![]() |
put the homebrew channel on your wii and play the original. it's waaayyyy better
I have tuesdays and thursdays off this semester, and when I wake up on those days, I kinda lay in bed for a bit and wanna play video games but I'm too fucking lazy/tired to get up and go play xbox on my good tv. I'm thinking I should put my wii in my room and start playing some virtual console games again :O
I downloaded link to the past, harvest moon, and a couple others without beating em (on VC!) and that just seems wrong somehow. |
i'm going to play and beat mother3 FINALLY
....says the hypocrite who bought a flashcart 2 years ago when the translation was first announced :( |
I repaired my PSP this afternoon after royally fucking it up and ordering replacement parts from Hong Kong sometime last December. Got back to playing Dissidia, because it's still rad. I really want the US release, though. I have no idea what half of this shit does.
Also, I never knew Everyday Shooter came out for PSP, which is awesome. I'm really diggin' it. |
Super Metroid via an emulator that's playable on Dreamcast.
I want to play Zero Mission. I tried a bit of it when it came out on a display at a store but didn't get too far.
Man, Zero Mission blows your mind when you finally beat the Mother Brain. I won't spoil it, but it totally flips the game on its head at that point.
I liked the new areas, and the totally reworked bosses were pretty rad. Super Metroid is still better, but ZM was pretty close. |
i got dead rising! it is a lot of fun but the savegame system is fucking irritating >:
My mic broke. :(
And I'm not paying $20 for another piece of shit one. |
my old xbox one still works on my 360 lol
Barkley Shut up and Jam: Gaiden. Nobody should have to kill Kobe Bryant :'(
I've read the synopsis of this. How bad was it really? |
it is bad in an awesome way, and the combat system is just different enough to be good.
I liked it. It's a great throwback RPG, the story is ridiculous but it's fun and it works. And yeah, the combat system is good (sorta like FFVI) and keeps you involved.
I got crash commando 2 days ago and it's basically team fortress 2 and soldat combined.
I haven't really gotten into it since i played for an hour after i bought it and didnt even turn on my microphone Even the text seems like its taken from TF2. I also kind of want magic ball , it's pretty much breakout or arkanoid but you can play it co-op online with voice chat, 10 dollars seems a bit too much for it |
Age of Empires II: The Conquerors. I've been playing this with my friends for about 7 years but we just started playing it online with other people recently. Nothing makes a lick of sense.
Picked up Rock Band 2 tonight.
Playing vocals just reaffirmed my belief that I cannot sing worth shit. |
I've been playing Twilight Princess still. 30 hours and I'm on the last dungeon. It's been probably one of th emost fun Zelda games I've ever played.
you are slow at zelda, real slow
I know someone who took three months to beat it.
...ahem. Someone came over my house today with some drum master game for PS2. It's this incredibly japanese game where you hit this drum controller with two sticks and a cartoon drum dances around and shouts at you. Shit's fucked up. But I liked being able to beat the shit out of a drum and not feel bad for hitting too hard. I have a habit of getting carried away with Rock Band. |
:lol Taiko Drum Master
Tearing ass through Prey. Just wish someone was playing online.
Finally, FINALLY, beat Persona 4. 68 Hrs and 40Min, about 10Hrs less than the previous game.
I can't decide which I like more. P4 improves so much of the combat and social aspects (actual role playing?! In a videogame?!), but it dropped the ball so many times (two hour introduction?!). I liked P3's characters way more, but I was really sad at the end of P4 too. I think I'll take a break from RPGs for awhile. I'm not ready to see other people :( |
Man, I want to play that game too...stupide Europe not releasing it until sometime later this year...
I got so fucking frustrated with crash commando last night. It's not really the games fault, well it is, because im tired of one hit kills constantly.
So me and my friend got magic ball which pretty much breakout but instead of blocks, its these islands or ships and they break down with PHYSICS. a lot more calming to play than CC. And i am loving the co-op online with voice chat |
I didn't know they still released PS2 games. Atlus :). I might look into this. Also the sham wow commercial came on when I was drunk with a few friends. I think I told them I found out the guys name was Phoenix Gamma. |
Heh, no, his name is Vince Offer, and he's a Z-List actor. He's selling Shamwow and other kitchen stuff to pay for a new film. I saw some clip of a movie he was in, which involved dropping a baby into a pool. That should give you an idea of what his resume is composed of :P Got into a huge fight with the Church of Scientology too.
Anyways, yea, Atlus still releases PS2 games. Even the Gamestop clerk was confused when I reserved it. Atlus is the king of niche games. The problem is that their games are hard to find after a few months. If you look into either of the Persona games, you should get them soon. Speaking of which, I started playing P3FES, because I never explored any of the bonus stuff. Anyone ever get all fuzzy inside when they pick up an old game? I love playing an old RPG and seeing everyone I know. It's like seeing old friends, except you get to kill shit :D |
I've been playing FFXI but my internet went out on my night off. I was about to start playing Arc the Lad 2 again to finish it but I went to sleep instead.
I beat Prey yesterday and can say that it functionally beats Portal.
No. It's the same as the Gamecube game.
Mr. Bucket
Psyconauts, i got it at a yard sale for 2 dollars ;0. It is one of the best platformers i have ever played.
i'm replaying shaolin monks right now but this time on the ps2 i may download psychonauts lol
The Witcher, it is RAD.
Anyways, been playing Order of Ecclesia again on lv. 50 hard mode so I can get my health, hearts, and MP up to make LV.1 hard mode a wee bit easier, plus two death rings may help. Adding on: Got all the boss medals. Melio Falcis + Nitesco + Death Ring + Death Ring = A lot of dead monsters (So as long as none of them touch you.) |
Sweet! Thanks Phoenix. |
Downloaded Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus for PSP last night. Haven't played GG since #Reload, so I was pumped to finally try out A.B.A. and Holy Order Sol.
I wish it came out for PC like #Reload. Netplay was the main reason I kept it installed. Plus, the PSP's not that great for fighters :( |
I agree tryign to play tekken or anything else on the psp sucks cause the litle nub isnt worth shit, but i was goin through my old games the other day and found a little gem of a title called Legend of Legaia for the old Playstation, it came out before FF7 and it works pretty well actually...yeah the graphics are suckish...and the storyline is the same as almost every other rpg, in that your a young boy you has to fght off raping rabbits...or soemthing like that, but the combat is cool, instead of just pressing an atack button you input different commands like a fighting game, like left, left, right, left, up, down. And in you input a special sequence you get a special move different for each character....even though you only get 3 characters its still cool if only for the combat alone.
Reading your posts makes me very angry.
reading yours makes me gassy but you dont hear me complainin
shut the fuck up meme-bot.
I hired Resistance 2 to play though with a friend the other day. Turns out it doesn't really have a co-op campaign mode like the first but the co-op is pretty cool anyway. It's like a weird amalgam of HALO and World of Warcraft. I guess the only problem with it is that it's difficult with only 2 players as you need at least one of each class (medic/sniper/heavy) to do the harder parts of the levels.
We took it online and it's much better. With a full server (8 players) you get an insane number of enemies and really need to work together when the shit hits the fan. I had a breif play of the single-player campeign and don't really like it. Kind of reminds me of Blacksite:Area 51 or something :/ |
I am playing Bow Master!!!!!
Legend of Legaia had a stupid storyline. Oh god, evil fog.
EVERY JRPG has a stupid storyline. I liked Legaia. And I will also mention the evenly unpopular Legend of Dragoon. Nice games.
I liked legend of dragoon a lot.
Good to hear ^^
I remember that I got stuck on a Boss...a girl with...erm...Rocket-Rollerskates or something like that. |
I visited my parents last night and was happy to see my old man bought a PS3 ($60 off from Dell's site. Rad). He got Assassin's Creed since he liked Prince of Persia and didn't want to spend $60 on a game yet. He really likes it, so I'm gonna try it out now.
For some reason I installed Counterstrike Source yesterday. It was not a wise decision.
I downloaded America's Army last night. I used to play it a long time ago when it came out. I don't know if I want to get back into shooters, but I probably will.
You guys should check out DoD:Source. Way better than CS.
I'm trying to get though all the achievements right now. 500 kills with each rocket launcher is taking forever and I'm only at about 100 with each. I kind of whish Steam had a gamer-score thingy so the number of achievements you had was shown on your profile but it's still fun just to get them for the sake of it. |
R-Type Tactics for 20 Bucks...Quite decent for the price. Nothing spectacular but fun enough until Chrono Trigger or...anything else arrives next week.
Burnout legends great for people who can play driving games .. even better for those who cant haha.:lol
I don't know what to play right now. I'm not in the mood for anything :(
So I picked up my old Disgaea save for the hell of it. I've got 70+ hours in that and still haven't seen most of the optional shit. |
I just bought Far Cry 2 for half price on Xbox360, and as soon as I turned on my console to play it... I got the red ring of death. Fantastic.
So I just downloaded Legend of Princess, a beat-em-up based really loosely on Zelda by the dude who made the awesome Noitu Love games. It's a fantastic homage to the series with really fast combat, classic puzzles presented with a fun twist, and a sweet set of moves.
http://www.konjak.org/ Really fun. And after you beat it once, try out the other items you can chose from. The chicken is hilarious, the hookshot is fucking sweet, and holy crap bombchus. Also, Link has his old purple hair. Awesome. |
I just finished the Killzone 2 Demo. The controls need a bit of tweaking so you can map it to anything like in Resistance 2..but otherwise it's amazing even if the demo was a bit short
Played the RE5 demo. Looks great but I hate the over the shoulder perspective. It's too close to the character or something making it difficult to see what you're doing.
I guess I'll try out Killzone 2 as well. |
OK, so now I'm caught between the new and the old. I'm playing Little Big Planet on PS3, and I have my Sega CD emulator running Sonic CD. That is, if it finally runs right and lets me do more than freeze if I travel to the future.
So I played though the Killzone 2 demo. It's the sort of thing which I think will never be as good as the PS3 fanboys say it will be, or as bad as the 360 fanboys say it will be.
Great looking game for sure and the AI is really good but overall I could take it or leave it. I guess I just can't play shooters on consoles, they all feel really sluggish and unresponsive. |
Errrm...Yakuza 2 and Atelier Iris 2 on my trusty old PS2 (one of the old clunky ones). Still the best console since the SNES in my opinion :D
Rayman, on the PS.
Even if you don't think the gameplay is much better (I haven't had the patience with CS to really decide that for myself yet) the community is infinitely better, which of course makes the overall experience much more endearing. |
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. Sorry to the random kid I kept beating on race mode. I'm sorry I'm so much better than you. :<
I finally bought Valkyria Chronicles. I've wanted this game since 1UP Show had a preview of the Japanese build last year.
I'm happy it's as good as I hoped. The story's a little too goofy, but the combat, music, and graphics are all awesome. |
I've been blazing though the DoD achievements recently. Today I got Jack of All Trades (get a grenade, rifle, SMG, sniper rifle, MG kill in a single life without dying) which was really the hardest of the lot so now with a bit of luck I can 100% the game.
haven't i read that post somewhere before? :x
I'm playing through Symphony of the Night as Richter. I don't know why, but I just felt like playing it yesterday.
It's true, but it's all hype because Maria sucks. At least, for the first part of the castle, which is all I have patience to play with her dying ass. |
Speaking of SOTN, does the XBLA version have Maria?
Looked into it a bit more. XBLA doesn't have Maria, she sounds kinda lame actually. What with her attack owl and all.
yep is on xbox live
http://live.xbox.com/es-ES/profile/p...merTag=Z0MB0ID |
I rocked that shit for a while. Then I stopped because I couldn't get past a part. Then I came back a year later and tore ass through it. Well worth the $10.
I finally got the 200.6% completion rating a few months ago.
You guys all wussies. I went through that game like it was nothing.
Then again I had the original one for the PS1 so. :( |
i did it in less thanb 3 days aria of sorrow was harder
I don't think either game was particularly difficult. Getting 200.6% would definitely take some work though. Aria of sorrow was really fun too.
Me too. :( Except one of my friends changed the backing of the jewel case so in the front it's Symphony of the Night. In the back it's jamiroquai case. I've had .05 completion rating for the last ten years. I just couldn't figure out how to open the hidden wall in the reverse castle where you do enter in a cave as the Wolf, exit as the Bat. I did the trick in the regular castle by chance. |
Anybody here ever beat Galamoth as Richter? That should be a fucking achievement on this game.
is galamoth the huge two screen one? cause i did
No, I've tried a few times and then was just like fuck this. You have to use the uppercut and buzzsaw move like a champ.
Nah, I just rushed through the castle as Richter. If it had offered a storyline for him, I may have considered bothering to go throughout the whole castle.
Also, is it just me of is SotN the last decent Castlevania game Konami has made. Maybe they should put Alucard in more games. |
Aria of Sorrow is a good'un.
Soma is one of the most likeable protagonists is the entire franchise, I think. His inital naivety makes him very attractive.
And you can unlock Alucard in Dawn of Sorrow. |
Circle of the Moon, bitchnigga.
COTM really is the best handheld Metroidvania.
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