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k0k0 Jul 21st, 2011 02:15 PM

I'd suggest the battle armor. My roommate likes it a whole lot and I usually end up dying a lot more than him as the trooper, so the added bulk works. I just wish they gave the classes special abilities, but left it to where you can all use the same pool of weapons.

creeposaurus Jul 21st, 2011 02:37 PM

Science Papa

I like science and I wish my dad loved me

darkvare Jul 21st, 2011 07:27 PM

lol i heard the rumors but sounded so dumb so i doubt it would ever happen but they became truth

Fathom Zero Jul 21st, 2011 08:10 PM


Zomboid Jul 21st, 2011 08:51 PM

Wow. It'd be absolutely perfect if it was Englund voicing him and it was the original Freddy, which it doesn't appear to be. Still awesome, though.

Dr. Boogie Jul 21st, 2011 08:56 PM

Been playing Dungeon Siege III. It's an interesting dungeon crawler. I think it stands on its own; they didn't need to slap the Dungeon Siege name on it just to sell it.

Also playing EDF: IA. Mostly I like it, but there are parts I don't like. Particularly the ending:


The Jet armor has been my favorite, though. Just being able to move around and up into the air is great, especially with the helicopter being absent from the game. Takes a while to level it up enough that your jetpack has a decent amount of thrust, plus I don't understand why your jetpack energy has to be tied to your weapons reloading.

My friend and I played through the campaign on normal, then remix on hard. He went Battle armor and seemed to die less often, mainly because it comes with that shockwave ability that renders you temporarily invulnerable (and kills any nearby allies).

k0k0 Jul 21st, 2011 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 732993)


The endings get better as you beat it on higher difficulties. What you got was the worst ending. A pain in the ass, I know, because it's going to make me end up playing it until I beat it on inferno.

Dr. Boogie Jul 21st, 2011 10:40 PM

But the second ending is only slightly different. Unless beating inferno unlocks some epic boss fight, I don't see how it could possibly improve on it.

k0k0 Jul 21st, 2011 10:44 PM

Honestly, I haven't gotten to that point yet. I just thought the first ending was shit and checked online to find that information. I've been sitting in level 1-4 (ditchslap) and leveling up my dude on the part where there's 3 ant hills. Once I get to rank 7 I'll complete the game on hard. But it's a shame that not much has changed. I don't think the ending will get drastically different then.

King Hadas Jul 24th, 2011 08:17 PM

I was doing a post for Blood Will Tell but it was getting long so I thought I might as well hammer it out as a review for -ROG-. I tell you man, I was in the fukin' zone writing this. This review was insightful, juicy and it totally encapsulated everything you could possible say, good or bad, about Blood Will Tell. I suffered a power outage though and this was all I was able to salvage.

Blood Will Tell: It was all right I guess. Should of had dash from the beginning.

Fathom Zero Jul 24th, 2011 08:18 PM

Is that the one about the ninja with the body parts?

Dr. Boogie Jul 24th, 2011 08:27 PM

Yeah, that's the one. It's pretty great.


Originally Posted by King Hadas (Post 733600)
I was doing a post for Blood Will Tell but it was getting long so I thought I might as well hammer it out as a review for -ROG-. I tell you man, I was in the fukin' zone writing this. This review was insightful, juicy and it totally encapsulated everything you could possible say, good or bad, about Blood Will Tell. I suffered a power outage though and this was all I was able to salvage.

Blood Will Tell: It was all right I guess. Should of had dash from the beginning.

I always just pop open Word if I'm writing a post that gets too long.

Also, it's "should've", not "should of".

King Hadas Jul 24th, 2011 08:46 PM


Yeah Blood Will Tell is pretty good but it has its share of problems. My first impression was that it sucked but I changed my mind once I got the dash ability. This game has way too much space between points A and B.

I was a little disappointed that you never regained your ruder body parts, when he'd grasp his lower back in pain I thought he might be growing his asshole back but nope. Also Dororo is a girl what kind of twist is that? I never thought she was a boy. I think a more shocking twist would have been if, upon defeating a fiend, Hyakkimaru grew a lush pair of titties.

Dr. Boogie Jul 25th, 2011 05:44 AM

The shocking twist is that he never recaptures his naughty bits. He just has to use that hydraulic piston his dad made for the rest of his life.

OxBlood Jul 26th, 2011 04:27 AM

Finished EDF IA on normal. It´s a bit sad that the game only starts to get good when it´s almost over...there´s not enough going on in the earlier missions...

k0k0 Jul 26th, 2011 11:42 AM

Yeah, I was expecting a huge fight like the first one with crazy lasers and shit going off. It just kind of ended.

Dr. Boogie Jul 26th, 2011 04:53 PM

In case anyone is interested, it's looking like EDF: IA maybe going on sale at Amazon at 7pm PST today as part of their Gold Box thing:


Phoenix Gamma Jul 26th, 2011 05:27 PM

Rhythm Heaven Wii came out in Japanland a few days ago. It's fantastic, and there's no waggle, so it's as superb as the GBA game. Love it.

mew barios Jul 26th, 2011 06:47 PM

i've been playing a few games of devil's crush a day for the past few days. i can't really explain why but somehow it always makes me feel happy everytime i revisit it.

LordSappington Jul 26th, 2011 06:51 PM

Minecraft minecraft minecraft
We're starting a new server. I'm in charge of basically blowing a gigantic vertical shaft in the ground, and we're going to start off building inside of it, in the walls and stuff. It's gonna be fun!

Chojin Jul 26th, 2011 07:42 PM

that sounds like the biggest waste of time ever

LordSappington Jul 27th, 2011 05:31 AM


Esuohlim Jul 27th, 2011 05:43 AM

A friend of mine went on and on about why Minecraft was awesome, and it all sounded like the most boring shit to ever try to pass as a game

"I spent a week making a giant tree out of little trees!"

k0k0 Jul 27th, 2011 11:39 AM

Yeah, minecraft is just lost on me also. I tried playing it and it was boring. Then I played Terraria and got hooked, which is pretty much almost like minecraft. I think it's the adventuring that got me hooked.

creeposaurus Jul 27th, 2011 11:53 AM

Pokemans :D

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