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liquidstatik Jul 7th, 2004 05:32 PM

flingin 'em nigga-bytes :o

Pancakes Jul 7th, 2004 05:33 PM


ScruU2wice Jul 7th, 2004 05:38 PM

Pancakes are HOT

Pancakes Jul 7th, 2004 05:39 PM

o one of them loks single :love

Jim Duncan - Weather Jul 7th, 2004 06:20 PM

Why don't you try your hand at getting some loving panakes.

Sajuuk Jul 7th, 2004 06:52 PM

You know who I am.

Pancakes Jul 7th, 2004 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Duncan - Weather
Why don't you try your hand at getting some loving panakes.

im a jealos person n i always seem to get cheatde on by waffles. :/

Snatchtastic Jul 7th, 2004 07:45 PM

OMg you guys have been buisy in this thread.

The Retro Kat Jul 7th, 2004 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Duncan - Weather
Why don't you try your hand at getting some loving panakes.


The Retro Kat Jul 7th, 2004 08:00 PM


The Retro Kat Jul 7th, 2004 08:00 PM


The Retro Kat Jul 7th, 2004 08:01 PM


Sajuuk Jul 7th, 2004 08:19 PM


ScruU2wice Jul 7th, 2004 11:20 PM

paris hilton...

Anonymous Jul 8th, 2004 12:45 AM

Nicole Potrzebie...

Jim Duncan - Weather Jul 8th, 2004 01:15 AM

faggots are what mad max and retro are

Anonymous Jul 8th, 2004 01:18 AM

And yeah its bout that time again for DJ Mad Max to spin those old skool beats! Here's a little something from Digital Underground!

Aa'it stop whatcha doin' cause I'm about to ruin the image and the style
that ya used to. I look funny, but yo I'm makin' money so listen up
world I hope you're ready for me. Now gather round, I'm the new fool in
town and my sound's laid down by tha Underground. I drink up all the
Hennessee ya got on ya shelf so just let me introduce myself. My name
is Humpty, pronounced with an umpty. Oh ladies oh how I like to
frumpty, and to the rappers in the top ten, please allow me to bumpty.
I'm steppin' tall y'all and just like Humpty Dumpty you're gonna fall
when the stereos pump me. I like to rhyme I like my beef funky. I'm
spunky. I like my oatmeal lumpy.

I'm sick with this. Straight gangsta mack. But sometimes I get
ridiculous. I eat up all tha crackers and tha licorace. Hey yo fat
girl commere are ya ticklish? Yeah, I called ya fat, look at me I'm
skinny. It never stopped me from gettin' busy. I'm a freak. I like
the girls with the boom. I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.
I'm crazy. Allow me to amaze thee. They say I'm ugly but it just don't
faze me. I'm still gettin' in tha girls pants and I even got my own

The Humpty Dance is your chance to do tha hump. Ohh do me baby. Do the
Humpty Hump. Ohh ohh do me baby. Do the Humpty Hump. Do ya know what
were doin'? Were doin' the Humpty Hump yall. Watch me do the Humpty
Hump. Just keep on doin' tha Hump.

People say "yo, Humpty you're really funny lookin'" That's aaiit 'cause
my body's in motion. You stare, you glare, you try to compare me, but
ya can't get near me. I'm on the floor, bein' at the bars and see all
the ladies adore me. Oh yes ladies I'm really bein' sincere 'cause in
the 69 my Humpty nose will tickle your rear. My nose is big. Uh uh I'm
not ashamed, big like a pickle, I'm still gettin' paid. I'm gettin'
laid by the ladies, you know I'm in charge. Note how I'm livin' and my
nose is large. I get stupid. I shoot an arrow like cupid. I use a
word that don't mean nuttin' like loopded. I sang in Dowhatchalike and
if ya missed it. I'm the one that said "just grab 'em in tha biskets".
I also told you that I like to bite well yeah, I guess that's obvious I
also like to write. All ya have ta do is give Humpty a chance and now
I'm gonna do my dance.


Oh yeah, that's the breaks. Let me get a little of this base groove
right here. A dooreaar dooreah dooreaar dooreah. Ah yeah, now I told
y'all a little about myself, lemme tell y'all a little about this dance.
It's real easy to do, check it out. First I limp to tha sounds like my
legs is broken, shakin' and twitchen' kinda like I was smokin' crazy
whack funky. People say you look like MC Hammer on crack Humpty.
That's aaiit 'cause my body's in motion. It's supposed to look like a
fit or a commotion. Anyone can play this game. It's my dance y'all
Humpty Hump's my name. No two people will do it the same, ya got it
down, when you appear to be in pain. Humpin' funkin' jumpin' gig around
shakin' your rump and when a dude or chump ups and points a finger like
a stump you tell him to step off I'm doin' the hump.

(add Puerto Ricans do the Humpty Hump)
(add Samoans do the Humpty Hump)

Let's get stupid (gimme the music, do the Humpty Hump)

And to all the ladies, peace and Humptiness forever.

Aw yeah! Hey did you know most people don't realize that the late great Tupac got his start in the Underground? We miss you Pac, you kept it real. All the homies down here send their love to you in that great Ghetto in the sky.

Okay we're gonna keep it moving with another old skool beat right here on WFTARD! Don't go chu go anywhere!

Jim Duncan - Weather Jul 8th, 2004 01:20 AM

Fuck off with your newfangled rap shit. This is the good music:

Finished with my woman 'cause she couldn't help me with my mind
people think I'm insane because I am frowning all the time
All day long I think of things but nothing seems to satisfy
Think I'll lose my mind if I don't find something to pacify

Can you help me occupy my brain?
Oh yeah

I need someone to show me the things in life that I can't find
I can't see the things that make true happiness, I must be blind

Make a joke and I will sigh and you will laugh and I will cry
Happiness I cannot feel and love to me is so unreal

And so as you hear these words telling you now of my state
I tell you to enjoy life I wish I could but it's too late

Anonymous Jul 8th, 2004 01:27 AM

Newfangled? Lissen up white boy! This is old skool bizatch! Sumthin yo' white ass don't know nuthin bout!

So take yo' suburban shit and go on somewhere wit it, because that honky music ain't wanted here cracka!

Sajuuk Jul 8th, 2004 01:29 AM

Where's willie? :(

Jim Duncan - Weather Jul 8th, 2004 01:29 AM

Oh yes, because Black Sabbath is so suburban and honky, right? Anyways, here's some more good music:

I see the bad moon rising.
I see trouble on the way.
I see earthquakes and lightnin'.
I see bad times today.

Don't go around tonight
Well it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise.

I hear hurricanes a blowing.
I know the end is coming soon.
I fear rivers over flowing.
I hear the voice of rage and ruin.

Don't go around tonight
Well it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise.
All right!

Hope you got your things together.
Hope you are quite prepared to die.
Looks like we're in for nasty weather.
One eye is taken for an eye.

Don't go around tonight,
Well, it's bound to take your life,
There's a bad moon on the rise.

Don't go around tonight,
Well, it's bound to take your life,
There's a bad moon on the rise.

Anonymous Jul 8th, 2004 01:38 AM

WELL YEEEEEEEEHAW! What the fuck do we got here? Some goddamnned yankee playin more fucked up music! Down here we know what you want!

Here's an old favorite by Johnny Cash! YEEEEEEHAW!

I hear the train a comin';
It's rollin' 'round the bend,
And I ain't seen the sunshine
Since I don't know when.
I'm stuck at Folsom Prison
And time keeps draggin' on.
But that train keeps rollin'
On down to San Antone.

When I was just a baby,
My mama told me, "Son,
Always be a good boy;
Don't ever play with guns."
But I shot a man in Reno,
Just to watch him die.
When I hear that whistle blowin'
I hang my head and cry.

I bet there's rich folk eatin'
In a fancy dining car.
They're prob'ly drinkin' coffee
And smokin' big cigars,
But I know I had it comin',
I know I can't be free,
But those people keep a movin',
And that's what tortures me.

Well, if they freed me from this prison,
If that railroad train was mine,
I bet I'd move on over
A little farther down the line,
Far from Folsom Prison,
That's where I want to stay,
And I'd let that lonesome whistle
Blow my blues away.

That's what we listen to down hear yankee and I suggest you do the same before we make you squeal like a goddamnned pig! You're listening to WHICK home of the Sons of the South! YEEEEEHAW!

Jim Duncan - Weather Jul 8th, 2004 01:44 AM

Oh yes, I'm definitely a yankee since I live in the FORMER HOME OF THE CAPITAL OF THE CSA! Dumbass, why don't you go fuck your dad or something.

I was cutting the rug
Down at a place called The Jug
With a girl named Linda Lu
When in walked a man
With a gun in his hand
And he was looking for you know who.
He said, "Hey there fellow,
With the hair colored yellow,
Watcha tryin' to prove?
'Cause that's my woman there
And I'm a man who cares
And this might be all for you."

I was scared and fearing for my life.
I was shakin' like a leaf on a tree.
'Cause he was lean, mean,
Big and bad, Lord,
Pointin' that gun at me.
I said, "Wait a minute, mister,
I didn't even kiss her.
Don't want no trouble with you.
And I know you don't owe me
But I wish you'd let me
Ask one favor from you."

"Won't you give me three steps,
Gimme three steps mister,
Gimme three steps towards the door?
Gimme three steps
Gimme three steps mister,
And you'll never see me no more."

Well the crowd cleared away
And I began to pray
As the water fell on the floor.
And I'm telling you son,
Well, it ain't no fun
Staring straight down a forty-four.
Well he turned and screamed at Linda Lu
And that's the break I was looking for.
And you could hear me screaming a mile away
As I was headed out towards the door.

"Won't you give me three steps,
Gimme three steps mister,
Gimme three steps towards the door?
Gimme three steps
Gimme three steps mister,
And you'll never see me no more."

Anonymous Jul 8th, 2004 02:00 AM

(Sigh) you're too easily riled fucktard. You need to relax. Stop going to the Clan meetings, they won't do you any good but fill your heart with hate.

And for someone boasting about being from the south is in NO position to use "incest jokes". :lol

Hey here's a song right up your alley, you fucking pedophile! A classic from Oingo Boingo!

I love little girls they make me feel so good
I love little girls they make me feel so bad
When they're around they make me feel
Like I'm the only guy in town
I love little girls they make me feel so good

They don't care if I'm a one way mirror
They're not frightened by my cold exterior

They don't ask me questions
They don't want to scold me
They don't look for answers
They just want to hold me
Isn't this fun
Isn't this what life's all about
Isn't this a dream come true
Isn't this a nightmare too

(Repeat first verse)

They don't care about my inclinations
They're not frightened by my revelations

Uh oh take a second take
Uh oh it's a mistake
Uh oh I'm in trouble
Uh oh the little girl was just to little
Too little, too little, too little
Isn't this what life's all about
Isn't this a dream come true
Isn't this a nightmare too . . .

And I don't care what people say
And I don't care what people think
And I don't care how we look walking down the street

(Repeat Chorus)

(Repeat first verse)


Jim Duncan - Weather Jul 8th, 2004 02:02 AM

I've seen the bright lights of Memphis
And the Commodore Hotel
And underneath a street lamp I met a Southern belle
Well she took me to the river, where she cast her spell
And in that Southern moonlight, she sang a song so well

If you'll be my dixie chicken, I'll be your Tenessee lamb
And we can walk together down in dixieland
Down in dixieland

Well we made all the hot spots. My money flowed like wine
Then that low down Southern whiskey began to fog my mind
And I don't remember church bells or the money I put down
On the white picket fence and boardwalk of the house at the edge of town
But boy do I remember the strain of her refrain
The nights we spent together, and the way she called my name

If you'll be my dixie chicken, I'll be your Tenessee lamb
And we can walk together down in dixieland
Down in dixieland

Well it's been a year since she ran away
Yes that guitar player sure could play
She always liked to sing along
She's always handy with a song
Then one night in the lobby of the Commodore Hotel
I chanced to meet a bartender who said he knew her well
And as he handed me a drink he began to hum a song
And all the boys there, at the bar, began to sign along

If you'll be my dixie chicken, I'll be your Tenessee lamb
And we can walk together down in dixieland
Down in dixieland

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