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OxBlood Aug 4th, 2010 04:43 AM

Ar Tonelico 2. God why the fuck is this game rated "6 and up" here? The whole thing is full of innuendos...don´t wanna know how a...let´s say a 12-year old can play this thing without going "hurr hurr...boobies" every 5 minutes...

Apart from that it´s a really good game actually, I´m suprised. Interesting story and the whole "curing a female nutcase"-mechanic is strangely appealing. Honestly, most of the game´s appeal comes from the two female leads being...unnecessarily complex...like many women are. Only in real life, your girl doesn´t develop deadly magical powers when you sort her messed up mind out with her...

But still what´s up with that innuendo-thing...really wasn´t necessary...

DougClayton4231 Aug 4th, 2010 07:53 AM

lol OxBlood, you should see the shit they show children in America. Nothing but transvestism, lewd jokes, and other innuendo that kids normally don't get but will repeat. No wonder so many of them are having children at the age of 12 lmao.

I've been playing Sega Superstars Tennis on the wii, and I'm baffled. It's....fantastic! The motion controls and the traditional controls are very accurate, and there is a lot of room for high level play. I never thought I'd say that about a game featuring Sonic and Ulala with tennis racquets.

OxBlood Aug 4th, 2010 11:39 AM

Ah well, our youth is fucked up beyond belief too, don´t worry. I already feel like a grumpy old man and I´m not even 30...tsk...

Concerning Ar Tonelico, I was forced to pick one of the two girls and play "her" version of the story...chose the stuck up royal bitch. Why? Because she didn´t lie to me for the first 9 hours of the game. If there´s one thing I can´t stand, it´s emotional betrayal, be it real life or part of a fictional story.

Then again, I can now apparently amplify my girls songpower via kick-ass-space-laser-station-thingy...sure, why not. Or use her fanclub for bonusses...or...equip those gals...don´t know how they equip them but it works.

Phoenix Gamma Aug 4th, 2010 12:36 PM

Getting back into TF2 now that I'm not butthurt about THAT FUCKING HAT.

Had a pretty amazing Spy run last night. It's been awhile since I had a good game running Spy.

10,000 Volt Ghost Aug 4th, 2010 02:40 PM

I have to somehow transfer all my saves onto a new xbox. Do I need a giant sd card?

Fathom Zero Aug 4th, 2010 04:40 PM

USB stick. 1 GB should hold ALL of your saves. As far as downloadable content... not so much of that. Although, I do have Ikaruga on mine, so I can play it at anybody's house.

Dimnos Aug 4th, 2010 04:44 PM

Just detatch your HDD?

Fathom Zero Aug 4th, 2010 05:00 PM

That won't work. Unless you have a transfer cable.

Dimnos Aug 4th, 2010 05:11 PM

Take your HDD off one xbox and plug it into the new one doesnt work? Worked fine for back at christmas.

Fathom Zero Aug 4th, 2010 05:19 PM

And it didn't for me. :\

darkvare Aug 4th, 2010 05:32 PM

it worked for me but every arcade game i had was now a trial unless i was constantly connected to xbox live

Fathom Zero Aug 4th, 2010 05:34 PM

You need to transfer the licenses to your new console. Or be logged in.


I had to dig deep to find that.

darkvare Aug 4th, 2010 05:47 PM

thanks for that dude

Fathom Zero Aug 4th, 2010 07:03 PM

No prob. It PISSED ME OFF.

DougClayton4231 Aug 4th, 2010 07:24 PM

Gauntlet Legends! Who knew power leveling on the N64 could be so epic?

MLE Aug 4th, 2010 09:41 PM

I love Gauntlet.

darkvare Aug 4th, 2010 10:30 PM

o i loved gauntlet legends in the n64 is especially awesome with friends i was always chossing the barbarian or whatever he was

captain516 Aug 5th, 2010 01:56 AM

Just Cause 2. I likes it.

10,000 Volt Ghost Aug 5th, 2010 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 694231)
Just detatch your HDD?

Its from my roommates xbox to one of the new kinect ready xboxs.


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 694238)
You need to transfer the licenses to your new console. Or be logged in.


I had to dig deep to find that.

Thank you :) It still sounds like a pain but doable at least.


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 694242)
Gauntlet Legends! Who knew power leveling on the N64 could be so epic?


Originally Posted by darkvare (Post 694255)
o i loved gauntlet legends in the n64 is especially awesome with friends i was always chossing the barbarian or whatever he was

I like Dark Legacy a lot better, basically the same thing as gauntlet 64 with more stages. Also, each different character you have to level up seperately.

darkvare Aug 5th, 2010 11:31 AM

dark legacy is the one for cube dreamcast and ps2?

10,000 Volt Ghost Aug 5th, 2010 12:50 PM


DougClayton4231 Aug 5th, 2010 01:27 PM

I heard that that one sucked because they didn't upgrade any of the sounds or graphics lol. Man, Gauntlet Legends brings back a lot of good memories.

10,000 Volt Ghost Aug 5th, 2010 03:00 PM

I heard Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows was pretty bad.

DougClayton4231 Aug 5th, 2010 06:08 PM

Is Midway dead yet? They really ran that company into the fucking ground after the N64 era.

I'm playin' some Neo Geo. Good lord is it fantastic!

Fathom Zero Aug 5th, 2010 07:26 PM

They died. :\

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