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PG: Were you playing on an extended maptime server or whatever? I generally only break 100 in under 30 minutes if I'm being incredibly awesome. Have also been getting back into Mario Strikers Charged lately and was surprised to find that a whole lot of people still play it. It's understandable, really; since Brawl's online support is a horrifying 12-foot lag, tomato, and cheese combo sandwich and Mario Kart Wii is a roadtrip over the Blandlands in the Blandmobile headed straight to Blandytown, Strikers is basically the only good online game on the whole system. Correct me if I'm mistaken, of course, since I like proving that I am a bigger nerd than other people in virtual battle. |
Nunu is a pimp once again.
Also, I swear, no one EVER spy checks on top of stuff. Ever. Turn a corner and crouch jump and you're in the clear. |
You still playing LoL FZ? Whats your summoner name? Im Dimnos on there too.
I just play with my roommates, honestly, but I'm Raggamofyn if you ever happen to find I'm on.
dimnos never plays with me on LoL anymore :(
I´m guessing LoL is League of legends, right?
Still playing Inazuma Eleven (and Dead Space 2, Ignition and Extraction) and now I´m kinda stuck because now I have to play a match in a very specific way versus the Occult High School which simply curses me aparently. Strange game. Oh and I saw Ghost Trick in the store the other day, didn´t know it was already released here...the game was pretty good, wasn´t it? |
I am currently playing Little Big Planet 2 although I am trying to get some better games for PS3. Also, on NES I am trying to complete Contra (and failing), and for the SNES I am trying to complete Clay Fighter 2. I am also trying to complete the Doom II Master Levels.
Finally got Ico. I like to claim that graphics aren't everything, but playing Ico made me realize they actually count for a whole goddamn lot. If characters in a game look and move like real people would, it helps the world come to life, and even today with all of our fancy billions of polygons on screen not enough games take advantage of this. Ico is a first generation PS2 game, for fuck's sake, and it's quite a bit more visually stunning than a lot of current-gen games I've played. I wasn't not expecting this, since Shadow of the Colossus is a game that I consider perfect in nearly every way it is possible to be perfect, visuals being no small exception, but it's still pretty impressive how something as simple as, say, having Yorda and Ico hold hands while she's in standard "Escort character following" mode is just instantly more powerful an image than it would have been if she'd just been tagging behind you like, say, Ashley and Leon. They also made a point of having her run slightly slower than Ico, making it look like she's struggling to keep up as he pulls her along; that, plus her habit of looking curiously at unimportant pieces of scenery, and her default posture, implies all sorts of things, like fear, confusion, uncertainty, and most importantly, a growing sense of trust for Ico/the player, who she follows despite them constantly pulling her into all sorts of hazardous shit. With Ashley, I felt like I was just protecting her because I wouldn't be able to finish the game otherwise; In Ico I feel like I have to protect Yorda because I'll come off as a complete bastard if I don't. All of this is communicated through the default walk-cycle animations.
Oh, and actually playing the game is pretty neat as well. It's like The Sands of Time without any wire-fu tomfoolery. I dunno if I like it as much as Shadow yet, but it is quite good. |
Ico pissed me off because Yorda is such a pain in the ass to pull around, and the fights really aren't very fun :\ It'd be cool if the protagonist was older and could just hang her over his shoulder or under his arm. I definitely prefer Shadow of the Colossus in terms of fun.
Played some of the original Rhythm Heaven on GBA. Way better than the DS sequel. HEY BAYBEH. HOW'S IT GOIN? THIS. BEAT. IS NON. STOP. |
I also got MGS3, which has sucked for the first 4 hours or so
Someone told me it was less cutscene-heavy than the other games, and in my youthful innocence, I believed him Really, I don't see the point of adding in a bunch of fancy new camouflage mechanics and a wound-healing system if you're never going to let me play the game. I also don't see the reason you even need to put work into purty graffix if you're going to have half of the cutscenes be still images and line-reading; this is something referred to as a Visual Novel, Kojima, and they're supposed to at least have porn in them to keep my interest. I also also don't see the need to even make this a video game, as you obviously have no enthusiasm for audience participation. Why not write a novel, then go to a hospital and read it to patients in traction for 5 hours a day? Maybe I should have tried out one of those Sly Cooper games for my sneaking jollies. |
Are you sure you're playing MGS3? Because I don't remember the cutscenes being anything like that.
Kojima's got a major problem with "Show, don't tell," apparently, or he thinks everyone who plays his games is a retard Honestly, I feel like one for not learning from my experience with Twin Snakes. Then again, at least shit fucking happened in that game I don't even seem to be able to save and quit in MGS3 without having pointless, meandering Seinfeld conversations. I do not need to learn about the history of Godzilla in the middle of a Black Ops mission, nor do I need to have a scene in From Russia with Love described to me, because I have purchased a Metal Gear Solid video game which can only mean that I am a massive nerd who already knows everything about any pointless pop-culture phenomenon you care to name. Basically what I want MGS to do is shut up and let me be a fucking superspy like it promised it would. Maybe I'll try to play the game without watching any cutscenes or listening to any of the codec chats. I basically know the plot already since /v/ has at least 5 Metal Gear threads every fucking day, so I can just make up scenes in my head in which everything is explained coherently and with a hint of subtlety. This is the best idea I've had in a while. |
They're not for you, then. :\
![]() The floor was clean before I arrived. :) |
Meh, MGS3 was harmless in comparison to 4 if you ask me. I enjoyed 3 quite a bit, since it´s about the only time you play as the cool Snake. I never played the revised version with the better camera but still, I liked it a lot. Way more than 2 at least.
Twin Snakes was...fucking retarded but funny if you knew the original game...and it was fucking expensive so I´m not gonna hate it too much ;) But I agree, Kojima does have a serious problem in the storytelling-department, he just doesn´t know how to do it right which morphed into his strange and unique style over the years that is not for everyone. It´s unique but it´s NOT good from a writing-technical point of view. I started with Ghost Trick yesterday and I love that game. That is some awesome animation going on there and the story is pretty nice too. And Missile (WELCOME!), yeah of course. Oh and what game is that, Dextire? Looks like fun. |
Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising. It's on sale this week!
And it made me get back into Dawn of War. Yayyyy |
Itīs way better than 4 of course ;) |
Lol yeah, MGS3 was the first Metal Gear game that actually interested me at all, I sat there for the first two hours wanting to shoot something so goddamned bad... only to have to continue sitting and watching the GI Joe/Cobra rejects jabbering at each other. Oh, and stare at
Yeah I'm gonna go out there and say The End is one of the coolest boss fights I've ever seen. I didn't die once and it still took me an hour to finish, and at no point was I bored or not paranoid as shit that he was watching me.
Which I'm glad for, since The Pain and The Fear really phoned it in. I was afraid this one wouldn't even get the bosses right at first, which is what MGS is all about as far as I give a shit. I also finally got StarCraft working with online play, only to very quickly wish I hadn't. |
I feel so badass for killing him in five minutes when I played it. I was King Shit.
![]() my keyboard doesn't have those characters ;_; |
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