I'm wearing are blue", or something along those lines. But I forgot to tell him all about the variances in pronunciation. Oh well, I guess. |
I bought Shaun of the Dead and Monty Python's The Meaning of Life on DVD for 10 bucks each from Best Buy
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xbxDaniel it was my birthday and you didn't make me a birthday card :(
Dear Moobs: ![]() ![]() |
Hey Xbx, just thought I'd say that I got AIM, and I added you there if you want to chat.
Man, I got so fuucked last night. HOW WASA YOU GUYS?
Now you are going to be all paranoid about getting the Aids. :rolleyes
fucked as in intoxicated. :x
Remember our awsome website. :( I miss it. |
As do I. It didn't last long, did it? :(
I forgot why it even went down. :x |
My new site is up. It's not a funny site, it's my blog. But still. :(
http://digitaldiction.net/rescribe :O |
Is that the one that kept getting hacked?
lol yeah, i had to move to a new server. my old host blamed me for hacking my own site. :/
I know how to get a .com site for less than $10 for the first year pm for details :shiftyeyes
Family Guy was pretty good tonight but I didn't like how they dissed I <3 Huckabees :(
mister fart doesnt post anywhere anymore :(
Farty just might if I e-mail him and beg him to!
not that fart you twerp
Seriously, Terra.
Seriously. |
The last survivor of the Titanic disaster died.
i just ate a hot dog. :D
Me too!
nu uh, really??
wosh me too
Yeah! A Ball Park brand Bun-Sized Beef frankfurter with mustard :yum
Well, I can't afford those. I ate Brooksheir's brand with white bread and hunts ketchup.
I ran out of mustard, so it wasn't the same. :( |
One of my friends on another message board died last Friday from a stray bullet during a driveby. Stretcherr will be missed.
I understand how you must feel, there is still a FartinMolar shaped hole in my heart :tear RIP never forget
I miss the presence of Publover :(
I miss Helm :(
yeah but the difference is those guys didn't die with the possible exception of PubLover.
Nah, Pub's alright as of a blog entry this past weekend.
Speaking of thread backups, I can't believe the Boston and Shaun threads haven't been backed up yet.
I'm talking to Pub NOW, actually.
He keeps on asking me for nude pics. :( |
Your back! Where have you been???
Shut up, idiot.
That last survivor of the titanic made me miss Mr. Misinformation. |
You don't really bring a lot to the table yourself.
I am shocked and appalled that YOU of all people would say that
Yeah it's a good thing I don't really give a shit, huh?
Yeah, GADZOOKS is pretty funny. :x
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