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Guitar Woman Feb 11th, 2008 11:10 AM

This game'd be great if it didn't control so horribly and had a little more gameplay variety

I feel like I'm playing Faces of Evil: Jason Voorhees Edition :x

Guitar Woman Feb 11th, 2008 11:12 AM

Also, I finished Battletoads last night.

I feel so special

Moobs Feb 11th, 2008 11:54 AM

just completed assassins creed, now for a bit of pokemon blue..

Esuohlim Feb 11th, 2008 01:09 PM

How many games do you guys usually play at once? This question is mostly directed at GW but normal people can answer too.

I find that if I try to start something while in the middle of something else I end up completely losing interest in the other game. Right now I'm about halfway through DS FF3 and I can't bring myself to play it for more than five minutes without turning it off >:

Emu Feb 11th, 2008 01:39 PM

If you awnt me to include everything I'm playing on-and-off:

Final Fantasy 2/4
Persona 3
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy
Star Ocean: TtEoT
Marvel v. Capcom
Sonic Adventure
Spyro the Dragon
Castlevania: SOTN

and probably some others

Fat_Hippo Feb 11th, 2008 04:29 PM

Esuohlim, that happens to me sometimes too. My advice to you, would be to simply fight your way through this tedious part, because it might get better later again. Sometimes all it takes is a half hour, and suddenly you're motivated again. Unless of course, you're simply tired of the game mechanics in every way 'cause there's no variety, and then you might as well give up.

Now to your question: It varies. Sometimes only one, sometimes as many as 4. I usually have one main game though, playing others a bit on the side. Some games I play sporadically. You know, nothing goes over a good round of worms for example. Mhhmmm...I gotta play some Worms again...now where did I put that CD...:confused:

I also just realized that I hadn't quite finished Mafia yet, and seeing how I've only got 2 levels left, I might as well finish it, even though I thinks it's way overhyped by most people.

Guitar Woman Feb 11th, 2008 06:13 PM

I play too many games ;<

Not lately, though, cuz everything I've started playing in the past month I've hated to death for some reason or another and quit.

Currently, my CONQUESTS IN PROGRESS are as follows:
The Longest Journey
Earthbound Zero
Super Mario Galaxy
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Normally I play way more stuff at a time than this, but the computer I got stuck with after mine exploded is a horrendous piece of shit that has problems running NES emulators, and since most of what I'm playing these days are PC games I'm really SOL at the moment.

bigtimecow Feb 11th, 2008 08:41 PM


i just bought viewtiful joe for 5 bucks and it's hella fun. getting hard, but still fun and... "viewtiful" (?) as ever

also on the last (i think) level / puzzle in zack and wiki. this thing is taking me forever to figure out. but i THINK i got it.

and i need to collect the last like 20 stars
in super mario galaxy

executioneer Feb 11th, 2008 09:23 PM

i'm basically constantly playing master of magic and master of orion 2 in between whatever other games i'm playing

Grossenschwamm Feb 11th, 2008 10:33 PM

I'll always play Arcanum and Bladur's Gate 2. It's just that there's so much variety in how you can play the game, and there's an option to make combat real-time or turn-based, as opposed to Fallout 1 and 2 constantly in turn based combat.
Don't get me wrong, both Fallouts are great games, and have a great deal of variety and replay value as well. They're made by the same team that made Arcanum!
Another game that's good, despite massive bugs and glitches;
Vampire, the Masquerade; Bloodlines.
It's a complex game, but it's easy to pick up. It came out back in '04, but it didn't run well unless you had a computer that was good by '06 standards.
Also, I tend to play up to four games at once, in a staggered rotation.
At one point, I was playing Chrono Trigger, Secret of Evermore, Arcanum, and Half Life 2. I'd play each one for about two days, then switch to another for two days, then take a gaming break, and continue the pattern over until each game was done. I guess it's like an exercise regimen, but you don't get in shape and your eyes are the only thing that's sore at the end of the day...

Ah, and Guitar Woman, I'm guessing your sig is part of a Metroid comic? That looks like Ridley.

Fathom Zero Feb 11th, 2008 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 531258)
How many games do you guys usually play at once? This question is mostly directed at GW but normal people can answer too.

I find that if I try to start something while in the middle of something else I end up completely losing interest in the other game. Right now I'm about halfway through DS FF3 and I can't bring myself to play it for more than five minutes without turning it off >:

I can play upwards of four, but only if they're the same genre. For instance, right now I'm playing Bioshock, the Orange Box, and Halo 3. But if I were to play Mass Effect again, I wouldn't be able to adjust as easily. Only adjust isn't really the word I was looking for. More like, switching between the games is seemless.

WhiteRat Feb 11th, 2008 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 531258)
How many games do you guys usually play at once? This question is mostly directed at GW but normal people can answer too.

I find that if I try to start something while in the middle of something else I end up completely losing interest in the other game. Right now I'm about halfway through DS FF3 and I can't bring myself to play it for more than five minutes without turning it off >:

GTA: San Andreas - PS2
GTA: Vice City Stories - PS2
NCAA Football 08 - 360
BF2 - PC
Grandia 2 - Been playing this game off and on for 2 years and i'm only halfway through.

Zomboid Feb 12th, 2008 03:32 AM

Mass Effect and Halo 3 again. Mass Effect cause I really wanted to play it again and I wanna unlock the hardest difficulty and then in a couple months I'll probably be back at it again. Halo 3 cause I'm trying to get some of the achievements. I helped sam get a couple the other day and it's actually pretty fun.

Codiekitty Feb 12th, 2008 09:58 AM

Neutopia 2, cleared the first five dungeons. It's a little better than the first one, but still has its own quirks, namely using the Fire or Wind Staff on enemies tends to recoil them into you.

Angryhydralisk Feb 12th, 2008 01:15 PM

I've just finished Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. The last boss was good and challenging but the game almost felt like it petered out by the last dungeon. I mean, shit.....my prize in the last dungeon is a hammer.

Guitar Woman Feb 13th, 2008 02:48 PM

So I think a better title for The Longest Journey would have been "MacGyver: The Game"

MetalMilitia Feb 13th, 2008 04:16 PM

I've been trying to play SimCity 4, but as with all other SimCity games I can never manage to get enough chumps to move into my city without completely bankrupting myself.

Codiekitty Feb 17th, 2008 03:13 PM

I beat Neutopia 2. Eh.

Some parts are better than the first game, namely dungeon design. Other parts could make the Dali Lama curse.

Guitar Woman Feb 17th, 2008 08:54 PM

I just found my first ever gameboy with Pokemon Gold still in it and working. It's been lost since I was 11.

I'm playing that. :D

Esuohlim Feb 17th, 2008 09:15 PM

Have fun trying to play a game you can't save anymore since the internal batteries have most certainly run out by now.

executioneer Feb 17th, 2008 09:34 PM

i'm playing the windows remakes of the old ICOM classics (shadowgate, deja vu 1 & 2, uninvited)

Guitar Woman Feb 17th, 2008 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 532864)
Have fun trying to play a game you can't save anymore since the internal batteries have most certainly run out by now.

Well, no, that's what I meant by "still working."

It saved the clock and everything!

Sam Feb 17th, 2008 09:40 PM

Devil May Cry 4, No More Heros, Zack and Wiki, Halo 3 with Zomboid, Advanced Wars DS, and Vagrant Story. :(

Emu Feb 17th, 2008 09:55 PM

I can't get into Vagrant Story no matter how hard I try :[

darkvare Feb 18th, 2008 01:05 AM

im playing contra advance, halo 3, castlevania DoS, resident evil ds rebirth mode, umbrella cronichles, megaman zx, guitar hero 3 and zelda phantom hourglass for the thrid play time
something off topic for emu

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