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As far as I know, you can´t drag bodies anymore, no, read that complaint quite often...
More SMT: Strange Journey-Fun: Since my goddamn game is still not here (3 Weeks now) I ordered another one from the Netherlands...should´ve done that from the start...I could just drive over there, that store is just an hour away...BUT I didn´t know about it until now because I´m kind of an idiot apparently...njech. |
It's weird not to be able to move bodies, but it doesn't bother me much. The co-op is a blast to play as well. I'm gonna try and get my Fallout 3 working again, but at this point that might be wishful thinking.
You're never getting that game, Oxblood.
A little off topit but Im curious. Doesnt Germany edit lots of games if they dont just ban then all out? Can you just drive over to the Netherlands and buy one of these edited or banned games and bring it back? If you do could you get in trouble for it? Would they confiscate the game and possibly fine you for owning "controlled goods"? Kind of like Cuban cigars here in the states. |
I don't think so Dimnos. Unless a police officer pulls you over and sees a bunch of copies of "Rape, Maim, Kill" or something.
RMK, the infamous spinoff of MDK. |
Our rating-guys basically have a problem with violence against humans and sometimes they don´t even care at all it seems. God of war 3 for example was released without any cuts or modifications, it´s just rated 18 and that´s it. Our real problem here are some old farts who call themself politicians who never tire of blaming Video Games for all kinds of violence. Everytime there is someone running amok - Videogames, no doubt. It´s really really annoying. Sad fact: We had quite some cases of some kid running amok here over the last few years. Why? Because they were completely messed up losers no one cared about. That´s what drove them over the edge, everyone knows that but admitting it would be admitting that our politicians have to do something in terms of families and education and that´s WAY too expensive no sir, no money for helping the messed up. Luckily most important politicians don´t give a shit because they know the Videogame-industry is too important by now to piss it off and that the whole affair is just plain bullshit anyway. But it´s still a popular way to draw attention away from real problems like stupid parents, insufficiently effective schools and other stuff in this country. Of course, those who criticise Videogames and blame them for all kinds of stuff never touched or even saw a videogame. A special problem is a single guy, a...what´s the word in english...he´s a professor for criminology I think and he neeeever tires of honking around like a fucking elk when it comes to Videogames in connection to violence. Kinda like our version of Jack Thompson, only that no one shut the stupid bastard up yet. In short: Our problem is not so much the censoring of videogames, even though that CAN be problematic every now and then, it is the defamation of millions of people with a harmless hobby, the discrimination of videogamers and the deliberate misinformation of the public by these liars and politicians who either use the whole topic to avert attention from their own mistakes or simply because they actually believe in all that bullshit. How I´d love to see them replaced by efficient people, that would be so wonderful. Interesting fact: Most of the time, these people seem to be part of the CSU (christly social union), the bavarian branch of the christian-democrats who are about as convervative as you can get in germany. Egh...bavarians, you don´t understand what the hell they´re saying, they ruin our politics (not that other politicians were a lot better though), they´re way too extreme with their CSU-guys...what the fuck do we need ´em for anyway... Not that I´ve ever been to Bavaria but if they can be prejudiced against my hobby and by that against me, I can afford not to like them too. Oh and as a final statement: I HATE politics, it destroys so much with it´s scheming and all the lies and what´s worse, people believe all those lies. It´s like a fucking circus everytime there´s an election here. People "promise the blue from the skies", as we say here and still, a lot of people actually believe all this and go vote for the idiots. It´s true for all parties here, sure and not voting is a dangerous thing to do because it strengthens the brown guys but still: I won´t be able to vote for ANY major party while keeping a clean conscience... Sorry, I got side tracked but maybe it´s interesting to know for you guys how things are handled over here. Oh by the way, Strange Journey simply wasn´t released in europe, just a money-thing for Atlus, the strong religious themes never posed any problem here. Edit (15:30h here): Hey, Dr. Boogie, guess what? Strange Journey just got here. The order from the Netherlands that is...talk about flying Dutchmen...2 Days, that´s a good time... |
So in short its not a crime to own a copy of the new Wolfenstein with swastikas? Just selling it is?
Just finished Splinter Cell Conviction. It was very enjoyable, but also quite hard towards the end. Gonna start playing King Of Fighters 98 again :)
Funny thing is, they apparently forgot ONE swastika in one level and they had to pull ALL the games from the shelves and as far as I know the didn´t re-release it...strange things can happen here, indeed. To finally answer your question: You could get problems if customs cought a german importing banned games but you can still get them here and there. Just owning them won´t get you in much trouble though, especially not if they have nothing to do with the whole nazi-stuff (which is sick since all you do in those games is KILL nazis, i can´t count the legions of germans I killed in the 20 years of my videogaming career :lol). To be honest, I don´t know the specific laws concerning these things, nor do I care about them a lot. I play what I want to play and in 9 of 10 cases, the fact that I live in germany won´t stop me from doing that. By the way, another interesting censoring was "the Darkness", a great game most of you will know. There they changed the heart-eating to soul-eating which is less bloody but WAY more horrifying if you ask me...still, it´s censorship and I don´t do censorship :| |
oh well if i get caught by mexican customs caring something ilegal i just roll out cash and nothing happend is there a video of ths soul eating?
also funny fact the japanesse version of god of war 3 has a z rating wich is kinda like the adults only us rating however the sex scene is censored :/ |
The Darkness rocked, but yer. It was gory.
Darkness was a cool game.
Played a little bit of army of two: 40th day. I remember darkvare saying there's pretty much no story which is true. Its fun though playing co-op. The upgrade menu seems a little bit clunky though and the loading time sssssuuuuuucccccckkkkkkssssss. |
I couldnīt find a Video of it but hereīs a picture. ![]() Basically, ALL the heart-eating gore was removed and all you get is that black shade-ball-thingy you see in the middle of the screen. Lame, eh? I think the Darkness is one of the worst versions to own in german. Just for fun, hereīs what was cut or changed (thereīs a very handy german site that keeps track of these things so you know what they took out) -No bloody impacts of shots when hitting a target -No damage textures -No blood marks on the floor or walls (game becomes eerily "clean" by that) -No Blood effects on darkling kills -No burning enemies -No begging or crying enemies on the floor -No ragdoll effects on corpses (they love taking that out for some reason) -No impaling via Tentacle (enemies just fall over and canīt be impaled) -No heart-eating -7 execution-moves removed, rest lacks blood-effects -Cutscenes have no gore or blood, some are censored I think (think of the drill-sequence, no blood) -2 Bonus Comic unlockables were removed because of swastikas (instead of just censoring the symbols) Can it get any worse I ask you? I donīt think so. But then again this is one of the worst examples, thatīs how they handled these games in the 90s, mostly PC-Shooters got that intensive treatment. Quote:
why would they take away the rag doll thing?
also i'm pretty sure i own both comics that were removed |
"Shooting someone is sick already, but doing...anything else to the corpse is outright evil". Sounds stupid, but thatīs the reason behind it. The people behind those censorings as well as the people who lead the "killergame"-debate as it is actually called canīt see the difference between a human being and pixels that form the illusion of a human being on a screen. To them, itīs almost the same thing. More than once, FPS-Games were called murder-simulations and other nonesense. Someone actually tried to convince the public that playing Counterstrike can turn you into a deadly marksman because...well, you were practicing under SUCH realistic circumstances and blah blah blah.. I think you can see where this is headed. Iīve killed millions of beings on the screen but does that help me aim a real gun or teach me how to handle the recoil? No, because Iīve never fired or held a real gun AND Iīm fucking afraid of guns in general :lol |
A sex education game made by the british govt. Fucking hilarious though. The villain is a Luchador with a penis for an arm that shoots sperm. Its for Mature Young audiences so prob NSFW. |
is kinda nasty for an educational game and having seen countless luchadores i haven't seen many with pennis for an arm
I've shot a gun and been shot at and I don't think those people played many videogames. Unless Atari and Colecovision leads to psychotic episodes in which people think random pedestrians are all trying to steal their drugs or something. I love how politicians and the media demonize anything that they do not understand unless it's an iPod or something. They go insane for fucking Apple. I just looked at the German version of The Darkness and I think it could be more damaging to children. If you shoot something and it doesn't react and just falls over, doesn't that create a sort of immoral void where your actions in the videogame have no repercussion? If they don't scream or bleed, it just makes it seem like they are even more soulless dummies. I dunno. Food for thought I guess. Maybe they should ban guns? That would keep kids from getting them. |
Banning guns and making them totally unavailable to civilians could certainly help since even over here every case of someone running amok in the past years (all schoolkids by the way, no grownups) had guns involved. Mostly Handguns, some Hunting rifles...the parents either had guns or the kids were in a shooting club (right word?) which has a lot of tradition over here...something I canīt understand and Iīd ban it right away if I could. Thankfully, it would not be as hard as it would be in the States but even here thereīs a strong gun-lobby, only that it consists of hunters and gun-club-members since those are the only civilan people who can own guns... That reminds me of something I always wanted to ask an american...I know itīs not as hard to own a gun in the states, sure. But...how much does a simple handgun cost? Something common maybe. Always wanted to know that. |
Children and guns do not ever mix well, which is why any sane parent should not keep a gun in their home. Maybe if children got beaten up like they used to and actually had to fight for things, they would know better than to use a weapon. When people know what violence can cause, they tend not to use it. A kid in my city was arrested for shooting another boy in the face because he didn't want to fight him, man to man. It's horrible. |
I jumped back into retro-gaming today.
1. Primal Rage 2. Earthworm Jim Both played on my model 1 Sega Genesis. 20+ years and still kickin. |
Actually, the thought that some convenience store owner has a gun under his counter is pretty absurd when I try to imagine something like that over here...but our convenience stores arenīt open at night, so the situation is a little different anyways. And now: What am I playing right now ;) SMT: Strange Journey is awesome, great pacing, good gameplay, not too hard yet. The musicīs pretty forgettable though. Also I downloaded Sword of Fargoal for my Ipod. Never played it back in the day on the C64 but hell, itīs really good, same goes for the PC-Port. A great roguelike. Still playing Just Cause 2 and Way of the Samurai 3 and both are still quite entertaining. Resonance of Fate...not as much. Not bad but very tedious. |
About to start playing Super Street Fighter 4 and Monster Hunter Tri. I beat Super Mario Galaxy the other day and man that game kicks your ass. The final level had me foaming at the mouth in rage after dying for the 800th time.
^ Does Super Street Fighter 4 have a better opening title song that "INDESTRUCTABLE" ?
SSF4 doesn't have that horrible song anymore and it's actually a big improvement from the regular SF4. It still can't hold a candle to KOF98 but otherwise it's pretty good. I'd say it's easily the best Street Fighter other than Alpha 3. The main menu has this homo-erotic picture of Ryu holding Ken like he wants to rape him though lol. Early bootlegs for the win!
i want super street fighter 4 :(
You should get it if you didn't get regular SF4. It has a ton of characters and great arcade style online play. No Alex or Elena from SF3 though :(
i only cared for dudley in 3 and the reason i haven't bought is i'm low on funds
I also got my hands on SSF4 at my friend's place. Sadly, I'm shit with the 360 pad (GODDAMN PIECE OF SHIT DPAD) and even worse with an arcade stick (I can't do quartercircles for the life of me). I'll definitely have to buy the PS3 version at launch.
Still, fucking awesome game. The new music is fantastic, the new characters are fun as hell, and the tweaks to old characters are welcome. My girl Cammy's got a serious boost in the Spin Knuckle's speed, and Canon Spike seems to have more range. Juri is fun as hell. Her projectile is pretty awesome, and she's versatile as fuck. Dudley's really good. Almost too good, IMO. He can uppercut and catch you with a second uppercut (or his Ultra). He's fucking fierce. Ibuki is pretty fun, and a little better than in 3rd Strike; I feel like you need to be really strategic with her, since her moves are pretty conditional, but there's huge payback. Cody and Guy are really fun; Guy's kind of a bastard with his target combo and air grab. Cody's fun when you wanna fuck with people. Playing defensively seemed to work best for me. Overall, really awesome stuff. |
Cammy is a fucking beast. I've always been a Sagat player though. I hate the shitty voices in SSF4 though, I wish there was a retro-voice option.
The AI is shit on harder difficulties though, all it does is spam hadokens and shit. |
Fuckin hate Cammy. Would beat the shit out of here if I wasn't certain she would go al FTANRI all over me.
Cammy's awesome. I love that weird hair thing on the front of her head. And her bitchy British voice :D
For some reason I always thought Cammy was a bad guy :\
She was at one point in the timeline, but then she gets amnesia and the red beret and...oh fuck no one cares about the Street Fighter timeline.
Street Fighter has a storyline? I remember there being a cartoon or something, but I wasn't sure if that was considered canon.
I started playing Dragon Age and it seems pretty decent so far. |
I play fighting games for the stories. :(
Wish they would make a new Bloody Roar game. |
or at least come out with a Bloody Roar anthology disc. Those games were hardcore. I remember playing them like crazy in the local arcades. Super Radical ....mannnn. |
I think they came out with a Bloody Roar for gamecube but I've never played that one. 3 was my favorite.
Ghost, you were lucky to miss Primal Fury. It sucked so hard. SNK has been releasing lots of anthologies for the Wii lately. I've been playing King Of Fighters and Samurai Showdown because of it. They released a Metal Slug one too. Hudson should definitely jump on the bandwagon. I loved #2 and 3.
I remember when Bloody Roar 2 came out I rented it from blockbuster. My mother wanted me to meet this girl who was a daughter of her friends that played vid games too. She was attractive and I happened to bring over Blood Roar 2 and she's like "I don't play fighting games, I only play [some lame games I don't remember]". I was like "Cool.......gotta go."
marvel vs capcom 3 you guys there is indeed a god and he likes awesome crosovers
http://www.gametrailers.com/video/ca...arvel-vs/64606 |
Final Fight: Double Impact. I've lost countless hours and quarters on Final Fight in the past.
Right now I find I'm playing Magic Sword a whole lot more though. |
aparently Q2/2011 so 2011 already has 2 must have for me gears 3 and mvc 3 oh i love it also if you see the trailer closely you'll notice what looks like deadpools outline in marvels logo i hope he appear this time also it has the coolest subtitle ever fate of two worlds so FTW
That's the first time in history that SS6 has reached the shores of the USA in a form that's not an import version. |
I finished Thief 2.
Actually, I didn't think it was as good as 1 or 3, mostly because the last three missions left an awful taste in my mouth. I really would have hated Casing the Joint/Masks less if it had just been a single mission; Garret's never had to visit a place in two separate nights in order to effectively rob the occupants blind and deaf before, and I don't see why he should have to now just because the house is full of super secret passages and security systems and shite. Plus, when you initially case the mansion you don't get many opportunities to steal anything really valuable, so the next mission is basically you running around the place butt naked against twice as many guards as the last time. Not impossible, but fucking annoying. I didn't care for Sabotage, either, mostly because the Builder's Children are a left ass to deal with on Expert and can frequently one-shot you in total darkness with little or no warning. Still a good game otherwise, though, I think my favorite mission was the one where you run around the Lost City kidnapping Cavador under the Mechanist's noses. Now I have to figure out how to get the original game to not shit itself inside out on XP, because I haven't finished that one either. The demo version seems to work fine when I only run it on one processor, but the full game won't. |
I think I´m about done with Just Cause 2...38 hours of fun are more than good for that kind of game.
Got God of War 3 from a friend and, as expected, it´s great. The sheer scale of things is really something else and it doesn´t even take it´s time to get to these giant confrontations, they´re there from minute one and don´t stop coming... Oh and I think GOW3 must be the most brutal game I´ve played in a LONG time...some of it also seems really unneccessary but whatever, it´s not like Kratos is known for his Ikebana-skills and pleasant conversational abilities. |
I couldn't even get into Just Cause 2. The bad voiceacting and shitty pc controls were a complete turn-off for me. Why do people enjoy God Of War so much? I played through the first one and thought that it was very "meh" quality.
Bad Company 2....
anybody wanna play lost planet 2 mp demo on ps3 with me?
:lol |
Dimnos gets 10 points for correctness, DMC is horrible.
DMC was horrible. I played some of God Of War 2 and hated it as well. The only game of that neo-beat em up genre that I actually enjoyed was Ninja Gaiden 2, and that was only because it was the most ridiculously difficult 360 game that I've played.
I liked DMC. Halfway through DMC4 right now.
Never got through #4, the graphics were great though.
I skipped 2 but heard it was horrible. Played a few missions of 3.
I was thinking about getting SOTN for XBOX but I don't want to replay it again. |
I haven't played a video game made in the last six years :smokin
Milhouse: Have you ever gotten all the treasure chests? I always forget about the one in the entrance hallway where you have to jump on the toad walking while going up to the kings chamber in the beginning of the game. |
Also, I started playing Harvest Moon again. The GBA one. |
Super Mario RPG was amazing. I'm midway through Dragon Age, and just started about 5 other 360 games. I've got to stop mah downloadin'.
Indeed. Between new movies, books, games, and applications, I'm spread all thin like the jelly on a bad PB&J.
That was always something I didnīt like about the GOW-Series, the fighting is not as much fun as it should be. Same with the third. 4 weapons, only two are noteworthy since the other two are just recycled chainblades again. Then again, GOW is of course a universe or two easier than any DMC-Game (except 4 which sucked and was boring and uninspired and 2 which doesnīt exist) so playing it is more relaxed. I still think, the best game in this specific action-brawling-whatever-genre is Bayonetta. Bought Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 yesterday for 20 bucks, a good investment. Wrestling is good fun, especially if you canīt watch any real Wrestling over here. The only stupid thing is that I donīt know any of these bland guys...they all look so...normal...what happened to the colorful people with the nice costumes I wonder... :lol seems like a lot has happened in the last 10 years. |
well you can wait for AAA lucha libre game by televisa home entertainment
I'm so going to be La Parka.
Looks funny but those games stand and fall with the editor, I never play as any existing athletes :)
well to be honest the only wrestling game i used to play i used the editor to try to recreate thesse wrestlers and of course the inmortal santo
Ah, even I know Santo :)
I don´t know, those guys in SVR2010...people like Cena for example. I...kinda know he´s a bigshot and everything, but he and so many other guys there are just faceless somehow, they don´t emit that goofy charisma the old guys had. I read up on the last ten years or so yesterday so I know that´s what they were going for apparently. A darker, grittier kind of wrestling, but I don´t really like it, so I built myself with shark-teeth and now I beat those people up in the game which is awesome as always :) Also, I´m pleased to see that the Undertaker is still around...he´s what, 45? But then again, I heard they´re still bringing out Hogan every now and then...hm. |
i guess you can use external hard drives with xbox 360's now. I plugged in a flash drive i had and it seems to work for xbox stuff, i saved some games onto it :O
Evidently, you can also put movies on your flash drive, plug it into your 360, and watch them that way, too. Makes downloading movies seem more appealing than ever!
Crystal Castles Atari 1983 Arcade cabinet Just fixed the track ball on it yesterday. Seems that some jerk kid must of stuck a carnival raffle ticket in their a decade ago. Now it runs smoothly. |
Sonic 1, 2, 3, and Knuckles on the DS. Very well suited to it.
Found Nier for a reasonable price this morning...I know next to nothing about it and...well, now I just hope it´s okay :D
Played some of the Donkey Kong Country games today on the Wii. Mostly 2; 1's controls frustrate me for some reason, and I can't quite pinpoint why. I was dying a lot. The second game didn't frustrate me, so I just stuck with that. Plus, it's just way better overall. Didn't try 3, which I actually kinda liked save for that retard Kiddie.
But I remember all of the levels and music by heart, even though I haven't touched those games in over a decade. Felt going to your parents' place after not being there for a long time, and everything's still the same :( Oh, except I didn't have chicken pox when I was playing 2. So I actually had more fun now. |
yea you've been able to watch movies off of one for a while now although it has to be a supported format :O before you couldn't save anything xbox related to it.
That is one seriously well made game.
That's awesome
Okay, so Nier after 9 hours:
Pretty good game actually. Okay, so the graphics suck, we knew that already. But Gameplay, Story, Characters and especially the music are really nice. I regretted buying Resonance of Fate for 50 bucks, but this one? Not really, it´s very entertaining and has this certain something... |
Bioware really knows how to drag out a game. Dragon Age is the only RPG from them that I wish was shorter. Much shorter. Since when did hero of the land become everyones bitch?
Since the very first time SOMEONE had rats in his basement. It´s the fucking rats, I tell you. And if it isn´t rats, it´s spiders. Hate those guys!
Just finished Army of two: 40th day yesterady. Love how the achievement for winning as friends is "TOTAL FISTBUMP DESTRUCTION"
I was iffy about getting the DLC for the additional chapters. Has anyone played through them? |
lmao OxBlood
Started up Scribblenauts and it is coooool
Army of Two: 40th Day was pretty awesome with couch co-op. Didn't play the dlc though. Dragon Age had one of the most frustrating end-boss battles I've ever played. Why is there no equivalent of a pheonix down in western rpgs? Fuck.
Crystal Castle Arcade cabinet report:
Tried sanding down some of the rust on the trackball rollers yesterday. Looks OK but I forgot to apply some lubricant when I put it back together and it scratched the ball. :( Kinda pissed, gotta have to take it apart again and see if I can spray some WD-40 in there and make it perfect this time. |
You got a CC-Cabinet? Not bad :D
Finished Nier today. Really nice game, even though the beginning and ending don´t make much sense yet. Playing through the Kind-of-newgame+ now which starts me in the middle of the game but with new scenes and partial understanding of the Shade-language which in turn changes how you react to them because they are not mindless spirit-beasts anymore, now, that you can more or less understand what they are doing. |
I also got a SCI Cabinet and a TX-Sector Pinball machine. Word to the wise if you or anyone else who reads this is thinking of collecting. 1. You need a lot of space. Right now I have these in my living room and they fit but if I buy anymore I'm going to move the collection to the garage. 2. Buy a game that goes on forever. Games similar to Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Centipede, Crystal Castles, galaga..... If you buy a game that only has 6 or 7 levels to it you're going to have a feeling of buyers remorse. Find games that are point / skill based. Level based games only works on consoles. |
I was going to get a cabinet for the Golden Axe RODA but the shipping alone was like 1$k
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