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Don't you mean HOD.
He meant OoE. There's a lot of acronyms to remember.
Played a few hours of Resistance 2 for PS3 last night. It was fun but we only had offline co-op. So we spent a lot of time getting wrecked but finally got LVL 4 with a Medic and Special Ops.
Lots of fun. |
OoE's areas are too short with very little secrets to find. It is the best metroidvania, though. Who knew it'd only take 13 years to make another game that's nearly as good as SotN.
It's kind of lame the way co-op is so obviously not designed for two people though. |
That's how I felt. I'm going to try and hook him up to the internet next time we hang out. I thought the first one was two player co-op campaign. Not like the good ol days of gaming with a friend.
Moon on the DS.
Age of Empires: Mythologies on DS. I also just replaced my 360 this week with a 360 Elite so back in business for 360 gaming. |
Retro Game Challenge came out on the DS. It's cute, but it's still old games, so you have to be in the mood to play games that are dated in every sense of the word, from graphics to controls (why am I stuck with only two directions of movement in a shoot-em-up? Are four directions too much to ask?)
I heard there are only 5 games and 3 sequels in RGC, which is kinda disappointing, but one of them is supposed to be a full-blown RPG, so that's kinda neat. |
I just got Flower, it really is such a nice looking game, i really wanted a game like this after frustrating matches of CSS or something...
The sixaxis controlling is smooth as butter tooo |
I need to get a PS3....hey my birthday is coming up this year. Who wants to get one for me?
It's just like emulator for your 360 or PS3. :lol |
That's out? :O
Came out this week. :O
I'm gonna head to an ebgames on Saturday and exchange some of my shit games for SF4 and buy that too. How much was it?
Edit: FUCK >: SF4 doesn't come out until the 17th. |
Either $29.99 or $39.99. :(
I just checked it's $29.99. :O
I thought SF4 came out this week too, I was all excited to get both at the same time. :( |
i can't wait for street fighter 4 either i tried to play contra shatered soldier on ps2 but the thing won't read it
I have guitar hero 2, beowulf, perfect dark zero, tenchu z, and FEAR to trade.
Can I get both games for all that shit? And do I have to trade the guitar for gh2 as well? It may be worth noting that I stole beowulf from my sister and my friend lent me his copy of FEAR like two years ago. Somehow, I don't think he'll be wanting it back. I never finished it, and I can't see myself doing so. Same thing for tenchu. Buddy gave it to me, but I never really played past the first level. |
You might get Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection for all of that. :(
Fuck that. That's 5 GAT DANG games, and that fucking thing is only 30 bucks.
I always call them and ask them before i trade games in so I know what I SHOULD be getting. :\
I checked out a site that has the Canadian listings for the games. For guitar hero 2, fear, and perfect dark zero, I can get it. Tenchu and Beowulf are worth like 2 bucks each, somehow. I guess I kinda just want to get rid of some of these shit games that I'll never play again.
Guitar hero 2 wasn't bad, but I got sick of that shit real quick. PDZ was the first game I got for my 360 and while it wasn't amazing, it wasn't bad either. I still have no use for it now though. I kinda wanna finish fear, but I'm not gonna be feeling bad about trading that in either. Edit: BUT FUUUUCK. I still have to get SF4 and RE5 when those come out, too. |
Try Craigslist zomboid or just freaking wait outside the store and give it to someone for 2 dollars instead of giving it to them.
I do remember some jackass trading 200 dollars worth of wii stuff and me wanting to get a game or two from him instead of gamestop taking his game, giving him 10 dollars and making me pay 30 if i wanted it, he refused.. |
if you don't want it can you give beowulf? ebgames and most game related stores suck for tranding stuff in i trade my games at blockbuster i got 41 bucks for mario galaxy and i traded gun for marvel ultimate alliance and forza 2 for only 5 bucks
I mean, if you just want to play the damn games, it's fine, but if you're playing a PS3 on a good TV (why wouldn't you?) then the PS2 games won't look as nice as a PS2 with the right cables. Which is kinda stupid, really. But whatever, I got a PS3 to play PS3 games, not PS2 games, so it doesn't bother me none. Speaking of which, played more Valkyria Chronicles. I wish it had some kind of multiplayer, because I think this might knock Fire Emblem 7 off the top of my list of favorite strategy games. The mission variety is really solid, and the story's finally starting to be not stupid. |
I decided to just get a PS2 so that I wouldn't waste any more money on Gen 7.
I feel like plugging in ps2 around the god of war 3 launch...to play god of war 2. But i probably wouldn't.
I beat Flower, it's such a freaking gorgeous game. Theres thousands of grass blades you just flow thru and it's so nice. A nice break from the games i play and a really good game to just show off to people, they should put this on HSN or QVC. Why dont they sell game systems on qvc and hsn!?!?!? |
because toasters and dildos have better functionality.
i'm beating god of war 2 on titan mode i just defeated euryale
So I'm playing Comix Zone on my PS3 via the Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection and found out that you can use custom soundtracks in-game.
Resident Evil 4 on professional mode is MAGICAL.
The sewer segment where you first encounter the invisible bugs is like Aliens: The Game. |
Still hard as fuck for me.
Yesterday I decided to piss some extra cash away so I went out and bought a replacement cartridge connector for my broken NES, 20+ NES games including the legendary Total Recall and several SNES games including an excellent copy of FF3.
Can't forget about that copy of Madden 93 for Genesis that I bought for $.99. That game is still a blast to play. |
I finally beat the Alternate Netherworld in Disgaea, using a really cheap tactic to beat a boss who was 700 levels higher than my strongest unit.
It's nice to have a boss as a party member now. The senate has a hard time arguing with someone who's level 2000 :D |
And thatīs what makes this game so great. The simple fact that you beat a boss that was SEVEN HUNDRED LEVELS higher than your strongest Character. I should play that game again...on my PSP. |
Yea, but I used a bullshit strategy where I threw all of the enemies on a floating block and stabbed at them for a good 30 minutes while they drained their SP healing themselves.
Then for the actual boss, I had four mages running Braveheart every turn to keep Etna's Atk at 2X, otherwise I couldn't do more than 0 damage. I shouldn't have stood a chance. I can't repeat the strategy for the next uber boss. There's no floating islands to trap her on :( |
Stret Fighter IV for the 360. It's insanely hard even on easy, which isn't a bad thing, and the 360 D-pad seems to leave a lot to be desired for. But it's a fantastic game, and as soon as I build up my confidence I can't wait to have it shattered again by a 14 year old Japanese kid on Xbox Live.
Speaking of Disgaea, Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero? got leaked today. I didn't like the Japanese version at all (crap controls), but I'm hoping the localization and my current crazing for Disgaea crap will help me overlook the glaring problems with the gameplay.
It probably won't help :( EDIT: Well, the localization is pretty awesome. It really strengthens that whole "demonic alice in wonderland" kinda feel, which crazed talking sign posts that taunt the poor Prinnies. It also feels like the game is a little easier for us dumb Americans, meaning it sometimes threatens to be fun and interesting. EDIT: Nevermind, this game sucks. |
trying to play max payne 2 again, why in the fuck did they take out the "autosave after every chapter" function, that's retarded >: i wanna watch all those cutscenes again like i want to cut my dick off
I don't know anything.
Mirror's Edge is a really nice game. Makes you think differently about everything around you.
Although it's a bit frustrating at first, but then you just get good at killing people without guns. |
Fear 2. Nice game so far. Not as scary as the first one but the guns are way better.
Noby Noby Boy is installing!
Also, major UTIII update coming, the Legendary car pack for Burnout, and new Left 4 Dead shit eventually. Spring's gonna be great. |
Noby Noby Boy is creepy as shit and fucking insane. Even the manual is crazy. You can record videos in the game, too.
so, we're considering buying a ps3, because i sofa king want to play noby noby boy :( :( :(
$5 on your local Playstation Store.
Yes you are right. Noby Noby Boy is fucking nuts, but is there a way to quit the game and still have your boy be the length it was?
Cause i don't think i'll like starting over and over. I've stretched my boy around the platform itself, like a bowtie and thru the donut clouds. Just hurts your thumbs cause you have to keep pushing away or it just stretches back. |
just quit and the next time you start he'll be that big, as long as you don't report your length i think
anyway, i just bought a ps3 last night and noby noby boy and dead space. can i get some friends so i don't look so lonley? :( |
Sure, you can add me. It's Microshock , maybe you should get some multiplayer games though? LittleBigPlanet and Burnout Paradise are a must.
And i got 100 percent trophies in flower just now! |
My roomie just got a 360 I'm thinking about buying rock bank for it. Then in two weeks hopefully getting a PS3. I haven't played a new console game in a while besides Left 4 Dead, the new Fallout and resistance games.
We just got Rock Band 2 for PS3 a few weeks ago. We threw a kegger last week and Rock Band was being played by various people for 5 straight hours.
so we got multiplayer! but yes i will add you. my name is bigtimecow (right? that's what i put for my username in the playstation network) |
That's it. I'll add you too.
Today I purchased a 4 month old 360 with the wi-fi attachment, charging kit, mini keyboard attachment, headset, and 4 games (COD World at War being the newest) for a cool 350 smackers.
I'm jumping back into GTA 4 right now. |
planescape torment! it's good!
Just played Condemned: Criminal Origins all day. :eek
i need to get some more games for my xbox ;o
Ungahhh I'm playing terranigma for snes and apparently it's huge and I won't have time for it.
You're like the kid on the block that has to run around while everyone else is zipping around on either a bike or a skateboard or something.
GIRL reached the moon! now its even harder to do shit
i'm hoping we're at mars in like a week [/nobynobyboy] btw i am in :love |
- Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Master Quest, which is stupidly funny.)
- Metroid Fusion (Got it for five bucks. I can't believe I waited seven years to get it.) - Tetris Worlds (the panty-moistener.) - Smash Bros. Brawl (I'm stomping all my friends with Ness. Good times!) - Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (Well when I get it .) |
Duck Tales for NES. It's actually a very impressive game, shouldn't be to surprising after all it is made by Capcom.
And Capcom is known for not making bad games, is that what you're getting at?
All of Capcom's Disney games are badass. I particularly enjoyed Aladdin. I hear the Genesis version has sword fighting, but the SNES has some fucking awesome jump/bounce/grab obstacle courses.
lol i have aladdin installed on my wii :D
it's hard as shit and extremely fun |
Speaking of awesome Capcom games, my dad bought SF4 last night when I can to visit. I've been teaching him the ways of the Hadoken. It's hard teaching a 50+ year old the concepts of Quarter Circle Forward Punch.
Also related to awesome Capcom games, I'm gonna start up the Phoenix Wright games that I skipped over. I liked the first one, and Apollo Justice was really good, so I figured I'd play the inbetween games. Then I decided to give Monster Hunter 2nd G another chance. It's pretty fun, but the controls are a tad strange, and I feel like there's almost too much shit to do. |
Aladdin is actually probably one of their best games. Amazing gamplay and kick ass layouts.
Reason being why I pointed out Capcom is because their ability to make something good from what little limitations their provided with, such as making kick ass NES games. So yes, they barely make shitty games. Some other amazing games the have are of course Megaman as well as Darkwing Duck, Ghosts n Goblins, Bionic Commando, and Little Nemo. |
Thanks for educating us about this upstart videogame company.
Mega Man? Never heard of it. Is it based on the GNC product?
I've been playing the Hawx demo.
I'll just say I'm still waiting for the next Ace Combat. |
Man, I'll still boot up AC5 now and then. That game was so great. And the music is just stellar.
Now I wish I brought it back to my dorm today :( |
so many good times with AC, I miss it dearly now that there's mention of it.
Been playing alot of fallout 3... the only achievements I have left are the level up ones on neutral karma. I havent gotten the anchorage DLC yet so I still have that to do as well
http://zarat.us/tra/offline-games/eversion.html Pretty damn cool. It's a traditional platformer that gradual deteriorates into something horrifying. |
Golden Sun 2... It's ok I guess.
I wanted to play Golden Sun 1 and 2. Heard they were a lot of fun.
Still playing FF XI. |
been playing dead space and little big planet again. i played one of microshock's levels "king poop" i believe it was called. it was SHITTY :lol
also downloaded coolboarders (thinking it was coolboarders 2 >: BIG FUCKING MISTAKE), syphon filter, and twisted metal 2. i think i like the playstation network's selection of games more than ps3 games :/ |
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast.
It's really fucking hard. |
Still a bit of Street Fighter, Left 4 Dead, Deus Ex 2 and the new Puzzle Quest...
![]() (red dots are where you evert) Also two more things: First, you can jump off enemies to reach higher areas, jump off, not just bounce off. You need to do this a few times in order to collect all the gems and once to actually progress through the game. Second, you do get something for collecting all the gems. You'll notice when you get to the last level there's a counter floating at the beginning of the level, you evert under it once you get all the gems. |
I was hearing some people talking about Eversion in class the other day. Sounds fucked up. Supposedly it scares the shit out of you if you die near the end of the game or something?
I guess I'll try it. EDIT: HOLY SHIT THAT HAND IN LEVEL FOUR SCARED THE FUCK OUT OF ME WHAT THE HELL. I like this game :D My roommate helped me figure out the last stage, because I didn't feel like thinking about puzzles after being really uneasy for 7 levels. Then he showed me a fun clipping error to bypass 90% of the final stage. The true ending was pretty awesome, too. |
Getting those last gems is a monstrous pain in the ass. Basically you have to evert "good" until you can walk through clouds and then you have to evert "bad" until those blocks crumble under your feet (or you can do it the other way around). What makes it difficult is every time you die blocks you crumbled or knocked gems out of go back to normal.
Gradius Rebirth came out for WiiWare yesterday. It's kinda like Contra 4 in that it's both a remake and a new game, where you're kinda doing the same shit, but different.
The graphics are a really cool mix between newer visual effects and SNES graphics, and the music and voice clips are all 16-bit. It's pretty rad. I'm liking it so far. |
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey. How this game went under my radar when it was released is beyond me, but I'm glad it was ressurected on xbox live. Great game.
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