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Ronnie Raygun May 11th, 2004 09:13 PM


ziggytrix May 11th, 2004 09:14 PM

At least when Saddam had children posing with his soldiers, he had the good sense to keep the soldiers ARMED! :lol

Ronnie Raygun May 11th, 2004 09:18 PM

So Saddam is smarter than the U.S. military?

ziggytrix May 11th, 2004 09:19 PM

You're pretty dense today, aren't ya?

Jeanette X May 11th, 2004 09:19 PM

Jeez Ronnie. I know you must be stressed about your job, but do you have to make all these threads to blow off steam?

Ronnie Raygun May 11th, 2004 09:21 PM

Another snide comment about my job......?

My, what compassion liberals have.

My job isn't threatened.

Jeanette X May 11th, 2004 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Ronnie Raygun
Another snide comment about my job......?

My, what compassion liberals have.

My job isn't threatened.

Hey, this time it wasn't intended to be snide. :/ And I'm glad that your job isn't threatened, though I am still wondering what the reason is for all these threads posted in such a brief period of time.

Ronnie Raygun May 11th, 2004 09:40 PM

The truth is, I'm not at the ticket counter this week so it gives me more free time.

The fact that you were ever snide shows you contempt for compassion.

Jeanette X May 11th, 2004 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Ronnie Raygun
The truth is, I'm not at the ticket counter this week so it gives me more free time.

The fact that you were ever snide shows you contempt for compassion.

Yes, I realize that now. Please accept my apologies. :(

Ronnie Raygun May 11th, 2004 09:49 PM

Of course.

ziggytrix May 11th, 2004 10:04 PM

I'm glad to know that Jeanette's snideness is the national indicator for liberal compassion. I was totally out of the loop on that one.

Ronnie Raygun May 11th, 2004 10:06 PM

Once again, I'm not dumb enough to understand what you are trying to say.

Are you responding to something that I said? And if so, what?

ziggytrix May 11th, 2004 10:10 PM


Another snide comment about my job......?

My, what compassion liberals have.
is what you said, imbecille.

Ronnie Raygun May 11th, 2004 10:14 PM

I guess you were out of the loop.

It's the same attitude that I've gotten from everyone one this board who has commented. All liberals, all negative and without compassion.

derrida May 11th, 2004 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Ronnie Raygun
everyone one this board who has commented. THIS IS QUITE OBVIOUSLY A REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE

People do not talk to the internet to say nice things! Let's all remember this.

AChimp May 11th, 2004 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Ronnie Raygun
I guess you were out of the loop.

It's the same attitude that I've gotten from everyone one this board who has commented. All liberals, all negative and without compassion.

Why should we be compassionate towards YOU when YOUR job is NOT threatened?

sspadowsky May 11th, 2004 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Ronnie Raygun

Those were taken on a soundstage in Hollywood, by Jayson Blair. Everyone knows that.

PS- If anyone was snide about your job situation, Ronnie, it had nothing to do with being liberals, or compassionate. It has to do with the fact that you're a smug little asshole who has no interest in anything but stirring the pot and smirking. There's a reason you're so disliked here, Ronnie, and the sad thing is that you will always think the problem lies with virtually everyone else, and never you. Which is why you make such a fine neo-con.

Dole May 12th, 2004 05:23 AM

"All liberals, all negative and without compassion."

-Yeah, the one thing liberals are notorious for is their lack of compassion.

These Neocons literally have compassion dribbling out of every orifice :goth

mesobe May 12th, 2004 11:05 AM


Ronnie Raygun May 12th, 2004 02:51 PM

"Those were taken on a soundstage in Hollywood, by Jayson Blair. Everyone knows that." - Spad

Yeah! I'm the one with the problem and you can't bear to admit that the pics from the drudge report are real.


KevinTheOmnivore May 12th, 2004 02:57 PM


mburbank May 12th, 2004 03:32 PM

Naldo, on the one and only occassion you came here with something worthy of compassion, it was all you got and you know it. Devoid of compassion my ass.

We have differing political views. I think you're a paranoid reactionary, that's no secret. But that's my view of YOU speciffically. I don't demonize half the country, or claim that if two people say something awful vereyone who shares any of their beliefs are equally culpable. Only an idiot would do that. Only an idiot thinks American politcial life is black and white with one side perfect and the other beyond redemption. Sure there are lefties here who do that, but you know you're full of crap if you think any of the serious folks here eevn approach your degree of polarized dogmatism.

I agree with Kev that something seems to be making you more disturbed than usual. I know your psychic and all, but you might want to delay starching your brown shirt just yet. Half of America is across the aisle from you. Are yyou Anne Coulter now, are we all traitors devoid of compassion? Take a deep breath. I'm hoping you still know better.

mesobe May 12th, 2004 04:11 PM

geeze.. you think that such a friendly army of death would have more than 2 pictures. where are all the "thank you" cards and videos?

sspadowsky May 12th, 2004 06:31 PM

By a quick show of hands, how many of you got the Jayson Blair joke? I'm trying to decide whether I want to take the time to explain it to Ronnie. In spite of his often feigned ignorance, I think that one may well have gone over his head.

Ronnie Raygun May 12th, 2004 08:04 PM

I don't think it was worthy of being called a "joke".

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