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She keeps trying to put me in a 'the tick' costume :(
Terra wouldn't be half as bad if she didn't try to point out usually obvious sexual innuendos in every thread or was compelled to explain something that is obvious.
Oh wait, that 90% of her routine besides congratulating people. On a lighter note, you better be kidding about Neil Hamburger Milhouse/Top Then List Faggot/Gadzooks |
I myself have never heard or seen any of Neil Hamburger's routine, so I'm completely neutral about his placement on the list.
And the whole thing about Carlos Mencia originally being on the other list is completely true >: |
Whoo, I was wondering considering I hate every other comedian on that list (although my number one would be Judy Gold).
On a side note I'm really impressed by how much stuff is on your website already, I wish I could have the dedication to do something like that but HTML gives me the creeps. It should be easy when you have the world's greatest shut-in working for you. |
hahaha what i'm not working for him what are you talking about
[11:00] odbgfkgzarzaraek: fuck yeah man [11:00] odbgfkgzarzaraek: WU-TANG AINT NOTHIN TO FUCK WIT [11:00] Switch Dingo: CUZ IF YOU GOT BEEF THEN BRING THE RUCKUS WU-TANG CLAN AIN'T NOTHIN TAH FUCK WIT [11:01] Switch Dingo: SAM AIN'T NUTHIN TAH FUCK WIT [11:01] Switch Dingo: RONGI [11:01] Switch Dingo: YOU HEAR ME [11:01] odbgfkgzarzaraek: I HEAR [11:01] Switch Dingo: HOLLER AT YOUR BOY [11:01] odbgfkgzarzaraek: SHAME ON YOU WHEN YOU STEP TO THE OL DIRTY BASTARD [11:01] odbgfkgzarzaraek: BROOKLYN ZOO [11:02] odbgfkgzarzaraek: WHAT [11:02] odbgfkgzarzaraek: MAH NIGGA [11:02] Switch Dingo: I CALLS HIM JESUS [11:03] odbgfkgzarzaraek: BIG BABY JESUS I CANT WAIT [11:03] odbgfkgzarzaraek: NIGGA FUCK THAT I CANT WAAAAIT [11:03] Switch Dingo: I'LL LAY YOUR NUTS ON A DRESSER [11:03] Switch Dingo: JUST YOUR FUCKIN NUTS ON A DRESSER [11:03] Switch Dingo: AND I'LL BANG THEM SHITS WITH A SPIKED BASEBALL BAT [11:04] odbgfkgzarzaraek: what song is that from =-o [11:05] Switch Dingo: it's from Enter the 36 Chambers =( [11:05] Switch Dingo: it's a skit thinige =( [11:05] odbgfkgzarzaraek: ooooooh yeah [11:05] Switch Dingo: JEEZ RONGI :ROLLEYES [11:05] odbgfkgzarzaraek: i fucking love that album :( [11:06] Switch Dingo: OBVIOUSLY :ROLLEYES |
also, fuck you terra :D |
:lol This is now the "Everyone Be Happy That Terra Is Gone Except for Seven Force Who Is All Pouty Party Page!"
They should decapitate her while video taping it that'd be so rad
That's a cut scene from UHF.
![]() banned |
and you've failed
fuck you benjamin_Franklin
fuck you Terra fuck you fuckfducdckdcudkc >: |
![]() lol u r a v.funny guy Mr Benjamin Franklin I bet you make ur friends lol lots |
OMG! $75,000!
Ugh, who's in charge here again?
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Yeah, I think I got you both beat on that one. :(
Stay Tuned is my new favourite movie.
I have everybody beat for world's greatest shut in! I work 3 days a week and otherwise don't leave my apartment. Seriously besides going to work I might leave for like 30 minutes a day tops. :paleskin
I don't work, nor do I shop for myself. So I don't have to leave the house for weeks on end.
Yeah, well I work from home, live with my parents, have never kissed a girl, have no friends, never leave the house and I'm 23.
I win. |
Sorry to break your hearts, but Benjamin_Franklin will no longer be with us, nor will the 200+ posts he made today. I know, I know... try to hold back the tears if you can manage it.
it's not like he wasn't given fair warning :x
Did he really post that much?
If only Benjamin Franklin had kept it all in here, then we could've carried on hating him for weeks.
Mockery posting in this thread just doesn't seem right. :( |
and i'm now 29 and still have yet to get past "second base" (if i remeber the system properly) and whattaya mean no friends does the internet not count :x :x :x |
I didn't mention the internet because then I'd probably talk about kissing a girl on the internet and that's a whole differant train to Losertown. :(
I kissed a lesbian once.
...does that count? |
How did you know the mirror was a lesbian?
I'm waiting 11 1/2 hours for my Prey demo to finish downloading.
What're you guys doing? |
Configuring Thunderbird.
![]() I fail to see how this can recieve email. |
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Fuck him.
Another useless poster bites the dick. |
Pub Lover I congratulate you. Your ramblings in today's update made me smile, and only with half-pity :x
Oh wait I didn't put it up yet :lol
There we go :eek
I still think it needs the picture of Batman fucking Robin in his vagina to round the article off. :(
Hey guys, let's chat because, you know, that's where it's at! :lol
I now remember that I wanted to bit in there where I mentioned that the bitchy fanboy letters in the back pages all seemed to come from "AOL".
But I never remember that sort of thing until a week after I've written the piece. |
You're an unknown quantity.
Now that was uncalled for.
I just read that the suicide rate in Finland is double that of the U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. :eek
Not only did we get rid of Terra but we could lose Rankeri too :eek |
I don't want Terra to die, I just want her to find another hobby like shopping or prostitution.
I hope she stays FOREVER. >:
*walks in*
*looks around* *spontainuously combusts* AHHHH!!!! THE PAIN!!!!!! BRIANS IN PAINT!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies* ...Yeah, that was random. And in case you're wondering, this is my first post. w00t! |
I remember reading how Eisenhower would play up Scandanavia's suicide rate as a prime reason for why America should avoid socialism at all costs. He just kind of ignored that among American states, Alaska has the highest suicide rate, so it probably has more to do with perpetual darkness in the winter rather than taxes.
S.O.-S.A.D. ;_;
Yeah, seriously. That's fucking queer as hell.
Makes me sick just thinking about it. This shit doesn't happen in MY (Esuohlim's) thread. |
Does that mean I'm officially hated now?
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be banned within a week.
This guy is just Benjamin Franklin all over again.
darnin give me a hug! |
:confused Ok, now I'm just confused...
And people say I-Mockery's "newbie beatdown" is dead...
Psshaw! |
What if either one of these is womti?
Not sure who womti is, but I'm pretty sure I'm not them. At least I can type correctly, unlike about 99.9% of the internet.
Newbie beatdown...sigh... |
we don't "beat down newbies" so much as "thresh the wheat from the chaff" >:
What's with the sudden influx of "these people"? Perhaps it was my absence over the weekend.
Ya know you were once "these people" yourself. :rolleyes
I, much worse. I don't know why i'm still here. :( |
Yeah. I was that annoying. But at least I didn't use emoticons like that or have a Lego avatar... or use l33t-speak.
See? Now can we get to something productive. If possible. Which I doubt.
By the way, I actually like that skull Lego avatar.
![]() STU - Well, that's the end of the series and the show-- ROD HULL - What is the meaning of this?! I went to that hotel to get the jelly you mentioned. There was none to be seen! How dare you treat ME, Rod Hull, like that?! STU - Well, I wouldn't treat Rod Hull like that, but you are not the real Rod Hull, are you? ROD HULL - [In a strange quacking voice] I AM ROD HULL! RICH - Stu, he says he's Rod Hull. He must be! |
![]() STU - Rich, I have suspected for two weeks now that we have been dealing with an imposter. A sly imposter, but an imposter none the less, and I now I think I've found someone who can prove it! Will you please welcome the evidence! |
![]() [THE REAL ROD HULL WALKS ON STAGE TO HUGE APPLAUSE] RICH - I can't believe my eyes! There must be a mirror! STU - Thanks for coming on the show here tonight. THE REAL ROD HULL - Stewart, thankyou very much in deed for asking me. That's awfully kind of you. STU -Now, you claim that you are the real Rod Hull. THE REAL ROD HULL - I don't claim, I am Rod Hull. THE FALSE ROD HULL - No, no! I am you-- ME. I AM ROD HULL! Anyway, you don't look anything like Rod Hul-- me, I mean! THE REAL ROD HULL - I'll tell you what, I've brought something along. Look, see that? It's a photo of me and Emu and it says underneath 'Rod Hull and Emu'. And another thing, I've found a film clip. That would prove it. |
![]() [CLIP PLAYS OF ROD HULL AND EMU] ROD HULL - [TO EMU] Stop it! It's that fly again. [TO AUDIENCE] Do you know you've got a fly in your television set? [CLIP ENDS] THE REAL ROD HULL - So, I hope that all proves it to you. That piece of film and that photograph was manifest, undeniable, graphic, evidence that I am the real Rod Hull and you are a mere fabrication. THE FALSE ROD HULL - No, no, no!! That was manifest, undeniable, graphic, proof that I'm the REAL ROD HULL and you are FALSE! THE REAL ROD HULL - That is no argument, is it? All you've done is to use the same words that I've used and put your own inflection on it! You do it all the time! THE FALSE ROD HULL - You do it all the time! THE REAL ROD HULL - You're doing it now! THE FALSE ROD HULL - You're doing it now, aren't you! THE REAL ROD HULL - You're the fake, I'm original! You want to be me? Do you know what you want? You want the Moon on a stick! Tell me something, False Rod, is that a real arm? THE FALSE ROD HULL - Yes! It is a real arm, False Rod! |
![]() [THE REAL ROD HULL PULLS THE FALSE ARM OFF THE FALSE ROD HULL] Ow! Ow! My real arm! Now there will be real blood all over the stage! [THE REAL ROD HULL PULLS BACK THE FALSE ROD HULL'S JACKET TO REVEAL THE FALSE ROD'S REAL ARM] Ah, oh! It's grown back! It's a miracle!! RICH - Rod, stop making a fool of yourself. Answer me a question: Are you the Real Rod Hull? [FALSE ROD LOOKS AT REAL ROD] No, you! THE FALSE ROD HULL - Oh...Yes, I am the real Rod Hull! |
![]() [THE REAL ROD HULL PULLS THE FALSE CHIN OFF OF THE FALSE ROD HULL] RICH - And this ridiculous wig. THE FALSE ROD HULL - No, no! The hair is real. RICH - Oh, sorry. I'm going to ask you the question once again. Listen carefully to what I say. Think very carefully before you answer: Are you the Real Rod Hull, Rod? THE FALSE ROD HULL - [VERY QUIETLY] No. RICH - What did you say? THE FALSE ROD HULL - NO, I'M NOT! I'M NOT HIM! RICH - I'm very cross with you, False Rod Hull. I trusted you and now look an idiot in front of everyone! THE FALSE ROD HULL - I-I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. Can I now please have my JELLY! STU - No you can't! [TO AUDIENCE] No, don't encourage him. You've got over four bowls of jelly out of this show under false pretences. No way! THE FALSE ROD HULL - Excuse me, real, genuine, three-dimensional Rod Hull. |
![]() [FALSE ROD KNEELS IN FRONT OF STU] Please! I luuuuuurrrrrrrvvvvee Jelly! STU -No, off you go. THE FALSE ROD HULL - Awww. [FALSE ROD CRAWLS OFF STAGE] Oh no! What shall I do? What shall become of me?! Sans arm, sans chin, sans jelly. Sans everything. RICH - Rod, I can only say I'm filled with embarresment over this incident. It's terrible. THE REAL ROD HULL - Well, I honestly don't know how you two chaps were taken in by that. RICH - Well, you know, he came in, this man (whoever he is) and said he was the real Rod Hull. Why should we doubt him? He went through a lot of trouble with that disguise just to get a few bowls of jelly. THE REAL ROD HULL - Have you thought of it from my point of view? I mean, it's almost offensive, isn't it? How can you expect that cheap and tawdry character, that reprobate, that dropout, that amateur, to be me? Really me? He doesn't look like me, doesn't talk like me, doesn't dress like me. And the arm was false. I think this whole episode has been a bit... juvenile. RICH - Well, all I can say Rod is that we are genuinely very sorry for any offense. Really, we really are. THE REAL ROD HULL - Right, I accept that. Now, can I have my jelly? [THE REAL ROD ATTACKS RICH AND STU] You said I could have jelly! [SHRIEKING] GREEN JELLY! BECAUSE I LOVE JELLY!!! I AM ROD HULL!!!!! |
![]() HE FALSE ROD HULL - He is Rod Hull. |
![]() STU - All right, here you go. THE REAL ROD HULL - Ah, thank you. Jelly. [STU PUTS THE SPOON IN ONE OF REAL ROD'S REAL HANDS, BUT HE SEEMS UNABLE TO HOLD IT AND IT DROPS TO THE FLOOR] So, is another series of Fist of Fun in the pipeline? [RICH AND STU LOOK DOWNCAST] RICH - Ladies and Gentlemen, Rod Hull!! [REAL ROD TAKES HIS JELLY WITH HIM OFF STAGE] STU - That's the end of the series-- RICH - No, Stu, hold on! We've been fooled! We've just trusted him like we trusted the first guy! How can we be sure he is the real Rod Hull? STU - Rich, how can we ever be sure of anything? THE REAL ROD HULL - I am Rod Hull. |
R.I.P. Rod Hull.
Am I missing something here?
No. Nothing at all. Why do you ask?
I AM ROD HULL! :jelly
EVERYONE HERE IS CRAZY! Wait, since, everyone here...I'm here...Yay!
You Limes/Kiwis and your telly. :rolleyes
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I hate being ignored. :(
oh man :( . the worst is being ignored by g-g-g-irls
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