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goldeneye for wii
need for speed for ps3 vindictus for pc schimid conned me into getting NFS...it's rly ok at best |
working on Xenosaga: Episode II for like the 3rd time.
Tbh, I still haven't even cracked my ep. III open yet cuz every time I play its predecessors, I'll immediately move onto something else, then forget the minute details of the RPG and can't bring myself to finish the trilogy by starting III. It all has to be fluid, so I'll just start the whole series all over again and like 110 hrs. later, feel the urge to move on to a SH, CT, or something. |
Just play it already.
How can you have no clue how to beat Portrait of Ruin. Just look at a faq.
Just trudge through episode 2. I didn't care for it really until I learned to be really good with the zone breaks. Shion KOS-MOS and Ziggy are the best for consecutive breaks. All of Episode III is amazing. |
Super Meat Boy on PC is buggy as all fuck. It's more stable as of this afternoon and it's getting gamepad support fixed tomorrow so that people without 360 gamepads can play without using a controller emulator. At least custom levels will make up for it in January.
Also I had to skip on of the levels in Rapture and I'm stuck on the last one in The End before the boss. And I can't unlock The Kid because McMullen hates me and wants to drain all the love out of my heart and fill it with burning hatred. It's working. |
i bought sonic the hedgehog 2006 for 360 today because i watched a video showing off all its hilarious bugs and wanted to experience it for myself
schimid and i are actually having a lot of fun with it. well, at it. the game is so broken, it's hilarious. it did however make me yell at it once, and that's the first time i've screamed at a game since mario kart double dash. |
Or since you couldn't beat my ghost.
I like the original Zelda Ocarina Of time but I also played the master quest version which make the dungeon quite different and difficult.
Okay I guess I understand Dwarf Fortress more or less, at least the basics. The Keep is coming along quite okay I guess, some experiments with water flooded some of my caverns but then again thatīs what they were there for.
Ran into a problem when everything froze over when winter came but I realized that my Dwarves can life off of wine and be okay...gotta think about constructing a well when spring comes around again. No enemies so far but if as much as one goblin shows up, I fucked I guess. And I played some Hot Pursuit with two friends yesterday...beat both of them in the first race (normally they are great at racing and I suck more than you can imagine at these kind of games) and wrecked one of them as a racer while he was a cop...he rage-quitted *sigh*. Heīs a great guy but he canīt stand losing...at all. |
I was playing Black Ops online last night and I honestly can't understand what people find so entertaining about it. I've been playing FPS' for damn near 20 years and I still don't understand what's so entertaining about running in circles, shooting each other in the ass. I'll probably never get it though. When you win, it's meh and when you lose it's meh.
I think that the only shooter I've actually spent time playing online was L4D because it was unique and exciting, at least until L4D2 came out and killed the playerbase :P |
Got an email telling me to stop seeding Sonic 4. Which is stupid. I've seeded MUCH better games!
Beat Dr. Featus in Super Meat Boy last night, and the level I skipped in Rapture. Working on the Dark World in world 3 now before I even attempt getting The Kid again. |
I've got A+'s in every level. All I need to beat it is getting the bandages. How've you done on Cotton Alley?
PETA made Super Tofu Boy because they love being piggybacking cock holsters.
Team Meat's response? Quote:
that sounds like a dev team i can get behind :lol
man i might buy the game just for that :lol
Thats amazing.
Played through Dead Nation today. A great little game and wohoo - Germany´s Number 8 (meh) and I´m Number 7 in my Country...was 3rd yesterday...though we only have about 700 People playing aparently.
Ffuuu I'm still going through the Ace Attorney games, up to Apollo's game.
I really want to play super meat boy though... I could fiend that for hours. |
Can someone explain to me why Xenogears is considered good? I tried playing it and couldn't find anything appealing.
I'm not playing it YET, but I pre-order the Collector's Edition of Dead Space 2. It'll come with concept art, a soundtrack, it gave me the code for Ignition (which is surprisingly hard), and best of all, a REPLICA PLASMA CUTTER! A really good deal for $80.
I've been playing the first Phoenix Wright and it's surprisingly entertaining.
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