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Escape from Butcher Bay. I was all expecting Thief with guns and shit, but really, this is just a shooter where you can turn the lights out and hide; sometimes there are boring shitty hub worlds full of lame sidequests to do when the game feels like it doesn't want to be played for a while, too. I do love the atmosphere in this game though, Butcher Bay looks and feels like a totally legit fucking hardass prison ought to.
Also playing Street Fighter 3 a shitload. I like Makoto, hate Ken and Akuma, and have a strict policy of disconnecting whenever someone decides to be a fucking ass and pick Yun. Also, for everyone talking up Chun Li as the best character in the game, I've never seen anyone using her even once online. I know it can't be an honor thing because the people who play this game are smug fucking sacks of shit. I've never seen players stuck so far up their own asses as the ones in this game. Example: http://www.gamespot.com/street-fight...nk-0-60474860/ A completely innocent question thread devolves into trolling and youtube comment style dick-waving in literally four posts just because one guy felt the conversation had a dire shortage of smacktards. This must be something that just inevitably happens with fighting games, MK9 and Skullgirls had people like this too. In Skullgirls they'd make unranked rooms marked as "Practice" or "Beginner," i.e. the lowest difficulty settings, then immediately bust out 50-hit combos on the first poor newbie schlub who wandered in trying to find someone to train with; there are only about five people who still play this game because of shit like that. People with thousands of matches under their belts will hang out in noob lobbies in MK9 and spam challenges at people, or hold King of the Hill matches where they sit in the champ seat beating the shit out of everyone in turn. Thankfully, unlike Skullgirls, that game's matchmaking system wasn't designed by a retarded bonobo and actually lets you see their win/loss ratio before a fight starts, so you can tell them to get fucked if they come knocking. The only possible reason to fight people who are thousands of matches worth of experience beneath you is being a complete fucking cunt; I don't see how you could gain anything from one-sided squash matches other than the ability to say "I was an enormous prick to someone today," so I guess that's what they're after. Basically people who play fighting games are Kefka, without the charm. |
i always find your comments about fighting games pretty hilarious the reason people go to noob lobbies is to practice their new combos on a target that just dosen't sit there trying to find new set ups to do them is different circumstances
That's why the AI exists and has varying levels of difficulty! Or, you could, you know, practice on people who are at your level, since they're who you're going to be employing these strategies against anyway. Using novice players trying to get into the game as essentially practice dummies is insulting, alienating, unnecessary, and, in fact, a pretty massive dick move. It's like using 5-year-olds as target practice; it's not gonna make you any better at tactical firearm combat, they can't even fight back. They're not mannequins, they're people trying to enjoy the game like you, but you don't give a shit because they're "just noobs" from where you're standing.
Maybe I'm not at the same HIGH LEVEL PRO LEVEL as you are, but when I want to try out new shit in Third Strike I wail on a training dummy until I've got the motions down, then get into a ranked match and start doing it for real, learn by trial and error. Sure, I'll get my ass kicked for a while, but that shit builds character and you'll sure as fuck know what not to do when it's over. I think I'm probably doing something fundamentally wrong by playing to have fun though. This game is really fun and I don't really care whether I win or lose as long as my fights are close as shit; when either of us has an equal possibility of winning a fight, when we're both learning each other's strategies on the fly and adapting to circumvent them, that's what makes it exciting. Getting shut out by some tourney prick who's just looking for someone to practice his infinites on, or doing likewise to someone who downloaded the game an hour ago, that's just boring and frustrating to me. |
I´m bored out of my fucking mind right now. I hate the slow summers in gaming...played the Guild Wars 2 Stresstest yesterday which was good but only 4 hours long so, yeah, more waiting, next thing on my list would be Darksiders 2 next week...ah well, I´m gonna go hiking in the meantime I guess.
Planescape Torment, it's really fucking good and it's refreshing to play a game with a little bit of imagination. There's so many different ways you can go about completing your shit it's like if Deus Ex was an isometric RPG.
Way better than Baldur's Gate 2. I don't think I even got out of the first dungeon of that game. |
I've been playing Persona 4 Arena.
It's both the easiest and hardest fighting game I've ever played. All the specials are quarter circles (with one charge character), but there's so much fucking stuff to know. Like, every character has a sweep (crouch and A+B), a launcher (standing A+B), a dragon punch (B+D), a roll (A+C) a hop (crouch and A+C) a grab (C+D), two kinds of bursts (ACD), and that's not even counting shit like status effects (like, actual RPG statuses, like poison and paralyze and rage. I think there's like 8 of them). Once you actually learn that shit it's really fun, but the barrier of entry is fucking weird. If you're good at combos and want a really strategic fighter, P4A is super intense, and the tournaments so far have been pretty insane. |
Not classics but Iīve tried out Sleeping Dogs and Darksiders 2 yesterday, both really really good. Iīm especially suprised by Sleeping Dogs. If you have ANY love for Hong Kong Action Cinema (think Hard Boiled, etc) in your heart, you will love this game. I plays good, the characters are nice, the game sets the right mood, Hong Kong feels great, even though the map is much smaller than your typical GTA. Darksiders 2 on the other hand, while playing really really great seriously botches its own opening. Now I know youīre supposed to play the first one first (and I did) but the game almost seems to forget that it had a predecessor. Itīs like "Yeah, thereīs War and he must prove his innocence but Death tries the same so letīs just follow him now, ok?" It just throws you in there, strands you on the first (and hopefully not only) world and letīs you figure the rest out yourself. Players that skipped the first Game will be very lost in the beginning. It also doesnīt help that Death doesnīt narrate what heīs doing, I kinda imagined he would do that. Still, itīs a VERY good game. Takes the strengths of the first one and build on them. The loot-system is satisfying, you have shops and even a Townportal, the levels are bigger, the controls are tighter, Death has more moves and way more weapons than War and apparently the game is also quite a bit longer than the first one. |
Dark Souls PC
I have a halberd. I'm back in the zone. |
Halberd? Pussy! Get in their face with a battle axe!
I dunno. The chaos halberd that I had at the end of the game was ridiculously useful. I was running black knights through left and right.
Fuck, this makes me wanna play again. That game is really, really good. |
HALBERD HAS SO MUCH REACH. And the beginning upgrades give you so much damage. It runs just as if not more smoothly than the console version and with better textures with a patch some guy made in twenty minutes or so.
once i had a black knight sword thats all i used lol until i got the kings sword
I also used the spider bitch's sword when the halberd wouldn't suffice, okay? So fuck off with that nonsense.
the only halberd i used was the crystal one until it broke
Crystal shit is stupid. Why would you ever use that garbage?
Guild Wars 2 Guild Wars 2 Guild Wars 2.
in Dark Souls I alternated between the sword, spear and bow depending on the situation. I don't remember what names they were.
Anyone else think the Bed of Chaos and Endless Discharge bosses were bullshit? |
Complete bullshit.
bed of chaos had me raging at falling in new holes every time i fought it the dragon god was easier although dissapointing considering he had god on his name
Fucking invisible bullshit walk down to fight him, though. Crystal fucks. Goddamn it. I still remember that.
I had the most trouble with that fucking moth before I summoned the witch to help me. Dragons weren't too bad, if I remember correctly.
Also, playing Darksiders 2. |
The other dragons besides Seeth the Scaleless were cake, as I recall. I just fought the Gaping Dragon to get entry into Blighttown and I wasn't even close to dying. I've also picked up every tail weapon so far. :O
Gaping Maw looked cool but yeah, his attack patterns were really simple. I fucking hated that red bridge dragon. I wasted a lot of arrows and time trying to kill him before I realized he was healing himself and I wasn't doing enough damage to kill him.
Did you guys notice that if, after you died, you turned your system off while the game was loading, when you turned it back on you'd respawn next to your bloodstain (dying during bosses respawns you right before the boss). This saved me alot of time against Bed of Chaos. |
i tried that once and i got schoolded by the game
I started playing Dark Souls on PC. Kinda sucks cause I had to download a fanmade fix to make the game's resolution look right. Also you need to play with the gamepad because hoooly hell are the keyboard/mouse controls awful.
Just rang the first bell and now I'm kinda stumbling around right now in the forest-y place. I'm in pretty rough shape because I accidentally killed a merchant who could have sold me some better armor, so I'm still in my starting Knight armor. Also fuck the Gargoyle bosses. That was some bullshit. |
Honestly, if you had a lot of trouble with the gargoyles, PREPARE TO DIE (get it?) a lot and get really angry, because they're pretty simple, comparatively speaking.
Gaping Dragon might've been the easiest boss, probably followed by the Taurus demon or maybe Sif. Really, once I figured out how to properly equip and upgrade my stuff--and got skilled at dodging and parrying--it seems like only the ridiculously overpowered guys gave me much trouble. Before that, though, the part of the game that I absolutely despised was the top of blight town or whatever the fuck. All of those falls, archers, and I had no fucking idea where to go. I didn't realize I could just skip that part until I'd sorta cheated my way to the bottom and found another exit, and THEN I just ran past everything in my ninja gear, trying to get to a bonfire before those fuckers with the poison blow guns got me. Seriously, haaaated that entire section of the game. |
Upper Blighttown was the worst. Demon Soul's Blighttown also sucked.
You guys remember that part on the rooftops in Anor Londo when you're nearing Ornstein and Smogh and you have to walk across those narrow stepples while two Golden Knights shoot dragon arrows at you? Who the fuck designed that shit? The guys at From Software are real assholes sometimes. |
Blowgun dudes don't respawn, though. Thankfully so. I've basically only touched Blighttown - I can't do much at level 31.
Those buildings were examples of some of the weirdest level design I've ever seen.
But the painting is in Anor Londo, so I can't be too mad. |
The painting with those horrible crow monsters? I enjoyed that level, but I have to admit that I picked a few of 'em off by sniping from towers pretty far away.
Everything about Anor Londo is fucking insane. I didn't die as many times as I thought I would on the chandeliers and rafters, though. Was it the fighting on them that was the hard part?
i got the metal gear collection cause i never played 3 and i'm never buying a psp. i got to the end the i heard it was kind of a cool boss fight but all i did was walk around then he shoot at me and missed and the ensuing battle was me chasing an old man in a jungle and kicking him around
Oh, the harpies. Fuck them so hard, especially since I was a pyromancer and just had my halberd. Zero fucking range. The coolness of the whole dungeon makes up for it, though, especially the weapon that you can rip off of the boss.
![]() post frug pix here plz |
Day Z is on hold, because of all the hackers, so I decided to play trough some games that have been gathering dust on my shelf. Moving alphabetically, Alpha Protocol was the first on the list. It's actually a really cool game. A bit like Deus Ex and I like the RPG elements. My character is a suave field agent who replies sarcastically to everything. Everyone hates him, and rightfully so.
Played Day Z for the first time last night. After I spawned in Cherno and got run over by a pickup truck (>:) I called a few buddies up and we spent about 5 hours dicking around, raided the northwest airfield among other places, and I got a DMR out of it (:D). We only got into one firefight that entire time but it was intense as fuck, some guy started taking potshots at us from Cherno with an M4 and probably a thermal scope. That was definitely the highlight of the evening, because it sure as fuck wasn't fighting the 4000 glitchy, horribly programmed zombies that are fucking everywhere.
Is there any particular method you'd use to safely locate/sneak up on other players? From what I understand Cherno, Elektro and NW are complete deathtraps because everyone goes there, and I don't want to lose my gun before I put a few notches in the handle, so I was thinking I could just stalk up and down the coastline about 150 meters from the shore and look for people combing the beach for noobs to murder. Ideally I want to waste some bandits and get all of the loot; plus I'd be killing people who just kill other people on sight, and that's great because fuck those jerks, they hit me with a truck |
that game just sounds like a trolls paradise
The beach is really not a good way to find anything. No one cares about killing noobs, 'cause you only get a bandage and a box of painkillers. If one is against killing other players, the best way to start a new game is to run into a Store and a Hospital and just grab whatever you can. You have nothing to lose at that point, so dying isn't much of a problem. After you have some medical supplies, food, bigger backpack and maybe even a weapon, just head north and loot deer stands and high value barns. After that, you should have a decent weapon and supplies for days. There are some fixes on the way to remove some of the trolling and hopefully the hackers. They are not on every server, but the number of hackers is increasing. It is not uncommon to run into a player with the best weapons and godmode. |
gotham city imposters went free to play so dl that shit and play with me peoples
Bad Company 2 (online)
I've got to be honest: from everything I've heard about Day Z, it sounds like Kahl is right on the money.
He is, but again, the atmosphere makes you forget about the trolls. Plus, the map is so huge that human encounters are kind of rare, unless you hang around the cities or large villages.
don't bother with gotham city i can't even complete a match
I joined a game with Darkvare, and I laughed when he got disconnected within like two minutes. Then a couple minutes later, I got disconnected. All in all: a great first impression.
so do you need to buy the arma2 thing for dayz or can i just pirate it? like does it use official servers or anything? |
1. Buy ArmA II: Combined Operations (includes ArmA II & Operation Arrowhead add-on)
2. Install and run the game once 3. Install Beta Patch: http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/How_to_...MA2_Beta_patch 4. Download and install Six Updader/Launcher http://www.six-updater.net/p/download.html 5. Run Six Launcher, select a server and play. Apparently, there is a way to download ArmA II Free, which is sort of a light version of ArmA, and buy just the Operation Arrowhead add-on. So in short, you can't pirate this. For more detailed info: http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/How_to_install_DayZ |
Just finished with Sleeping Dogs. Had a good time with it, though I have to agree that the later story missions where all you do is cover shooting are a lot less fun.
I didn't even realize until after the game was over that you could throw melee weapons, but I wanted to get the achievement, so I started jump-kicking random people and beaning them with their umbrellas/purses. Later, I remembered that you can get tire irons out of the trunks of cars, but my way was more fun. |
Still need to finish Sleeping Dogs too...and Darksider 2...but Guild Wars 2 and Way of the Samurai 4 got im my way :D...and Borderlands 2 is only 13 day away :)
I want to hold off on getting Way of the Samurai 4 until after Halloween because I'm sure it will be too engrossing for me. Also, on the naive chance that maybe PSN will discount one of the games they sell (spoiler: they won't).
And I preordered Borderlands 2 back when Newegg had it on sale. I guess if you preorder it, you can get that class that they took out of the retail game so they could sell it separately. |
which one they took out?
The Mechromancer. It's not in the full game, but if you preordered it, you get it for free when it comes out a couple weeks later.
Apparently they called it "the girlfriend class" because it works for people who suck at FPSs so they don't feel left out of the game. Later, the designer who said that had to quickly recant his statement on account of people not liking "girlfriend" being used as a euphemism for sucking. |
Finished Darksiders 2 and collected every single collectible, and man, it took forever. I put in about 30 hours, and I have yet to finish The Crucible, which is 100 waves of enemies.
anyone want a beta key for end of nations i don't even remeber whe i signed up for this lol
Been playing a lot of Psychonauts lately. And Brawl. Samus and Game And Watch ftw
just finished every game on the metal gear solid hd collection peace walker pissed me off cause of some weapon developing thing until i found out how it worked
Ever since I saw this:
I started playing through every Metal Gear game again, I'm about halfway through Snake Eater now. I haven't played it since it first came out on PS2, so I'm still getting used to the moveable camera. Other than that, I've been on a fighting game binge. Recently picked up an arcade stick for PS3 just for Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown, but decided having only one fighting game wasn't enough. So, I went out and picked up SSF4: Arcade, Soul Calibur V, Street Fighter X Tekken, and BlazBlue. It turns out, I suck at Street Fighter, SFXT is too easy, I don't really like Soul Calibur much anymore, and BlazBlue is pretty cool, but I still like Guilty Gear more. |
i just played them cause the collection was on sale and i needed a breather from the gargantuan task of 100% completation of the 3 yakuza games on ps3
I'm playing through both trials evolution and Metal Gear Solid HD. I went through 2, now I'm on snake eater. Waiting on Borderlands 2, then Dead or Alive 5.
Going on the classics side of gaming here.
I had been playing Castlevania : Portrait of Ruin.The main reason I got it was to see how they work as a team, you have to control both if you want to succeed at certain parts. The other reason was the Orchestra .With many areas of the game where the theme of it changes like in the Dead Pyramid level .The team done pretty well in most series of the music like in Tortured areas,Dark Woods and Rich Corridors .It never sounds the same unless they want to sound original at certain areas.But we like to live in the past sometimes. |
deleting message
So how was the environment part in the game?Not like you care but did you see the Asian Side like hearing a Jpop tune once you walk in some place .Are their scenery that look similar to Hong Kung Fu movies, How does interaction work here?
Unread Sep 9th, 2012, 08:21 PM So how was the environment part in the game?Not like you care but did you see the Asian Side like hearing a Jpop tune once you walk in some place .Are their scenery that look similar to Hong Kung Fu movies, How does interaction work here? |
resident evil 4
had never played it before, and for the most part it's a great game, except for ashley i fucking hate ashley so much the aiming is terrible as well |
The main interaction with the enviroment are the Enviroment-moves you can pull off in fights. Just grab a dude and smash him into stuff. It starts harmless enough with windows, telephone-booths, things like that. As the game progresses and the story becomes more and more visceral, you actually seem to kill your enemies by throwing them onto spikes of shove their head into a circle saw (no gore though, it´s only implied that they might be dead).
And concering the asian enviroment...the game takes place in Hong Kong so...yeah, just look at pictures of the city and you know what the game looks like more or less. There´s a lot of places, the map is pretty expansive and feels very alive with a lot of pedestrians, merchants shouting and the occasional goons hanging around in dark corners. There´s also some side-activities you can do like racing (of course and also of course, I ignored it completely), cock-fighting, gambling, Streetfighting-tournaments and the ever-present collectathon along with quite a few pieces of clothing you can get that gives you certain bonusses when you wear a specific set. Also you can run around and bust drug-deals, help civilians and do cases for the police. |
cockfighting is really lame all you do is bet and watch the shittiest game models jump at each other being from a place where it's legal i can't enjoy it
The boy and I are kicking asses in Double Dragon Neon. :rock
On the PS3 if any of you have the balls.
And if it even has online multiplayer...
I decided to replay Metal Gear Solid 3.
I'm really, really, REALLY bad at Metal Gear Solid 3 :( |
Just finished my first 4 hours of Borderlands 2. It's awesome of course. I am playing as zer0 the assassin and using him as a sniper instead of using his blade when I go into stealth. I'm really happy with it and a lot more pleased with the class than I thought I'd be.
I use Zero as my PC-Character, on the consoles, I plan on using Axton first.
Zero is...okay I guess, still I feel like he´s the char with the most restrictive skillset. He´s clearly built around slow-firing weapons with small magazines and the melee-attack (I still think it´s a weird design-decision to do anything with melee in a game that has no melee-weapons at all...which is why I never played with Brick in the first one). So basically he´s a shotgun-sniper-pistol guy...huh...not THAT bad, I admit. |
I beat borderlands 2. It was haaaaard towards the end. I kind of miss mordecai and bloodwing rather than zero. Maybe I didn't spec right because I wasn't destroying anyone. I spent most of the last few levels being scared behind boxes and slowly whittling them down.
Go with the left handed stranger.
nah he tends to be sloopy and pinches the troops quarters
Jet Set Radio came out on Steam.
Man that art style has aged well. Man that music has aged well. Man that gameplay has aged like milk. No seriously the controls make me want to cut myself, even with the added right joystick camera controls. |
But having played Zero to 18 and Axton to 31...Axton plays way better, at least for my kind of playstyle. I still canīt shake the feeling that all characters are good, all but Zero, his Actionskill just plain sucks, even though it can be used offensively and defensively. Then again, maybe Axton is just a good beginner-character, I mean he can basically do everything and spec in at least three viable ways without gimping himself (Turret, Offense, Defense). I went and beat the final boss again this morning just to see what heīd drop, I really like that gigantic loot-pinata that goes off after you kill the boss, canīt wait to see what Terramorphus looks like and what he drops :lol So yeah, along with Dragon's Dogma, BL2 is easily my Goty this year. |
Currently I am playing Fall of Cybertron. Tomorrow, if Dead or Alive 5 gets good reviews, I plan to pick that up and play it too. Incidentally, I have a PS3 and I go by the same username on PlayStation Network.
Anyone remember the name of that football game for xbox 360 called ogre football or something? Its near mutant league but can also be played as a strategy game.
I think dimnos and darkvare had it. |
blood bowl
Blood Bowl, a video game based on the table-top game which was a spin-off of the Warhammer universe by Games Workshop.
Awwesome! Thank you.
It's pretty shit, though. I don't think you'll like it.
I'm on playthrough 2 of borderlands. And yes, I feel so gimped as zer0. It seems like all the other classes survive so easily while I have to tread so carefully to stay alive. And I don't really outdamage many others, so he's not a glass cannon.
Dead or Alive 5 is what I'm getting on Wednesday, when I get paid. I shall be playing that one for a good while. DOA is the fighting game I've always been good at. |
Borderlands 2. It's way better than the first one.
XCOM: Enemy Unknown. The demo version. It's basically just a couple of tutorial levels that familiarize the playing mechanics. A lot simpler than XCOM: Ufo Defense (or UFO: Enemy Unknown for us europeans), but I don't really mind. I will definetly pick this one up, when it is released.
Me too, I played the demo this morning. It does feel streamlined (though some reviewers apparently claim that it´s MORE complex than the original which is hard to imagine for me) but in a good way. Must-buy for me.
I also got Tekken TT2 on a whim and...I think it´s total crap. To me, Fighting Games have to be Pick up & play, newbies have able to get results. That is not the case with TTT2. Not only can´t newbies get results, they can´t even fucking PLAY the game because you first have to learn a shitload of stiff systematics instead of actually pulling off some moves. I´m immensly dissappointed, gonna get rid of the game as soon as possible. And it´s not like I´m too stupid to play games like these, I enjoy a good beat em up, but this...it´s just not right. Might be good, but it feels totally wrong. |
from what i remember of tekken it seems complicated on the surface until you realize that all the moves are just ABA and no directions that you hve to push
I'm gonna get up early and buy doa 5 tomorrow, then play it all day. I hope it's the breast game in the series. I'm sure it will be tits.
Hwoarang or whatever his name is on the other hand is a lot easier to play because his combos are easier to pull off. Concerning the direcrtions-thing, every character has different moves, depending what direction you push per button, eight moves per button sometimes. Anyway, on to Tokyo Jungle. I played about an hour this morning, stupid PS3 took about 10hrs to download those puny 4GB... Itīs interesting, thatīs for sure. Simple in the way it is designed, but then again, the life of an ordinary animal IS simple. Eat, stay alive, mate, die, thatīs it. And thatīs what you do in the game, you run around, you forage or hunt, depending on what type of animal you are, you do challenges (like "find the Chicken-Boss"...cracks me up :lol ), earn points with which you unlock new animals and you find hints on what happened and why all humans are gone. Thereīs 2 modes, Survival and Story, sadly you have to find specific things in Survival to unlock Story-levels. Also sadly, you play the Story as a Pomeranian. I...I hate little dogs, thereīs a reason we call them Fußhupe over here...(Foot Clown Horn...doesnīt translate well)...basically, you step on it and it honks for bit. Anyway, itīs not the dogs fault I donīt like its specific breed (animal racism?). What else...there seems to be not too many areas, just around Shinjuku I think, along with some sewers and maintenance tunnels and I donīt think thereīs much difference between playing a Gazelle and a Doe but hey, the gameīs 10 bucks, Iīm not gonna complain. |
I spent my $10 on FTL on steam. Its not much but its well worth the pocket change they ask for it.
speaking of steam i have 2 cents on my steam wallet why does everything ends on the 99s?
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