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DougClayton4231 Nov 16th, 2010 09:13 AM

Vampire - Bloodlines is my favorite RPG of all time and one of, in my opinion, the best games ever made. It's so immersive :P

I can't wait for Majin and Splatterhouse. I hope that the new Assassin's Creed will be good too.

Dimnos Nov 16th, 2010 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 704202)
I hope that the new Assassin's Creed will be good too.

I just dont see this happening. :\

Phoenix Gamma Nov 16th, 2010 09:15 PM

Epic Mickey is annoying. I can't do one fucking thing in this game without being interrupted by a cutscene and Gus explaining what I have to do next. The camera is really shitty too.

I'm really not enjoying it very much.

DougClayton4231 Nov 16th, 2010 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 704204)
I just dont see this happening. :\

:lol I've heard that it's better than 1 or 2, but considering I hated 1 and loved 2, I don't know how I'll feel about it.

Dr. Boogie Nov 16th, 2010 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 704198)
Combat: I kind of agree on the sense of longer combos, some enemies just break through your attacks and hit you anyway. But I thought it was a lot better than spamming Plume of Prometheus as your only needed move like in every GOW game. The ground pound took some getting used to but actually it reminded me that Gabe has some very powerfull mid air attacks so I just used them. All in all, the combat is much more challenging than in the game they copied here I think. As I said, Plume of Prometheus and Dodging, thatīs it on normal most of the time.

More than all that, it's the fact that enemies will often just ignore attacks and hit me anyway. I can understand some of the larger enemies doing this, but all of them? The worst is when you pull off a perfect block, but you still get hit in the midst of your celebratory bonus damage combo.


Colossus battles: On that I actually agree. I didnīt like those very much. Felt tacked on and copy-pasted from Sotc only that the three Colossi in Castlevania arenīt any fun to kill, theyīre a moving jump&run level wrapped around a big dude. It wouldīve been nicer to battle them from the ground, then using the enviroment to destroy them. Drop something on them, crash them into something, I donīt know it doesnīt take a genius to design a fun boss battle.
Though I donīt think, Sotc is my type of game. I played it, beat...I think 4 or 5 Colossi and then got insanely bored with it and put it down. Havenīt played it since though I can appreciate what they did there. Great idea and gorgeous world and atmosphere. I want a HD-Remake please.
Agreed. I liked SotC a lot, but it's really more of a puzzle game, in that once you've solved the puzzle (i.e., killed the colossus), there's not much reason to go back and do it again over and over again. It's a fun game, but I wouldn't pay $60 to play it.


Castlevania-Heritage: That bugged me when I first heard about it but after playing through this reboot/alternate universe/whatever itīs supposed to be, I donīt mind anymore. It tries to find its own identity and I think it succeeded. Sure itīs not what the original Castlevanias are, thereīs a different mood here and a different type of atmosphere, but I like it and Iīm looking forward to see what they are gonna do with it in the future, the post-credits scene was pretty cool I think :)
That's just it; you can tell they wanted to make their own thing here, so why did they just throw in a handful of irrelevant names just to make a connection to Castlevania? The only answer I can come up with is that they wanted to suck in some of the fans of that series, and just having vampires and werewolves wasn't enough.

It kind of reminds me of Marvel comics doing Marvel 1602 as a sort of reinvention of familiar characters in a different setting. The thing is, LoS isn't reinventing Castlevania characters; it's just making a completely unrelated storyline and using a handful of borrowed names to establish a flimsy connection with an established to get the title some free press. I get that starting a new IP is hard, but don't piggy-back in such a blatant, ridiculous fashion.


But basically they couldīve called it whatever they wanted but then people would have said "hey, thatīs kinda like Castlevania, isnīt it?" So yeah, Iīm cool with what they did.
I think that's a bit of a stretch. If this game was just called "Lords of Shadow" and featured the exploits of Gabriel Studebaker, I think people would be more fixated on how similar it was to GoW and Dante's Inferno. Like I was saying earlier, it features a few creatures in the Castlevania universe, but werewolves, vampires, and the like aren't unique to the series.

One of the biggest reasons I don't like the game is that it has Hideo Kojima's stink all over it, in the form of his design doctrine that holds presentation as being far more important than actual gameplay. I know he was only attached in an advisory capacity, but I can't help but think of MGS4 when I'm watching cinematic after cinematic after cinematic.

Also, the story isn't done all that well, either. Everything we know about Gabriel as a character comes second-hand from the diary of his gay stalker. In the actual game, he's just a standard action hero out for revenge, occasionally belting out some angry line at a big villain. We're told he's seething with rage and that he no longer has any compassion, but this doesn't come across at all in the game.

executioneer Nov 16th, 2010 10:13 PM

replayin' mount and blade. I took out all three rhodok cities by myself, it was awesome. NOTHING STOPS THE HUSCARL

OxBlood Nov 17th, 2010 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 704299)
More than all that, it's the fact that enemies will often just ignore attacks and hit me anyway. I can understand some of the larger enemies doing this, but all of them? The worst is when you pull off a perfect block, but you still get hit in the midst of your celebratory bonus damage combo.

Agreed. I liked SotC a lot, but it's really more of a puzzle game, in that once you've solved the puzzle (i.e., killed the colossus), there's not much reason to go back and do it again over and over again. It's a fun game, but I wouldn't pay $60 to play it.

That's just it; you can tell they wanted to make their own thing here, so why did they just throw in a handful of irrelevant names just to make a connection to Castlevania? The only answer I can come up with is that they wanted to suck in some of the fans of that series, and just having vampires and werewolves wasn't enough.

It kind of reminds me of Marvel comics doing Marvel 1602 as a sort of reinvention of familiar characters in a different setting. The thing is, LoS isn't reinventing Castlevania characters; it's just making a completely unrelated storyline and using a handful of borrowed names to establish a flimsy connection with an established to get the title some free press. I get that starting a new IP is hard, but don't piggy-back in such a blatant, ridiculous fashion.

I think that's a bit of a stretch. If this game was just called "Lords of Shadow" and featured the exploits of Gabriel Studebaker, I think people would be more fixated on how similar it was to GoW and Dante's Inferno. Like I was saying earlier, it features a few creatures in the Castlevania universe, but werewolves, vampires, and the like aren't unique to the series.

One of the biggest reasons I don't like the game is that it has Hideo Kojima's stink all over it, in the form of his design doctrine that holds presentation as being far more important than actual gameplay. I know he was only attached in an advisory capacity, but I can't help but think of MGS4 when I'm watching cinematic after cinematic after cinematic.

Also, the story isn't done all that well, either. Everything we know about Gabriel as a character comes second-hand from the diary of his gay stalker. In the actual game, he's just a standard action hero out for revenge, occasionally belting out some angry line at a big villain. We're told he's seething with rage and that he no longer has any compassion, but this doesn't come across at all in the game.

To cut the whole thing short: Youīre right about most things IMO, sure and I agree on most of them, though I still like the whole thing a lot.
Concerning the replay-value, itīs nowhere near any classic Metrovania title, thatīs for sure but the question at the time was "Castlevania or Enslaved" and after playing Enslaved last Weekend I know I made the right decision :)

Is LOS as good as the 2D Castlevanias? Fuck no. Is it a good game? Yeah, I think so and as an additional Castlevania Sub-franchise, Iīm okay with it.

Oh and once more about the heritage-thing: Iīm sure younger, typical gamers would compare it more to GOW and Danteīs Inferno, but show me a dude that uses a whip against something supernatural and Iīll scream CASTLEVANIA without even thinking about it :D
Itīs the whip, thereīs only two beings that use whips, Dr. Jones and a Castlevania Protagonist :)

DougClayton4231 Nov 17th, 2010 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 704299)
Also, the story isn't done all that well, either. Everything we know about Gabriel as a character comes second-hand from the diary of his gay stalker. In the actual game, he's just a standard action hero out for revenge, occasionally belting out some angry line at a big villain. We're told he's seething with rage and that he no longer has any compassion, but this doesn't come across at all in the game.

:lol I felt the same way about Gabriel. It's like he has no real part in the story, every ambition and emotion is described by a third party, so it's hard to give a fuck about him. But since when did Castlevania need a plot?

OxBlood Nov 18th, 2010 10:14 AM

Oh yeah, that. I agree again. There was a lot of wasted potential. They told us that Gabe is like this or like that but we never saw any evidence that he was anything else but a silent, brooding and rather calm fellow.

Played about an hour of Hot Pursuit and I´m not sure if my splitting headache was a result of playing the game or something else...I remember that I couldn´t play NSF Underground back in the day because the flashing of the lights in drag-mode gave me such a headache...never happened before and never after that though.

Other than that...I guess it´s pretty good? I´m not the right person to speak to about racing games, they´re all the same for me more or less, just like sports games. It does have the rubberband mechanic though (is it called that in english too?) so it doesn´t matter how far ahead you are, your opponents will eventually gain on you and fast. At least that was my impression.

Lufia was okay, just played it for about 2 hours. Nice music but sub-par performance when a lot is going on and I´m not sure I like the way the fighting feels.
Crimson Gem Saga on the other hand is really nice. Very oldschool with beautiful sprites and nice battle-animation. Nothing special, very standart but nice so far.

Fathom Zero Nov 18th, 2010 11:00 AM

Rage came out on iDevices. Possibly the easiest to control FPS on there, if only for the fact that it's on rails. Still fun, well worth the price of an 8-Piece chicken nuggets from Burger King.

Dimnos Nov 18th, 2010 01:17 PM

The first time you play the first level of LoS when you fight the big warg as a boss is the most fun you have with it. :\ After that the game slowly goes down hill. I doubt I made it half way through before I just got bored with it. Im in some old runes where you fight a bunch of hooded ghosts that look like they were kidnapped from Lord of the Rings or some shit. Of course if do anything other than one wide area swing then dodge two times then repeat you get killed. Oh so fun. :rolleyes Boogie is right, LoS was very lacking to say the least. Had it not had the Castlevania name tacked onto it I never would have associated it with Castlevania. Camera angles normally dont bother me even bad ones but they were just plane horrible in LoS. Combat was crap. Hit. dodge, dodge, hit, dodge, dodge. They would have been better to copy Ninja Gaiden. Yes it requires a lot of dodging too but at least its fun and enemies actually react when hit. Not that this is solely a problem that plagued LoS but... WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH EVERY GOD DAMN VIDEO GAME CHARACTER BEING SO FLAT THESE DAYS? Is it so much to ask for a character that actually grows and changes as the story goes on? Is it to much to have a character you actually give a crap about? I cared more about the narrator whos name I cant even remember and I didnt care about him because of the character or anything he did I only cared about him because its fucking Patrick Stewart.

10,000 Volt Ghost Nov 18th, 2010 02:16 PM

I'm at chapter 9 of LoS and I find myself just playing it to be done with it now.

Dimnos Nov 18th, 2010 02:59 PM

Im only holding on to it so that one day I can play it just to be done with it. I just cant bring myself to put it in the xbox though. I would much rather punch heads off in Fallout.

10,000 Volt Ghost Nov 18th, 2010 03:12 PM

Same thing with Star Ocean and FF XIII.

I killed a Jackalope in RDR though.

Phoenix Gamma Nov 18th, 2010 03:30 PM

I've had Flower downloaded for months now and never started it. Then my old man asked me what this "Flower thing" was on the PS3. So I decided to play it today. Then about an hour later I beat it.

What an awesome game. Pretty as fuck, and really fun. The last three levels were awesome.

Dimnos Nov 18th, 2010 04:42 PM

What is the point of that game? I have never played it and havnt heard anything about it other than "Its really beautiful!".

10,000 Volt Ghost Nov 18th, 2010 05:24 PM

Is it like the flower level in super smash bros melee because I really like that level?

Fathom Zero Nov 18th, 2010 05:53 PM

It's like Star Fox. For serious.

Phoenix Gamma Nov 18th, 2010 07:53 PM

You fly around and make the environment pretty.

The last three levels do some really cool things. The last one is really, really awesome.

captain516 Nov 19th, 2010 01:45 AM

I take it none of you guys are interested in Black Ops

Phoenix Gamma Nov 19th, 2010 02:45 AM

Only on PC. Except I hear the PC port is rubbish. So no, not really.

OxBlood Nov 19th, 2010 04:05 AM

Nah, MW1 was enough already, the only interesting thing about BO is the zombie mode and I'm not paying more than 20 bucks for that.

Writing posts with an iPod is crap so here´s the rest: For more than one reason I´m absolutely not interested in Black Ops. For one, it´s the same thing for the third time, I can´t do shit in multiplayer because I don´t play that game 24/7 from day one and yeah, I really have enough generic shooters around. Cheap yeah but not full price. Funfact: The Nazizombie-Mode made it into the german version though I guess they´re just Zombies here...ahem.

DougClayton4231 Nov 19th, 2010 10:01 AM

The US media and Black Ops have had this interesting coincidence as of late, they've gone back to blaming communists for everything :P

I just got my DS up and running and I'm loving all the Castlevania action. No game does it for me like a 2D Castlevania for some reason :lol I think when my gf goes back home for next month I'm actually going to tackle some of the 360 games and Wii games that I've neglected. Mainly DBZ Raging Blast 2. I know that the camera sucks but I still get to shoot kamehameha's right...right?

OxBlood Nov 19th, 2010 10:22 AM

My guess is...yes, you will get to shoot a fuckton of Kamehamehas :D

What does your media blame communists for? Climate change? The oil incident? Cheap pop music?

10,000 Volt Ghost Nov 19th, 2010 11:33 AM

I played some of the multiplayer in Black Ops, mainly Nuketown which is fun to get used to the game.

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