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OxBlood Apr 17th, 2011 02:58 PM

Hm, it seems, Germany is really barred from using Mortal Kombat online...I registered the Online code via my UK-Fake account and voilá - it works. No Servers yet though and the first random player ran out after the first round...which was understandable cause I played Smoke and he´s super cheap :D

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 17th, 2011 03:41 PM

I love smoke. Yet to part the new mk though. Is it human smoke or robot smoke?

OxBlood Apr 17th, 2011 05:23 PM

Human, Robot Smoke isn´t in the game (yet?) We get another cyberfied Ninja instead...but I guess you already know who it is...

LordSappington Apr 17th, 2011 11:07 PM

OoT. I forgot how much I hated the Water Temple.

Chojin Apr 18th, 2011 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 717892)
it was pretty fun i guess? i liked the grid puzzle thing for choosing how your attributes level up


Guitar Woman Apr 18th, 2011 01:24 AM


OoT. I forgot how much I hated the Water Temple.
Protip: The second key you need when you're stuck is in the room where you float up to meet Ruto, mid level.

Also, don't forget that there's loot underneath the room inside the middle spire; if you raise the water up a bit, that weird brown platform floats up and there's a passage under it.

LordSappington Apr 18th, 2011 02:09 AM

I finally finished it. The whole problem is all of a sudden, the game's like "Hey, you liked the puzzles before? Well, try keeping track of rooms at multiple levels, along with changing the water levels to match them, along with matching the water levels inside THOSE rooms because they change levels! Also, fuck you!"
On the other hand, Shadow Link was a little bitch once I tried using the Megaton Hammer on him. Turns out he's completely harmless when you use it.

Guitar Woman Apr 18th, 2011 02:33 AM

I usually just don't Z-Target him at all, run in as close as I can, and fucking wail on him with the Master Sword. He'll only be able to block a few attacks before you eventually get him. This is probably the fastest possible way to beat him, but you're going to get the shit kicked out of you while doing this, so a potion or two is a good idea. Fairies are for wee little girly men.

OxBlood Apr 18th, 2011 05:14 AM

I finished the Mortal Kombat-Storymode and jeez, it´s really great, so much History :)

Played some more online too, won some matches, some with Smoke, some with Raiden, though I wanna try getting better with...errrr Secret Character #1. The King of the Hill Mode is really nice too, I can´t remember any other Brawler with a working Spectator Mode. The lags suck though when playing with some people.

Oh, and Babalities. They are so much fun :D

LordSappington Apr 18th, 2011 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 717969)
I usually just don't Z-Target him at all, run in as close as I can, and fucking wail on him with the Master Sword. He'll only be able to block a few attacks before you eventually get him. This is probably the fastest possible way to beat him, but you're going to get the shit kicked out of you while doing this, so a potion or two is a good idea. Fairies are for wee little girly men.

He literally didn't do anything when I used the hammer; he didn't block or strike back or flip out of the way; he just kept getting hit like a little bitch. It was kind of disappointing, after hearing everyone freak out about him so much.

Esuohlim Apr 18th, 2011 12:39 PM

Din's Fire, idiots. It will kill him in like two hits.

Also my problem with the Water Temple is the unintuitive placement of the blue Song of Time block in a spot where you can't see it that leads to the snake-shaped room. Other than that I didn't really find it to be the big headache everyone makes it out to be.

LordSappington Apr 18th, 2011 12:55 PM

Only losers use the fairy spells. Real men use swords and hammers and bombs

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 18th, 2011 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 717972)
I canīt remember any other Brawler with a working Spectator Mode.

That looked really interesting. Thats what I remember most about playing Mortal Kombat or even really any arcade game when I was younger was watching other people play. Waiting for my turn. Then being watched by others waiting their turn.

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 18th, 2011 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 717986)
Din's Fire, idiots. It will kill him in like two hits.

Also my problem with the Water Temple is the unintuitive placement of the blue Song of Time block in a spot where you can't see it that leads to the snake-shaped room. Other than that I didn't really find it to be the big headache everyone makes it out to be.


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 717993)
Only losers use the fairy spells. Real men use swords and hammers and bombs

I never knew about Din's fire either. Was it Ocarina of Time that you could learn the scarecrow song? I remember learning it and then never finding a use for him.

elx Apr 19th, 2011 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 717993)
Only losers use the fairy spells. Real men use swords and hammers and bombs

no! real men use deku nuts :(

also i'm playing CreaVures <3

Zhukov Apr 19th, 2011 01:25 AM

I really liked the water temple.

OxBlood Apr 19th, 2011 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 718012)
That looked really interesting. Thats what I remember most about playing Mortal Kombat or even really any arcade game when I was younger was watching other people play. Waiting for my turn. Then being watched by others waiting their turn.

Yeah, itīs nice. All the little Avatars jumping around, throwing tomatoes and stuff :lol

Gladly, you can switch to fullscreen whenever you want and focus on the fight.
I was beaten to a pulp by a Scorp-player yesterday after I destroyed his Jax with my Jade...turned out he knew how to play Scorp way better...then again, he didnīt have that much of a chance against my Smoke afterwards :).

What I love about brawlers is the anticipation the moment before you can move in the beginning. Will the enemy just jump? Will he do a special and if, which will he do, will he anticipate MY jump and uppercut me? I donīt know why but I like that tension :)

Phoenix Gamma Apr 19th, 2011 07:06 AM

Just beat Portal 2's singleplayer. Fantastic story. Level design was a lot harder, and there were a lot of moments outside of the test chambers that had me stumped, though a few times the solution had me thinking "how was I supposed to know to do THAT?" after staring at a room for awhile.

Aside from that, the puzzles were really good, the story was a lot different from the first one, and then it turns out there's a store for items in co-op, so you can make a living off this game now too.

Plus it's really damn funny.

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 19th, 2011 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 718067)
Yeah, itīs nice. All the little Avatars jumping around, throwing tomatoes and stuff :lol

Hahahha, that just got so much better. I thought it was just fullscreen watching two other people fight.

OxBlood Apr 19th, 2011 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 718084)
Hahahha, that just got so much better. I thought it was just fullscreen watching two other people fight.

You can if you want. But if you use the other viewing-mode (just press select to switch back and forth) you see the two combatants´ avatars standing on little pedestals flailing their arms while the waiting crowd cheers down below. After the fight, the crowd and the loser can rate the winner from 0-10...a nice way to show spammers what you think of them :)

Here´s a pic from the PS3-Version, the Xbox uses the normal User-Avatars instead.

I´ve only played King of the hill once though and the lag was really horrible which seems to be a location problem again. Against some people it´s 90% like the singleplayer in terms of lag, against others it´s about half a second to a whole second of lag. Almost unplayable. I am able to anticipate games like this to a certain degree and do certain things even with a second of lag but I can hardly win that way ;)

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 19th, 2011 11:53 AM

I'm going to try and rent it tonight, looks like a ton of fun.

Esuohlim Apr 19th, 2011 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 718013)
Was it Ocarina of Time that you could learn the scarecrow song? I remember learning it and then never finding a use for him.

Yeah, whenever you get to an area where Navi flies off suddenly, turns blue, and hovers around an empty space that's usually where you can play the song. It usually just lead to Skulltulas or rupees, though.

darkvare Apr 19th, 2011 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 718110)
Yeah, whenever you get to an area where Navi flies off suddenly, turns blue, and hovers around an empty space that's usually where you can play the song. It usually just lead to Skulltulas or rupees, though.

actually you need it on the fire temple to get the scarecrow to appear and lead you to a heart piece if i remember correctly

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 19th, 2011 06:52 PM

I never did get all the skullatullas or hearts. That stupid french scarecrow didn't tell me all that. He must have been too busy haw haw hawing around somewhere.

Fathom Zero Apr 19th, 2011 07:04 PM

Persona 4 again on mah PS2 and it's janky ass.

But it looks like the emulator upscales the textures nicely, so I may just go that route so long as I've got just my HDTV.

Esuohlim Apr 19th, 2011 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by darkvare (Post 718117)
actually you need it on the fire temple to get the scarecrow to appear and lead you to a heart piece if i remember correctly


Phoenix Gamma Apr 19th, 2011 07:15 PM

Fuck Persona 4 and its two hour introduction. That kinda bullshit should be outlawed.

Guitar Woman Apr 19th, 2011 07:29 PM

You don't need to get that piece of heart. I never bothered getting all of the hearts in Ocarina because a few of the pieces are fucking impossible. Dampe >:


That kinda bullshit should be outlawed.
What should really be outlawed is implying your game contains lesbians when it actually doesn't. Atlus fucking loves this. I also had to give up being a FemShep in Mass Effect 1 because I wanted to hook up with Tali in the sequel, and I guess she's not the tank top and mullet type.

I know this is a retarded thing to complain about, but fuck you, it bothers me.

elx Apr 19th, 2011 07:30 PM

how're you liking amnesia, GW? :)

Guitar Woman Apr 19th, 2011 07:42 PM

It's okay, I guess. My major complaint is that, like Silent Hill 2, it's all atmosphere and doesn't endanger the player as often as it should. Once you realize nothing in the game can actually hurt you it stops being scary.

I'm only like 40 minutes into it, though, so I could be completely wrong and just in the middle of a really slow opening.

elx Apr 19th, 2011 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 718135)
It's okay, I guess. My major complaint is that, like Silent Hill 2, it's all atmosphere and doesn't endanger the player as often as it should. Once you realize nothing in the game can actually hurt you it stops being scary.

I'm only like 40 minutes into it, though, so I could be completely wrong and just in the middle of a really slow opening.

ha. you're still in the opening bro. the whole first quarter of the game is like that. you're going to be freaking the hell out in no time -- just don't start pausing when that happens, because then you'll be really fucked.

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 19th, 2011 09:47 PM

I didn't think you played videogames elx.

Fathom Zero Apr 19th, 2011 10:07 PM

I read that as "I don't think you play videogames elx" which made me :lol

LordSappington Apr 20th, 2011 03:30 AM

I just played Portal 2 for five straight hours, and made myself stop so I'd still have some to play tomorrow. All I can say is it's like they took everything from the previous game, cranked it up to eleven, and gave it an awesome plot.
Seriously; it's hilarious as hell, hard as hell, and it' got me completely hooked.

Dr. Boogie Apr 21st, 2011 04:54 PM

Two Worlds 2.

I wanted to like the first one, but there were just too many things wrong. That's why I was glad to see they fixed pretty much all my complaints in the sequel. Mostly I didn't like that monsters leveled up with you, but there were other issues, too.

There's less of the random dungeons, but the flipside is that the ones they have are better designed, rather than just a bunch of clone-stamped dungeons with mediocre loot.

The new upgrade system is nice, too. Instead of slapping together two similar items, you have the option to break down weapons and armor into their components (wood, iron, etc) and use those to upgrade your equipment based on your upgrading skill.

I've been going through the game as an archer. There was some struggling on the very first island, but I eventually realized that that was because there's some monsters that are your level, but there's also a bunch of those same monsters that are 8 levels above you on that same island. Now I'm getting through combat without too much trouble, plugging enemies from afar with slowing poison arrows and leveling them with multiarrow when they get too close. It's not too easy, though, which is nice.

I can honestly say I'm looking forward to my next playthrough. Maybe I'll try to get a handle on the complex magic system.

darkvare Apr 21st, 2011 06:28 PM

damn challenge 300 in mk is hard :/

OxBlood Apr 26th, 2011 05:38 AM

TES: Oblivion. Bought the PS3-Goty-Edition for 20 bucks and having a blast with it. I still can´t help myself but to exploit the shit out of the game, there are just too many great things you can do to make you insanely powerful once you can craft your own spells and magic equipment. Did anyone ever play the game without doing the mage guild-quests as soon as possible? Hard to imagine.

MarioRPG Apr 26th, 2011 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 718133)
You don't need to get that piece of heart. I never bothered getting all of the hearts in Ocarina because a few of the pieces are fucking impossible. Dampe >:

This is very, very true. I get that 100%ing a game is supposed to be a challenge, but it shouldn't take away from the fun.

darkvare Apr 27th, 2011 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by MarioRPG (Post 718549)
This is very, very true. I get that 100%ing a game is supposed to be a challenge, but it shouldn't take away from the fun.

i agree one thing i did was the skulltulla glitch i wonder if the 3ds version will have it

OxBlood Apr 27th, 2011 05:04 PM

Section8: Prejudice. I didn´t even know it was an XBL-Title...already liked the first one and this one is really nice too. Lots of ways to build your loadouts, the autoaim-mode is interesting (it´s activated heavy autoaim, lasts for about 3 seconds, everyone can do it and it takes quite long to recharge), the different ammo-mods for the guns are great, the spawning mechanic is plain fun...I like it a lot and I seem to be quite okay at it. Thanks to the autoaim for that partially but I really have trouble aiming at bouncing, flying soldierdudes normally...

captain516 Apr 28th, 2011 08:35 PM

Started up New Vegas again. I was trying to go for the "good" route, but I had to kill some innocent lady anyways :(

Dimnos Apr 30th, 2011 12:12 AM

Just started up my no combat play through of new vegas. I need Boone. :\

Dimnos Apr 30th, 2011 05:40 PM

Well I made it to Novac and only had to run from one group of viper gunslingers and a single radscorpion. The second group of gunslingers I came across apparently forgot about the mines they planted on the road. As I was cowering behind a truck trying to think of where to run, I hear a loud boom followed by the silence of no one shooting at me.

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 30th, 2011 06:35 PM


captain516 Apr 30th, 2011 07:46 PM

:lol that's happened to me before too.

Dimnos May 3rd, 2011 01:52 PM

So what the hell do you do when your companion gets poisoned by cazadores? Stempacks do nothing most of the time while sometimes it hurts them? Ill give them an antivenom but they dont use it.

Esuohlim May 3rd, 2011 02:24 PM

Hella playing some Anti-Idle to procastinate, which I think I also got 10,000 Volt Bill hooked on

10,000 Volt Ghost May 3rd, 2011 03:01 PM

I'm going to play some more anti-idle tonight. I went through a growler of beer last tuesday night playing it. I need to upgrade my fighter guy a bunch still. Do pets die if you don't log in for a week milhouse?

Esuohlim May 3rd, 2011 04:26 PM

I don't think so, I think they stay at the percentage they were when you last played. I've been killing pets on purpose to get the achievements, so I've never kept a pet long enough to know though :(

10,000 Volt Ghost May 3rd, 2011 04:39 PM

I didn't know you get achievements for need feeding pets :( Time to die Ponce De Leon cat.

kahljorn May 3rd, 2011 06:31 PM

i dont understand the point of this game i dont even do anything ;/ just stand around all the time

OxBlood May 5th, 2011 03:35 PM

That game is...awesome, thanks for bringing it up :) Love the pixelated style of the battlearena.

darkvare May 5th, 2011 07:09 PM

good old games is giving away dragon sphere just to let you guys know

10,000 Volt Ghost May 5th, 2011 07:49 PM

I still need to do better fights in anti idle. and my button keeps breaking in the button breaking game.

Esuohlim May 5th, 2011 09:05 PM

By the time you get to like level 150 the features you can buy are few and far between, and then once you actually get to the necessary level you learn that the wait wasn't really worth it. But fuck man you're still loving the game :(

I'm at level 412 now and it's still way more fun than it has any right to be.

LordSappington May 6th, 2011 01:19 PM

Playing New Vegas again. I have ED-E and Boone as companions this time around, so it's more like 'Everyone Within 200 Yards Dies: The Game'.

Guitar Woman May 6th, 2011 01:45 PM

New Vegas is some good shit, even if it crashes hourly on me.

As per usual with Bethesda, it's horribly buggy; NPCs will regularly get stuck in tables, the ground, and buildings, usually while they're fighting you, making shooting their ears off at point blank doubly hilarious.

I think my favorite quirk is how sometimes, generic townsfolk NPCs are supposed to take part in scripted events, and when the event is over and they start their "wander around staring at walls" routine again they'll all perform a certain action before they take off: light up a cigarette, say "HI THERE," etcetera. The problem is, when there's more than one NPC involved in the event, they tend to do these things in perfect unison when it's over. It's really fucking unsettling to have a group of like 10 guys all turn towards you and go "YOU WILL BE UPGRADED; MAN WILL BECOME CYBERMAN" at the exact same time when you finish a quest, I've had it happen like 5 times already.

The stealing system still seems to be wonky as fuck, too. I picked up a cigarette butt at the Primm casino, and everyone in the building turned around and shot me in the face for it. Not that it matters, since my stealth skill is so high that I can basically crouch in direct sunlight 5 feet away from the Pope and nobody will notice me. Not even when I'm wearing a spacesuit with reflective fishbowl headgear.

LordSappington May 6th, 2011 03:17 PM

My biggest problems with the game are tat it seems to be a lot harder to find decent guns and ammo than in Fallout 3, to the point where I was stuck with generic, weak guns until the very end, and that on the extreme opposite it's REALLY easy to get tens of thousands of caps later in the game with no trouble at all. I'd basically go kill a shitload of high-level enemies, take their weapons, and sell them to merchants all over the place. By the end of the game, I had something like 20,000 caps or something around that figure.
Also, the Fat Man seems like it got nerfed a lot.

Guitar Woman May 6th, 2011 03:33 PM

Yeah, it's almost like the ability to launch multiple tactical nuclear strikes might be a bit unbalanced.

One thing I'm worried about is the nerfing of unarmed combat. It's been overpowered as all hell in every Fallout game so far, but I haven't started my traditional "Fist of the North Star" playthrough yet so I don't know whether they kept it the same as the other three. I'm seeing a lot of boxing aids that cause "fatigue damage," which sounds like some bullshit. When I punch a man in the face in Fallout, I want that face to explode into a fine mist and fertilize the plant life.

LordSappington May 6th, 2011 03:57 PM

At least in Fallout 3, the Fat Man was like a 'Oh fuck this shit, I don't want to deal with this bullshit' weapon. In New Vegas, it's just a really expensive and impractical missile launcher.
The unarmed is buffed compared to Fallout 3. I used spiked knuckles for a while, and was doing a pretty nice amount of damage, even without buffing my unarmed stats at all. I'm sure if you take Bloody Mess and raise your unarmed a shitload, you'll be popping torsos to your heart's desire.

executioneer May 6th, 2011 06:26 PM

yeah the spiked knuckles are the most overpowered weapon you can get in the early game, head explosion city

Dimnos May 6th, 2011 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 719603)
My biggest problems with the game are tat it seems to be a lot harder to find decent guns and ammo than in Fallout 3, to the point where I was stuck with generic, weak guns until the very end, and that on the extreme opposite it's REALLY easy to get tens of thousands of caps later in the game with no trouble at all. I'd basically go kill a shitload of high-level enemies, take their weapons, and sell them to merchants all over the place. By the end of the game, I had something like 20,000 caps or something around that figure.
Also, the Fat Man seems like it got nerfed a lot.

Weapons a problem to find in New Vegas? No no no. They are rather easy to coem by early. I think somewhere in Goodsprings or somewhere right around there is a hunting rifle you can get almost right from the start.

The Fat Man and mini nukes do seam WAY underpowered. My last playthrough, when I was working for the Legion, I was down in the BoS bunker and they have some turrets all over the place. Shot the turret as close range as you can be without killing yourself and it barely took any damage. After three nukes it still wasnt even half dead. WTF!


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 719605)
Yeah, it's almost like the ability to launch multiple tactical nuclear strikes might be a bit unbalanced.

One thing I'm worried about is the nerfing of unarmed combat. It's been overpowered as all hell in every Fallout game so far, but I haven't started my traditional "Fist of the North Star" playthrough yet so I don't know whether they kept it the same as the other three. I'm seeing a lot of boxing aids that cause "fatigue damage," which sounds like some bullshit. When I punch a man in the face in Fallout, I want that face to explode into a fine mist and fertilize the plant life.

Unarmed in New Vegas is insanely overpowered. Without even getting to many of the unarmed perks even. The only one you might need is the piercing strikes or whatever where you punch through armor. Get that and kill the guy outside Caesars tent to get his ballistic fist, that doesnt take shotgun ammo, and you will kill just about anything in one punch. If you crit you will even punch deathclaw heads off in one punch.

Oh and the Legion slam ability is balls awesome.

Dimnos May 6th, 2011 11:20 PM

Niffy tip about unarmed and those pesky turrets in the BoS bunker if you dont have the science skill to hack them... If you walk up to them and start punching, none of the other turrets or the BoS guys will give a shit. Only the turret you are attacking will fight back and if you just sidestep around it while you punch it will never be able to target you.

10,000 Volt Ghost May 7th, 2011 02:50 PM

Rented Dynasty Warriors 7. I hate using the horses now that I'm used to my RDR horse.
In DW7 ANYONE can use ANY weapon(as long as its not gender based) so it kind of takes the point away from trying different chars because of their weapons.

Also, Samurai Warriors 2 was still better.

Guitar Woman May 7th, 2011 08:45 PM

So I guess the NCR's questlines are closed to me forever, since my first quest for Camp Forlorn Hope requires me to talk to an NPC at the power plant that died in a Legion raid

God fucking damnit

kahljorn May 7th, 2011 11:40 PM

can't you just do a respawn cheat code or something? find his body and type, "resurrect"

fucking google reads minds. I typed in respawn npc and the first thing that showed up was new vegas :O

darkkitten May 8th, 2011 01:22 AM

Im playing OOt but Im also at the end of act 4 on gears of War 2

Esuohlim May 8th, 2011 01:47 AM

Dude that Anti-Idle just got majorly revamped, and although I'm aware that there's way more cool shit than before I have to get reused to everything again >:

Guitar Woman May 8th, 2011 02:18 AM

Cheat codes are for girls, and I abandoned all that questing tomfoolery in favor of just going all Rambo on every Legion NPC I could find. I pretty much won the entire war by walking into Ceasar's camp and murdering everything that moved.

Of course, nobody seems to have noticed that he's dead, or that I did anything.

And why the hell do I get negative karma for stealing from people who are inarguably horrible, evil douchecanoes, like the Power Gangers or the Legion? That's like saying, "oh, you can't steal from the Daleks or the Nazis, that's totally underhanded!"

10,000 Volt Ghost May 8th, 2011 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 719855)
Dude that Anti-Idle just got majorly revamped, and although I'm aware that there's way more cool shit than before I have to get reused to everything again >:

Son of a bitch. I need to anti idle.

kahljorn May 8th, 2011 04:04 AM

cheat codes are for people who play games where key characters can inexplicably die :O like stalker


And why the hell do I get negative karma for stealing from people who are inarguably horrible, evil douchecanoes, like the Power Gangers or the Legion? That's like saying, "oh, you can't steal from the Daleks or the Nazis, that's totally underhanded!"
Dude weren't you paying attention to the OSAMA JUSTICE discussion?

LordSappington May 8th, 2011 05:29 AM

I just started an unarmed specialist character. Her name is 'ME RIKEY PUNCHY'; her strength, endurance, and agility are 10, her luck is 7, and everything else is 1. We consider her functionally retarded, and she is completely chaotic neutral. Every single living creature she encounters MUST be killed. No excuses. I've been giving her stats in unarmed, medicine, lockpick, and stealth.
So far, the starting town, Primm, the NCR tents OUTSIDE Primm, that outpost down South, and Nipton are now completely devoid of life, ever since that teenage girl with a mohawk bludgeoned all their inhabitants and anything along her way to death with her bare fists.
This is really fucking fun. I failed the main quest within five minutes of getting control of her in the game; the only thing left to do is kill.

darkkitten May 8th, 2011 10:33 AM

Finnaly found a copy of DOOM 3 (for 10 bucks)

Zhukov May 8th, 2011 10:54 AM

I've been meaning to finish Doom 3 for at least a decade.

OxBlood May 9th, 2011 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 719860)
Son of a bitch. I need to anti idle.

Im around level 340 I think and still liking it a lot for some mysterious reason. Crafted a nice trident with 130 damage that reaches across half the battle screen, my Pre-Explosion Armor seems to gain levels and for some reason I have a permanent 50% Reflect on me that seems way OP. Really theres no reason it should be there. Im confused.

Huh. So apparently the 50% Reflect is just the normal Rate that all Characters have...okay, why not. Craftet myself a nice 234 Atk Naginata, now I can almost idle the desert. The Sandgiant-thingy might get me though but luckily I found the protection ring again so my stuff is safe at least.

10,000 Volt Ghost May 9th, 2011 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 720188)
Im around level 340 I think and still liking it a lot for some mysterious reason. Crafted a nice trident with 130 damage that reaches across half the battle screen, my Pre-Explosion Armor seems to gain levels and for some reason I have a permanent 50% Reflect on me that seems way OP. Really theres no reason it should be there. Im confused.

Huh. So apparently the 50% Reflect is just the normal Rate that all Characters have...okay, why not. Craftet myself a nice 234 Atk Naginata, now I can almost idle the desert. The Sandgiant-thingy might get me though but luckily I found the protection ring again so my stuff is safe at least.

I didn't even know you could craft weapons :0 I need to level up my fighter a lot, I've only made it to the 3rd screen.

OxBlood May 9th, 2011 10:32 AM

Yeah, crafting is new and nice so far. I still have my pre-explosion weapons but they suck in comparison to the new stuff I crafted. I also learned the Pixelthrow-Ultimate and then like the idiot I am, clicked it. 65.000 Pixels wasted on a white enemy...a well, the Pixels come in so fast now it hardly matters. And I already managed to save up the 1.000.000 Pixels for the bestiary :)

Esuohlim May 9th, 2011 01:58 PM

Yeah, they really upped the rewards from fighting. I stay in one area at a time until I meet the achievement requirements, so really I've been using the Dark Gun exclusively and not having a problem being too weak by the time I move on to the next area. I'm at the Deadlands right now.

Seven Force May 9th, 2011 02:28 PM

I just unlocked everything in Streets of Rage Remake. I love this game. :)

Mad Melvin May 9th, 2011 07:13 PM

I bought my first XBOX360 recently and got a shitload of games I hear are good. Playing Red Dead Redemption and Alan Wake at the moment. Love 'em. Brutal Legend, Mortal Kombat, UFC2010 and Dead Rising are waiting for their turn.

LordSappington May 10th, 2011 03:40 AM

Alright, fuck that last character. It's way too hard playing the game when you kill everyone, considering it's almost impossible to get steady supplies of stimpacks, armor, and weapons/ammo.

OxBlood May 10th, 2011 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 720503)
Alright, fuck that last character. It's way too hard playing the game when you kill everyone, considering it's almost impossible to get steady supplies of stimpacks, armor, and weapons/ammo.

You could make an exception for specific vendors. Or you could have invested in repair instead of lockpick, I mean, who else but you is gonna repair your stuff when you kill the whole planet?

You donīt rely on the Gunrunners, not on the Energy-Chick either, it should be pretty easy keeping your weapons in shape and stockpiling a mountain of unarmed weapons and normal armors, right? Of course your caps are useless if your policy is to kill everything on sight :lol

I prefered my Mr. Gideon (also an Unarmed specialist). He was an asshole and evil but he was predictable. Chaotic evil maybe, Iīm not very good with the D&D Morale-Compass. But I do know that I myself am pretty much true neutral :)

LordSappington May 10th, 2011 10:45 AM

I pretty much made it her thing to kill everything on sight. She bludgeoned the doctor to death the instant I got control of her weapons.
The lockpick was so that I could get into safes and stuff, because those tend to have some pretty good loot.
It really didn't help that I had the NCR Rangers stalking me, and none of my weapons were good enough to do any decent damage. I was finally able to take one out when I circle-strafed and punched her into unconsciousness with boxing gloves. :lol
It was a fun character at first, but quickly became not worth it.

OxBlood May 10th, 2011 01:42 PM

Alright, let´s see what Brink can do...

Phoenix Gamma May 10th, 2011 10:15 PM

Brink's been getting some really iffy reviews. I'm avoiding it. Looks really sloppy.

Sword and Sorcery for iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad is required playing for anyone who owns one of those devices. It's like if the Ico/Shadow of the Colossus guy made a game for the app store, except a teeny bit funny, and with an emphasis on music.

A coworker of mine has no friends, so I did Portal 2's coop with him even though I beat it. It was kind of frustrating, but I think everyone needs to experience the puzzle where you slam into each other.

I think I might start up Mega Man X again. I just got this in the mail yesterday and it's the bitchinest Mega Man figure ever. It even has extra faces and like a thousand points of articulation. I've been humming MMX music ever since now and I need to get it out of my system >:

Guitar Woman May 11th, 2011 12:41 AM

Right, so, I loaded my main save, expecting to start in Vault 3 with Cass and ED-E tagging behind my kleptomaniac diplomat. Instead, I start in the middle of Goodsprings. In my underwear. At level 1. With the "generic, uncustomized male" face. All my skill points set to 15, and every SPECIAL attribute set to 5.

Autosave doesn't work, either, meaning my last salvageable game was 7 levels and two million hours ago.

God fucking damnit, Bethesda. Again. You've manhandled me for the last time, and no more shall I pay for the eldritch abortions of code that you attempt to pass off as finished product.

kahljorn May 11th, 2011 01:42 AM

:lol at paying

OxBlood May 11th, 2011 02:24 AM

Brink seems to have technical problems mainly, the bigges being constant freezes. I really hope they fix that soon.

Apart from that, the only thing that I really don´t like about the game is the aiming. It´s that fucking accellerated aiming FarCry2 used, it´s horrible for me. Why can´t they use the COD-aiming, about the only aiming that is perfect on consoles.
Anyway, those two things aside, I like Brink, especially the interaction of the different classes. You´d think that ammo is not that big an issue so the Soldier is just there to blow stuff up, but no, you only have about 3 clips of ammo on you so without a soldier around, you´re pretty much fucked.

LordSappington May 11th, 2011 02:43 AM

I was excited for Brink; now that it's out, it looks like crap. The HUD is covered with too much crap, the characters look stupid, and the gameplay looks... boring. I like that it encourages teamwork, but I've heard the only way to make decent points is capturing objectives, and that sounds annoying.
I'm looking forward to Rage, though...

Fathom Zero May 11th, 2011 02:58 AM

It's so pretty. Whereas rage is mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

OxBlood May 11th, 2011 02:58 AM

I think making kills mostly worthless is about the only way to get the people to focus more on teamwork which is what Brink is about ;) It doesn´t encourage it, it´s absolutely mandatory if you want to get anywhere in the game. It´s pretty clear that, unless your main task is to defend a spot, you WILL lose if you don´t work together in a senseful manner.

What´s wrong with the HUD for you? Looks fine to me, all the info I need.

The thing I don´t get is that reviews describe the game as complex or sometimes even complicated...honestly, what the fuck? It´s just a normal objective-based teamshooter, what´s complicated about that? People like that must think Deus Ex is a work of witchcraft :D

Rage on the other hand...looks boring. SO boring. 7 hrs of mindless shooting. Again. Thanks but no thanks.

LordSappington May 11th, 2011 03:00 AM

From what I can tell, you get little to no points for kills in Brink. If your teams sucks, then how are you supposed to get good EXP? At least with decent kill points you get something to walk away with.
And Rage looks pretty awesome to me; a tad generic, but it looks pretty as hell to me.
Oh, and as for the HUD, it looks WAY too damn crowded.

OxBlood May 11th, 2011 03:17 AM

The idea is that you can´t rack up decent XP with a bad team so your´re forced to be not as bad ;) You can always grab a friend to play with, form a fireteam and try to do something useful like getting supportstations or something like that.

I still don´t see the crowded thing in the HUD, looks normal to me. Life, Objectives, Weapons, Equipment, Kill-Log, Minimap, Messages. Nothing special there as far as I´m concerned and you do need all that info anyway. Which parts would you get rid of?

The main thing with Rage is the graphics, right? No wonder it doesn´t do anything for me

LordSappington May 11th, 2011 03:33 AM

Only problem with that is it depends on your friends having the game, too; none of my friends are ever online, or really buy many new games.
I'd put the objectives, kill-log, and messages at least on a separate page, like most games. I also constantly see icons popping up everywhere, which bugs me.
The graphics look great, but the environments are what really have me hooked. The Dead City trailer looks like a real city for once, not just a bunch of random cement skyscrapers. The buildings all look different and unique, and have decayed differently from each other. The guns look neat, too; I like how it looks like you can hip-fire with decent accuracy, but still have iron sights. I hate that in most games now; if you fire from the hip, even from five feet away, the bullets go all over the damn place. This is even worse when sniper rifles have a area the size of your screen without aiming, causing your bullet to go in the ceiling when you're inches away.
Didn't mean to rant there...

OxBlood May 11th, 2011 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 720759)
Only problem with that is it depends on your friends having the game, too; none of my friends are ever online, or really buy many new games.
I'd put the objectives, kill-log, and messages at least on a separate page, like most games. I also constantly see icons popping up everywhere, which bugs me.

Ok that is a problem but they went through all that stuff to make the game enjoyable with strangers too...Iīll find out how well they did once more people have the game I guess.

The kill-log is pretty useless, on that I agree but the objectives and Icons are highly useful because they constantly keep you up to date on what has to be done. The objectives thing in the upper right shows you how far a repair or hackjob is and the time limit itself is pretty useful to know too because you only have a few minutes to fulfil a primary objective (which adds time again). The constant popups are important because they help your class do its job. You see the ammo-count of people when youīre a Soldier for example so you can tell when they run out. If they do, the game assigns you a little task to refill your comrades and if you do, you get bonus-xp.

A quick word about the progression-system. Itīs quite different from what most games do. XP is only for levels and levels only unlock new Outfits (which serve no purpose other than looking nice on you), the two other body-types, both of which are unlocked very early on and skill points of which you get 20 total in your whole carreer.

Weapons and all weapon-attachments are gained exclusively through Challenges which are pretty easy and short Singleplayer-Levels. This is strange but good at the same time since weapons are mostly the same anyway and this way you can unlock every gun before even playing the campaign or any online match.

The hard thing is deciding which perks to get. I personally am more a Medic and Engineer type of player so itīs pretty simple for me but all classes have extremely useful skills for the team. Even the Operative can help out if thereīs nothing else to do for him by spotting mines, hacking turrets and firewalling Supplypoints.

The things you say about Rage make me once again realize that I have no eye for details. It really gives me nothing if that city is realistic, Iīm all for gameplay normally. The only optical style I really love is pixel-art :) Do Rage like that and you got my interest.

I totally agree on the Sniper Rifle though, I know why they do that thing with the Zero-Accuracy from the hip but it makes no sense at all thematically...

LordSappington May 11th, 2011 01:50 PM

The gameplay looks pretty neat to me, as well; I haven't been reading up on it, but the trailers show a bunch of cool stuff like alternate ammo types, a bunch of neat gadgets and sub-weapons, like a spider drone that hops around, shooting things and making cool nosies, a sort of boomerang blade wheel thing, and a deployable turret. There'll probably be more.
Trying not to be some sort of pre-release fanboy, but I'm excited for it. I might also get Duke Nukem; I'm just trying to decide if I want to just go ahead and buy it, or wait a while. Only problem is every time I wait to buy a game, by the time I get it hardly anyone plays it.

OxBlood May 13th, 2011 02:15 AM

Alright, played some Brink the past few days and enjoying it a lot.

It´s apparently unplayable if it pairs people from different regions of the world but SD is working on it. Played it with two to three guys from here and there were no problems at all, not even freezing. When it works, it´s a lot of fun and my initialy horrible aiming is getting better too ;)
Right now, I prefer to play Engineer or Medic like I always do but those are also the classes I bought the most skills with, plus one of the guys I play with loves his soldier so much that we got that class covered anyway.

Still, I think Brink would fare better if they hadn´t invested any money in the SP-Cutscenes and writing and it cost around 20, 30 bucks retail.

Esuohlim May 13th, 2011 10:45 PM

All right, nerds, I'm faced with a frightening amount of free time right now so I'm going to try to get back into video games.

What are some really good offline computer RPGs that I've missed out on in the last five years? Offline because I'm not really interested in spending money and competing with other jerks in real-time

kahljorn May 13th, 2011 11:51 PM

you should get into an o nline one thats free so we can play together :O :O

Esuohlim May 14th, 2011 12:00 AM

The only online game I'm familiar with is POKER and the gay cunts at the fbi took it away forever :(

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