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I love Dead Island.
Also playing as Sam B. "WHO DO YOU VOODOO BITCH?" |
When I got to the first Thug you fight my game Daggerdale'd real bad. After that it hasn't glitched again.....yet
I´m really starting to like Sam´s Skillset, as he´s the only Character that can take normal enemies out of comission for 6 seconds...just like that and he has that hilarious head-jump :D
By the way once I got to the second Act, I got really angry at Capcom. I always though no one was able to make a hot, sunny city scary and threatening (I´m looking at you Resident Evil 5 you piece of crap) but Techland just casually walks in and nails it. The city is GOOD. Really good. |
I'll be spending the whole day playing Jet Grind Radio, MvsC2, Sword of the Berzerk, and Shenmue.
Happy 12th Birthday Dreamcast. Oh, and Starfox 64 3D. |
maybe ill get dead island. did you buy it on xbox 360 billiam?
i almost want to get it for my computer since i just upgraded ;/ |
I didn't but I'm thinking about buying it this weekend. just a rental for the time being.
Fucking red box near my house only had a choice between Driver San Francisco and Warhammer Space Marine. I decided to go inside the walgreens and get a block of cheese instead.
Still playing Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. It's pretty fucking hard until you get the hang of combat and some better guns. It really lacks personality and is pretty dry, but it's fun enough to keep going with until I beat it.
http://www.moddb.com/mods/lurk |
I recommend you skip Shadow and move right on into Call of Pripyat.
It's... really up there with me. I HOLD IT IN HIGH REGARD, in other words. |
You fool. Shadow Of Chernobyl is awesome, but I really dislike the vanilla version of it. Too buggy, the enemies have supernatural eyesight and the guns don't seem to have any punch to them. The plot is kinda forgettable too, but the atmosphere is just amazing. With the L.U.R.K. mod, it's a really cool experience, 'cause it addresses all the things I just bitched about. And then some!
I grant full disclosure and say that I've not modded Shadow of Chernobyl. I loved it a lot, though.
But Call of Pripyat just blows away every PC game in years for me. The sound design, the weather effects, all of it. Everything is immersive. I started playing it in my apartment's living room on my big-ass TV with my surround sound stereo system hooked up and it blew my mind. Blew everyone else's mind, too, because after a while, I was attracting a crowd. Seriously, I can't laud Pripyat enough. |
Alright, I'll install that mod and finish this one before trying Pripyat. I'm a few areas in right now, but I think that I still have a ways to go. I fucking love the arena. Every game needs an arena area.
i love the mods too. I don't play it without mods :(
at first i just used weapon mods to make the enemies actually die when they get shot in the head. Then i tried those alife mods. Really make it more fun.. there's a few that completely change the whole game -- some even change the storyline. |
Star Fox 64 3D. I still got it after all these years. Unlocked Expert in only a few playthroughs. The graphics are so fucking pretty.
:lol yea that really pissed me off and totally ruined the experience for me.
I think LURK has a weapon mod so its probably a good one to start off with. only thing about weapon mods is that it makes you die faster too :O until you get combat armor or something :O i remember finding a stash of like 2 really good combat armors and after that i just rocked a shotgun with slugs and killed everybody. |
I´ve crossed the sewers in Dead Island and heck, the game get´s a lot harder once you reach the city but I really like it that way. What I don´t like is that I never have enough money to keep my weapons maintained properly.
One funny thing I actually agree on with a friend of mine...the game is more fun offline without coop-buddies. It´s nice to play with them but most of the enviroment seems to be built for one player only and the whole atmosphere is gone once you go online of course... I also got my copy of Space Marine the other day and played that for a bit too. Solid but immensly stupid in both gameplay and story but that´s to be expected of a warhammer game I guess. Which doesn´t mean I don´t like the game, it´s pretty fun, even the Multiplayer is kinda okay so far. Takes forever to level though and you have to get to level 4 before you can customize anything. What I like about it though is that you can steal your killer´s equipment, so if some highlevel asshole kills you, you can get the same stuff he hast...until you die again. |
Just about finished with Shadows of the Damned. Good game, even though it is pretty short. Really could've used a new game+ mode, what with a single playthrough being around 6-7 hours. Still, I did laugh at how many different takes there are of Steve Blum saying, "Taste my big boner!"
Started up Dynasty Warriors 7 the other night. I like the new changes, particularly the ability to equip different weapons at any time so you don't wind up stuck with anything crappy. |
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Never played it, and decided to give it a whirl when I saw it on sale in Steam. I googled a few essential mods to improve the gameplay and graphics. Weird game. Everything seems very static and fake, NPC AI is pretty bad, there are too many useless dungeons and there aren't that many intresting quests, but somehow i'm extremely addicted. I like stealing shit from peoples houses when they sleep and the Dark Brotherhood missions were awesome. Despite all it's flaws, a pretty good game.
Once I beat the dark brotherhood missions my interest dropped fast. :\
What´s it with Dead Island. Everytime I get to a new setting, it´s still beautiful and creates a great mood. Even the Jungle which I thought would suck is really cool. And Dr. West is there so we´re all set I guess.
Finished Dead Island. Act 4 feels rushed and the enviroment is stupid but the other three make up for that. Very unclean programming, feels like a PC game most of the time but it´s still the best Zombie game you can get.
Ahem, 2nd best zombie game
oh pc mods how easy can you turn serious stuff into hilarity
I just wish, Project Zomboid would get some more...people to program it :lol |
man that was awesome
i wish i had the pc version now |
For, what is it now, the third time in this thread, I've started up Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. My friend finally gave it back... so long, studying!
Started up Minecraft 1.8
Our friend got his server back up, and one of my friends is upset that I left their shared house to go make my own. Apparently, it makes it like it's single player and they'll never see me again. I just hate sharing a house with people, because then they end up using my stuff and I don't get to build how I like it. Also, I got Deus Ex today; will begin tomorrow. |
I have no idea what I'm doing in Deus Ex. I like it, but it seems like I keep getting sidequests that require me to have hacking skills way higher than I do now, and other such stuff. For instance, right now I have to get into the morgue in the police station. How the hell am I supposed to do that? The manbaby at the front desk bitched me out and won't let me through, and when I finally sneaked in through the back, I was greeted with a hacking console two levels higher than I was, and the cops saw me and started taking me out. I just don't get it.
ALso, my buddy and I bought a Warhammer 40K starter kit; he got Orkz, and I got Space Marines. So far, it's been a blast. |
Matter of fact, I can tell you how to do it all from memory, I know that police station so well. |
i just beat portal 2 last night
wish i'd completely abstained from the internet the entire time it was out, so maybe i'd have been surprised by more than a few things in it |
The first thing to know about Human Revolution is: Hacking is the only skill you´ll ever need ;)
Started Gears 3 yesterday and finished today...this is quite a short game and the ending is...just bad. Don´t really want to play any multiplayer with this one so...maybe some coop and horde... |
What, how did you get it so early. :(
The multiplayer on GoW3 is so good compared to 2. It feels like a more fleshed out GoW1 multiplayer. |
That's one game where I'm really glad I bought it the first day it was out. |
I really hope amazon ships gears 3 to me tomorrow. Or else ordering it from amazon with the release date shipping was a waste. I could easily just pick it up from somewhere. Anyone have any experience with amazon for games? It's my first time with them and it's not showing that it's shipped and the deliver date is tomorrow. Makes no sense. It says "Shipping soon". Anyways, when I do get the game, first thing I'm going to do is buy the 'Garish' weapon skin so I can kill people with my flowery weapon. Maybe even the 'Deadly cute' pink one for the same reason.
I ordered LA Noire with Amazon and went with the release date shipping. They had a foul-up with the shipping, so it got to me on Wednesday instead of Tuesday. And they sent an apology letter, and they refunded my shipping, and they gave me a $5 voucher. It was pretty awesome.
I'd rather not have that happen to me though. I paid 99 cents for the release date shipping and don't care enough about that refund. Plus I fear if I have it pushed back another day, my online gears buddies will get antsy and start the co-op without me. That's the only downside to this 4 person co-op is that if 1 dude is ready, the other 3 will probably go on ahead without him.
If you preorder anything on Amazon, it will get there day-of, unless there's unforeseen circumstances, of course.
not enough PC :( |
Try the back entrance.
Thatīs how it works here too most of the time, but as I said: Getting a game on release-day is...not how I like it, I want my games sooner ;) Iīm not talking weeks here, getting a game a whole week before itīs released is good but sad at the same time. The retailers HAVE the games but theyīre sitting on them like hens on an egg for NO reason, thatīs what I hate about the whole thing. You get your games, you give them to me, simple. You donīt wait for some artificial date. |
I played the gears of war 3 beta multiplayer. I really didn't like it because it just felt clunky. Can't compare it to other gears game but just against other FPS.
Felt like a ham fisted goon but with a gun but with ham handed interface controls. |
Warhammer space marines is giving me a hard on for the time being.
I have promised myself not to buy it since I already have too many unfinished games lying around.
I'll buy it when it gets around to dropping in price. |
I just started a new game and it's working a hell of a lot better. I did a better job getting my augs, and actually saved the hostages, then went through the police station easily after convincing Haas.
Now that I know what I'm doing, this game is fantastic. |
so i downloaded the rift free trial :O
What's your take on Rift?
I played it for awhile, my advice to you is search for collectibles to sell on the auction house, that's where the real in game money is |
do you still play it?
its kinda fun so far. did some major rift type events that were fun although they lasted forever although im kinda pissed cause the game deleted my character ;/ got to level 12 or so, come back today and its gone |
I wonder if that is how the demo version works?
Nah I stopped playing just short of hitting 50, just lost interest because it is exactly like WoW in how you level and get gear. I was leveling quickly because I had done it all before only it was on WoW :lol |
i finally got around to messing with one of my saturns, i was testing it out with this game called mr. bones and for some reason it's pissing me off just enough that i don't want to stop playing it
my other characters saved. I guess the server I had it on isnt appearing on the server list.
but so far i like it lots of options. So hard to decide what to play though ;/ |
The server was probably down it sounds like.
If you like mages with a ton of options, i would go with elementalist chloromancer mix, lean more toward elementalist and you have tank, dps, and heals covered while soloing |
what the hell is a chloromancer?
It's a class that chloroform's you to death and then necromances your dead body to fight for him. Not to be confused with the class that uses chlorox bleach and a cat's manner of jumping to predict the future.
i wish the weapons could grow more. i remember having most of my weapons maxed by the second area
I think I'm finally bored with Anti-Idle, after like 5 goddamn months. Got to level 3700 or so. :\
As an aside I am playing the castlevania gameboy advance games, just beat Harmony of Dissonance and started Auria of Sorrow. When I beat that I will play Circle of the Moon last cause it is my least favorite of the 3.
Khal... quit paying for that shit and come play some dominion.
i kinda hate lol to be honest fucking only person on my team with kills/positive and i have to deal with people shit talking me ;/ |
Has anyone talked about the last Fallout DLC yet? It wasn't bad, but Old World Blues was by far the best out of all of them; in fact, OWB was about as good as Point Lookout, for me.
That "Courier's Mile" portion of this last one, though...Holy fuck, were those enemies damage sponges. You'd think that I could go in, at level 47, and kill a few guys without needing to use the unique gauss rifle from across the fucking map, in sneak mode. |
Started playing Dead Island. I went with the throwing guy because I though throwing weapons would be a bigger boon than the other skills on account of you can throw anything. So far, though, I'm finding that the best strategy is to kick enemies to the ground, then stab them in the face until they die. Kinda makes throwing seem inefficient when you can easily knock enemies down and hit them for bonus damage.
On the other hand, his rage skill makes it easy to wipe out hordes of zombies at once. |
I bet as the zombies get more advanced the throwing skill will pay off
Logan´s throwing is aparently about the most powerful thing in the game. You can skill it to do splash-damage, I think that´s the key or something, haven´t played him yet.
i love just running at fools and jump karate kicking them and then their heads explode and they die :(
man i need to play this game again :( |
I was on for a good amount of time playing last night. :(
Right now I'm playing Space Harrier in the Sega Ages pack for Saturn in between sessions of Breath of Fire 3. Modern gaming bores the piss out of me lately :(
I can't think of Dead Island without thinking of that Fist of the Dead Star.
Played about 4 hours of the Battlefield 3 beta last night. Really like it, just have to get used to the class adjustments. Like the assault drops med packs now. The support throws ammo packs and revives. The biggest change I really didn't like is how with recon you have to hold your breath with the Left analog stick to steady yourself. |
They finally released NHL jerseys for XBOX avatars. <3
is there a jersey from the mighty ducks of anaheim?
I think they're just the the regular Anaheim Ducks logo. They dropped the Mighty off it.
I played some Binding of Isaac (Steam) last night. This is one weird game but it´s still pretty good. Kind of a mix of Zelda and a Roguelike. Hard but fun. Sadly there´s no way to reconfigure the controls yet...as a Leftie, I don´t like that.
I also got Soul Calibur 4 the other day since it was cheap and I have been challenged to a fight in that game...so yeah. It´s really strange coming back to a series if you only know the first installment (Soul Blade back in the PS1-Days)...I have no idea where all these people came from and why Lee Long has been replaced with Maxi or whatever the name of the nunchuck-wielder is...at least Mitsurugi and Cervantes are still there... |
Playing Metal Gear Online after what I think was a 2+ year hiatus. I wonder if my stuff is still there.
I just played Mount and Blade for five hours straight. I'm getting killer with the bow and my highest consecutive difficultly shots have been 6.0. All time 8.1.
Mount and Blade Warband was so much better than Fire and Sword for me. It pissed me off that you couldn't start your own country in Fire and Sword. Anyways, after playing the right way for 90 hours, I maxed out my character with a hex editor and just went rambo on everyone's asses. Not that you need it once you fully level up a whole army, but the goods prices were way too much to feed all those bastards.
Picked up a cheap used copy of alpha protocol. Its a cool game. I dont know what all you bitches were crying about glitches for. Aside from the mass effect thing where it almost always takes a few seconds to load the detail on all the weapons, armor, walls, and such, I haven't seen any. It runs just fine. In fact, probably better than mass effect because it has yet to even lock up on me. Even the story isn't total crap and the conversation system is rather neat.
Different strokes I guess. :\ |
I thought it was a decent game. It was interesting to see how your choices early on would affect things further down the road, and using the intelligence market mechanic to bend the levels to your advantage was neat. It just needed a bit more work with balancing, what with the pistol being the ultimate weapon and everything else being reserved mainly for knobbing around.
Started playing Starcraft II since my internet is now fast enough to play online again. I was never amazing, but I was proud of the rank I earned - a few months hiatus means I am now shit compared to the children that I play against.
Dark Souls. The open world seems pretty cool so far, i was worried it all look kinda the same but in the six hours i'v played i think they change up the environments quite a bit.
but in a game where a lot of the fun is the exploration i wont spoil any locales i'v seen here. I also like the some of the other changes they've made so far. Like using estus flask to heal yourself and how you can only refill the flask at the bonfires, but when you use the bonfire it respawns all the enemies in the world. so you have to make from one bonfire to the next with limited healing items. unlike the first one where you could just carry a butt-ton of herbs and just constantly heal yourself, now you have to worry about every little bit of damage you take. |
I think I'm on the very last bit of Deus Ex, and of course I ran out of goddamn fucking virus programs.
i'm a lot earlier on in deus ex, but i had loads of fun knocking out cops and stuffing them into ventilation ducts just a bit ago
also i don't see how running out of virus progs is even possible, i have so many of them already must be a lot of tough hacking later on |
Hacking does get kind of tough later in the game. I found my dude, even specced as full hacker, failed a couple later ones. And a lot of them that I didn't fail I had to use programs to get past.
Yup, Dark Souls is awesome. 5hrs into the game, haven´t seen any real Bosses yet (Tutorialboss and Taurus don´t count), making my way up the belltower to Boss I. Oh and I´m playing as a Warrior. The Drakesword is a real blessing, I tell you.
I missed out on the Drake Sword, coz I just killed the damn thing with 300 arrows.
Ow...not good :D. Still, did it drop anything? Special Souls, Cheese-grinder of the ages or something?
A few thousand regular souls. :( And I used the thing that upgrades your estus flask by mistake. It gives you five humanity, though, so I made sure to use it to upgrade some important bonfires. If I wasn't going to heal for more, I was going to make sure I had more of the damn things.
I'm level 47 now and the latest areas I've unlocked are the one with the ghosts that you can conveniently travel to with the elevator under the initial bonfire and the other is the poisonous town underground, which seems like they recycled a lot from Demon's Souls, but made everything way deadlier. I found both entrances to it - one of them is fairly straightforward in that you unlock the entrance after you beat the boss of the Depths (fucking sewer bugeye things). I actually found the other entrance by just exploring, and you can get to it from the cool Valley of the Drakes. I killed the poisonous dragon and got what he dropped, though - a dragon scale to upgrade the weapon I didn't have. >: Oh well. There's always NEW GAME +. |
I'm playing RAGE, it's pretty awesome. id did a great job on it.
Fallout: New Vegas. Finally got all the DLC's. Finished Honest Hearts. Didn't like it. The Burning Man is a mysterious and eerie character in the main game, and Honest Hearts removed the mystery almost immediately. No build up or nothing. I do not approve of this. When talking about Fallout DLC's, it wasn't as bad as Operation Anchorage or Mothership Zeta, but it was still pretty lame.
Next up, Dead Money. |
So it's kinda like the story me and my friend's had about 'the dead man', a scary being that sneaks into your house and fucks with you. Then during a sleepover one of the 4 of us wets the bed. Everyone denies doing it, so they blamed it on the dead man. Why the hell would the dead man wet the bed? It turns out it was just one of my asshole friends <--- possibly me, I don't remember.
I guess that's nothing like the burning man, but I just remembered that in my head. Back to video games! |
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