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There's the twilight princess emu hack, there's a pretty good video of how to do it quickly on youtube but I haven't had the time or care to do it myself yet.
Download banner bomb and homebrew channel onto a SD card, go to the memory manager on the Wii, which causes Banner Bomb to run and install Homebrew Channel, then download a GBA emulator onto the SD card and run that through HC. Should be videos of it.
Ragnarok Online
or, Wizards are useless and can only cast once before monsters run in and beat your ass every time you try another spell |
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence.
Yeah. |
blood of bahamut really hard playing alone
just prestiged again in CoD WaW, the new map pack is pretty good.
I wish you guys had it on Computer. We could have an I-Mock guild and go in and decimate people.
Some of us have shitty computers, Tadao. :(
It would be sweet if I knew a lot of people that had it on xbox. most of my friends that have it play on ps3.
I can't wait till they finally bridge all consoles and pcs to online play. I'm sure the reason why they don't has to do with something like trying to get people to buy multiple systems and the same game more than once. |
I guess I could run CoD WaW on my laptop, but I don't think I'm cool enough to join you guys just yet.
Timezones could also be a pain in the ass |
My brother put it on his brand new laptop, it didn't run very well at all.
I'm playing Resident Evil 5 on Expert, I have to admit.. I'm not getting very far.
It's easy as long as you don't get hit. :\
I get hit a lot.
Have you beaten it on normal and veteran yet? If you have beaten veteran then expert shouldnt be that much harder.
Where are you in Star Ocean 10k?
I beat it on normal. I just jumped to the hardest out of boredom.
Do you play it co-op online? Having an actual human as a team mate will do wonders too.
Just played the Arkham Asylum demo on PSN. Really awesome, but it ends right as the boss fight is about to start :(
The best part is the last room, where you have five assholes running around trying to find you. You can really scare the shit out of them to the point where they start running away instead of shooting. Fucking haw. |
Arkham Asylum demo is so good.
it's out for XBL now too? I know what I'm doing after work.
I dunno, but they had the demo on display at Target and up for download on PSN, so maybe?
Oh yea, my PS3 is back :D but I fucked up and tied my PSN account to the wrong PS3 ID. I can't change it either :( |
I think I'm gonna play The Adventures of Batman and Robin on SNES now. I'm in a Batman mood, and I actually hear good things about it. Plus, the Animated Series is my jam :D
Also, NyxQuest on WiiWare. Really good game. Reminds me of Lostwinds, but less boring. |
That too. :lol
I have not played it online....yet. *wink*
Id run you through it but I got bored with it and sold my copy.
Thanks, I'm probably going to try and play it with Sam. I want to hear the eyerolls when I die.
God give me strength
that has to count for something. *can hear the eyerolls* |
It's pretty boring. Changed roms after a few hours when I realized there's not much to the game besides running right, hitting the other guy first, and jumping sometimes.
standard beat em up I guess?
LEGO Batman is better.
Batman really hasn't had any justice in the video game department. I haven't played Arkham Asylum yet, but will get into it tonight, it's 1.5 GB so it took forever on my shit connection. I'd imagine it gives you a good play through from the size.
Has anyone played the Rise of Legends? It's going for cheap and the graphics and setting look reasonable enough to get me interested.
Also, I need a new RTS to keep me warm during the long winter months, if anyone has suggestions, please feel free. Red Alerts Dawn of Wars Total Wars Battle for Middle Earths Starcraft Done to almost deaths. |
Dont know about Rise of Legends but all the other Rise of games I played were quite fun. If its going for cheap then its probably worth a spin.
There's this one (I think the 5th char) who looks like if Microsoft built a lifesize Buzz Lightyear. __________________________________________________ ________________ For Resident Evil 5: I unlocked unlimited ammo for all 3 magnums. I love the L. Hawk the most though because its quick and has piercing. Just wish I could unlock the Samurai Edge Pistol for normal gameplay |
Is that your first time on Roak? Yeah most of the girls in that game piss me off. Mostly that damn cat girl. I just want to punch her in the face. Bachas, or whatever Buzz Lightyear's name is in this game, kicks ass. He is by far the best character.
I mostly want to know if Edge ever quits being a cry-baby bitch about blowing up earth? Because that shit is getting old.
First time on Roak. He seems like he's starting to get over it. I just hit lvl 39 and got some sweet skill for Edge.
edit: Just got to disc two. It was a really epic transition :rolleyes |
I'm really not that into Football games but I played the new Madden and it's really fun. People were having cookouts and brought tv's to gamestop to hang out for the midnight release.
football and cookouts, the american dream.
Isn't that the Canadian dream too?
hockey and cookouts yes, as long as there is beer involved.
I know, I usually just try and drink until hockey starts again. What part of Canada are you from Steve?
It says P.E.I. right there.
Battlefield 1943 on PS3
what province is somewhere over the border by the way? |
I just finished playing Jazz Jackrabbit 2 again. God I love that game.
Sounds like you need to stay a few years longer.
Uhh... Good one?
I see you got rid of your signature. Good on you, retard. |
I didn't know P.E.I. stood for that...that's why I asked him.
I wouldn't expect many people out of Canada to recognize the abbreviation for the smallest province.
anywho, has anyone played the new wolfenstein? |
I thought that was months away from release...hmm.
I'm playing Heroes of Might and Magic V. III was better. |
Na. Came out day before yesterday I think.
Dissidia got leaked for the PSP, so I'm playing that. Been playing the Japanese version since December. Probably my favorite PSP game; there's so much stuff packed into it. It's incredible.
Also, Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition. Never played it before. Ever. Thank god for the help button; how the hell was I supposed to know to go four screens back to the bar, into the kitchen, and grab the pot under the stove? |
HOMM 2 and 3 were both fucking great. I played the shit outta the demo for 3 when I was but a wee lad. |
Anyone know where I could get some old dos and win95 era games that'll play on latest mac os? I've been looking around, thought maybe someone might know a good site off the top of their head.
Google dosbox. Most sites that have it will have games for it as well.
Grand Theft Auto 4. Gots me a new PC so I decided to give this game a whirl.
I like it. The physics are awesome and I like the handling on the cars, altough they required a little time to get used to. The only thing that annoys me, is that the police want to arrest you for every little thing you do. Yeah, I get that they went for a little more realistic approach compared to previous games, but it saddens me that I can't even hit a bum with a baseballbat without getting in to trouble. Come on, it's a bum. They like being hit. |
That's balanced by how easy it is to evade wanted stars, I think. I never used the spray shops because hiding outside of the circle is so easy.
The best things to do in that game are pushing people over and standing on them until they die and hurling yourself out of moving vehicles into cars coming the opposite direction. |
The last thing I played was the Lost Planet 2 demo. It's pretty cool, but a monster ate me and then shit me out. :(
Went over my buddy's house last night. He had a leaked copy of Arkham Asylum, so we stayed up and marathoned the second half of the game.
Probably the best liscenced game since Goldeneye. They nailed everything from the Batman lore perfectly. As you progress, his batsuit actually gets ripped and shredded, and stays like that, so by the end of the game, Batman looks like he just walked to hell and back. The last boss is...kinda...I dunno. I wouldn't have gone that direction, that's for sure. But the rest of the game is really solid. Combat is still more or less "Hit Square and Triangle to win", but some parts get a little nuanced. Stealth is definitely way better, but the combat isn't bad. Eh, I'd give it an A-. EDIT:Also, GamesRadar's review shows the game over screen if you lose to Bane. Fucking perfect. |
ratchet and clank: tools of destruction - fuck this game's gameplay changes every five fucking minutes. so far i've played rayman, crash bandicoot, god of war, infamous, star fox, guitar hero, and wii sports. BUT the parts of the game that are straight classic ratchet and clank are amazing. lots of glitches but nothing that has ruined any part of the game yet
I heart Rayman.
I was playing some MvC2 last night, and I reinstalled Diablo II yesterday. I feel like my grades are going to suffer tremendously.
I'm going to die here when Alpha Protocol comes out and my new copy of Fallout 3 arrives. My schedule is aces, though, except for the part where I have to make a forty-five minute walk in twenty minutes every Monday.
PEOPLE ARE DYING AND SHIT WHAT THE HELL. Also, the fourth Professor Layton game has a special mode after you beat the main game. It's a "100 hour long" RPG, made by Brownie Brown (AKA the guys who made Mother 3) http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/200...n_london_life/ Holy shit. |
<3! |
I am currently reigniting my love affair with LotRO. Just got my loremaster to 60 and am working on a Rune Keeper.
Also installed NWN2 since it is now less expensive, so far I like it. Nothing beats the unlimited nukes of the warlock :love |
I'm playing Links awakening it's almost as good as LttP, but not close at the same time IMO
time splitters 2 going for the 100% completation
Im playing Half-life 2 and its addons ^.^
Still D2.
Assassin is ridiculously overpowered. I killed Diablo without taking more than a few potion's worth of hits by running around in circles and spamming lightning sentries. |
Has anyone played Cursed Mountain on the Wii yet?
is already out?
![]() I'll thank christ when I don't have to use Selphie or Zell anymore. |
Second run through Shadow Complex, waiting for my horrendous PC-Version of Fahrenheit (or Indigo Prophecy, whatever)...Sadly, Arkham Asylum won´t be here before Monday so it´s gonna be one boring weekend.
probably gonna drive over to corporate small business crush store in a few minutes and see if they've got arkham asylum :(
Played Rule of Rose, I can understand what all the controversy was about now, most disturbing game I've ever played. It's also the first game I've played that's simulated what it's like to be bullied. Most games are built on a sort of reward system, this is especially important for a choir like Rule of Rose. And although you are rewarded with a cinema-scene after every tedious, tedious, scavenger hunt; your character usually gets harassed for her troubles ("it's the onion bag for you"). |
Rule of the Rose....strange, never heard of that one until now and I thought I knew most Survival-Horror games *looks it up*
Ordered Class of Heroes yesterday, Random Dungeons are fun. |
I remember people saying that Rule of Rose was disturbing. It took you guys saying it to remind me of how creepy I found it.
Zell is amazing :love I miss my PS1 now. I found a gameshark code that let you play in the SEED outfits the entire game. :rock I wish more rpgs had a new game + with optional outfits and carryovers. :( |
I loved the SEED outfits. after playing through the game 5 times the regular costumes really really bored me.
Playing through a game 5 times will do that to you.
Especially FFVIII. |
Going to sound really nerdy but everytime a new FF came out up to FFXI a friend and I would hang out together side by side with two t.v's and playstations going through the ones preceeding the aforementioned release. I spent a lot of time playing Tripple Triad in VIII and was really irked by the new card game in IX and XI. What're you going to do though. :\
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