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When I'm unhappy with a product, I usually move on and find on I like.
So, in my DELTA class, my teacher has a habit of making me elaborate on an essay on more and more topics; when I wrote my essay on the war in Afghanistan, she wanted to know more SPECIFICALLY about the Taliban, and write another paper on them. Then, she wanted me to write an essay on how I, personally, would end the war. So, after ten minutes of me arguing that 'how the hell should I know how to end a war?!', I wrote a bullshit essay in five or ten minutes about how we should just make all of Afghanistan a huge paperweight by nuking every square inch. I tried to make it as right-winged extremist as I could. Can't wait to see her reaction when she gives it back.
Besides I don't want to make our frandship awkward |
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my neice has the swine flu and its pretty hard core. I have a feeling shit is gonna hit the fan with that soon.
And they asked my wife to go babysit their other kids which is just great... |
:( So far I have no knowledge of the effects of swine flu. If kahl says it's hardcore, I feel sorry for his niece.
Any idea where/who she got it from?
No idea.
but ive read some stories about how its starting to circulate in schools and stuff... Another thing to be concerned about is that, even though the swine flu is supposed to (according to the doctors in the ER) make you vomit, she hasn't been vomiting or anything. basically, when she came in her symptoms would not have matched the description of swine flu. But they are going to put her into quarantine :O |
Oh man, she's mutating the strain! But no, I hope she gets better fast. I get the feeling she is pretty young and quarantine is no fun for any age, but being 5-12 would really suck.
maddox is willing to let you give it to him, provided you agree to his terms and conditionshere :|
Hahaha I was just rereading his page today! Even showed it to a hot lady.
H1N1 Flu AKA "Swine Flu"
About the same shit... Its no worse than regular run of the mill flu. Just a different strain. They are already working on a vaccine that will be out in October. Developed the same way the garden variety flu vaccine is. If anything the H1N1 is more mild because its not quite as hard on the elderly for some reason. They are guessing because there was an H1N1 "outbreak" back in the 70s and there immune systems have some previous experience with it.
Not to say that the flu doesnt suck or anything. Just that its not as big of a deal as the news would make it out to be. Wash your hands. Take some medicine. Go to your Dr if you need to...
Sorry Dim, but you have yet to know someone with it right?
2 Kids at my wifes school have had it gotten better and come back to school. One of my moms best friends has had it as of last week and while I havnt talked to her this week I havnt heard that she died.
Well then I am sorry! Cause I am wrong. >:
Its cool. Like I said its not like the flu doesnt suck because it does still suck. I wouldnt wish it on anyone and I really hope that Khals niece gets better soon. :tear
Im just saying its not as bad as the news would make it out to be. :\ Quote:
I have been warned because I have to bring my immune system to a slow crawl in order to slow the bone fusion. I don't care though. Self tragedy seems to makes me a better person.
That's essentially the thing Sanjay Gupta said when he just got it. It sucked, but he took tylenol and fluids, and now he's fine.
I don't like how they're pushing a vaccine that's not yet out of clinical trials. |
Because of your lowered immune system can you get vaccinations? Or are they to much for your system?
![]() Hahhahahaha here we go. I don't like taking drugs from the medical association. The only reason I'm on Enbrel is because I couldn't take the pain anymore and was waiting to die. I never do flu shots, and I don't trust antibiotics. Too each his own I guess, but I piss of Dr's and people trying to help me. |
I've been diagnosed with H1N1 today. Fun. Of course, half my school has, too.
You pussies, catch a real disease.
Oh Tadao. <3 |
I thought that would ease your OCD. :D
the danger with pandemics isn't just that "everybody will get it" which is just like a regular flu but that everybody will get it and it will mutate and change through all the different conditions and eventually a super virus will emerge and kill everybody.
but as of right now, the southern hemisphere is wrapping up their flu season and so far the strain (which isn't just swine flu but a combination of swine and avian flu) has not mutated.
Yep, except that common colds supposedly don't have either the susceptibility to mutation and the i dunno structure or something to mutate to such dangerous degrees or something. oh yea and also cause our immune systems deal with the common cold all the time but the avian/swine flu is new.
There's something about going from being an animal flu to being a human flu that makes it particularly dangerous i think, but I'm not positive. But yea we have been fucked with by flus like this there was a similar one caused by an avian bird flu at the beginning of the 20th century. |
Dude, nothing mutates like the common cold; that's why they're so common.
I think the main reason animal diseases are so much more dangerous is because it's completely alien to our bodies; there aren't any antibodies whatsoever to combat them. |
yea but they only usually change enough for us to get sick again. It's not like a gigantic change. Plus part of the mutation they talk about with bird flus and stuff is it mutating to be able to go from person to person easier and to afflict humans more specifically, whereas common colds have already done that.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1918_fl...ly_second_wave Quote:
Not everyone can be not disappointing to someone.
Whatever happened to them pretending to like me? |
p.s. how is your love life |
As good as it ever was & better than it should be. :(
my heart just got a little sad
:( |
My heart's been sad for a while now. I've got a girl-shaped hole in it. :(
My heart has holes in. It's where the blood goes.
my heart is tough and rubbery. But it also has a lot of dents :(
![]() i got the picture of vince and he seemed so smug, I had to make it |
![]() I can't tell which picture is better |
"watch this, you're gonna love my nuts"
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Slap your problems away like Vince with the all new Slap-Chop!
Hahahaha, he's been crying. What a puss. :rolleyes
Either he's crying chocolate milk, or that's blood that's run down his face.
Probably the former, if you ask me. |
Haha! I get it! He says "man" although his opponent was a woman!
looooolz!! |
yes, it's such a good feeling thinking of all the people out there confidently farting up a storm.
What's up with the one that looks like a maxipad that claims "reusability"? WTF? Every time you fart, you wash, rinse, spin, dry and reinsert between your cheeks?
Wow. What a convenience. :x |
I like the thong one.
I dunno, if your "vaginal odors" are so bad you require charcoal filtration, you might want to see a doctor. |
I don't know what to throw into this topic of discussion but I would like to state it's my birthday if that's possible at all.
Shamless self promoting. Err I mean happy Birthday:)
Doing anything special today to celebrate? |
Eating some fattening chicken wings and drinking that beer for my big ol' double deuce. After getting a little intoxicated, I'm heading over to drinking thread and making an ass of myself. Hopefully CIG will keep me company on AIM later as well.
happy birthday, babs.
Oh, we're going to do this right
Don't count on me being on AIM, I'm drinking with room mates and pretending I don't have to go to work tomorrow
Shit, what's a good way to make 30 dollars in two days
I pawned my guitar but that left me way short :( |
30 dollars for the seed of guitar woman?
You gotta be a college grad (or have good grades) with good genes, being athletic and free of ailments.
oh shit, maybe i should look into this
You'd get a bit more than plasma, fo' sho'.
I gave up drinking pop at work and mostly drink coffee or tea instead now. I find myself being a lot less irritable.
I just got sent this from the boyfriend:
'Hey, gonna give u a call tomorrow (probs early afternoon), need to talk 'bout a few things...' Should I be worried? |
Why don't you ask Willie? :I
I wanted as much input as possible!
(7:19:28 PM) Chojin (AIM): new favorite thing
(7:20:48 PM) Chojin (AIM): i just had sex with this girl and she gets a call from her SO immediately afterwards, and answers it while still romantically entangled (7:21:12 PM) Chojin (AIM): and she's all like 'Aww, love you baby, k' on the phone (7:21:22 PM) Chojin (AIM): Then hangs up, throws it down, and laughs (7:21:31 PM) Chojin (AIM): women scare me |
no joke, man, womens is evil.
ps i like ur avataer :-* |
Unlike Sam, I'm not above creepily flying across the ocean.
I'm going to say it, I am a good-gened motherfucker
good eyesight, fair skin, auburn hair, no inclinations towards being a fatass, low addiction potential, etc :picklehat I'd feel weird about donating sperm, though. Like, really weird. Plasma sounds like a winning solution but I pass out whenever I lose a lot of blood really fast. Do they just suck it out of you like they do when taking blood for substance tests or are they not cocks about it? |
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+5 Strength
-3 Agility |
My sister's adopted kid, who's twelve, tried to convince me that he came up with the game 'Ghosting'. I lol'd.
Should I shave my head to look like male pattern baldness for my halloween costume?
On one hand it'd be funny and I'd get mad respek and street cred for doing it, but on the other hand I'd have a shaved head for like a fucking year and with my freakishly big Charlie Brown head I can just give up trying to make friends or have anyone take me seriously Also I love my long hair :( |
Then you probably shouldn't shave your head.
I wish I could go back to Foy's this year :( http://i-mockery.com/forum/showthread.php?t=69700642 |
For authenticity, obviously
oh shit, what if I made a wig out of my own hair?
who would know the difference |
We would. :(
that would be painstaking, planting every hair into the headpiece.
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