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ThrashO Oct 3rd, 2011 05:52 PM

There is no such thing as love
Figure why not liven up this section?

So my girlfriend of a year and some change has decided to go her seperate way. She say's it's because of school and work and she doesn't have time for a relationship. This is her:

This is an early picture of us, about a year ago. The relationship only got better and better. We never fought, we had a great sex life, she was NORMAL, she let me do whatever I wanted, if she came over and we were playing poker she'd let me finish! Then if I wanted to come in the room afterwards and play some Gears she'd be like "Babe you know I don't care, I love you".

It was fucking madness. Never has a relationship been so good.

Now, I've been with some absolutely beautiful girls. Some that are beyond a level of foxiness comprehendable by man. For example, the last chick I met in Seattle was not only a mega-fox but she was smart as hell. She was the embassador to the University of Washington and right now she's working on becoming the supervisor at the EPA in Seattle. And her body was INCREDIBLE. Curvy and in shape. She teaches yoga on the weekends. She was also funny and was a BOSS at super Mario World (but come on, who isn't.)

This is her:

I don't ever brag about my sexual conquests or my love life in general. I'm a very private person when it comes to that sort of thing, but there are always many levels of insanity to women based on their rank on the babe scale. For example, that girl, the EPA babe from Seattle, let me know 4 months into our relationship that she was going through a divorce. I asked when. She say's "Well he hasn't signed the papers yet".

I'm like... "Son. Wat." But I really liked her, and I tried to cope with all of it. Turns out she wasn't ready for the divorce and things just spiraled. She was manipulative and changed her mind about everything every other minute. I said "Fuck this" and moved back home. She calls me every once in a while and sends me a picture of her butt or something but I don't really care.

Anyways, the girl in the picture up top is Katie, and I loved her more than anything. It was the best relationship I've ever been in and I didn't know that a relationship could be so good. NOTHING was wrong with it what so ever.

Then she kind of stops talking to me, stops staying the night then says she wants to go on a break so she can focus on school. I over reacted a bit and we didn't talk for about a week. Now it's official that we're broken up, she doesn't seem to care at all and she doesn't want to talk with me about any of it. I don't think she's with another guy at all, but she does seem to talk to her friends alot, so she apparently has time for that.

Deep down I know that in a few months she's probably going to come running back to me, because that's how it always works, and I don't really know what to do if this does happen. The way she seemed to turn her undying love for me off in an instance makes me think I would have no relationship security what so ever. Maybe she was tired of me. Maybe she really couldn't concentrate with me on her mind. I don't really know. Like most girls, she doesn't give a straight answer so it leaves you forever wondering. I do still love her, I think about her all the time, and every day I wake up I have to remind myself that she's not in my life anymore. It's getting easier, but I know that there probably won't be another relationship as good as what I had with her, and after being with some of the sexiest girls on the planet, that's really all I want anymore.

Already there are girls that are texting me shit like "heyy" which whenever you see extended letters like that it means "I'm ready for you to dump cum all over me." but as lonely as it is right now, I don't want any skanks at the moment. I'm taking this time to better myself, save up some money and hopefully get back into school.

I'm trying to not be a pussy, I haven't cried or anything, and I'm not going to be a faggot about any of it, but I mainly posted here because I haven't talked to anyone else about it IRL. All of my friends and family thought we were such a cute and perfect couple that I wouldn't know how to tell them that it's over.

So, advice? Thoughts? Insults?

[EDIT] posting this somewhere and getting it off my chest has helped a little. I suggest anyone else going through the same thing to do so as well.

Pentegarn Oct 3rd, 2011 06:07 PM

First off, no matter what, a drop off that is that abrupt does mean another guy. That is on her because she can't be honest about it.

Second off, not getting real closure sucks, but unfortunately sometimes it goes down like that. If she won't let you have that closure, it means she is doing something wrong and she knows it, if nothing else, let that be your balm. If she does come running back, you can get your closure then.

Third off, the hardest thing about ending a relationship that your family endorsed is telling them, but the best thing is to do it and get it over with because otherwise they are going to push you with not only the uncomfortable 'what went wrong' and 'what did you do' when they finally do find out, but they will then follow up with, 'what, you don't think we are important enough to tell when something like this happens'. The former is bad, but you can deflect that, the latter is worse because they will be right.

I am not going to bombard you with things like 'plenty of fish in the sea' and 'things will get better' They don't help and you will figure the truth of those platitudes on your own with time. Instead I will say, enjoy your single time and save up that money for the next girlfriend cause it will all be gone as soon as you get your next one :lol

k0k0 Oct 3rd, 2011 06:15 PM

My advice, go ahead and cry dude. Cry like a baby because if she is coming back, it's after she's been used and tossed out by another dude. No girl drops off like that without having another dude. You can wait it out and see if she'll come back or you can get over it and try again.

Pentegarn Oct 3rd, 2011 06:18 PM

On the plus side, if she does come back you own her. Though I wouldn't advise taking her back after that

Fathom Zero Oct 3rd, 2011 06:21 PM

this validates everything

ThrashO Oct 3rd, 2011 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by k0k0 (Post 745235)
My advice, go ahead and cry dude. Cry like a baby because if she is coming back, it's after she's been used and tossed out by another dude. No girl drops off like that without having another dude. You can wait it out and see if she'll come back or you can get over it and try again.

I stopped crying about broads when I was 20. I thought this girl was different, and it's difficult to deal with, but nothing to cry about.

Also, pent, I took your advice and texted her saying "A girl doesn't turn away from a relationship like ours without another guy to go to" and she says "youre being ridiculous, please stop texting me things like that" and I said "Ok, I'll stop telling you cold hard facts about yourself."

and then IRL I was like "lol"

I dont know man, after seeing something like what we had just collapse, I think I'm going to go the way of the douche. Honestly, my best friend, who is a complete manwhore, always told me "A girl is something to be used up and thrown out, because that's what they'll do to you."

And even though he's crushed the souls of some of the sweetest and beautiful girls I've ever met, it's appearing that he's not far from the truth :\

k0k0 Oct 3rd, 2011 08:33 PM

Ah, well if my woman leaves me, I cry. That's just how I am I guess. I even cry when I gotta leave her for some reason.

kahljorn Oct 3rd, 2011 08:49 PM




Supafly345 Oct 3rd, 2011 09:22 PM

I haven't read any of the posts in this thread. But I totally empathize with what is going on and you just need to hang in there baby!

Sam Oct 3rd, 2011 09:31 PM


10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 3rd, 2011 09:56 PM

I have some nudes of her. She looks just like my ex fiance.

k0k0 Oct 3rd, 2011 09:57 PM

How come I never take pictures of my girlfriends naked? I never think to do that at the time since I'm so optimistic that I'll never need them since we're together always.

kahljorn Oct 4th, 2011 03:56 AM

yea hook them nudes up

although she kinda looks like it might be illegal for me to look at her naked

ThrashO Oct 4th, 2011 06:26 AM

I have alot of feelings for the most recent girl, but I'll give you some goods for the megafox from Seattle



There's lots of phones because we long distanced for a while. And yes, she was as incredible in bed as you'd like to believe. If the divorce wouldn't have made her so crazy she'd have been WIFE MATERIAL, she's still a sweetheart though.

Zhukov Oct 4th, 2011 08:09 AM

Uh, this is really weird (for me), but I know someone that looks exactly like her. I thought it was her.

Anyway, the advice that there is definitely another man is dumb. A drop off that abrupt may means she has been hiding her true feelings for the past month/s, it may mean she just doesn't care that much and doesn't mind being fickle about the relationship. As for another guy; there might be, there might not, but I think automatically jumping to that conclusion either shows us that you sort of want there to be one (especially if you texted her the accusation) in the hope that you can be all "fuck that bitch" in order to get over her easier, or that you are just really upset. Unless you have some pretty good evidence I wouldn't listen to your fears of another guy. It's not really an honest way of getting over someone.

The way she acted with you (well, as much as I can tell from one post), and how she just let you do whatever, might indicate that she didn't really feel as strongly towards you as you did to her. She ... might not know what love is...

Maybe letting you do whatever you wanted and play poker and video games was her way of avoiding you, or not having to mother you.

I don't want to be the devil's advocate here, but it's not always so easy as "Dude, there was another guy, so she can get fucked". People's emotions are complex (especially women am I rite guys) and you wont know until you have a long honest talk about it. Maybe not even then.

If she does come running back to you it still indicates that she doesn't really know how someone should act when they 'love' someone. If she did that to me I would take it as a sign that she can't take me seriously, because you don't play with a guy's heart like that :(

I guess my advice is to talk to her about it rather than assume things. She might have a great reason that she broke up, and she might want to get back together with you if you talk honestly with her. If you want that. If not, then at least you will know for sure, and that's what closure is; not telling her to fuck off on assumed charges.

As for empathy; yeah I got some. I'm still in love with a woman I was with for two years and I bawled when I broke up with her - long distance wasn't working, and it was really draining her quality of life.

k0k0 Oct 4th, 2011 08:48 AM

I guess an immediate drop off doesn't mean other guy instantly. But it means something was all of a sudden wrong or changed.

I was dating a girl for 5 months and she was probably the hottest girl I've ever been with. At least to me. In other people's opinions I've had hotter, but yeah, she really did it. Anyways, the thing that changed it is that I took her to meet my friends for the first time. She was a hardcore christian and I didn't realize they'd look like such unsavory individuals that I socialize with. So when we get to their house and go inside there's a giant drawing of a fetus being stomped on the wall of their house behind the drum set. Also a few upside down crosses. We all get to talking, then they kind of start realizing she's a christian and ask questions about it. They start poking holes in it. I know that they didn't realize this would be a major thing. They were just really curious about shit and why she thought that way. She said she needed to get home, so she drove me back to my place. She gave me a long kiss that if I had realized it now, really was a way of saying goodbye to me. It lasted way longer than normal. When I called her the next day, there was no answer. I called her for a week straight with no answer. I thought something might have happened to her. I found her mom's number and contacted her, she told me Jenny was fine and that she was busy right now. A week after that, I get a box full of stuff that I had given her over the months with a letter detailing how she loved Jesus and needed to devote herself to him only for now.

Did she find Jesus recently? That dude's stealing all the ladies.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 4th, 2011 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by ThrashO (Post 745310)
I have alot of feelings for the most recent girl, but I'll give you some goods for the megafox from Seattle


There's lots of phones because we long distanced for a while. And yes, she was as incredible in bed as you'd like to believe. If the divorce wouldn't have made her so crazy she'd have been WIFE MATERIAL, she's still a sweetheart though.


I have that same outfit. Those are crotchless panties son. I hope you get a piece.

Zhukov Oct 4th, 2011 10:31 AM

Post pictures of you wearing them.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 4th, 2011 10:47 AM

I did already

ThrashO Oct 4th, 2011 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 745321)

I have that same outfit. Those are crotchless panties son. I hope you get a piece.

Kid. I had all the pieces already. :rock

ThrashO Oct 4th, 2011 02:43 PM

Also, it's fucking weird seeing that picture out in the open like that :x

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ThrashO Oct 4th, 2011 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by k0k0 (Post 745315)
I guess an immediate drop off doesn't mean other guy instantly. But it means something was all of a sudden wrong or changed.

I was dating a girl for 5 months and she was probably the hottest girl I've ever been with. At least to me. In other people's opinions I've had hotter, but yeah, she really did it. Anyways, the thing that changed it is that I took her to meet my friends for the first time. She was a hardcore christian and I didn't realize they'd look like such unsavory individuals that I socialize with. So when we get to their house and go inside there's a giant drawing of a fetus being stomped on the wall of their house behind the drum set. Also a few upside down crosses. We all get to talking, then they kind of start realizing she's a christian and ask questions about it. They start poking holes in it. I know that they didn't realize this would be a major thing. They were just really curious about shit and why she thought that way. She said she needed to get home, so she drove me back to my place. She gave me a long kiss that if I had realized it now, really was a way of saying goodbye to me. It lasted way longer than normal. When I called her the next day, there was no answer. I called her for a week straight with no answer. I thought something might have happened to her. I found her mom's number and contacted her, she told me Jenny was fine and that she was busy right now. A week after that, I get a box full of stuff that I had given her over the months with a letter detailing how she loved Jesus and needed to devote herself to him only for now.

Did she find Jesus recently? That dude's stealing all the ladies.

Yeah my first real girlfriend, whose religious views are totally changed now, was big into christianity when I was living with her in Seattle. Anyways, Towards the end of the relationship I just wanted there to stop being problems, finish school and get the fuck out of there, and one day shes goes: "You know my parents say that if you really loved me you'd go to church."

Me: "Okay i'll go to church."

Her: "And believe in Jesus."

Me: "Okay I believe in Jesus."

And Zhukov, thanks for the advice dude, I don't really know what to think because she doesn't answer most of my questions or explain herself about anything, then again she is really busy working and studying and going to school all the time, but I feel like she made this situation so much worse and difficult, so for the time being I'm going to just turn some strange pussy out for a while and then see if I can beat her score when she comes back.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 4th, 2011 03:11 PM

Go for the high score.

k0k0 Oct 4th, 2011 04:03 PM

Then when she comes back you can show her all the nice new stds you got. Maybe you can trade.

b_squared Oct 4th, 2011 04:13 PM

Maybe she was being truthful about work and school. Just saying.

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