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I finally got GUitar Hero 5 back. I'd love it to death, if almost all the songs didn't suck. They went from being fun, heavier songs to classic rock. That's REAL fun to play to.
Because everything not from the early to mid nineties must suuuuuck.
It's not that the music sucks, it's that it's boring to play. A lot of them are fairly slow and repetitive, compared to faster, more challenging songs on Rock Band.
Best song on any fake plastic instrument game. |
While y'all fags are busy with Mass Effect 2, I'm playing Jade Empire, a much better game probably.
Kung Fu > Space Opera Using the keyboard and mouse setup is sorta klunky, and since the combat system looks to be flow-y I'd probably do well getting a game pad or something. I like it otherwise, though! Kung Fu exploitation is something that can be whored to me any time. |
I was gonna get Jade Empire, but I couldn't remember if I liked it or not, so I didn't. :\
I know the Kung Fu was aight, though. |
As much as I love Jade Empire...ME2 is WAY better in a lot of ways. One thing that JE does better though is this little feature in the conversations. In JE, you can see the emotion that is tied to the response before choosing it by looking at your character´s facial expression. |
To bad JE felt totally incomplete. And that only a few of the styles were actually worth a damn. :( Other than that a good game though.
i'm addicted to mgo but as for now i'm playing silen hill 1 cause i got it from psn
Playing Fallout 3 again. On the hardest mode. I thought Raiders sucked before....
I am playing Mario Strikers now!
that's definitely not a suspicious first post
The FYE superstores are closing in my area so everything is 50% off. Picked up Devil May Cry 4 for $15 and its pretty fun. I like that Nero is voice-acted by Johnny Yong Bosch too.
I found out today that GameStop doesn't even sell used xbox original games anymore. Every time I go into that store, I walk out a little more pissed off than last time.
Taking a break on Darksiders and playing No More Heroes for the first time which I just got after purchasing it used for relatively cheap. First impressions is that the game kind of feels like Madworld.
Played Saints Row for a bit at my cousins house. It reminds me more of like a modded version of GTA III than a good game.
Things I did like about it: When you jump in the water off a bridge you do a cannonball; and have the option of warping back to land. The vehicle names for the cop car are "Five-O" and the cop motocycle is names estrada. :p The kills with the Samurai Sword. If you go on the side missions where you dress as the police its called "The fuzz" and a camera man will hang out your p/s door to videotape your "justice". Things I did not like about it: No one really cares if you shoot/kill people right next to them. The cops are pretty terrible at their jobs. |
I grabbed Torchlight off of Steam. It shamelessly rips off Diablo and Diablo 2. Still, it is fun especially if you love the Diablo games
I'm not sure but leaning toward Saints Row 2. I was only there for about 30 mins. I might rent it sometime but I need to finish Devil May Cry 4 first.... and Star Ocean TLH too :(
I think you're talking about the second. It's a classic, really. I'd go back to playing it before GTA IV.
Oh yeah. I liked it much better than GTA 4. I would pick it up again myself if I knew anyone to play it online with.
It's fun online.
When Electronics Boutique first started it was called Stop & Save which I always thought was hilarious because it sounded like a quicky mart.
i have saints row 2 in ps3 add me and lets all play
The thing I hate the most is Gamestop's whole "Preorder [hot new title] and get exclusive content! BUT ONLY WHEN YOU BUY IT FROM US."
I mean, today it's something worthless like an extra weapon or piece of armor, but what about tomorrow? Bioshock 2's already got multiplayer options stripped from it. What if you couldn't play as Dr. Doak in Goldeneye unless you bought into GameStop's bullshit? Where's it ending, too? We might be refused entire sets of sidequests in Bioware's next thing because we weren't little whores about preordering it. |
We wouldn't miss those sidequests; we'd just have to pay to play them as DLC.
I hate EA's influence on Bioware. It seems like they've infected the company with their fucking cheap piecemeal way of getting people to buy extra shit. HAAAAATE THEM!
Finished Bioshock on the hardest setting. Took me twelve and a half hours total. PUMPED FOR NUMBER TWO, BRAH.
I wish the harder modes on Bioshock did something other than make every enemy take twice as many hits to kill.
Corruption did that too and it was a fucking chore more than it was challenging. |
I don't even see it as much of a change in difficulty. It's stronger enemies, like ya say. And I dig that.
I used to hate that stuff, but after a play through, it's fun to see what you can do with the same amount of stuff you get. I was using way more trap bolts this time around, as well as a lot of telekinesis. |
I always saved trap bolts for killing big daddies. Just put 5 or 6 of them in a row and get his attention, the dumb bastard will electrocute himself charging at you. Good fun!
The heat-seaking RPGs kinda blew it, though. You can only carry 6, sure, but I was able to invent 24 at a time. The multiplayer is gonna be good fun. I CAN FEEL IT FROM THE TRAILER.
Who the fuck is dr doak gw?
He's the guy you meet up with in the lab on the facility level. Considering gw was like 6 when it came out, though, I'd say that it's a moot point and that's probably just another thing he picked up on the intarwebs.
who the fuck wanted to be Dr. Doak anyway?
I always like to play as the Soviet General guy. :(
I was Samedi. Guy had a nice hat.
Haha, I'd play Samedi and helicopter pilot.
We banned Oddjob because you had to aim down at him.
I used the Soviet snow patrol dude because he blended in with the walls. |
i used boris he was cool with his hawaiian shirt lol
Zomboid, I like your gamerpic on Xbox Live. :lol That's badass.
:lol :HIGHFIVE I always played as the helicopter pilot. |
I don´t remember who I played in Goldeneye anymore, but I just got Bioshock 2. Let´s see what it can do.
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I was 7 or 8! I remember wondering why some nameless lab guy got multiplayer status! Boris was actually my favorite guy to play as!
Oh hey, I finished Shattered Memories. I like it about twice as much after beating it as I did initially. |
valentin all the way in goldeneye.
Also, I finally got my copy of Mass Effect 2 last night. Some of the changes take a bit of getting used to, but it's pretty solid so far. |
![]() This'n. |
The "Drunk Dad" ending of Shattered Memories is fucking awesome, y'all
Without spoiling much, the final scene is a home movie of Harry just being a drunken slob and yelling at Cheryl, it's hilarious |
Ever since I remembered MW2 has throwing knives, my kill/death ratio has gone in the gutters. :(
All of them make me really sad... I've been polishing off games I started awhile back. Boy and His Blob has an awesome finale where Blob turns into a mech that you pilot and use to beat the shit out of a boss with. I also beat Muramasa's second story. Lotta side content that more or less amounts to playing character specific content with the opposite person, but harder. I'll probably pick at it bit by bit over the next few months, cause the combat is still really fun. Was thinking of starting up Fire Emblem 4, but that game's got just 10 maps, and they take fucking forever to beat. |
I'm starting up No More Heroes, and Tatsunoko Vs Capcom once I have some friends over.
I'd play Silent hill again if I felt it was worth it. |
Age Of Empires 3
I'm terrible at it now :( |
I think getting 4 Capcom endings = Frank West. Which is really all you need. He's awesome :love |
I'm playing Red Faction: Guerrilla. I loved the first one, and so far this one is just as much fun.
It's great to be able to kill guys by taking out the floor under them, or bringing the whole building down on top of them. Actually, right now I'm having fun just causing buildings to fall in different ways. :) |
It gets better with the Nano Rifle. Oh, yes it does.
My short impression of Bioshock 2 after 6 hrs:
Good game. Not as original as the first one, which was to be expected, but good nonetheless. The whole "protect the little sister"-mechanic is WAY less annoying as I thought, Weapons and Plasmids are fun too, of course, the Rivet Gun is a very nice replacement for the Revolver. Only the graphics surprise me, they seem worse than in the first one, especially the time it takes to get textures on some things can he cruel sometimes. Ready the drill-weapon and sometimes you get a bland, untextured object and the game takes about 6 (SIX!) seconds to apply layer after layer of textures and bumpmapping and whatnot to it in front of your eyes. VERY disturbing. |
Kinda like Mass Effect, then?
It´s the same effect, yes, only much worse at times, the drill is about the most horrifying example, you just...stop and...gawk at the bleakness of that strange object while it slowly takes shape in front of your eyes, like some blob of interstellar slime struggling to take on a familliar form, so it can attempt cross-species-communication with you...horrible I tell you.
The level-objects and walls have that problem too from time to time, not as much as ME1, but it´s still noticeable. Also, many of the textures, even if completely loaded just look like shit, I can´t remember BS1 looking that cheap...it´s not everywhere but it´s there. |
are you playing on ps3 360 or pc?
360. Some dude in another forum reported the same shit though and he´s playing it on PC.
i'm gonna try on ps3 but i must admit that texture popping on ps3 has been an issue ith me since the beggining
Classic. But I play lots of fighters. Playing the simplified controls is for people new to the genre. I actually hear it's pretty good for learning the mechanics without getting fucked up by button inputs. Even though the VS. games have easier inputs for moves.
Wu Tang: Shaolin Style
I just interpreted it as a "what-if", alternate dimension type thing. Not that I've gotten around to the main series yet.
Okay, finished Bioshock 2 yesterday. A really nice game, I think I like the BS2-Story a bit more than the first one and gameplaywise it´s also better than the first.
I'm playing Army of Two: The 40th Day.
Because they couldn't call it Army of Two 2. I enjoyed the sillyness of the first one, if not the weapon customisation. Plus, it was good fun two player. Playing through the sequel by myself is alright, but it seems like it's going to be a really short and easy game; I already have the "Finish half the game on Hard Mode" xbox achievement after about two and a half hours play. This time through there are less weapons as well. Which sucks, but seems to be keeping up with the trend of sequels at the moment. Another thing missing unless I am mistaken is selecting your armour (heavy, light etc) and having different face masks for each of the characters; replaced now with a few to select from for both, and a "make your own mask on the EA website" thingo which doesn't seem to let people without a gold xbox live account use it. I do like the character design, however, and some of the enemies look especially cool. In fact the concept art is the best part of this game. A lot of it reminds me of Akira. ![]() All the scripted sequences where you have to snipe two people at once, or tactics where you have one guy distract and the other flank are difficult to pull off in single player. It's much more rewarding with two people; you can even play paper, scissors, rock! |
I really want to play Army of Two 2 too. I just don't want to spend $60 on it and the rental store never has it.
Is $60 the usual price for a new release game in the US? Here it's $AU99, which is $US87.40. :(
Big name games that people will buy no matter the cost (Modern Warfare 2 for examaple) are usually $AU119, which is $104. |
Modern Warfare 2 was like that for everyone. Expensive for absolutely no reason.
And most new games are $60 here. |
Wow that's a lot of money. Sometimes shops will have games on sale for $US45.
All currency should be $$DOUBLEDOLLARS |
Yeah, I'm finding a hell of a lot of games for $30 that just came out of the holiday.
It's usually 69$ Canadian where I am, only 65 US. I still usually wait to buy em though.
I'm going to eat some pizza, then drink some beer and play Left 4 Dead 2 on XBOX tonight.
I'd like to nominate kahljorn as the best person Left 4 Dead 2'er ever.
So with Sonic 4 probably going to suck, I decided to play all of the 2D Sonics until I got pissed off and moved on to the next game. What I learned:
-Sonic 1 wasn't all that fast. It was just a platformer with bad controls and sometimes you went fast but you usually got hit for going too fast anyways. -Tails was a totally useless addition, whether you played with someone or not. -Chaos Emeralds are the worst thing to happen to the whole franchise. -Sonic Advance was the last good Sonic game, period. Sadly, the graphics are ugly. -Sonic Advance 2 is pretty horrible in terms of gameplay, since all you do is hold right, but dammit, the game gets you so excited to start holding right. The music builds up, Sonic does a warm-up stretch, the announcer counts down, and bam, you're running. And it's awesome. Until you realize you haven't done a damn thing the whole level. -Sonic Advance 3 is pretty horrible until you get to Sunset Hill, which is a Green Hill remix right down to the music. Then the game goes right back to being horrible. -Sonic Rush and Rush Adventure have great soundtracks. Too bad boosting ruins the entire game and anything it aspires to be. So really, Sonic hasn't ever been that great, but if you're 8 years old and stupid, he's pretty cool. |
Tails wasn't useless. He was very useful for boss battles if tails was being controlled by a human since he could die unlimited times.
And holy shit the rank 8 assassin named shinobi in 'no more heroes' was very difficult!
damn i wanted to play mgo but the servers are down :(
Tails ruined the minigames in Sonic 2 if you were playing solo. And the bosses only last 30 seconds anyways. The rest of the time, he pops up on screen then falls behind.
i sold my ds for 130 bucks plus a cellphone to fuel my needs for ps3 games
I started playing No More Heroes again last night. I forgot how good it is, and now I really want to get the second one. :(
AND THE VIRGIN CHILD MADE A WISH UPON A STAR, THAT NIGHT HER MOTHER TALKS NO MORE Shinobu's probably the best boss in the game, with Bad Girl being a close second, then I like all of them, though! |
No More Heroes has been great so far. Currently trying to kill the rank 6 assassin on the beach. The game just has such a fun personality.
Oh man last night I played with this group that got all pissed off cause i threw some gas cans next to the gas thing and a spitter spit on them (CAUSE ThAT NEVER HAPPENED TO THEM) so they kicked me. We had been winning every game (since i joined) before I got kicked. When i came back from being kicked i was on the other team and we ended up winning every round and even got 16 gas cans in :lol i sent them messages saying, "SCHOOLED." |
Hahahaha, what a bunch o chumps. I'm still amazed you killed that tank after getting charged and smoked somehow by yourself. They were mad pissed after. :lol
You were all like "HOUDINI BITCHES. YOU'RE DEAD" |
Are you guys playing on xbox360? Man I wish I wasn't always in the wrong hemisphere.
Also, how come nobody ever told me how god damn awesome Batman: Arkham Asylum is? It's fantastic! |
no one told you? that game got amazing reviews universally. AND YES IT IS FUCKING AWESOME DUDE I LOVE THAT GAME
I'm pretty sure we've talked about it a lot before. Shit's a perfect Batman simulator. Won a few GotY awards. Must be a pretty thick rock you've got there :P
I'm waiting to play Mile Edgeworth Investigations. I have no idea why; I skipped Phoenix Wrights 2 and 3 because the new characters were annoying and the music wasn't as amazing. Apollo Justice was pretty great, though. And the first one was pretty good. Admittedly, I hate adventure games, so I'm not sure if walking around will make the investigating more or less enjoyable for me. It was definitely my least favorite part of the games. |
12 hours into Tales of Vesperia and loving it, even though I normally really don´t like the Tales Battle-System. Great game and all the skits just make it even better...
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