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Check out the Sega stuff on Steam today. Yet another way for them to get more of my money.
Why are the games on steam so expensive? You don't get a physical copy, manual, case, or shelf space in a store so shouldn't it start off at 40$ or something. Or is all that just extra profit now that they don't have to actually give you anything physical?
They're MSRP, usually. I believe it's because that's what the publisher wants to charge. It's probably not Steam's fault. Also, there's the convenience of not having to keep discs, though I don't think that's really factored into the price. I think Valve uses up a lot of bandwidth and there's probably a lot of server overhead.
Plus, most PC games start at $50 usually, anyway. And the sales on Steam are very righteous. |
In Europe, Steam directly converts $ to € which has pissed a lot of people off. $50.00 = ~€40.00 currently but it was a lot worse earlier this year.
They wanted 50€ for Dawn of War 2...I think they still do...not acceptable if you ask me. Downloadgames HAVE to be cheaper than Disc-Versions, especially if you have to be online to play them, something the Publishers like to try out right now as it seems.
Still, I got quite some games from Steam but only cheap stuff. |
Yeah, I forget that the Eur. gets shafted on a lot with their stupid currency not being converted. :(
I think so, yeah, Example: Alpha Protocol costs 49,99€ here.
Now, I can´t look up the US-Price right now but surely one of you can, stupid Geo-mumbojumbo-schnickschnack. |
On console its $59.99 on PC its $49.99.
Yeah Dimnos, it's a ridiculous system that has not been changed to this day. I don't even live in Europe and it pisses me off.
Just started Metro 2033 and Call of Juarez 2 and I am intrigued. Call of Juarez 2 is honestly the most un-American game I have ever played. Not to mention, racist. |
lol if that was the same system in mexico it would fucking rock
Playing Demon's Souls. Fuck wolves.
What would that be? Like $5? :lol |
............ff7 :(
Im sorry BTC. :(
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.
Pretty cool. Waaay better than Portable Ops. Controls frustrate me though. Thanks for the one analog nub, Sony. |
I'm going to attempt to play Crysis today, I hope my PC will run it.
UPDATE: Wow, Crysis runs at like 40fps constantly on my PC. My parts are all about 2 years old too. :D |
I wish more than two whole people in the world still played PSP games. I want to try versus and co-op. That Love Box I have will never get fully used :( |
Love that game though. I'm still hoping for a HD remake. Who are you using? |
lol it's too bad that Crysis is so boring. It's so fucking hard that you can barely progress and your suit needs some new batteries every 3 seconds.
I didn't really care for it either. :( Playing on an island is fun though. I wish Far Cry 3 was on an island.
why the main character looks like an ape in crysis
why the main character looks like an ape in gears of war
cause they are both apes?
Good enough for me. :|
Everyone is beginning to look like a shaved Donkey Kong in these new action games. Just look at Chris Redfield in RE5 or Nico Belic. Man, I wish they made a sequel to DK64....
jhon marston didn't looked like an ape
Playing Fallout 3 again. This time as a Pistol-wielding Idiot who refuses to use any weapon that requires 2 hands. AND he loves the Chinese Pistol which is a real problem since it´s the worst firearm in the game. But hey, what can you do, he still has the Magnum as a backup-gun
That was the most retarded part of the game. :lol Wow. What a perfectly rounded boulder just sitting right here next to this lava filled gap the exact same size. Proof that in the world of Resident Evil there is a god and he is laughing at all the poor fool getting eaten by zombies.
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I've got a copy of Ultima Online still shrink-wrapped.
I use to have every cloth map ever produced. :(
On another note, Crysis turned into a weird alien shooter about 3 hours in. :lol |
That's how awesome Wesker is though.
the scott pilgrim game looks cool and as long as is michael cera free i'm getting it
![]() http://gameinformer.com/games/scott_...-hands-on.aspx |
Got to the part in MGS:Peace Walker where it becomes a time sink. Not only am I managing units, building weapons, and sending men out on missions, I'm building my own Metal Gear. Freaking awesome. Also, two-player Tank Box is awesome.
Bosses are fucking lame (generic vehicles that spit out troops) but three of them are actually really interesting since they're weird robot vehicles. That sing. I've never seen a tank that was capable of punching me with it's treads while boosting out of the room, singing a haunting song, then shouting out a few more notes before leaping onto the ground from the ceiling off camera. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIw6J...eature=related (skip to 4:00 to see what I mean. It's hilarious.) Oh, and recruiting people is way more awesome. You strap a fulton balloon onto someone and they just shoot up into the air and get picked up by plane. It's great. Quote:
You build your own Metal Gear ([snake]METAL GEARRRRR ?![/snake])?
Alright, I´ll buy it. By the way, did I mention that one of my lifelong dreams is to build a fucking mech/mecha/frame/gear/bot/Angriffsrüstung (just so the japanese can use another german word for Mech) and lay waste to a city? :) One day. Mark my words. One day. If not in this life than in some other, preferably in one where I´m actually able to build...something. Right now, I´m just moderately good at breaking stuff... |
I'm not sure how customizable it is. You salavage AI parts from three of the robot bosses, so I dunno if you can make drastically unique Metal Gears. The parts you get do depend on which ones aren't damaged when you fight them, so I don't know.
You CAN change what it says, though. (If the name "Vocaloid" rings a bell, that's the exact software the Metal Gear and robot bosses use.) You don't get it till you finish building and beat the main story, though, so I haven't tried it out. But full control over your talking mech's voice is pretty fucking clutch. |
I'm about to start Okami on the Wii because I've never played it before. I hope it's good.
EDIT: Vocaloid Metal Gear? OMGFUCK |
Yea dude. Watch the youtube I posted 'round 4minutes, that boss uses it too. It's absolutely haunting/hilarious. You can kinda hear it talking/announcing it's attacks too, but that video's really loud.
I got about 30 minutes into Okami and stopped caring. I also got stuck due to the dodgy motion controls.
Oh, it doesn´t have to be customizable for me to like it, it´s just a nice thought, Snake (the good one, don´t like his "son" that much) building his first (?) Metal Gear.
For custom robot-carnage, I´ll wait for the next Front Mission or a good Armored Core (but I somehow doubt they´ll ever create a really good one). Still running around in Fallout 3 and the Doc finally got his hands on the Blackhawk-Magnum-Thingy and the Fire-Chinagun (which sucks balls too sadly) He´s also very fond of his homemade mines and likes to blow Yao Guis and Deathclaws to bit with them. Coming along quite nicely. |
Well that's good, because I'm pretty sure you're building it for the final story mission, which obviously means one thing ;)
I think I might give Monster Hunter Tri a shot tonight. I was watching Gametrailers' review (their video reviews are fantastic) and supposedly it's not annoying like the PSP games or watered down with friend codes. Like, it has normal WiFi. So I'm kinda pumped to try it. |
so mortal kombat is back i hope is good the 2d fighting is definitly a step in the right direction
http://kotaku.com/5560010/the-new-mo...pure-brutality |
Beat Bioshock 2. Loved it. The level 3 plasmids were kinda all the same, though.
Beat Crysis and it's expansion just due to sheer curiosity. Man that game was a fucking drag. Bioshock 2 was the shit btw.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Demon's Souls still. Beat World 2 and a bunch of other bosses.
This game is terrifyingly hard and gets exponentially harder, somehow. BTW, these dudes invading my game to get their souls back are faggots. >: I'm just gonna stay in soul form from now on. I do more damage, anyway. |
So, I just unlocked the Peace Walker missions that take place in Monster Hunter. It's not every day you fire a homing rocket launcher at a flying wyvern and mow down a pack of raptors with a machine gun. Sadly, my advanced technology isn't doing me any good; I keep getting clobbered. You win this time, fireballs.
I went back to playing Trauma Team too. That's a rock-solid game, save for investigating, which just gets longer and more tedious as you progress. Endoscopy's a lot more fun than it should be. |
I terms of difficulty...meh, itīs not really that hard, you just gotta know what to do and which enemies to avoid at first...once you get to World 4-2, you can grind pretty easily if youīre interested in doing so. Something that always helped me btw is this: While youīre playing Demon Souls, pretend that itīs Contra, you die in one hit, yeah, but itīs not that hard to play through Contra, once you know how to do it. Same thing with DS. |
Every hit counts. Which is why I'm not bothering to increase my HP and defense anymore, and upping my MP and the Endurance and Luck stats instead. My attack is woefully low, I think because I started with the Archer.
This game demands multiple playthroughs with many characters. |
It does indeed. I didn´t bother with my HP either, in the second+ playtrough, most things just onehit you anyway, no matter what kind of armor you´re wearing (they fucked the AR-Mechanic up by making armor absorb a specific damage-total instead of a percentage of damage, so they become obsolete rather quickly).
Also, magic helps A LOT in this game, you can exploit...I think 2 or 3 bosses by using the cloud-spells, defeated at least 2 later-game bosses that way, takes about 10-15mins of waiting in a corner but at least it´s 100% safe...at least it was, don´t know if they patched it out by now. |
I just died and lost 40,000+ souls after it took me ten minutes to whittle the Old Hero down to where it would have taken one more hit. The Thief Ring definitely helps against these dumb bosses.
So I got a new desktop today. I've been using my laptop for 5 years now, and while it was capable, it barely ran TF2 and L4D and the like. Now my new machine's 12x better. And since TF2's crowded again because it came out on Mac, I decided I'd pick it back up again.
Holy hell, 24" of TF2 in 1080p...I can't go back to my laptop any more for games. And yes, I am always behind with computers and the like, but I'm broke, and this is the nicest thing I'll own for a long time :( |
I made built a new computer for about $200 and it runs pretty much everything beautifully. It's starting to get where some of the newer games are becoming harder to run, though.
Nice Pheonix, I just got a 24" 1080p monitor myself. I tried to play Oblivion yesterday but the horrible character creation and zillions of crashes made me uninstall lol. Does anyone know if the Witcher is good? I got a copy for free from newegg and I've never played it.
From the few people who have actually played it I have heard nothing but good things.
The Witcher, I'm told, is good.
I have it. But I hate the fantasy genre almost completely. Fantasy narratives are childish. But I'm told the Witcher's is exceptional. So, sure. Anything's worth a go if you already have it, man. |
Fathom. Did you ever get Red Dead?
It's sitting in my 360 waiting for me to finish playing Demon's Souls. I beat the first story mission and helped Bonnie again. It's just not as good RIGHT AFTER BEATING IT THE FIRST TIME.
Give me a little bit. I dun even have a mic. |
Mics are not required.
Been playing Gilligan's Island for the NES. Blah this game is totally shit. Trying to beat it so that I can turn it into a game called Chicken Sex Island.
Oh, and awesome avatar Esuohlim...I have the cheese tattoed on my arm. He is the best character in the show. He is better than the balogna and salami combined. |
Add me. Raggamofyn. |
i haven't played it like a week / haven't been on this board on a week, because i'm so fucking busy with work and crap. hopefully get back into it soon |
i've been playing heretic hexen and having 6 player endless lobbies on super street fighter 4 is freaking fun specially with an active chat
Now I'm playing the pre-launch event for All Points Bulletin due to my 360 remote breaking and me being too lazy to go get a new one. I have to say, I'm having fun customizing shit. My character is morbidly obese of course, and has a couple tats stating how hungry he is. He's decked out in a single tube sock on his left foot, stained underwear (poo stains on the ass and pee on the crotch) that I made, and no shirt. The actual gameplay is alright...it's just that they only give you 5 hours to play in the "action" zones. I guess to get you hooked and then snap it away from you when you start getting good so that you'll buy it when it comes out.
What the hell, guys. I've been playing Red Dead Redemption for the past two days and nobody else wants to play with me. You guys suck.
I started Metro 2033...it's very boring....I'm really getting tired of ridiculous games pretending to have realistic elements. It's like "Here's a giant mutant rat with AIDS...and realistic shooting physics and reload animations." I really hope this trend never spreads to Nintendo, I don't want to learn plumbing from Mario or horseback riding from Link.
I think awesomer horseys in Zelda would be better.
New Zelda, DK, Kirby, Kid Icarus, and other shit from Nintendo. The 3DS looks pretty sweet too. |
I have lost hope in all MMOs now that Fiesta is the best one out there.
And what I'm currently playing. |
If Zelda makes me swing my wrist again til I get tired of it, I'm not playing it. DK, maybe...I'm unimpressed with my Wii, even though I've kept it since launch. Only games that don't have dust on them are super smash bros brawl and tatsunoko Vs. Capcom
k0k0, try King Of Fighters: The Orochi Saga, it's by far the best compilation of KOF games and KOF98 is still the best 2d fighter period.
I keep dying in Modern Whorefare 2 on the easiest difficulty :lol. Maybe I should stop charging the russians with the rpgs. |
I only play on Veteran. :\ GO BIG OR GO HOME.
Also, playing all these quick first person shooters has made me better at bullethell games. I breezed through Guwange and DoDonPachi today. Both of which = Excellent Cave games. I'm fucking pumped for Deathsmiles when the localization comes out later this month. |
Still running around in Fallout 3 but losing interest again. Peacewalker comes out tomorrow over here (whatever their problem was this time) so I´ll try to find one today. Also found Apollo Justice for 10 bucks AND I´m waiting for my new used games. This time it´s Maken X and God Hand.
One other thing: I really really want the Parasite Eve Series on PSN, I love those games. |
Just unlocked and beat the last story boss in Peace Walker. Actually getting it was a pain in the ass, but the fight was pretty cool. Ending was a bit of a downer. Nothing particularly sad happened, but the realization that Big Boss would become a villain, despite being way more likable and human than Solid Snake and not doing anything wrong or immoral, made a lot of the ending a bummer for me. Just a "well, we're fucked. So let's just fight the whole world anyways" type of feeling.
Also, TF2. Getting a little less rusty, and actually getting good with a lot of classes I didn't use when it first came out. And I freaking love Cart Push maps. |
Isn't that the exact same thing that happened in MGS3? Are they copying endings now?
You know what game I really hope they make a sequel for? RPG maker. It'd be sweet to make a generic rpg on the xbox 360 (or ps3). I had so much fun creating bullshit rpgs involving my friends on a quest for some pubes in order to make pube pie or something like that. But alas, I don't think it made enough money. I also bought fighter maker, but it just plain sucked.
theres quest mania from ubisoft coming
Oh sweet...I hope it's as versatile.
I'm excited for Kid Icarus on the 3DS, so I decided to play the original on the Wii.
Man, that game has NOT aged well. I mean, I know it's an NES game, but Mario and Punch Out and Mega Man are all still fun. This game? You gotta really claw your way through to get the upgrades that allow you to start enjoying the game, and then they get taken away in the abysmal dungeon stages, which are just plain unfair (FUCK YOU EGGPLANT WIZARDS). Not to mention, the game's glitchy as hell. Maybe I'll play Sin and Punishment 2 instead. Kid Icarus Uprising looks a lot more like that. But I'm halfway through this game now, so I might as well finish. |
I loved RPG-Maker :)
Had it on the PC ages ago I think, a lot of fun writing stupid villagers and kick-ass attacks and spells. My favorite is still my ultimate Melee-Technique "Nuclear Fist" :lol...sadly I never found a geiger-counter sound that was loud enough to be played in the background while doing that thing :D Which reminds me of one thing about RPGs in particular: The voice-actors never get this one thing right. If you do an awesome uber-technique (why am I saying uber and not über...ah well) you gotta SAY it properly. The Lezard VA in Valkyrie Profile 2 did a rather good job with his techs...but most VAs just plain suck at this. Just wanted to mention that cause it always bugs me. |
It didn't age badly, it just always sucked and was really hard
Kid Icarus just plain sucked. That's why they never brought it back until now. I hated it when I owned it on nes as a kid. There are a group of people who call it a classic, only because it was hard as shit and gave them a challenge, but if you call anything a classic based on that thought, then there are a lot of games that should be considered great.
They DID make a Gameboy sequel. Wonder if it's as bullshit or glitchy as the original...
I LOVED Kid Icarus on the old school NES. It was probably my favorite game. It was fun and hard as shit. Yes there were plenty of games back then that were hard but most werent as fun.
There is a nostalgic NES charm to Kid Icarus.
Plus he was on Captain N |
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