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Zhukov Sep 29th, 2004 10:50 AM

Saying no to a girl
I am guessing that a girl that says things like: "I am lonely" "I need a boyfriend" "Why don't you have a girlfriend?" "You would be a great boyfriend" "We have so much in common" "I just need a nice guy in my life" "you are such a nice guy" and laughs at all my lame jokes and compliments me on every idiot thing I do wants to be my girlfriend or something. I think I am right.

I really like her as a friend, and it seems to annoy her when I play dumb to the hints that she drops. I don't want to have to keep dodging all the time, but I don't want to be mean or sound like I am too good for her or something.

What is a good way to word "I don't want you as a girlfriend" ?

Don't just say "I don't want you as a girlfriend" because that is too harsh.

DeadKennedys Sep 29th, 2004 11:42 AM

You might as well just say "I don't want you as my girlfriend," because she'll be pissed off either way.

The One and Only... Sep 29th, 2004 04:17 PM

Say, "When I lead the revolution, your death will be quick and painless."

That should get her to leave you alone.


When she brings up relationships in general, you might want to say something that hints you want to be alone.


Girl: "Why don't you have a girlfriend?"
You: "I'm sort of enjoying being single. I don't really want one right now."

That way, you're being general rather than targeting her specifically.

kellychaos Sep 29th, 2004 04:25 PM

Translation: I'm looking prospectively at everyone else BUT you.

She'd see right through that. Girls are smart that way. The only thing that you accomplish in saying that is that you're saying what you wanted to say without actually saying it. It's a coward's way out.

In conclusion, be honest. She'll still be into you and try her darndest to change you and/or eventually win you over. You will continue to evade her ardorous moves. You both will still be in the same situation, albeit pathetic, but at least everything will out in the open. The End.

Black Flag Sep 29th, 2004 05:12 PM

i say rape her, am i right guys!?

Black Flag Sep 29th, 2004 05:13 PM

come on, dude, that joke is sooooooo two weeks ago!

Black Flag Sep 29th, 2004 05:17 PM

i just got you all

kellychaos Sep 29th, 2004 06:12 PM

Listen to all that yellin'. That dewd is SO not gellin'!

Mr. Vagiclean Sep 29th, 2004 06:44 PM


BlueOatmeal Sep 29th, 2004 06:46 PM

"I am a fag!" Works every damn time. A little too well though :(

Killer Manatee Sep 29th, 2004 08:39 PM

"I'll be your boyfriend if you can do this."

Then show her a picture of goatse.

Raize Sep 29th, 2004 08:49 PM

I am the expert at scaring women away. And I'm fscking hot which is why I have to be good at it.

First off, debate politics with her. There's bound to be something you don't have in common, so focus on that and argue with her. I personally enjoy my right to own a gun. When I mention it, chicks quit thinking of me as husband material.

If you're not fit to be a husband, you're not fit to be a boyfriend.

Second, quit holding the door for her if you always do so. When I found out some bitch still had feelings for me after I talked about legalizing prostitution, I quit doing all those things that you're supposed to do. I would constantly be the first in line when we went to order food or beer, I would talk smack when I beat her in pool, and I would let the door swing shut so she had to stick her hand out to catch it.

Third, start oogling other women when she is present. Especially the ugly ones. You have no idea how much of a turnoff that is to women. Occasionally though, you have to watch yourself, because some of them bitches are smart and if they see you grunting and groaning when a fat chick walks in, they'll ask if you want to be introduced and immediately go up and start talking to the insecure fat sluts.

Generally, it's a good idea to just avoid women altogether. They are all scheming and full of themselves. Just today some sluts dressed all pretty in black dresses were in my god damn way on the way up to the bar. One of them even had the fucking balls to wait for me to say "excuse me" Thankfully, another of them knew I was trying to get through and nudged her friend to the side.

The other thing you can do is just tell her you don't want to date but you'd be happy to let her give you a blow job. But I'd save that one for when you don't even want her as a friend anymore. And that day will come. Want to know why? Cause if you don't want to date her, chances are, she's fscking ugly or fat. You won't want to hang out with her forever or she might grow on you and then you'll be forced to marry her and give her the babies she keeps talking about. Don't be gullible, kick that hoe to the gutter now, not later.

Terra Sep 29th, 2004 08:54 PM

And live happily ever after with your hand. :)

Anonymous Sep 29th, 2004 09:55 PM

Re: Saying no to a girl

Originally Posted by Zhukov
What is a good way to word "I don't want you as a girlfriend" ?

"Its not that I don't like the way you suck my dick, but I think we should just stay mother and son."


executioneer Sep 29th, 2004 10:55 PM

uh oh this raize fellow is hardcore:eek
i think mad max has got some competition, look out buddy :eek

thebiggameover Sep 29th, 2004 11:40 PM

just bang her, but be an ass about it. i'm sure that will set things right...

Anonymous Sep 30th, 2004 02:40 AM

It will set things fscking right, am i right guys

Zhukov Sep 30th, 2004 10:00 AM

I don't want to drive her away, because I like her as a friend, but I talked politics anyway.

I haven't known her for too long, so she doesn't know my leanings. When I brought up that I was a communist she said it was "Cute". She seems very apathetic towards politics and she agreed with everything I said.

You are all very hilarious, so maybe some real help would be good.

Cosmo Electrolux Sep 30th, 2004 10:09 AM

Just ask her about her intentions and explain your position. I think that being up front and honest works best.

Zhukov Sep 30th, 2004 10:13 AM

Explaining my position sounds like a good idea. I am in a bit of a position at the moment.


Cosmo Electrolux Sep 30th, 2004 12:10 PM

how would YOU like to be turned down? I think I would prefer the truth.....and a beer....maybe buy her a beer.....

AChimp Sep 30th, 2004 12:26 PM

It's gotta be harsh right off the bat. Bite her head off and she'll never like you again. It will be painful for her at first, but better for her in the long run because she won't be pining for you.

Cosmo Electrolux Sep 30th, 2004 12:38 PM

no way, man...he wants to stay friends. >:

Ihach Sep 30th, 2004 12:39 PM

chimp, that seems like the worst idea ever, especially since he wants to stay friends

AChimp Sep 30th, 2004 05:19 PM

It was never meant to be, dudes. >_<

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