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Thank you :)
Now how about my spider-man question? :posh |
I'm not into coloring books. Sorry.
Too deep for you?
Oh man that was almost funny. :dunce
So the neighbor kid, whom I try to help out/mentally enrich whenever I can, passed by the window yesterday engrossed in a book. I got all warm-fuzzy and thought there was hope for him yet.
Then today we drove past and he was squatted outside someone's house, going through their garbage bags. Sigh. |
Maybe he was looking for more books!
sure he was.
I fucking hate this neighborhood. |
When will Kitsa get a break.
It wasn't so much a complaint post as an, "I can't believe I just saw a neighbor kid go through someone's trash bags, I was pretty sure this wasn't Calcutta" post.
You can nurture, but nature rules in certain environments.
Back in elementary school, I sat next to a kid who got the best grades in the class. I saw him eat out of the garbage on quite a few occasions. Maybe waste makes you smarter?
No, but it makes you look like an asshole.
Happy Birthday, Esuohlim. :)
hangover bad
i've been awake since 3:15!
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that looks like jesus right now
we actually have a full bottle of nyquil on top of the fridge, but i don't like sleepy medicine because i'm so groggy all day.
working on 3.5 hours of sleep isn't anything new, it's just not been an issue for a couple of seasons. |
I love October and the Onion!
Happy Birthday !esouhliM |
I love how all the money in the world is poured into making people aware of breast cancer, yet I'd wager that not a tenth of that amount would go to actual research.
Happy Esuday Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
I just want to tell her that it would be a much better idea for her to just write a fucking check to the ACS instead of buying pink ribbon notebooks and pink ribbon sweaters and pink ribbon car magnets and pink ribbon pens and pink ribbon fucking dildos. Especially because she's a raging bitch. One time while visiting with my parents at our other house, she was talking about some piece of decor and she said "I get this when you're gone." She said that shit, to my mom's face. She said that to a terminally ill person. My mom just said "well shit, I ain't dead yet!" This is also the woman who, when my grandmother died, lumped all of her stuff together (including old books, clothes, and fucking photographs) to throw away. |
A friend of mine told his terminally ill aunt last night that it was just god calling her home.
That's one painful call.
A long distance call.
always check caller id before answering
Guys, guys, guys. Hugs and stuff. <3
There's no "finally" about it...many, many cancer patients fucking hate ribbons. Think Before You Pink is a good example. I fucking hate going into a grocery store in October and everyone's just packaged shit in a pink box to exploit the breast cancer frenzy.
Last year I wore a shirt that said, "I'm confused...was someone FOR breast cancer?" Edit: I also altered a roll of "pink ribbon" wrapping paper and crossed out all the pink ribbons with a sharpie, then used that for gifts that year. |
I support pencils
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Think before you ink.
I actually wear purple ribbons, not that anybody pays attention to them. Perhaps that's the purpose of creating awareness.
I'm glad that the ribbon for brain tumors is gray (HA HA GRAY MATTER GET IT) and too ugly to be marketable.
Edit: As far as purple ribbons are concerned, they're one of those that has been appropriated for so many ailments that it'd be hard to tell what you were trying to raise awareness of. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purple_ribbon |
Sometimes I tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree.
It's usually Domestic Violence. But yeah, I looked that up once and it was discouraging. :(
What colour ribbon do I wear to remind everyone there is like a billion ways we can suffer and die at any moment? :(
Do as I do and just be a maypole.
a maypole of sadness
also, if anyone said "I get this when you're gone", I'd do everything I could to make damn sure they didn't.
Yeah, I'm like that. My siblings aren't getting jack shit when I kick the bucket.
Hundreds of dollars stolen. HUNDREDS. |
They could have it.... After I shot a duce in it. :lol
I come from a well balanced family. I think even in the toughest times we'll still be more worried about each other rather than ourselves.
Fuck that, I hate most of them. The only people I could really give a damn about are my mom and some of her family.
I saw this on a car once:
![]() and started laughing immediately. RAISE AWARENESS FOR THE GREAT BASKETBALL TRAGEDY. So after the Virginia Tech shooting, the store I was working at made ribbon pins from shit in the floral department and tried to sell them for 99 cents each (proceeds going to, um, the grocery department)--I was pissed because, seriously, fuck you. Fuck ribbons. Fuck awareness. Want to know something else that pisses me off, on the topic? "Save the Ta-tas." I understand doing what you can to find humor in any situation, but fuck you. |
I'm going to post this here, too, because I feel that not only is it videogame-cute, but it is also generally cute, as well.
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is the white/red one supposed to be amaterasu from okami?
Looks like it. I like the Helghast one.
I really love that.
Haha, that's great.
What's the 2nd on bottom line supposed to be? |
its a patapon ^.^
I meant the white guy with red fez
2nd row and 2nd from the left reminds of the game and watch guy from Nintendo.
Kupo kupo kupo
ah, ofcourse
no no no, the white one with the fez hat is from an indie game called fez that isn't even out yet--that's a stretch!
http://polytroncorporation.com/?page_id=61 third row, last column is ammy from okami. |
er true. actually thats the one I saw.. I didnt see the bottom one with the fez hat, my comp cant handle big pictures >.<
ah, all right.
also, since when has sweet tooth been relevant? |
Sony stuff, I guess.
But the next one is in development! |
I've been listening to the Hamantaschen Song all morning and now I am contemplating using this horrible, dreary day to make hamantaschen.
It's a little like Easter candy on New Year's, but I'll make it...uh, post-Yom Kippur hamantaschen. Sure, why not. |
God, why did I watch that?
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Radio here sucks, so for me it's ipod or youtube.
Yes, but that doesn't explain why I watched that.
Because you trust me?
I hate cleaning my microwave. Even after letting a bowl of soapy water boil in there and steam off the gunk, I still had to stoop and scrub. Nasty. :( |
I think it's because it had such an innocuous preview picture. Also, ew, cleaning microwaves.
Hey LS. Long time no see.
Someone just bought me a witches broomstick, then threw conkers down my front.
It's been an odd sort of day. |
Chillin', about to put the kids to bed. You?
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^ Here is where the horse in a Gilbert Gottfried voice would say "The aristocrats".
He had my favorite thusfar.
You'll have to push him off a cliff
oh hay
that cat could be famous
all right, nobody told me the film crew was on hulu.
the film crew being the very short-lived mystery science theater "reunion" show in which mike nelson and the voices of crow and servo watch shitty movies. they only made 4 episodes and only 3 are on hulu, but maaaaaaan, i like mst3k. |
I wonder wtf the Japanese fascination with the Scottish Fold cat is all about.
Well they are pretty damn cute.
I'm wondering why there were no drugs waiting for me when I came home today. |
Hope the rest of your weekend was a little saner. :) |
I just got engaged sorta.
Although, I was telling him that I think perhaps the giant protruding stomach says TAKEN just as much as, if not more than, the physical presence of a ring. |
Seriously, congratulations. :party |
:D |
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