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Chojin Nov 3rd, 2009 10:16 PM

the better question is why you have quicktime installed at all

Fathom Zero Nov 3rd, 2009 10:17 PM

Rosetta Stone requires it. :(

Chojin Nov 3rd, 2009 10:29 PM

you sure quicktime alternative won't work?

Fathom Zero Nov 3rd, 2009 10:33 PM

Oh, I'm sure it will if I try hard enough. Which I will do. I've got a super ultimate hyper codec pack that'll play everything for me. It just made me install that stupid thing when installing the rest of the stuff. >: Then I had to look at that blue Q every time I started up my computer, as I furiously tried to right-click+Close.

The only good thing I could possibly say would be that it leverages the GPU better when playing HD video, which I actually have a lot of now.

King Hadas Nov 3rd, 2009 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 656750)
It doesn't want to let me actually download .mp3s. It keeps playing them in my browser. And I can't right click, because it's linked to from a Flash object.

I'm sure there's a setting in Quicktime, but I didn't care enough to keep a program that appropriated all media from everywhere.

And it called me a ******.

Secret technique!

Fathom Zero Nov 3rd, 2009 10:56 PM

I don't use the fire fox.

King Hadas Nov 3rd, 2009 10:59 PM

What do you use?

Fathom Zero Nov 3rd, 2009 11:07 PM

Opera. And Chrome, but I don't really know why.

DevilWearsPrada Nov 3rd, 2009 11:34 PM

So, uh, my birthday was last week.


10,000 Volt Ghost Nov 4th, 2009 12:48 AM

Happy belated birthday DWP. It was thursday right? How was it?

Tadao Nov 4th, 2009 12:49 AM

I think he's lying.

captain516 Nov 4th, 2009 02:34 AM


King Hadas Nov 4th, 2009 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 656764)
Opera. And Chrome, but I don't really know why.

Secret technique #2
You can do this in firefox too.

Fathom Zero Nov 4th, 2009 11:19 AM


King Hadas Nov 4th, 2009 11:32 AM

sorry :(

Fathom Zero Nov 4th, 2009 11:36 AM

It's okay. I solved the problem.

Kitsa Nov 4th, 2009 11:46 AM

which rosetta stone are you using?

Fathom Zero Nov 4th, 2009 12:47 PM

There are versions?


Kitsa Nov 4th, 2009 12:52 PM

I guess I should have said, "language".

Unless, of course, you're being a smartass.

Fathom Zero Nov 4th, 2009 12:54 PM

I dunno, I have most of them.

14 GB worth. Because I bought all of them.

Tadao Nov 4th, 2009 02:01 PM

Rip me Italian, I want to go to the opera and understand what the fuck they are talking about.

Colonel Flagg Nov 4th, 2009 02:12 PM

You don't want to know - it's hopelessly boring in any language. :(

Tadao Nov 4th, 2009 02:30 PM

That's a lie! I love the music of opera.

Fathom Zero Nov 4th, 2009 02:37 PM


Colonel Flagg Nov 4th, 2009 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 656876)
That's a lie! I love the music of opera.

So do I - just not the libretto. ;)

Tadao Nov 4th, 2009 02:54 PM

Really, I always thought of it as Shakespearean. I wonder now, maybe it's just one horrible soap opera.

Kitsa Nov 4th, 2009 03:00 PM

Depends on which opera- I like French and Italian stuff and some Austrian, but Wagner irritates me to no end. My vocal coach in college was a Wagnerian soprano and I got all the Wagner I could take and then some.

All operas are basically the same. Someone falls in love and someone dies. There are a few exceptions but that's most of 'em.

Tadao Nov 4th, 2009 03:02 PM

I like Steinbeck novels, so I think I'll like them.

King Hadas Nov 4th, 2009 03:11 PM

Make sure to yell bravissimo any time there's a pause in the show.

Kitsa Nov 4th, 2009 03:12 PM

and you only yell "bravo" at guys. You yell "brava" to girls. That or "show us your tits".

Tadao Nov 4th, 2009 03:17 PM

I suppose I'd have to dress nice too. :(

Kitsa Nov 4th, 2009 03:30 PM

depends. Some opera crowds find it droll to dress down. Lots of opera-in-the-park is like that. The Arena in Verona is like that. But if you're going to a major city in a big specifically-for-opera space, yeah, you'd probably have to dress up. People dress to be seen at productions like that.

captain516 Nov 4th, 2009 04:28 PM

At most operas I've been to, they show subtitles from a screen hanging over the stage.

Tadao Nov 4th, 2009 04:38 PM

I'm sure it's much more beautiful if you understand the language. Besides, I'd hate to have to take my eyes away to read words.

Aaarg Nov 4th, 2009 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 656912)
Besides, I'd hate to have to take my eyes away to read words.

I'm encountering that problem watching Kurosawa movies.

DevilWearsPrada Nov 4th, 2009 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 656776)
Happy belated birthday DWP. It was thursday right? How was it?

Thursday, yep. It was aight...me and some friends got a few hotel rooms and two 30 packs of beer, half of which ended up scattered around the hotel pool.
I cleaned up most of them, not wanting to get kicked out by the nice hindi people that ran it and cause a scene.

Guitar Woman Nov 4th, 2009 07:50 PM


Benadryl fixed my wagon on monday; I fell asleep before 11 PM trying to stay awake for Colbert. Shit's unheard of. I missed him, but it was worth it.

THE PROBLEM is that I had to take ten of the fuckers to get the sleep-aid effect, and there are something like only 40 pills in each box. It was kid's benadryl, and I assumed that meant just chewable tablets, but they might also have just been weaker. I dunno.

I also went back to not sleeping last night so I guess this is going to be an everyday thing. Here's hoping it doesn't get expensive!

Chojin Nov 4th, 2009 10:26 PM

dat stomach lining

i have a new ritual that started when i got my casein protein - casein metabolizes slowly, so you're supposed to take it before bed. So, i warm up a half cup of milk and then mix the powder in. Unlike my whey protein shakes, the casein is DELICIOUS and tastes like gooey melted brownies. Then I turn on the heater and get under 3 thin layers.

It still takes me forever to get to sleep, but I think it's a slight improvement.

Guitar Woman Nov 4th, 2009 10:52 PM

Pfft, you can live without a stomach.

Plus I don't think it actually causes ulcers or whatever, since a lot of people use it as a sleep aid / horrifying psychoactive drug without problems

VINNIE TODD BUTTAFUOCO swears by it when his Ambien tolerance gets too high. This is actually a bigger problem than I'm making it out to be, so I should probably get a prescription.

Aaarg Nov 5th, 2009 12:02 AM

man i'm high and captain beefheart just read me your post three times now.

Fathom Zero Nov 5th, 2009 12:17 AM

Goddamnit, Rankeri, that was funny.

Guitar Woman Nov 5th, 2009 01:23 AM

Every mode of public transportation should be more like ferries

Arcades, gift shops, cafeterias, smoking decks, all that great shit

Fathom Zero Nov 5th, 2009 01:44 AM

Like planes or buses. There's space for all that shit.

Guitar Woman Nov 5th, 2009 02:59 AM

There could be. There could be.

Supafly345 Nov 5th, 2009 03:05 AM

The most I see on a bus is a vending machine.

Fathom Zero Nov 5th, 2009 03:09 AM

One that serves cigarettes. :lol

Guitar Woman Nov 5th, 2009 03:34 AM

My busses just have crazy people who chat me up about irrelevant shit until I get so uncomfortable that I pretend it's my stop and get off to get away from them. :(

Zhukov Nov 5th, 2009 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 657037)
My busses just have crazy people who chat me up about irrelevant shit until I get so uncomfortable that I pretend it's my stop and get off to get away from them. :(

Damnit this happens to me nearly every day. There are so many nutters out there and they all catch my bus.

There's this one guy that has really, really bad balance. I don't know if he has ear problems or something, but the bus always seems to take off before he has a chance to sit down and he goes flying around the place. He's always got too much baggage, too. And facial tics.

elx Nov 5th, 2009 11:19 AM

that's what mp3 players/headphones are for. i take my ipod everywhere, even when i forget to charge it i still pretend i'm listening to something:( works awesomely

Dimnos Nov 5th, 2009 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by elx (Post 657061)
even when i forget to charge it i still pretend i'm listening to something

Not sure but I think this qualifies you as one of the "nutters". :\

Zhukov Nov 5th, 2009 11:27 AM

I thought that a book could fill the same role, but there's this one guy who keeps asking me about the books I read, telling me to visit his house and see all the books he has. I would rather read a book, but I guess listening to music might be the way to go :(

Oh, I went to a Quiz Night tonight and our team came fourth... out of eight. The questions were shit; the 'History' section was all about Australian history rather than interesting stuff like the Spanish Civil War, or the Battle of Stalingrad. The Geography section also continued the theme; and was all stupid Tasmanian geography. Like I know what the god dammn tallest mountain in bloody Tasmania is.

Kitsa Nov 5th, 2009 11:46 AM

I have the same problem in doctors' waiting rooms. Normally it's older people who want to talk to me, mainly about whatever their health ailment is at the moment.

I take a book and if someone looks like trouble (trying to draw people around me into conversations, etc), I will become increasingly engrossed in whatever it is I'm reading.

elx Nov 5th, 2009 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 657063)
Not sure but I think this qualifies you as one of the "nutters". :\

sometimes i pretend to be on the phone when i'm walking alone at night too :(
i don't think it's crazy and i don't think you would either if you met some of the people i've come in contact with.

Zhukov Nov 5th, 2009 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by elx (Post 657073)
sometimes i pretend to be on the phone when i'm walking alone at night too :(
i don't think it's crazy and i don't think you would either if you met some of the people i've come in contact with.

The phone idea is a good one I suppose. Make people think you are able to easily get help.

You shouldn't be walking the streets at night by yourself though.

Dimnos Nov 5th, 2009 12:12 PM

Yeah the phone isnt a bad idea. But why pretend? Why not just call someone for real? That way if you did need help you could get it. Also... Keychain mace.

elx Nov 5th, 2009 12:21 PM

it's easier to listen to people whine on my voicemail about how i never call them than actually call them - they'd probably hang up on me anyway.

dont you guys have any dodgy things you do to avoid awkward/bad situations?

Colonel Flagg Nov 5th, 2009 12:35 PM

I pretend I'm working very hard. :(

Fathom Zero Nov 5th, 2009 01:25 PM

The only thing is, I actually talk on the phone when I'm going through a bad neighborhood. And I let the people know where I am, should I suddenly scream and be disconnected.

Tadao Nov 5th, 2009 01:27 PM

I fart

Kitsa Nov 5th, 2009 01:29 PM

We had a guy here in Dayton last night who was mugged and shot over $10.

Fathom Zero Nov 5th, 2009 01:34 PM

And I imagine in Cleveland, a man was mugged and shot over a slice of cake.

Ohio is full of hillbillies and psychopaths.

Tadao Nov 5th, 2009 01:35 PM

Happy stevetothepast day everyone!

Kitsa Nov 5th, 2009 01:49 PM

Happy birthday stevetothepast. :)

executioneer Nov 5th, 2009 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 656954)

Benadryl fixed my wagon on monday; I fell asleep before 11 PM trying to stay awake for Colbert. Shit's unheard of. I missed him, but it was worth it.

THE PROBLEM is that I had to take ten of the fuckers to get the sleep-aid effect, and there are something like only 40 pills in each box. It was kid's benadryl, and I assumed that meant just chewable tablets, but they might also have just been weaker. I dunno.

I also went back to not sleeping last night so I guess this is going to be an everyday thing. Here's hoping it doesn't get expensive!

have you tried melatonins yet :(

or giving up stimulants

stevetothepast Nov 5th, 2009 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 657094)
Happy birthday stevetothepast. :)

{Thanks kitsa kat}


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 657092)
Happy stevetothepast day everyone!

{That's what I yelled when I woke up this morning.}

Tadao Nov 5th, 2009 04:13 PM

I'm gonna buy me a Stevemas goose!

Dimnos Nov 5th, 2009 04:30 PM

Deep fried Stevechicken.

captain516 Nov 5th, 2009 04:32 PM


Dimnos Nov 5th, 2009 04:49 PM

So I was at the hospital the other night and thought I would check the boards on my phone. As soon as I opened the web it pops up this terms of agreement or some shit for using the hospitals wi-fi. Part of their terms were...

Obviously I said fuck it and came here anyway. :lol

Also. Apparently you cant visit an online casino while at the hospital. :\

Tadao Nov 5th, 2009 04:50 PM

Methodist? :x

stevetothepast Nov 5th, 2009 04:53 PM

you probably can't even watch porn at that hospital :/

Tadao Nov 5th, 2009 04:57 PM

Or get an asian girl to collect your sperm for you.

Dimnos Nov 5th, 2009 05:01 PM

Probably not. :(

stevetothepast Nov 5th, 2009 05:05 PM

I might get drunk tonight.

Dimnos Nov 5th, 2009 05:11 PM

Chines. :rolleyes

10,000 Volt Ghost Nov 5th, 2009 05:15 PM

A Wizard has turned Stevetothepast into a birthday.

Is this awesome: Y/N


Sam Nov 5th, 2009 05:19 PM



Sam Nov 5th, 2009 05:22 PM



stevetothepast Nov 5th, 2009 05:26 PM

Thanks 10k- and I might add you've been a bit scarce around here as of late. too busy enjoying your new couch or what the fuck?


Colonel Flagg Nov 5th, 2009 05:26 PM

Happy Steveday. :party

Sam Nov 5th, 2009 05:29 PM



Kitsa Nov 5th, 2009 05:41 PM

I guess I shouldn't be terribly surprised that Ft. Hood's site is down right now :(

Shrubfest Nov 5th, 2009 06:00 PM

Age related salutations to Steve. I hope whatever festive edibles you wish for are produced!

Kitsa Nov 5th, 2009 06:11 PM

My mom just asked everyone on her facebook what teabagging is.


Tadao Nov 5th, 2009 06:12 PM

Good thing I'm not there to help her out.

stevetothepast Nov 5th, 2009 06:23 PM


Kitsa Nov 5th, 2009 06:34 PM

This is a real place here. The older people can't understand why the younger people take pictures of it.


Tadao Nov 5th, 2009 06:51 PM

Hahahah nice tshirts

Kitsa Nov 5th, 2009 06:55 PM

weird thing is, I bought my brother one of those t-shirts, and my mom must not remember it.

It was only like 3 yrs ago (???)

Guitar Woman Nov 5th, 2009 06:56 PM

elx Nov 5th, 2009 07:27 PM

LOOOOOL, are any of you following the fort hood story?

i was watching fox news and shepard smith was talking to a senator from texas, and he said "well i've just gotten a name but out of respect of the family we're not going to release it until it's confirmed, did you get the name also senator?" the senator responded that yes, she had, and then shepard said "well the name certainly does tell us a lot, doesnt it?" and she says, "yes, yes it does"

all the while the news bar at the bottom of the screen says "shooters name Malik Nada Hasan" +1 fox news, +1.

Tadao Nov 5th, 2009 07:30 PM

Kitsa Nov 5th, 2009 09:14 PM

There was a really weird episode of "Divorce Court" on today where the woman sat in bed all day, eating bags of cornstarch, and farted incessantly.

Then when she found a thong in her husband's car, he told her it was a gift for her birthday 7 months away.

Daytime TV is weird.

LordSappington Nov 5th, 2009 10:39 PM

Some kind of crazy shit went down at my school today; they had a hall taped off, and an EMS and haz-mat team. I've heard so far it was either a gas leak, pepper spray all in the ducts, a small bomb, bodies, and one dumbass told me they detected radiation. I guess I'll find out in the office tomorrow.

Zhukov Nov 5th, 2009 10:50 PM

Let's hope the radiation kid isn't right. FOR ALL OUR SAKE.

Fathom Zero Nov 5th, 2009 10:59 PM

Mercury. Chances are.

captain516 Nov 6th, 2009 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 657162)

I don't get it.

Aaarg Nov 6th, 2009 10:10 AM

Eating bags of corn starch, what the fuck?

Also I'm disappointed to see a "gourmet tea" shop that doesn't serve lapsang souchong. Christ, if I found a coffee shop that had that, I'd be all about it.

10,000 Volt Ghost Nov 6th, 2009 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 657144)
I guess I shouldn't be terribly surprised that Ft. Hood's site is down right now :(

I liked how they said they didn't have any witnesses or leads at the time. IF it had been Fort Suburb that got lit up they'd be all over it with investigators.


Originally Posted by Sam (Post 657138)


Lets do all the things that YOU WANT TO DO. I'll be on later though, just send me a text. girlfriends take a lot of time :(


Originally Posted by stevetothepast (Post 657136)
Thanks 10k- and I might add you've been a bit scarce around here as of late. too busy enjoying your new couch or what the fuck?


I interviewed for a new position with my company. I basically take incoming claims half of my work week and the other half I handle them. I've been doing more claim handling lately so I've been really busy at work.

Sam Nov 6th, 2009 11:45 AM

Man I don't know if I still have your number. :(

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