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-   -   Does no one really notice how exaggerated this virus is? (http://i-mockery.com/forum/showthread.php?t=69709303)

yabuturtle Jul 13th, 2020 12:27 AM

Does no one really notice how exaggerated this virus is?
I notice that with everything that has happened, doesn't anyone see this is really not a pandemic? I mean, I think the ones who use it should really know what it means before using it. They make it sound like it's the virus from Stephen King's The Stand. I mean the fact that a lot of this stuff is coming from the MEDIA is a big red flag, considering they've lied about everything else, why the hell would they start telling you the truth now.

Aside from the obvious 9/11 stuff they pushed or the weapons of mass destruction they never found or Osama supposedly getting killed by a raid even though lots of things hinted that he died years before. Does it not occur to anyone that maybe, just maybe, we were duped?

I have friends and family all over the world and nobody I know has this virus. They don't know anyone that has it either. Not saying the virus isn't real. It is, but I don't think it's nearly as dangerous as they make it out to be. Especially with the supposed cases reaching in the thousands as well as deaths. Do people know that they will still count something as a covid 19 death, even if the person dies from something else but happens to test positive. There were even videos of people being diagnosed with the friggin virus and weren't even properly tested for it. Only shown similar symptoms like fever.

There's also not too many hospitals being jam packed with people. Check out your hospitals. I travel in my job and almost all the hospitals I see, especially the ones they recorded in the news, are kind of empty. And when you record it and put it on youtube, vimeo, dailymotion ect. It gets taken down within a day. Put it on other forums like deviant art, religiousforums.com, templeofthejediorder.org or others and they end up taking it down AND banning you rather quickly. And nobody finds this strange? Especially with wearing the masks which don't do anything anyway except give you brain damage over time by repeatedly breathing in your own co2, which is very bad for you. Obviously won't kill you or damage you immediately, but it makes it hard to breathe and focus and they aren't even the right type of masks that would help you anyway. Most people have already been exposed, what with all of the traveling we had before, but that does not mean you will succumb to the virus just because you are exposed to it.

They are trying to cripple the economy. Ultra elite wouldn't do that if it wasn't to their advantage. News also doesn't tell you they had been euthanizing farm animals and closing processing plants, therefore making meat more scare and more expensive. I feel hardly anyone is taking this seriously and it needs to be looked at more closely and the only sites I know that do allow some criticism of this virus is roxytube. Try it anywhere else and watch it get taken down. Censorship of it should give people an idea of what is happening and when the government says they are doing it for your safety, you know they are lying.



Sacks Jul 13th, 2020 11:18 AM

So, you just roll into a new town for 'work' and pop into the local hospitals to record videos?

Esuohlim Jul 14th, 2020 10:28 PM

You sound like my dumbshit 40-year-old coworker who thinks the government is hiding a secret planet behind the moon and you can only see it from Antarctica. He is profoundly uneducated and listens to Joe Rogan.

Is this the part where you're going to tell me actually how educated you are and actually how much research you've done? Do you need me to explain to you why burning jet fuel JUST MIGHT BE harmful to steel beams?

mysteryman Jul 16th, 2020 12:19 AM


yabuturtle Jul 17th, 2020 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 772082)
You sound like my dumbshit 40-year-old coworker who thinks the government is hiding a secret planet behind the moon and you can only see it from Antarctica. He is profoundly uneducated and listens to Joe Rogan.

Is this the part where you're going to tell me actually how educated you are and actually how much research you've done? Do you need me to explain to you why burning jet fuel JUST MIGHT BE harmful to steel beams?

Who the shit is Joe Rogan, and what does that have to do with anything? Do you go out of your way to say the stupidest shit imaginable?

I know I-mockery forums have a lot of jackasses and partly it's because of humor but you're not making me laugh or educating me in anyway. You just come off as some moron who sounds like he would rather have a spoonful of bullshit shoved down his throat instead of trying to put two and two together. How the fuck do you get a virus mixed up with secret planets? What does that have to do with anything?

Is this supposed to be demoralizing? Am I supposed to shrug my shoulders and say "Gee this piece of shit Esuohlim was right all along. I guess I have to rethink my life. Maybe if I take more poison from my government, I'll feel much better lolzwtfpoop"

You want to "educate" me? Get off your high horse and provide something of substance. How about, I don't know, look at the stuff I provided? Not "proof" if that is what you're looking for but evidence and I know they are not the same thing, but the media is well known for lying. Same people who told you that Epstein killed himself. Why don't you name a time we did all of this when SARS was around? You can't because if you did say "we did" you'd be a lying dumbshit because nobody shut down stuff like this and that was a deadlier virus.

You can hang your head in shame for even attempting you demoralize or re-educate me. Go back and listen to the bastards who have been lying to you since day one. Fucker.

Oh and dumbshit, there was no jet fuel anyway. Because the plane exploded with part of the building. There went all the jet fuel. And it collapsed like any demoliton. Because there are have been steel buildings that were not built as well as the twin towers and were engulfed in fucking flames, and they didn't collapse the way they did. You don't have to know demolitions to figure this out.

Sacks Jul 17th, 2020 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by yabuturtle (Post 772084)
I don't know, look at the stuff I provided?

I did, and it was very compelling.. but I don't see what us average Gotham citizens could possibly do against this unstoppable vigilante 'the Bat-Man'.

Esuohlim Jul 19th, 2020 12:12 AM

yabuturtle you're a dumb dipshit and you fucking suck fucking ass, fuck you you dumb bastard go take your secret planets and jet fuel nonsense and go suck hell's dick

yabuturtle Jul 19th, 2020 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 772089)
yabuturtle you're a dumb dipshit and you fucking suck fucking ass, fuck you you dumb bastard go take your secret planets and jet fuel nonsense and go suck hell's dick

Why don't you enlighten me as to what the fuck you're going to do about? You've proven my point. Just because this forum is mostly dead, doesn't give you the right to be a self righteous prick.

You've failed to demoralize or make any sort of difference. I already know I'm right anyway. But don't worry, you're fluoride drinking ass will realize I was right all along.

Esuohlim Jul 19th, 2020 07:56 PM

yabuturle I'm going to send you a PM with a picture of my sad little flaccid dick and you will spend so much time kissing your screen you will literally starve to death

yabuturtle Jul 19th, 2020 08:17 PM

Sorry Esuohlim is a moderator/admin and you are not allowed to ignore him or her.

Why the fuck not, might I ask? This forum needs to be changed and fuckers like assholim need to be kicked off.

Tadao Jul 20th, 2020 01:05 PM

Dam, and I was going to make a Kanye thread this morning, but this guy has the stupid on lock down.

yabuturtle Jul 20th, 2020 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 772100)
Dam, and I was going to make a Kanye thread this morning, but this guy has the stupid on lock down.

Guess you have to resort to stealing comments. Kind of pathetic.

Shrubfest Jul 20th, 2020 04:42 PM

Gosh, I love America.

Makes me proud to be not American.

Tadao Jul 20th, 2020 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by yabuturtle (Post 772102)
Guess you have to resort to stealing comments. Kind of pathetic.

lol wut?

Tadao Jul 20th, 2020 04:53 PM

Oh my fucking god, your youtube link hahaha. Fucking edgelords.

Tadao Jul 22nd, 2020 12:02 PM

Hahahahaha this is where you are getting your info from? Or are you the idiot behind this youtube page?

Sacks Jul 22nd, 2020 02:39 PM

This whole thing goes deeper than you could ever imagine. Follow the white rabbit, boys.

Tadao Jul 22nd, 2020 03:59 PM

I mean he has a point. He posted a video from a extremely unknown person, people talking in a language I don't understand in a country I don't live in. I saw a lot of black screen and shoes, so you know something real is happening there. I kinda skipped past the horrible edgelord cosplay, but I'm sure it would have inspired me to laugh manically at the bus driver.

yabuturtle Jul 22nd, 2020 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 772112)
I mean he has a point. He posted a video from a extremely unknown person, people talking in a language I don't understand in a country I don't live in. I saw a lot of black screen and shoes, so you know something real is happening there. I kinda skipped past the horrible edgelord cosplay, but I'm sure it would have inspired me to laugh manically at the bus driver.

You don't know what the fuck you just said, do you?

Also don't post stupid shit 3 times in a row. You can put them all in one post.

Tadao Jul 22nd, 2020 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by yabuturtle (Post 772113)
You don't know what the fuck you just said, do you?

Also don't post stupid shit 3 times in a row. You can put them all in one post.

No you!

Tadao Jul 22nd, 2020 06:29 PM


Tadao Jul 22nd, 2020 06:30 PM

Do you speak Cantonese?

Chojin Jul 22nd, 2020 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by yabuturtle (Post 772080)
I notice that with everything that has happened, doesn't anyone see this is really not a pandemic?

no one valuable, anyway


I mean the fact that a lot of this stuff is coming from the MEDIA is a big red flag, considering they've lied about everything else, why the hell would they start telling you the truth now.
agreed that modern news is dogshit, but where else would the information come from?


I have friends and family all over the world and nobody I know has this virus. They don't know anyone that has it either.

i see your valueless anecdotal evidence and raise it with my own, where a guy's wife on my street died from it and i know at least 3 people who have lost loved ones because of it. the dangerousness of it is likely less when you live in bumfuck missouri with a population of 2,113.


I don't think it's nearly as dangerous as they make it out to be.
do you have the credibility to get dressed without parental guidance, let alone analyze a virus?


Do people know that they will still count something as a covid 19 death, even if the person dies from something else but happens to test positive.
do you know this?
i've only seen people claim it with no proof that it's a common practice.


There were even videos of people being diagnosed with the friggin virus and weren't even properly tested for it.
this is because our tests aren't good, which is also a more likely cause than a hilarious april fools prank on the world gone awry


There's also not too many hospitals being jam packed with people. Check out your hospitals. I travel in my job and almost all the hospitals I see, especially the ones they recorded in the news, are kind of empty.
that's nice, but again it's anecdotal and you live in the middle of nowhere. yes, great, you travel, because of course you do, because you live in the middle of nowhere. please show your hospital capacity counts from your road log, and we can do some actual analysis instead of just passing a Patient First on the way to dairy queen and going HMMMMM SEEMS AWFULLY QUIET


And when you record it and put it on youtube, vimeo, dailymotion ect. It gets taken down within a day. Put it on other forums like deviant art, religiousforums.com, templeofthejediorder.org or others and they end up taking it down AND banning you rather quickly. And nobody finds this strange?
is it more likely that they ban you to uphold a globally-colluded conspiracy, or because stupidity is contagious


Especially with wearing the masks which don't do anything anyway except give you brain damage over time by repeatedly breathing in your own co2, which is very bad for you.
this is the part i hear the most frequently that has me baffled. why do you believe that putting porous materials in front of your face is harmful in any way? plenty of people do it daily for their jobs and have conclusively demonstrated that O NO MUH CO2 isn't a factor. did you know the air in your house goes through a filter too? my fucking god

this isn't like the time you almost died when you got lost in a Food Lion bag. it's a piece of fucking cloth. some are better than others. it does work; asians have been doing it forever since they pack into their cities like clown cars for some reason and understand how not to spread the plague.

even if it didn't work, why wouldn't you just do it out of etiquette? you know, the same reason you begrudgingly put on pants? oh right, it chokes the life out of you because you're an asthmatic spastic who can't be trusted to avoid swallowing your own tongue and routinely cheats death when you accidentally turn over in your sleep.


but it makes it hard to breathe and focus
on this part, i'm willing to believe that you have difficulty breathing and focusing on something at the same time


They are trying to cripple the economy. Ultra elite wouldn't do that if it wasn't to their advantage.
the world economy? why? if you cripple the entire world, don't we all end up at the same place? don't the elites run all the major corporations, which are all hit the hardest by this since they're incredibly complicated businesses engineered for specific cycles of supply and demand that can be disrupted by even a week of sales depression?


News also doesn't tell you they had been euthanizing farm animals and closing processing plants, therefore making meat more scare and more expensive.
please no make my meat more scare :(


I feel hardly anyone is taking this seriously
i agree


and it needs to be looked at more closely
by who, you? if i were you, frankly, i'd stick metal into sockets until i had a moment of clarity and realized i'm better off trusting literally anyone but myself


Censorship of it should give people an idea of what is happening and when the government says they are doing it for your safety, you know they are lying.
true, like when the WHO initially told people to not wear masks, because they were trying to hoard them for the medical professionals who they knew would need them because it's not a joke.

you are woefully unequipped to analyze a sentence, let alone government skullduggery and virology. i'm probably even voting on "your team" this november, and i'm frankly embarrassed to even share an election with you.

Esuohlim Jul 23rd, 2020 01:01 AM

Going by pure numbers, only ~1% of the US has gotten this virus as of today. That isn't to say that it isn't serious (it absolutely is), but you don't need a giant convoluted coverup conspiracy to explain why it you aren't seeing anything from your point of view. Especially since that 1% isn't at all distributed uniformly across the country.

But, whatever, it's much easier to be arrogant and think you know more than all the scientists and medical professionals who are actually dealing with this shitty pandemic first-hand every day in their professional lives. What do you do for a living in Willow Springs, Missouri? Stand out on the street and hold up the town stop sign?

Esuohlim Jul 23rd, 2020 01:10 AM


we got him now guys stand your ground don't budge even if we don't believe all this baloney ourselves either just stay the course and we can continue to discuss tactics in the secret forum

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