Sajuuk |
Jun 26th, 2004 05:13 PM |
rem Load bitmaps
load bitmap "tiles.bmp",1
get image 1,0,0,256,256
delete bitmap 1
rem Load sound
load sound "hum.wav",1
load sound "explode.wav",2
loop sound 1
rem Load music track
load music "caverun.mid",1
loop music 1
rem Activate manual sync
sync on
rem Make landscape and ceiling matrix
make matrix 1,2000,5000,10,25
prepare matrix texture 1,1,2,2
make matrix 2,2000,5000,10,25
prepare matrix texture 2,1,2,2
fill matrix 2,0,2
randomize matrix 2,350.0
for t=0 to 25
set matrix height 2,0,t,-100
set matrix height 2,10,t,-100
next t
update matrix 2
rem Bagin game loop
rem Set seed for same random numbers
randomize 1
rem Clear cave floor
fill matrix 1,0,1
rem Set lighting, fog and setupset ambient light 20
color backdrop 0
if fog available()=1 then fog on : fog color 0 : fog distance 3000
rem Reset speed
rem Begin main loop
rem Record old variables
rem Control key movements
if upkey()=1 then speed#=speed#+1.0 else speed#=speed#-1.0
if leftkey()=1 then rz#=rz#+1.0
if rightkey()=1 then rz#=rz#-1.0
rem Control variables
if speed#<0.0 then speed#=0.0
if speed#<10.0 then speed#=speed#+1.1
if speed#>40.0 then speed#=40.0
rem Scroll landscape
if z>200
if rnd(3)=0
if mp<1 then mp=1
if mp>4 then mp=4
for t=0 to 0 : set matrix height 1,t,24,450 : set matrix tile 1,t,24,2 : next t
for t=1 to mp : set matrix height 1,t,24,rnd(200) : set matrix tile 1,t,24,2 : next t
for t=mp+1 to mp+1 : set matrix height 1,t,24,rnd(200) : set matrix tile 1,t,24,3 : next t
for t=mp+2 to mp+3 : set matrix height 1,t,24,rnd(20) : set matrix tile 1,t,24,1 : next t
for t=mp+4 to mp+4 : set matrix height 1,t,24,rnd(200) : set matrix tile 1,t,24,4 : next t
for t=mp+5 to 9 : set matrix height 1,t,24,rnd(200) : set matrix tile 1,t,24,2 : next t
for t=10 to 10 : set matrix height 1,t,24,450 : next t
update matrix 1
shift matrix up 1
shift matrix up 2
rem Position matrix
position matrix 1,0,0,2500-z
position matrix 2,0,100,2500-z
rem Position camera
gy#=curvevalue(50+get ground height(1,500+x,z),gy#,3)
position camera 500+x,gy#,2500
zrotate camera wrapvalue(rz#)
rem Control sound frequency
set sound speed 1,10000+(speed#*100)
rem Update screen
rem End main loop when collision with ceiling
until get ground height(2,500+x,z)<gy#-75.0
rem Return camera to point before collision
position camera 500+oldx,oldgy#,2500
rem Game Over
play sound 2
for c=0 to 255 step 20
cls rgb(c,0,0)
if fog available()=1 then fog distance (c*5) : fog color (c*256*256)
next c
rem End game loop