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captain516 Sep 4th, 2014 09:57 PM

So I have extreme anxiety over school and I kinda want to drop out, but part of me knows I won't make it anywhere and I might as well finish getting a bachelor's.
On top of that, I've lost contact with a bunch of friends, and I can't even talk to people anymore without over-analyzing everything.
Am I allowed to be an alcoholic now?

Aaarg Sep 5th, 2014 01:35 PM

alcohol won't help

weed might

Vaporman87 Sep 6th, 2014 01:28 PM

@captian516: You might as well get used to the whole "losing contact with friends" thing. It keeps on going like that indefinitely. You will meet new people though, along the way, that will fill some of those missing pieces.

I'm 40 y/o now. Have a wife, three kids. And ONE friend from elementary/high school that I still hang with from time to time. That's life.

Aaarg Sep 6th, 2014 04:23 PM

holy crap you're 40 and still keep in contact with a high school friend? is this typical?

Ex Leper Sep 6th, 2014 04:47 PM

Our family just got a new golden retriever puppy. We haven't chosen a name for her yet.

Vaporman87 Sep 6th, 2014 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Aaarg (Post 770369)
holy crap you're 40 and still keep in contact with a high school friend? is this typical?


Have you noticed how folks 60+ are very much into the "alumni banquets" and such (just a fancy word for multiple year high school reunions). That seems to not be the case for people of my generation. Sure, my class holds a reunion. But outside of a small clique of people who hung out with each other during that time, nobody else shows up (including me).

Something got lost from the 50's and 60's up into the 80's. Some "connection" with fellow students that I have yet to discover.

Now with all the technology out there keeping us connected 24/7, this "connection" is sure to dissolve ever more quickly.

Aaarg Sep 10th, 2014 10:11 AM

good riddance.

Esuohlim Sep 11th, 2014 09:16 PM

I bought a 160gb iPod Classic 12 days ago on Amazon. It never showed up even though it said it was delivered, so on Tuesday I asked for a replacement. Today Amazon says that can't replace it, but they can refund my money so I can try again and get free one-day shipping.

Except buttfucking Apple discontinued this iPod yesterday and now I can't buy it through Amazon at all anymore, just through third-party sellers with jacked up prices >:

So I wrote Amazon again saying that they should send me a fucking iPod at list price since I bought it before this faggy discontinuation.


MarioRPG Sep 12th, 2014 01:35 PM

^That's seriously shitty. I still have my old iPod video 60gb when they first came out. Then my buddy broke the screen, and gave me a used 12gb nano as a replacement. What a downgrade.

As for me, here's a picture from Burning Man.

Esuohlim Sep 13th, 2014 07:42 PM

How many orgies did you take part in? :eek :hickman

Esuohlim Sep 13th, 2014 11:11 PM

10,000 Volt Ghost is about half a mile away from me right now but don't tell him

MarioRPG Sep 16th, 2014 09:52 AM


MarioRPG Sep 16th, 2014 09:54 AM

But I will post a couple of stories of things I did at some point!

Esuohlim Sep 16th, 2014 10:24 PM




MarioRPG Oct 10th, 2014 12:57 PM

There were a ton of cuddle-centric events and I did partake in some! And there are definitely tons of drugs there, especially on the night of the burn. They get passed around all over the place.

Seven Force Nov 2nd, 2014 09:56 PM

I love getting high now and sometimes I regret not starting sooner

Aaarg Nov 2nd, 2014 10:31 PM

what kind of high are we talking because if we're talking about maryjuana than yeah man weed is the sh!t

Seven Force Nov 2nd, 2014 10:41 PM

Definitely weed

Sacks Nov 3rd, 2014 09:51 AM

Weed helped me work through a lot of crap, but I'm starting to wonder if it also removed my ability to give a shit about anything anymore. Things like eating regularly or living someplace that is not my van.

Aaarg Nov 3rd, 2014 11:42 AM

i think that's the world around you and its endless supply of bullshit that continues to pile up

i mean, that's how it is for me

i've cut back on pot and started taking antidepressants

i'm all right with me and what's in my head but that doesn't get me away from capitalism, guns, religious people in power, rich people in power, rich people alltogether, poor people who defend rich people, poor people who vote in favor of policies that help rich people and keep poor people poor, etc.

Sacks Nov 3rd, 2014 04:00 PM

More like I-mopery amiright

But seriously though guys let's get it together.

Seven Force Nov 3rd, 2014 05:08 PM

Thanks for the b-day wish, Aaarg (assuming that's what the pic was all about)


Originally Posted by Aaarg (Post 770445)
i think that's the world around you and its endless supply of bullshit that continues to pile up

i mean, that's how it is for me

i've cut back on pot and started taking antidepressants

i'm all right with me and what's in my head but that doesn't get me away from capitalism, guns, religious people in power, rich people in power, rich people alltogether, poor people who defend rich people, poor people who vote in favor of policies that help rich people and keep poor people poor, etc.

I feel the exact same way. Weed helps a lot with just putting politics on the back-burner while I work through my own shit, but I read about it everyday. Gets me pissed and depressed. Then I smoke and/or occupy myself with other things and I get better. Sometimes I wonder what could be done to fix all or most of the bullshit.

Aaarg Nov 5th, 2014 06:44 AM

well, looks like you'd better stock up on weed & antidepressants.

fuck americans.

Seven Force Nov 5th, 2014 04:44 PM

Already got the pot and booze. FL just elected a criminal asshole again for governor. I'm gonna enjoy my life despite it. As far as I'm concerned they deserve what they get.

In lighter news I'm gettin a Mega Man Wily Wars cart in a couple of days. I'm kinda-sorta starting a collection and it's going to be nice having something you really couldn't find in most pawn shops or used stores. It's fun as fuck too. Might get the Alien Soldier or Pulseman cart if it's still available later on. https://www.etsy.com/transaction/237991708

Aaarg Nov 5th, 2014 11:14 PM

i have a growing collection of out of print books. some of them sell for good money, apparently. found some little book of common root words in biological nomenclature and what they mean for like a dollar at a bookstore. amazon sells used copies for like 40 bucks. nice. also, it's a sweet-ass book.

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