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Delirium Apr 12th, 2009 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by Delirium (Post 620858)
Iīve been playing lots of Ninja gaiden sigma for the past couple of weeks. I beat it on hard yesterday, just started on Very hard, and goddamn, its fucking hard alright. I havenīt cleared the first stage yet because its so insane.

Beat very hard, doing missions mode now.

executioneer Apr 13th, 2009 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 623761)
Vanilla Oblivion on an Xbox.

Is it me or is this game getting fucking harder the more I level up?

i think it is you that is getting harder the more you level up


M. Blaze Apr 14th, 2009 09:57 AM

Persona 4... yet again. For a while (18 hours, to be exact) I played an undubbed version that has the original Japanese voices with English text, but I seem to be having some technical issues with that because the music likes to cut out at random moments (not very fun when it happens during a lengthy boss battle). I guess I'll just go back to playing the regular US version for now.

Phoenix Gamma Apr 14th, 2009 11:06 AM

Ugh. The dubbed voices were fine, save for Chie. I thought everyone was really spot on. The only problem is that Atlus wanted to make it extra wapanese, so they actually added more honorifics.

M. Blaze Apr 14th, 2009 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 624451)
Ugh. The dubbed voices were fine, save for Chie. I thought everyone was really spot on. The only problem is that Atlus wanted to make it extra wapanese, so they actually added more honorifics.

Well, I also thought the English voice acting was very good for the most part and it really didn't need to be replaced with the Japanese audio track, but I figured that if I'm going to play through Persona 4 for the third time I might as well try out the undub.

Phoenix Gamma Apr 14th, 2009 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by M. Blaze (Post 624454)
I figured that if I'm going to play through Persona 4 for the third time I might as well try out the undub.

Christ, and I thought I powered through the game enough as it was. You guys are crazy.

I think I'll start up P3FES. I didn't try the new Journey yet, so that'd be a good excuse to replay the main story.

OxBlood Apr 15th, 2009 04:19 PM

Soo...after finishing Persona 4 last week...or was it the week before, playing through Fatal Frame 2 too and finishing Digital Devil Saga 1 this morning, I went on to play DDS2. And wonder oh wonder, the second part has the 60hz-Mode the first one was missing (meaning we Europeans get punished by squeezed image-size and 20% slower games, I HATE that, it´s the way we had to play FF10, listening to the english Dub while reading german subtitels that were based off the original japanese Dub. Disgusting).

darkvare Apr 15th, 2009 09:34 PM

i reinstaled ut 2004 and still love it i think the only rpg i have played more than once is mario rpg i have beat it like 9 times is addictive and only beaten culex once

Esuohlim Apr 15th, 2009 10:27 PM

Castle Crashers, and it's fun as hell :D

Emu Apr 16th, 2009 09:16 AM

What's your gamertag, we'll beat up some guys

M. Blaze Apr 16th, 2009 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 624782)
And wonder oh wonder, the second part has the 60hz-Mode the first one was missing (meaning we Europeans get punished by squeezed image-size and 20% slower games, I HATE that, itīs the way we had to play FF10, listening to the english Dub while reading german subtitels that were based off the original japanese Dub. Disgusting).

Does the European version of Persona 4 have the 60 Hz mode? The lack of that was the one thing that bothered me about the PAL release of P3 FES, it felt like you were moving in slow motion compared to the US version (and with good reason, because you actually are moving in slow motion in 50 Hz mode). As for FFX, I tried the undubbed version of that as well (it's based on the Japanese FFX International and has English text, and of course my old saves from the PAL version don't work)... and Tidus is just as much of an asshat in Japanese as he is in the English dub.

Angryhydralisk Apr 16th, 2009 11:02 AM

Star Fox: Command. Three years old but this game is pretty fun! I've never laughed at video game dialogue that much until playing this. Especially all the Falco hate and everything he yammers out.

Mainly waiting for Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks and a couple other DS games. Considering GTA: Chinatown Wars.

OxBlood Apr 16th, 2009 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by M. Blaze (Post 624880)
Does the European version of Persona 4 have the 60 Hz mode? The lack of that was the one thing that bothered me about the PAL release of P3 FES, it felt like you were moving in slow motion compared to the US version (and with good reason, because you actually are moving in slow motion in 50 Hz mode). As for FFX, I tried the undubbed version of that as well (it's based on the Japanese FFX International and has English text, and of course my old saves from the PAL version don't work)... and Tidus is just as much of an asshat in Japanese as he is in the English dub.

I don´t think it has a 60hz Mode, no...I don´t remember switching to it, but I DO remember comparing Chie´s hopping-speed (her idle animation in battle) and it looked quite a lot faster in all those Youtube videos...about 20% faster and there we go: Bad Pal-ization.
BUT they didn´t touch the text and the voices. If there´s one thing that´s even worse than crappy Regionalization (is that a word by the way?), it´s german dubs. Augh, do we do a bad job dubbing things. If you want an example just look for the Halo 3-intro in german on youtube...it´s just utter Bullshit. Just leave english things in english dammit. It´s not atlantean or something complicated, anybody can (orshould) understand english.

And concerning Tidus...that Surfballguy is still about 3 Universes better than Vaan from FF12...stupid half-naked 4-year-old Shitkid.

Esuohlim Apr 16th, 2009 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Emu (Post 624877)
What's your gamertag, we'll beat up some guys

It's on a friend's Xbox. I'm mooching :(

M. Blaze Apr 17th, 2009 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 624949)
I donīt think it has a 60hz Mode, no...I donīt remember switching to it, but I DO remember comparing Chieīs hopping-speed (her idle animation in battle) and it looked quite a lot faster in all those Youtube videos...about 20% faster and there we go: Bad Pal-ization.

Well, crud. I can't believe it's still that hard to include the freaking 60 Hz mode in PS2 games in the year 2009. Even the Dreamcast had 60 Hz mode in pretty much every game (at least all the ones I've got have it) and that system has been dead since 2001, so why do we still have to suffer from poor PAL conversions of PS2 games? Perhaps they think it's not worth the extra effort or something...


If thereīs one thing thatīs even worse than crappy Regionalization (is that a word by the way?), itīs german dubs. Augh, do we do a bad job dubbing things. If you want an example just look for the Halo 3-intro in german on youtube...itīs just utter Bullshit.
Halo 3 in German? That sounds like it might have quite a bit of unintentional comedy potential... thankfully most games don't get dubbed here in Finland. I've only really seen it with Disney games and some other casual/family titles as well as some PS3 games that wouldn't need it at all (Resistance 2 in Finnish sounds... well, embarrassing, thankfully you can at least change the system language to English to get the original voices).


And concerning Tidus...that Surfballguy is still about 3 Universes better than Vaan from FF12...stupid half-naked 4-year-old Shitkid.
That goes without saying. Apparently Basch was supposed to be the playable main character in FF XII, but Square-Enix decided that the series needed more annoying teenage protagonists.

OxBlood Apr 17th, 2009 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by M. Blaze (Post 625114)
Well, crud. I can't believe it's still that hard to include the freaking 60 Hz mode in PS2 games in the year 2009. Even the Dreamcast had 60 Hz mode in pretty much every game (at least all the ones I've got have it) and that system has been dead since 2001, so why do we still have to suffer from poor PAL conversions of PS2 games? Perhaps they think it's not worth the extra effort or something...

Halo 3 in German? That sounds like it might have quite a bit of unintentional comedy potential...

Apparently they think flickering slowmotion-games are good enough for those 20 or MAYBE 30 gamers here in the old world. ;)

And almost anything can be quite...comedic in german, but that´s because we have a stupid dubbing-situation here. You either take one of those 20 really good voice-actors, like the german voices of Bruce Willis or Johnny Depp for example. Problem there is that they voice SO many people it get´s annoying to hear them. Also, they don´t dub games very often to begin with. The other way is to use one of the other 40 VOs we have.
And they all suck. They suck ass. Through a straw. They don´t know what voice-acting is about, how to work with your voice, hell even I could do that a lot better, simply because I can emulate certain emotions in my voice. Even that simple task seems to be too much for those guys. That´s why I´m really, really glad that they don´t dub too many games here and if they do, they keep the original voices on the disc in many cases.

By the way, wasn´t Finnish one of the hardest and most complicated languages on the planet? ;) I guess, you´re lucky to be Finnish then :).
But as I always say, it´s good not to be a native english-speaker since it grants you an additional language - your own. Nothing against english, it´s a great language, but I think it´s a waste if you´re a native english-speaking person since it´s so easy to learn and then you´re one language short...I guess the chinese have it best. Those or any native spanish-speaker. *shrugs*

M. Blaze Apr 17th, 2009 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 625136)
By the way, wasnīt Finnish one of the hardest and most complicated languages on the planet? ;)

Yeah, pretty much. There is a whole lot of complicated grammar-related stuff and other interesting nuances to remember, making it especially tough to learn for foreigners, and a lot of it isn't clear to native speakers either (although I'm quite sure that last bit applies to just about every language).

Back on topic for a while... I downloaded OutRun Online Arcade from Xbox Live last night. Simply awesome, totally worth 800 MS points. I especially like the 15 minute OutRun Mode where you go through every single stage... put on "Magical Sound Shower", hop into the Testarossa (just like the old days) and go on a beautiful journey (and watch out for Sega cameos such as the dragon from Panzer Dragoon). I love OutRun.

OxBlood Apr 18th, 2009 05:09 AM

Oh, just 800? Gotta check it out then :) AFTER I play through DDS2 *put on Audiobooks and gets back to the grind*

Dr. Boogie Apr 18th, 2009 10:15 PM

Too Human.

Who thought it would be a good idea to have a range-oriented class have to deal with scores of enemies that are immune to ranged attacks?

MetalMilitia Apr 18th, 2009 10:23 PM

STALKER: Clear Sky and Mirror's Edge. Clear Sky is my favourite - I'd forgotten how much I like the STALKER world. Mirror's Edge isn't bad either.

I've also started Killzone 2 but aside from it's brilliant graphics and scripted events it has done little to grab my attention. I think my main beef with it is that it feels really horrible to play. The controls are so unresponsive and difficult to use. Why would anyone play FPSs on a console?

Microshock Apr 19th, 2009 12:22 AM

I suggest upping the sensitivity, and I've never had the problem you had but in multiplayer, they had a patch for the control problems some people had, not in sp though.

darkvare Apr 19th, 2009 01:07 AM

i just finished the simpsons game for ds new super mario bros and gta chinatown wars all good game specially gta, for some reason someone removed grand theft scratchy and medal of homer parodies from the ds version :(

Phoenix Gamma Apr 20th, 2009 12:33 AM

Installed Braid awhile ago. 'sall right. Graphics and music are nice, but the actual platforming engine bugs me (wall collision is annoying as fuck, jumping felt kinda off, etc.).

Stuck in worlds 5 and 6 right now.

EDIT: Just beat it. Pretty fun, but it's got to be the most pretentious game I've ever played in my entire life. Oh well.

Sam Apr 20th, 2009 02:35 PM

Just got my DSi and I've been playing Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy Tactics whatever the fuck it's called A2.

OxBlood Apr 20th, 2009 04:20 PM

Okay, DDS2´s finished (great Story by the way) - onward to Shadow Hearts 1, 2 and maybe even 3. Can´t play another SMT-Game right now...

stevetothepast Apr 20th, 2009 09:00 PM

has anyone found a good fucking xbox game lately. It seems as though the releases are just terrible as of late.

OxBlood Apr 21st, 2009 05:34 AM

I think the next interesting things come around in June...May´s pretty empty concerning the 360. Hence my PS2-Marathon.

stevetothepast Apr 21st, 2009 12:36 PM

well I'm looking forward to Red Faction and Damnation, but it feels like forever and a day since a release has come out that's worth the 75$

OxBlood Apr 22nd, 2009 06:46 AM

NO game is worth 75$ ;)

Dimnos Apr 22nd, 2009 02:19 PM

$75? Where the fuck do you buy your games? Not even gamestop sticks it to you that hard.

Big McLargehuge Apr 22nd, 2009 02:25 PM

Look at his location, jerk.

I am playing God of War: Chains of Olympus and Vagrant Story

Dimnos Apr 22nd, 2009 03:26 PM

I have never bought games in Germany, ass. Perhaps it wasnt so simple as a regional thing.

OxBlood Apr 22nd, 2009 03:49 PM

I meant Stevetothepast actually.

Useless fact #425: Videogames in Germany cost about 60-70€, that would be about 78-90 $. But since you can get your games a lot cheaper from GB, around 57 - 65$ I´d say, no one should buy them here. Not to mention the censoring of almost any game that has some violence in it, but hey, we´re an anxious bunch of people apparently :D

M. Blaze Apr 23rd, 2009 07:35 AM

75 Canadian dollars (which, if stevetothepast's location is any indication, we're talking about here) is about 46.60 euros, which doesn't sound so horrible for a new 360 game when you're used to paying 60-70 euros for them (I buy all my games online nowadays as well, though).

Zomboid Apr 23rd, 2009 02:29 PM

Depends on where you buy games, but yeah, it's not out of the ordinary for some of the bigger chains to sell them for that price.

Charity Apr 23rd, 2009 09:33 PM

I am currently playing Super Mario 64 DS. I am doing alright. I don't understand how little kids can play Mario games. It takes me a while to figure out what to do next.

darkvare Apr 23rd, 2009 10:54 PM

so you never played it on the 64?

Microshock Apr 24th, 2009 12:25 PM

I bought Quantum of Solace even though i got it gifted to me on the PC, it's a good game, not just a shitty release, and has a decent multiplayer, 10 bucks at Best Buy on sunday, buy it now and then get a price adjust on sunday.

King Hadas Apr 24th, 2009 09:10 PM

Iji - Pretty great freeware title. The person who made this obviously had limited drawing skills though. It really shows in the cinema-scenes but isn't as obvious in the in-game graphics because everything moves so fluidly.

Sam Apr 25th, 2009 12:36 AM

The UFC Undisputed demo. :O

Zhukov Apr 25th, 2009 07:51 AM

We pay $AUD100 for games here, which is $US72.

Ant10708 Apr 25th, 2009 12:19 PM

Halo Wars

OxBlood Apr 25th, 2009 03:26 PM

Went on to Shadow Hearts 2. The list is getting shorter...um...booya?

MarioRPG Apr 26th, 2009 09:44 PM

I started Secret Of Mana again, might actually play through this time.

As well as more Banjo-Tooie, Goldeneye and Resident Evil 4.

ashgray2 Apr 29th, 2009 02:02 AM

I'm playing WOW III with DOTA patch. New heroes in new map came. But bugs still there. why agility heroes came so strong.....

Dr. Boogie Apr 29th, 2009 02:19 AM

50 Cent: Blood on the Sand

"Bitch took ma skull!" :o

OxBlood Apr 29th, 2009 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 626482)
50 Cent: Blood on the Sand

"Bitch took ma skull!" :o

One of the most hillarious games in terms of "story".

10 Million Dollars!
-We donīt have them!
Taste my fucking shotgun!
-Here, take this ancient Pseudocool Skull instead!
Ooooh! Shiny!

Great stuff.

Dr. Boogie Apr 29th, 2009 05:20 AM

When he gets going, 50 Cent sounds a lot like Charlie Murphy.

bigtimecow Apr 29th, 2009 09:46 AM

harvest moon - god i love this game. only this original one, the 64 one, and i think one of the DS ones are any good though

and still powering through fallout 3 every chance i get. i think i'm around level 12, in lamplight caverns. these little motherfucking kids are rude as hell!!!

Tadao Apr 29th, 2009 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 626488)
One of the most hillarious games in terms of "story".

10 Million Dollars!
-We donīt have them!
Taste my fucking shotgun!
-Here, take this ancient Pseudocool Skull instead!
Ooooh! Shiny!

Great stuff.

Nah.... really? This sounds great.

OxBlood Apr 29th, 2009 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 626521)
Nah.... really? This sounds great.

Well, he doesnīt talk that...sophisticated ;)

But yes, thatīs the story. 50cent chases his stupid skull and kills bosses in helicopters (and they ALL have a helicopter, itīs what makes you know itīs a boss :lol:)

Itīs totally grand in a VERY strange way. Someone even calls him "Mr. Cent" sometimes which it think is pretty funny somehow.

Ant10708 Apr 29th, 2009 04:06 PM

Yeah i heard the 50 cent game is pretty fun despite its ridiculous concept which probaly ends up adding to the fun

Sam Apr 29th, 2009 04:07 PM


stevetothepast Apr 29th, 2009 06:35 PM

I just purchased joe and mac 2 for snes. it looks pretty fun. didn't really get started yet though.

OxBlood Apr 30th, 2009 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by Ant10708 (Post 626548)
Yeah i heard the 50 cent game is pretty fun despite its ridiculous concept which probaly ends up adding to the fun

That sums it up pretty well, yeah. Iīd say rent for a funny evening or two.

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 30th, 2009 09:04 AM

I had a dream where I was playing Quackshot and really want to play it now.

Microshock Apr 30th, 2009 09:19 PM

Fuck 50 cents game, cant even put trophies in it, lazy....
When the day comes that it gets a patch, ill rent it

Tadao Apr 30th, 2009 10:42 PM


Fathom Zero Apr 30th, 2009 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Microshock (Post 626734)
Fuck 50 cents game, cant even put trophies in it, lazy....
When the day comes that it gets a patch, ill rent it


Nick May 1st, 2009 03:12 AM


10,000 Volt Ghost May 1st, 2009 09:04 AM

In my day when you played games you were lucky enough to get points.

Dimnos May 1st, 2009 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Microshock (Post 626734)
Fuck 50 cents game, cant even put trophies in it, lazy....
When the day comes that it gets a patch, ill rent it

Do you seriously play for trophies and not fun? Really? My heart feels sad for you. :tear

Sam May 1st, 2009 03:13 PM


Fathom Zero May 1st, 2009 04:00 PM


Blood on the Sand was the best game I played in a while.

Still got Left 4 Dead, Sam? I don't have a mic, but I renewed my Gold.

Dr. Boogie May 1st, 2009 04:17 PM

50 Cent stole all Microshock's bling. :(

stevetothepast May 1st, 2009 05:29 PM

well I might as well say it, Microshock blows dogs for trophies

Nick May 2nd, 2009 04:50 AM

he has trophies for blowing dogs.

Dimnos May 2nd, 2009 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Microshock (Post 626734)
Xbox is so gay they dont even have achievements for blowing dogs. >:


Phoenix Gamma May 2nd, 2009 02:36 PM

Gamestop broke the launch date for Klonoa Wii, so I bought that. Good shit. Only $30 too, which is a fucking bargain.

Dimnos May 4th, 2009 12:24 PM

FEAR 2 >: Bought is Saturday and beat it in one night. I feel ripped off. Multiplayer is shit. Man I miss CoD.

stevetothepast May 4th, 2009 12:52 PM

CoD is still where it's at for multiplayer I agree, most of the time that is all I play

Dimnos May 4th, 2009 03:03 PM

Do you play modern warfare or world at war? I think they are both great games and they each have their own awesome features. I cant decide which one I should pick up again. I sold my modern warfare to get world at war back when it came out. Then I loaned it to a friend to get him hooked so he would buy his own copy but before I got it back his house got robbed. >: Now I cant decide which one I want again.

stevetothepast May 4th, 2009 06:32 PM

I have both and I love them both actually. I'd go with WaW myself but different strokes for different folks.

if you get it private message me and I'll give you my gamerid

OxBlood May 5th, 2009 06:44 AM

Aaaand we start up the last part of the Shadow Hearts Series, let´s see...

Skulhedface May 5th, 2009 08:26 AM

Dividing myself between the new Prince of Persia and replaying Final Fantasy VIII.

stevetothepast May 6th, 2009 12:00 AM

new prince of persia sucks ass

Phoenix Gamma May 6th, 2009 12:26 AM

New Klonoa kicks ass.

Also emulating MvC2. Dunno why they had to have two seperate versions of Wolverine, but whatever.

Skulhedface May 6th, 2009 03:25 AM

How in the hell are you emulating MvC2? I thought it was unemulatable (word?).

Uhm, by that, you mean Marvel vs Capcom, right? If not, boy do I feel like a douche.

Phoenix Gamma May 6th, 2009 06:47 AM

MvC2 on the Dreamcast. Runs at 100% on my computer. Only problem is the sound fucks up when I do a Hyper Combo. Other than that, it's flawless.

Dimnos May 6th, 2009 02:20 PM

What a Dreamcast emulator on you computer? :hypno Do you have a good one?

Phoenix Gamma May 6th, 2009 03:09 PM

I've been using NullDC, though I also have Chankast, which had some problems setting up properly. I hear it's reliable, so I'm sure it's just a matter of me being too lazy to sit down and sort that shit.

I'm running it on my 3 year old Dell Inspiron laptop. It's not as taxing a job as you'd think, since the game's just 2D sprites with low poly backdrops. There's a bit of lag when you're using Hypers, but when hypers are on screen, you're not really doing anything besides blocking, and even then, it's only knocked down to 80%.

Sam May 6th, 2009 03:23 PM

MvC2 on my PS2. ;)

Dr. Boogie May 8th, 2009 07:06 PM

The PC version of Bully.

The game crashes every single time I get into gym class; something that was not fixed in the one patch for the game. So I'm not exactly impressed.

Tadao May 8th, 2009 07:11 PM

Is that one of those Japanese dating games?

bigtimecow May 9th, 2009 06:22 PM

chrono fucking trigger! this is by far the most exciting RPG i've ever played. the battle system is fucking beautiful

Sam May 9th, 2009 08:12 PM


brokensaint82 May 9th, 2009 08:29 PM

i was playin RE5...got around to buyin it finally....and then the 360 tanked on the rrod so now i downgraded to a ps2 and re4 bleh and yeah chrono trigger fuckn rocks

Phoenix Gamma May 9th, 2009 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by bigtimecow (Post 627931)
chrono fucking trigger! this is by far the most exciting RPG i've ever played. the battle system is fucking beautiful

'Bout fucking time

brokensaint82 May 9th, 2009 10:51 PM

I could never get all the endings for CT it kept pissin me off but maybe I'll try it again

Phoenix Gamma May 9th, 2009 10:57 PM

In the DS version, they keep track of the endings you got, so it's a little more feasible. They even added a whole new ending and three mini dungeons to tie CT with CC.

Which can be a bad thing depending on how you look at it.

brokensaint82 May 9th, 2009 11:00 PM

yea all i go is the PS1 version...and the old snes cart soemwhere amid the mess that is my closet....but i'll break out the PS1 and play it......then again that might be the reason for me to buy a ds. and as far as tyeing CT and CC i thought they did that in the endings where the cats step into the time machine? or does that kinda expandf and make more apparent?

Phoenix Gamma May 9th, 2009 11:16 PM

PS1 version has load times before battles. Icky :( The DS is definitely the difinitive version, since it's basically the SNES build with the PSX extras, plus its own unique additions, and the sound's been 100% preserved (instead of totally fucked like a lot of ports on handhelds). The optional touch interface also makes chosing commands faster if you play on Active.

The cats and the time machine didn't have anything to do with CC, unless there's some cat ending in CC that's supposed to allude to CT. I know there's a few mentions of Robo and Lucca in CC, and that Crono, Marle, and Lucca make cameos as child ghosts or...something. Plus Schala was a huge focus at the end of the game.

But since Chrono Trigger was pretty much complete, the sequel kinda fell into dis continuity among most fans.

brokensaint82 May 9th, 2009 11:29 PM

yeah the loadf times suck i had forgotten bout them, guess I'll just break out the snes and play the original, and i thought that the main enmy, i forget his name, in CC was a cat person and thats where the cats goin in the time machine had me confused. and i had random musings about square remaking CT into 3-D, which would ultimately suck ofcourse

10,000 Volt Ghost May 11th, 2009 01:34 PM

I need to play CT. I got halfway through Chrono Cross and noticed someone ganked my 2nd disc. >:

I was thinking about getting a DS sometime soon but I might wait until winter now that it's getting nice out.

brokensaint82 May 12th, 2009 01:43 PM

I tried the DS but idk i just didnt like it for some reason...course there really hasnt been any games on it that i stood up and said I HAVE TO HAVE THAT CT MIGHT make me get one but i doubt it since i got it for both SNES and PS1

Phoenix Gamma May 12th, 2009 02:08 PM

you might like the DSi. It's pretty fucking sweet. I love mine.

Been playing Mike Tyson's Punch Out on my laptop to get ready for Monday. I never made it past the second Bald Bull fight, but over the past two days, I made it to Super Macho Man. My dad beat this game years ago, so I'm kinda embarrassed by the fact that I never could.

brokensaint82 May 12th, 2009 02:37 PM

been playin my PS2 since i Decided to send my 360 in and found Red faction used to love thsi game...cant see why now tho, altough the new one comin looks like it'll be a hell of a lot better

OxBlood May 13th, 2009 09:24 AM

Since Shadow Hearts 3 is not as entertaining as 1 and 2, switching back and forth between Dino Crisis 2 and Vagrant Story for the PS1...and maybe some Parasite Eve 2...great games.

M. Blaze May 13th, 2009 11:57 AM

NHL 09. I don't play many sports games these days, but this one is great. The "Be A Pro" mode is damn addicting, although it's slowly but surely starting to piss me off...


Colorado Avalanche coach: "All right, you've proven yourself in the second offensive line, so I'm moving you up to the first one where you play with Joe Sakic and Peter Forsberg. Don't disappoint me"

*I play three games on the first line, scoring three goals and god knows how many assists in the first two games, while the third one is disappointing as everyone on the team including Sakic and Forsberg seem to have forgotten how to play, I almost score an empty net goal but some asshole trips me at the blue line eight seconds before the end*

Coach: "We demand the absolute best from you in EVERY MATCH, not just on occasion. We're demoting you to the second line as of now. I hope you have learned something from this. Blah blah blah. I'm a dick. Blah blah blah."

*I score two goals in the next game*


Yeah, let's blame the new guy for the team's sudden drop in performance, even though he's scored something like 25 points in his first 15 games! I bet they'll send me back to the Lake Erie Monsters next, as the team's playing efforts don't seem to be getting any better and I can't seem to be able to score any goals any more either.

stevetothepast May 13th, 2009 12:59 PM

I just started playing Fracture for the 360, some people say it's generic, and the reviews have been pretty well shit for it, but I think it's as fun or more than GoW and other 3PS's

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