Big McLargehuge |
Jul 9th, 2004 04:13 AM |
With morning came spring, you could almost hear the flowers popping as they bloomed. The taste of sweet nectarine air hung so thick that I swam in a sea of syrup. And my entire being was joy. Life was more simple and more sweet, then I could ever recapture in later months. My color was blue and sometimes yellow. Mostly green. JOY.
Creeping along the day became summer, joy faded and was replaced with nerves. Electric wires hummed the indecision that had begun to wrap my life. I went everywhere getting nowhere. Somewhere along the way my hand found another and wrapped tight. Arms swinging with the motion of the swing set universe. Summer was marked here and there with palpable joy and momentary contentment.
I watched the clock hands swing past noon. On into the lazy days of late afternoon, autumn. My life found a track about 4pm and stuck to it, I could feel that old contentment grow, entwining me, vine-wise. The outrage of pure joy was rarer but I no longer needed that insane delight I once craved.
Now twilight, and winter. Colder than I could imagine I wrap up in blankets. Sit by fires. Warm my dying bones with the hands that couldn’t wrap mine anymore cause of the cold. The sun was already mostly set and I was looking forward to a little darkness for a change of pace. But with the dark I became tired. Shuffling to my room I lay in bed, introspective. Unsure whether my day was worth it, or if I spent all the time with trivialities. I wonder as I feel my eyes close whether I would wake up, or dream.