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Fire Emblem came out for the DS today. I've been curious as to how Marth's story plays out, so I was interested int trying it. Plus, I was just about to boot up an older Fire Emblem, so it came out right when I was in the mood for it.
I like it, but the graphics are crap, and you need to keep your army under 15 units to get the extra chapters. Seeing how they give you someone new every single chapter, keeping it under 15 is fucking hard. |
Also, I downloaded a japanese Fire Emblem rom and had a fucking great time only understanding about half of it so I'll probably be picking this up too :o |
Zomboid, if you havent heard most of the exclusives that are on the PS3, maybe you should go play...them...or read about them a bit before jumping to conclusions about how they suck
and xbla does not have the Pixeljunk series..or echochrome.. i can keep listing them. Sounds like fanboyism and also if you look at the praise for Killzone 2 by beta players and by the press, it'll change your mind on it. Sequels..can improve. |
I don't actually own any of the consoles but from what I've seen the 360 seems to be taking on the role the PS2 had in the last generation. It probably has the best variety of games out of the three consoles. Why, if I had money I might pick one up tomorrow! but since I don't I-I guess I'll just play some more minesweepers.
Minesweepers is a free game on the PC! It's too damn hard though, I can't beat it. |
The Sweeping Mine:
A Minesweeper Fanfiction by King Hadas Wallace Runnerdail had cleared his share of fields. Big and small, think and thin, and superficially this one didn't seem all that special. It was a nine by nine yard field with maybe eighty-one spaces, quite generic actually but something felt wrong. He went to work pushing down tiles to reveal clear patches of metallic ground which in turn would set of more tiles, and on said ground he could see numbers. Every sweeper knows about the twos and the threes and the fours and what they mean. Some sort of algorithm to decide the chance of meeting a mine and than in turn meeting the mine-reaper. Some sweepers believed the numbers had a deeper intrinsic meaning; unifying the sweeper, the mine and the field into a great mine wheel of life and chance. They believed when they died they'd get a chance to be a mine or even a minefield being sweeped. Wallace learned all this at the Goosewind Minesweeping Academy for Young Boys of Questionable Moral Fiber (GMAYNQMF) though he didn't put much stock in any of it. He played the game by instinct alone and it gotten him this far. But something seemed wrong! Wallace began to think back to when his evil twin brother had tried to kill him with a mine. He had stopped him by beating him to death with a mine that happened to be deactivated. Suddenly, Wallace broke down into tears! "No, NO, stay focused Wallace, you damn lunatic. It's impossible, your brother is dead. It's impossible his been reincarnated as a mine and is stalking me as I speak to myself AT THIS VERY MOMENT!" "Is it brother?" A rusty voice of steel literally chimes in. Wallace's blood ran colder than a mine in a refrigerators inside a girl minesweepers panties. He spins around, but not quick enough! His brother Sogrog Runnerdail the mine lunges at him from atop the red number two! Wallace tries to leap away and succeeds! His brothers attack falls short and he explodes screaming "AWOOOGA!!!!!." Wallace laughs riotously as he rushes onwards, happy and free until he hears a familiar clicking under his feet and then a not so familiar bippity-beep-bap-bop. He recognizes the bippity-beep-bap-bop from GMAYNQMF training videos and know his run atop a mine. "...but HOW?" he exclaims with righteous indignation. "I'd already cleared this part!" Wallace could not know that the mine field was his ex-minesweeper mother who he never visited. A mother's rage really is...explosive. |
Echochrome sucks and the Pixel Junk games are hella boring. Linger in Shadows is the best thing on the PSN right now.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9S9mlvmw1g PS: It's my favorite $3 purchase ever. |
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And echochrome is for people that are just plain smarter than us. I am seriously considering that game too but PSN isnt accepting the credit card details :( Super Stardust HD and Blast Factor...uhh Flock is coming out |
Seriously, they give you so many fucking units. One map started and I saw one recruitable unit and said "whew, I'll just kill him an-" when I was suddenly ambushed by FIVE (FIVE!!!) new units, all of them the same (Usually cavaliers. I hope you fucking love horses!) Aside from the absurd sidequest requirements and having too many people, it's basically a streamlined experience like how Days of Ruin streamlined AW. It's missing some things (rescuing, a few promotional classes) but strategy is even more important. I actually used a knight to block up a passage and prevented 15 enemies from attacking or moving. It was like the three stooges fitting into a door, but times 5. I took a cellphone picture because they just kept piling up into the doorway and grimacing at my one guy. Oh! And multiplayer takes place on actual maps now, which is sick. My friend and I had some really interesting matches. Nintendo's online shop is also really handy, and lending units to friends is a neat idea (less neat when your friend wants to test it out and gives you the shitty starter paladin in exchange for someone good :( ). If you don't mind the graphics and lack of a new system like relationships or transforming, you'll really like it. Also, Fathom, I love the crap out of Echochrome. It's not like there are other good PSP games to play :( Definately not for everyone, but when I booted that game up at 1AM and the music kicked in through my headphones and all I saw was that tiny white screen, I got pretty into it. Plus the different illusion tools are fun :D |
NCAA Football 09 for PS3 almost exclusively online. 4-1 since last night.
PSN games are horrible. First you buy the game, then they expect you to pay more money to buy the features that are in the game.
How so?
There's expansion packs and then there's Tekken: Dark Resurrection which comes with or without online play, a difference of $10. |
Apparently Atlus was giving away beta codes for their new MMO, Shin Megami Tensei Online. SMT has this weird appeal, so I signed up with the hopes of it being cool enough to make me forget how bad MMORPGs are. So far it's been pretty decent.
I replaced all the music in Morrowind with the Shadow of the Colossus soundtrack. It instantly got about three times more enjoyable.
I also set the "game over" song to Tourettes Guy screaming OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT for comic relief :< |
Street Fighter II HD Remix and Prince of Persia Classic.
See, I've only got P3 (and FES) to go on, since I'm usually hesitant to get anything made by Atlus. They love their fans, but they publish/develop some seriously crap games sometimes.
SMT:O is pretty fun even if I'm almost entirely detached from the franchise. The demon collecting aspect is the only real draw, though. It's not like, say, PSO where it's all about getting really cool weapons or something. Combat is pretty fun since it incorporates your actions with your partners, so having someone cast Agi as you charge at an enemy is neat. Then you follow up with different combos and junk. I could see myself playing this a lot if I had a big enough group to play with, so we'll see how it goes when the public release comes out. I want to hurry up and get better stuff instead of just the beginner crap like every other player in my area. |
As I heard it, it's a free-to-play dealie; one of those microtranaction games.
THAT would make me take a look at it I guess.
Actually that should tell you to stay away. Free MMOs are usually mediocre at best. It just so happens that Atlus is at the helm to give thumbs up/down.
Speaking of Atlus, I finally finished my finals, so it's time to zone out and play Persona 4. The only problem: longest tutorial since Kingdom Hearts 2. Jesus Christ, it took over an hour before I got to actually fight. |
Hey Phoenix, after you played a bit, could you compare it to P3 for me? Since I wont see much of the game until it gets released here next year...which sucks.
Lost Planet
Oh wait, fathom just did and he said they suck. I thought there were enough people here that made it very clear that no one gives a fuck about ps3's exclusives, so stop trying to push that. I have a few friends with playstation 3's, and none of em play any of the exclusive games. Why? Because they suck or aren't as good as the ones that are on multiple consoles. Really, kid. You're not gonna change my mind or anyone else's, so fuck off. |
Finally got my xbox fixed; right now I'm playing Rock Band 2. If anyone wants to hit me up on LIVE, my account is fairly obvious.
FINALLY installing fallout 3. but jesus, what else have i been playing lately (NOW THAT SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL'S OUT -- FOR -- WINTERBREAK):
assassin's creed - this game is beautiful, but really wish it had a subtitles option. somewhat hard to understand, and i generally play video games in a room with a lot of people, so you know what i mean. but yeah, controls are nice, gameplay is nice, direction is a little confusing, and yeah, i understand what everyone was saying about repetition wario land: shake it! - hilarious. every time i press a button wario lets out one of his many grunts and gross sound effects, and i laugh every time. gameplay is very simple, feels kinda like a flash game. maybe would be more suited for the ds? either way, the game is just fun, and i think that's all it's trying to be. so GREAT oddworld: abe's oddyssey - i've been playing this nostalgic title on a psx emulator on my laptop, but goddamn if playing it on a keyboard is frustrating (although, playing the pc version would be fine because the talk commands get mapped to the number keys). i might attempt to run this on my wii; there's some sort of psx emualtor floating around. loved this game as a kid, still love it now mother 3 - lol, i wish i was playing this :( but i can't get into it for some reason. FUCK ME getting ready to play over winter break: super mario sunshine, bomberman generation, fallout 3, fable, sam & max, hopefully pick up mushroom men... IT'S GONNA BE A FUN BREAK!!! :D |
I might consider picking Fallout 3 back up when they release the DLC. As it is, I'll just buy the three expansions and bum off of my friend.
Operation: Anchorage looks FLY |
My friends just like GOOD games.
Resistance is pretty good and the new Uncharted game looks good too. But seriously, there's almost nothing specific in the PS3's favor.
Even MGS4 isn't for everybody. |
My friend got Tatsuwhatever Vs. Capcom for the Wii.
I don't know who the anime characters are, but the guys from the Capcom side are kinda lame. Aside from Ryu, Chun Li, Legends Mega Man, and the titty lady from Darkstalkers, they're all pretty obscure. Combat's the usual stuff, but for some reason I picked it up really quick and started comboing my friends, which is weird, because I'm not that good at fighters. |
On one hand, I really wouldn´t mind having some nice exclusives for the PS3, so there might finally be a reason for me to buy one (the System is a good one, no doubt)...but there isn´t. The only game that really sparked my interest was MGS4 and a friend of mine was so nice to let me play the entire thing while he watched.
I was pretty dissappointed by that "game". Sure, it ties all the loose ends...but it does that so desperately, it´s not even funny. 4-5 hours of more or less good gameplay and 9 hours of idly sitting by watching Snake get old and even more stupid is...not what I call a good game. Concerning the other games...what is there? Resistance is just another Shooter (say what you want, it is), I already have enough of those. Uncharted is apparently very good, LBP is good, Valkyria is said to be good too, but I think a game like that belongs in a museum...no...wait. On a portable console, that´s what I wanted to say. And apart from that, there´s nothing that can make me want to spend 500 Bucks for a single game or even three. The only things I´d like to see on XBL too are Warhawk and Stardust HD, those are really nice games. I think the main problem is, that many people already have a 360 and don´t see any reason to buy an aditional console (like me) just for two or three more or less good games. I can only speak for myself, but the PS3 doesn´t have any systemsellers right now. For me. |
There are some games that could prove to be awesome coming to the PS3 next year, and that's the only reason I picked up one of those Metal Gear Solid package deals.
Massive Action Game seems pretty awesome. |
MAG is gonna be just stupid.
OH! I forgot about The Last Guy! And Calling All Cars! And Fat Princess! And Loco Roco! And the new Punisher game, (multiplayer only FPS.) And Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer. All on the PSN. But whichever console Quake comes to first will obviously be the deciding factor. |
I don't know what you were referencing in my comment, but okay!
No, it's a new fad in games, like "open-worlds." It started when a lot of PC devs made games with editors and things, now they're making games with similar experiences as PC gamers migrated over. Customizeable characters are cool, but level editors are where the fun is. I think shit really kicked into high gear with Halo 3's Forge. Being a popular franchise got a lot of people into the editor, as opposed to the other way around. Now that that's been around for a while, people are looking to games for user-generated content. I have not latched fully onto user-created content, yet. With LBP, I feel absolutely daunted by everything I can do in it and I end up doing nothing but making a penis-shaped rocket car. In Banjo Kazooie, I enjoyed making monstrosities and driving them around and using them in multiplayer. It was fuckin' awesome. But regardless, it'll probably be superceded by some other awesome idea that everyone wants to capitalize on and with be incorporated into every title in the near future some way or another. |
Uh...there's an english site you know :V
http://megaten.aeriagames.com/ |
Maybe someone wanted both.
Has anyone noticed that 360 owners tend to talk about how much fun the games are, or talk about them playing the games, and ps3 owners talk about how 'Ps3 is so much better, faggot!'
Also, everyone I know who owns one's argument as to why the ps3 is better is because none of them break. That's probably because no one plays it enough to break it. |
does anyone knows about good and preferably free point and click games
This time, the 360 arrived first while those hellbent on sticking to a single company (a behaviour I will never ever understand) had to wait until "their" console was released. So maybe those PS3-Fanatics feel like they have to be on the offense all the time...don´t know but that´s at least one explanation. Also, 360-Fanatics try to avoid praising the hardware since they´ll only get a RROD-Counter from everyone. They DO break down a lot, that´s a fact, and an unpleasant one for the Fans to work with. |
Not Lost Planet anymore because it's gay as hell.
My xbox broke down once since launch, and I got a new one with a month free of live. That's like 4 years with one incident, so I can't really put a whole lot of stock into the red ring of death thing. I know it happens a lot, but it's only happened to me once; I'm happy :D
So I just started up a new Earthbound game this afternoon. Maybe it'll get me in the mood ;) |
The Uncharted 2 Trailer just looks amazing, i can't wait to play it, they say all of it was done in-engine.
But god of war 3...was just so cheesy and meh. Is that really how the guy sounds like? I swear, when i played god of war a year ago, kratos sounded ..a lot cooler But you guys do get the Lost and the Damned chapter for GTA IV, should be nice, let's see how it turns out |
It IS a great game. I just never want to play it when I'm not playing it. :(
Again, fuck you, Nintendo. |
Oh nice, so I could play it...let´s see where I have those GBA-Emulators...
Edit: ...and done. I love the modern world sometimes...now to throw that stuff on my DS and we have something nice. |
they released a japanese to english hack a while ago
And that´s a moment when I love the internet. Same with Seiken Densetsu 3 some years ago, those translation-teams deserve a big heartfelt "thank you".
I did have the opportunity last week while at Game Stop to play the same game title on both 360 and PS3. And 360 is winning out, especially since it's way cheaper. The controller isn't as different as what was the original concern. The graphics and playability did have a slight edge going to the 360.
Plus, the exclusive games for PS3 that we saw had not that great of graphics or really something that I would stand in line for. Unless I am mistaken, there seems to be about 70% 360ers, and 30% PS3ers on the thread. I do see both sides, but I think that I am closer to my choice now. Again, thanks everyone for their input. |
But games like little big planet...mgs4 , uncharted should let you see the fun in them. Maybe i will get a 360 this christmas, i have no idea. But i still dont know how im going to connect it to the internet without a wireless adapter, my router is 2 rooms away and i dont want to pay 100 bucks for a fucking wi-fi dongle. |
Earthbound Zero is better than Mother 3, anyway. :/
I wanted to like this game so hard. It takes forever to get going is the biggest problem, I think. After the game actually started at Chapter 5 I was sort of done with it. Then again I didn't like Eternal Darkness until about 2 months after I got it, so mabye it'll be the same way with Mother 3. |
Dungeons and Dungeons. It's actually a really good platformer.
That's how I do it!
Another Trick: if you have a laptop, run an ethernet cord from the 360 to the laptop, then bridge wireless and wired connections on the laptop. The laptop becomes a ghetto wireless adaptor
you can get two cheapo wireless routers and bridge them for cheaper than the stupid xbox wireless adapter, for fucks sake
You can use the wireless adapter for the original Xbox too.
Dissidia just came out in Japan. Finally, a reason to use the PSP besides listening to music!
Actually, the game is fantastic. Replicates the retarded, over the top fights of Advent Children, and the different features adds a lot of customization. The battlefields are so fucking awesome, too. Probably my favorite PSP game. |
I bought The Darkness, The Club, and Dark Sector today.
Woohoo. The Darkness is more fun than I imagined. |
@Fathom: Good choices. At least Darkness and Sector, those are nice games, especially the darkness. |
TMNT Arcade.
I've been playing Civ4. Fantastic game of course, but I spend too long playing it, especially since I have a tendency give up and start from the begining again if someone captures a favourite city of mine.
Also playing Red Alert 3 online, but haven't been able to drag myself out of the shit players lobby. |
Basically, each character has Brave Points and Hit Points. BP determines how much damage you do with the square button, and circle button uses attacks that drain BP instead of HP. So you want to reduce their BP to zero and get bonus BP, which gives you a whole lot of attack power with the square button attacks. Then you attack the HP and try to kill them while they try to regain BP by running away or stealing yours. All that happens while people get knocked through destructable environments (castle cielings, stone pillars, entire mountains) and run around walls and grind on shit. It's really cool and fun to watch (even comes with replays that can be put on your computer) and the gameplay is pretty easy to grasp once you understand how everything works. There's an RPG element too, where your character's stats are saved in story mode and are leveled up. You earn new moves and items to bring to battle, and when you're up to it, you bring all of that stuff to multiplayer (which can scale the levels if you don't want to fight your friend's Lv 20 Cloud with a Lv5 Cecil). Really impressive game. No clue why this isn't on a console. |
Sounds a little...uncomplex somehow but still quite interesting.
Thank you for the info Phoenix. :) |
It's pretty simple once you play a few rounds. Not any harder to grasp than Smash Bros, I'd say.
I've got a good grasp on customizing despite my lack of Japanese knowledge. The only sucky part is that I can't play online unless I buy a PS3 and get a Japanese PS3 ID or something. $400 is a lot to play a PSP game online :( Hopefully when it comes out here in the summer, it'll have a better online system. |
Gears O' War Two.
I beat Dark Sector and The Darkness since I bought them Wednesday. The Club is kicking my ass, though. |
Harvest Moon 2.
i played gears of war last week with my friend and fully enjoyed it. i really love that the characters aren't skinny fucks in little cyborg outfits (i.e. halo) but rather huge fucking steroid-popping meatheads with f*cking massive armor, mainly because it actually makes it seem possible that they could survive a gun shot or two
also been playing super mario sunshine which was been a lot of fun but kind of... weird, not sure how much i like the FLUDD, but using it as a jetpack is neat. trauma center for the wii is fun, wario land is hilarious and actually challenging, assassin's creed i feel really lost in, only because i have no idea where i am and what i'm supposed to be doing, started and beat portal and absolutely loved it (just wished it was longer :(), started half life 2 again on my laptop and on the ps3, but probably gonna continue it on the ps3 because my laptop still sucks with valve games, and i just installed grand theft auto III. hopefully it runs nice! sh*t that's a lot of games |
Sounds like you're going to be having a nice winter break.
i know i'm getting sam and max season one for x-mas, so i'm fucking pumped. makes me want to go back and play monkey island AGAIN. actually, i might go do that right now :(
and i want mushroom men but after reading some reviews, i might reconsider it |
The Darkness reminds me a lot of Max Payne. I've enjoyed it a ton and it was well worth the ten-spot I slapped down for it.
Gears 2 huh? Better than the first or about the same? What kind of multiplayer does it have?
I'm still playing COD4 and Ninja Gaiden 2.
Need to get my finger out and complete Bioshock and GTA4 |
i want to play monkey island more than ever. |
i just finished the first season of strong mad the last episode is the best
hey fathom wanna get some lessons in gears 2 meaning me kicking your ass add me and pm lulz |
ur so mxcn
Gears 2 is more like an upgrade than a sequel in terms of gameplay, but the story and multiplayer are waaaay better.
I borrowed it. And I know better than to play you in any gears, Darkvare. I'm not looking for any more disappointment this holiday season.
fuck, i wish sam and max didn't have so many slowdowns. it's seriously starting to ruin my experience :( but it is fucking funny
yeah, returning sam and max today. this morning i started playing the original (sam and max hit the road) on my wii and it is much more enjoyable. :( too bad. but hey! i also got curse of monkey island to work so WOOOOOO
Playing Gears of War 2
What is 'the darkness'? |
http://files.playstatic.com/ps3/the-...s-review-3.jpg |
Smackdown vs. Raw 2009. I hadn't played a WWE game in ages before I got this, so it's really a breath of fresh air in a lot of ways. It's got plenty of modes, great creation tools (except that you have to play a career to get your created wrestler's stats up) and it's a lot of fun.
On your Wii? :confused: |
Playin Rock Band 2 as well as Dead Space and force unleashed. I need a new RPG to sink a lot of time since I plan on beating all 3 within the next week.
The Darkness is a pretty old game, as far as the current generation goes.
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