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Phoenix Gamma Oct 19th, 2010 01:43 PM

Son, you crazy. FF12 was plenty fun.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 19th, 2010 02:01 PM

It felt like more of a chore.

OxBlood Oct 19th, 2010 04:52 PM

I liked the battles quite a bit but the story and more importantly the characters were soooo fucking boring and forgettable it really hurt to watch all that crap. Worts FF-Story until 13 came out. Yes I´m aware that FF8 exists and even that had a better story and characters...I so wanted to like and play 12 but it just doesn´t work, I can´t do it.

Speaking of things I can´t do: Alpha Protocol. I thought it might be fun to play through that thing again on hard until New Vegas is released on Thursday but noooo, the game has to fuck things up again. Unbeatable boss in Rome. Almost unbeatable mission in Russia...not much fun at all. Might have something to do with me picking SMGs as my primary weapons, the most useless weapon-class in the game...

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 19th, 2010 05:00 PM

I liked the story for FF8 until the whole orphanage business happened.

Phoenix Gamma Oct 19th, 2010 05:10 PM

Y'all bustas. Balthier and Basch were clutch. Larsa and Al-Cid too. Everyone's actors were fantastic too. Oh, and Cid was fucking awesome. Did NOT see that guy taking center stage in the third act.

I would go gay for Balthier. Probably. I mean, look at the guy.
If Square hadn't given Matsuno shit, Vaan and Penelo wouldn't have been added, and it'd be even better.

X-2 and 5 are the worst stories of the series, but 5 gets some slack for being old, even if it's villain is a tree and it's hero is named Butz. X-2 gets no sympathy.

Speaking of awful Final Fantasys, I still need to uninstall the beta of FFXVI. I was in such a rush to never play it again that I forgot to purge it from my harddrive. That's game's not finished in the slightest and I recommend with every fiber of my being that you avoid it for at least one year.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 19th, 2010 05:29 PM

Balthier was suede because he's basically Han Solo with a Shotgun. The sub story between Basch and his twin brother was garbage. I don't think Cid was any good because he was in the game for like half an hour, the came up with a bunch of convoluted garbage about him being posessed by a super being. When I was at that point in the game I was just grinding to get done with it.

5 had a good story, it just took a bit ages. x-2.....was more of a fan game

Phoenix Gamma Oct 19th, 2010 06:36 PM

Yea...well...that's just like...you're opinion, man :posh

OxBlood Oct 19th, 2010 07:25 PM

5 didn´t even need a good story imo, the job system was the star of that game for me.

12 would´ve been fine if it wasn´t for Vaan. That single character ruined the whole game for me basically. Not only because he was the Main but just because he was there. I mean would it have been so hard to let him die in the intro instead of his slighty better designed brother or something? Or how about killing both off and letting Basch be the Main or Balthier.

King Hadas Oct 19th, 2010 10:21 PM

I liked 12's gameplay and, although it was weak, I didn't dislike the story. The fatal flaw for me was the in-game traveling. Getting from place to place was a huge pain in the ass and I never finished the game because of it.

Also, I liked 5's storyline. It's more lighthearted than anything else in the series, lots of comedic relief. And because it was lighthearted your characters rarely got mawkish on you.

Phoenix Gamma Oct 20th, 2010 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 701426)
12 would´ve been fine if it wasn´t for Vaan. That single character ruined the whole game for me basically. Not only because he was the Main but just because he was there. I mean would it have been so hard to let him die in the intro instead of his slighty better designed brother or something? Or how about killing both off and letting Basch be the Main or Balthier.

While I find it hard to believe that one character ruined a whole RPG (one who basically just watches the game with you and isn't even involved in the slightest once you get past the tutorial. He's transparent from that point on,) you might want to bring that up with the higher-ups.

He was added in a later in development because Square execs (actually, Enix execs. This all went down after the merger and Enix's sloppy steering of the company) believed they would alienate their fanbase unless they had an effeminate male lead again. Lots of arguing went on over this, and the director, Matsuno, left the project. Thus, Basch was no longer the set perspective of the story, and Vaan was created. Not that it matters too much, since Ashe more or less steers the boat once she joins and becomes the main lead.

The moral is that Enix is the worst thing to happen to Square and Dragon Quest isn't even that good >:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:

Jeremy Parish wrote a great article about this game on his site awhile back. That dude knows role playing games like no one's business.

@King Hadas: International Edition adds a turbo button. Press L1 and you basically have in-game frameskip ala an Emulator. It's pretty handy.

Fathom Zero Oct 20th, 2010 04:50 AM

fallout killing things

also, will get Super Meat Boy in mere hours.

OxBlood Oct 20th, 2010 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 701450)
While I find it hard to believe that one character ruined a whole RPG (one who basically just watches the game with you and isn't even involved in the slightest once you get past the tutorial. He's transparent from that point on,) you might want to bring that up with the higher-ups.

He was added in a later in development because Square execs (actually, Enix execs. This all went down after the merger and Enix's sloppy steering of the company) believed they would alienate their fanbase unless they had an effeminate male lead again. Lots of arguing went on over this, and the director, Matsuno, left the project. Thus, Basch was no longer the set perspective of the story, and Vaan was created. Not that it matters too much, since Ashe more or less steers the boat once she joins and becomes the main lead.

I read about Vaan being implemented later but I didnīt know the details, interesting to know...

And yes, it can ruin the whole game for me because the game establishes Vaan as the main character, even though thereīs no real main character after a while. Just the fact that you start out as him makes him the permanent main for me, my mind works that way. Vaanīs the main, his presence AND his voice ruin the story mostly. Honestly, who did his lines? *looks it up*...a boyband singer...great. As we would say in germany, it fits like a fist to an eye. >:

It doesnīt help that the story itself was fucking boring either. I never liked these political plots (but thatīs just me, I know a lot of people liked the plot of FFT for example) and I donīt like the world it plays in (let alone the fact that Ivalice is a "used" world).

In conclusion, there was a lot to like about FF12 but for me personally there was more to hate about it and it was all about the story and the character, the battle- and leveling-systems were fine if a little stupid. Gotta get a license to wear a knit cap, we canīt have you run around town without a fashion license, that would mean TOTAL ANARCHY! :lol

Many people will disagree with me on this, but of the newer FFs, I still prefer 10 over 12...OR 13. Tidus is a fucknugget too, yeah but heīs not as annoying to me as Vaan. Err..is fucknugget a word? I think I just made that up...donīt know where it came from but I like it :)

DougClayton4231 Oct 20th, 2010 07:31 AM

I got completely lost in this conversation :lol.
Fallout New Vegas is great, but it feels like an expansion to Fallout 3.
I still haven't tried out Vanquish. I guess I'll get around to it eventually.
Arcana - Gothic 4 should be banned from existence for sucking as badly as it does. It feels like a game from 2000.

OxBlood Oct 20th, 2010 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 701474)
Arcana - Gothic 4 should be banned from existence for sucking as badly as it does. It feels like a game from 2000.

And this is where I have to apologize for german entertainment software development in general. We simply canīt make clean games. We have great ideas but QA is something we simply canīt do. Now donīt ask me why, if I had any say in any german software company I would bite my employees to death if they pieced together such a piece of shit like Gothic 3 or 4. In terms of games, weīre stuck in the PC-Era of 2002 or something. Some of our adventure games are good though :lol

And I am so getting Costume Quest tonight, looks fun :)

Phoenix Gamma Oct 20th, 2010 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 701464)
Many people will disagree with me on this, but of the newer FFs, I still prefer 10 over 12...OR 13. Tidus is a fucknugget too, yeah but he´s not as annoying to me as Vaan. Err..is fucknugget a word? I think I just made that up...don´t know where it came from but I like it :)

Sir, I challenge you to play those games again. I don't think you full comprehend the scope of Tidus'...failishness. Vaan's invisible 5 hours in. Him and Penelo are basically R2D2 and C3PO and mostly serve as a viewpoint for everything else going on. Tidus is at the forefront, laughing like a psychopath, whining like a girl, and being a goddamned dream manifested in the real world because...well because somebody out there really hates you, that's why.



And 13 is just 10 with different combat. Except now this time people actually realized it was linear instead of totally missing that point years ago :X

King Hadas Oct 20th, 2010 10:15 AM

As far as linearity goes FFX is nothing compared to FFXIII. The most apt description I've heard for FFXIII is it's like running through a tube for fifty hours.

And if we're going to use 'what could've been' as a valid argument for the quality of a game then Tidus' only fault is his english voice acting. Otherwise we would of all erupted into tears when he high fives Jecht at the end of the game (I know I did anyways).

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 20th, 2010 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by King Hadas (Post 701480)
As far as linearity goes FFX is nothing compared to FFXIII. The most apt description I've heard for FFXIII is it's like running through a tube for fifty hours.

That's spot fucking on.

FFX was cool because you can play as Bender. I read some interview with the maker of FFX and FFX-2 about the character Shinra in both games. In X-2 there's a side mission about how he learns how to harness the planets energy and use it as Mako or some shit. So then Shinra blasts off to another world to try it....later generations make a corporation.

I read the comment about being called a busta at work Phoenix and I almost spit out my coffee.

DougClayton4231 Oct 20th, 2010 11:14 AM

As passionately as everyone feels about the later entries, I still think that FF4 and 6 tie for the best in the series, hands down.

Ox, I don't think that German software is the problem, I think that a lack of will to keep up with the times is the problem. JoWood software really needs to kick the bucket already.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 20th, 2010 11:19 AM

How were 4 and 6 tied in?

OxBlood Oct 20th, 2010 11:30 AM

Njerg, I still like 10 better than 12, nothing I can do about it.

And yes, 13 IS a 50 hour tuberun, it was a horrible game. One that I did play through because I more or less enjoyed the combat in the "free" part later on but I would never have played through it if I wasn´t already unemployed when it came out. Didn´t have anything better to do...it´s like watching bad movies just so you can talk about how bad they are, same thing.

Played 40mins of Costume Quest. Very charming little game and we don´t even have Halloween over here (only St. Martin which is one aspect of Halloween with the other being incorporated into Karneval/Fasching). I for one do love the dark time of the year so it appeals to me a lot more I guess.


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 701482)
Ox, I don't think that German software is the problem, I think that a lack of will to keep up with the times is the problem. JoWood software really needs to kick the bucket already.

Amen to that. They just do what they did back in the day, make sloppy PC games.

DougClayton4231 Oct 20th, 2010 11:47 AM

I think that the combat is better in 6 but the story is better in 4. I can't believe people actually sat through 13, everyone tells me that it doesn't even get remotely enjoyable until about 20 hours in. WTF?

Dimnos Oct 20th, 2010 12:01 PM

If you liked any FF game after 6 then you like the little yellow cocks of asian men. Sorry. Facts are facts. :\

Esuohlim Oct 20th, 2010 12:16 PM

I've only played FFX. Blitzball is the worst >: Also I wish catching 10 of each enemy for the monster bank didn't eat up about 30 hours of my time.

darkvare Oct 20th, 2010 02:15 PM

i got an arcade stick for y ps3 so i'm back playing ssf4

DougClayton4231 Oct 20th, 2010 02:21 PM

@darkvare, totally jealous :P

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