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Order of War, which is just like Company of Heroes but on a slightly grander scale. It's pretty good, and fills my WW2 lust quite well, but the Germans all have strong and highly annoying American accents.
i was playing battletoads in the snes and then i got to the rat with the circular saw :(
I'm playing SMB3 tonight, no whistles.
Tonight I found out that a shit ton of people still play Halo PC, I just had an option selected that didn't show about 90% of the servers.
I think the best moment was either stopping a flag-runner in a warthog, post-mortem, who died from a sticky in his passenger seat a few seconds after he ran me down, or blowing up a jeepful of dudes gunning for me with the rocket launcher and making the car do a medal-worthy flip over my head. Shit is so cash. |
There's this bearded asshole that I know that says it.
He's very white. And fat. |
That makes it even worse. |
I think GW meant Idiotic.
I tried to play some Mario Strikers Charged tonight, but my internet is derped and I forgot that the AI for single player has the ability to turn on god mode whenever the fuck it feels like it.
Which is all the time. It's like having Durandal on your friends list! |
Beat the first three modes of Half Minute Hero. Hero mode is really, really, really fun. I can usually crank out two full quests in a short bus ride, but since they're just condensed games, I still feel pretty accomplished when I beat each boss. Plus, the story is hilariously epic, and some of the quests are really clever.
Evil Lord and Princess modes were a bit depressing, though their stories were a little funnier. I'm working on Knight mode now, which is a bit strange, since it's the only game where you're actually trying to make the timer reach zero. |
link doesn't work
Fallout 3: Broken Steel...been playing the game for 2 1/s months now, nothing else.
that must get boring
Barely boring
I want to get Point Lookout badly.
I just heard about IWBTG. I love it. |
Point Lookout is fun, but a little barren.
The Red Veil quest was possibly one of the most fun I've played in a while, actually. It might be my favorite quest in Fallout 3. |
I've heard the mutants (or whatever they are) are ridiculously hard, to the point that three of my friends have given up on the game entirely.
Nothing about Fallout 3 is too hard. Your friends are pussies.
Do the Plik's Safari quest first and get the Dismemberer. You should have a level 100 Melee Weapons skill by the point you get Point Lookout, so it shouldn't be a problem. Also, I dunno whether to build a gaming rig or get an Xbox 360. Choices, choices. |
I prefer consoles, simply because it's to quickest and easiest way to just grab games and start playing online; no muss, no fuss. I will say that computers definitely have a LOT of awesome options, though.
I feel the same way here, altough I'd love to have Mods for Fallout
Day of Defeat Source: Counterstrike with WWII skins
Halo 3: ODST: Didn't play the campaign past the first flashback because fuck trying to thumbstick aim on Heroic level AI :< Multiplayer was pretty fun, even though there were a grand total of like 4 different weapons on every map out of what, 15 in the campaign? I didn't really think it was as good as Halo 2, although I was noticeably less completely horrible at it. Also, note to Halo 3 players: Make sure you veto every fucking game mode that isn't CTF or Team Slayer so there is absolutely no variety ever all right |
Bought the english Goty-Edition of Fallout 3, finally no more german voices and all the DLC.
AND Borderlands. Hell that game is SO goddamned good. Diablo with guns done right. Those guys sat down, though of how to do a FPS-Hack&Slay with randomized Items, NG+ and usefull skilltrees to near perfection and then DID it. Finally. |
1.Cricket 2007
2.Need for speed carbon 3.Fifa 2009 4.Counter strike 5.Street fighter 6.Midtown Madness These are some games which i am playing right now. |
that's an awfully suspicious signature you have there, harry
Cricket 2007? You would have to be a bot to enjoy that.
Just beat Castlevania III. Aside from the shitty controls on the stairs, it's pretty fun. And it's got a kickass soundtrack of course.
So... how the hell did you beat Dracula?
He used savestates, like a gay
No, played it on Virtual Console. Each form only has one move, so if you learn how to dodge that, it's pretty easy. The last form is tricky if only cause of the pits in the middle. Made me wish I kept Grant for his abilitiy to change direction in midair.
Its super easy with the priest bitch. You just use her bouncing ball ability and then focus on dodging around.
I only had her fire spell :(
Your probably better off. If I remember correctly once you get it the game becomes almost boring from being so easy. :(
Currently Im flip flopping between Uncharted 2 and Borderlands. Both games kick a ton of ass and I recommend them to anyone. |
Got Doc's Punch Out on Wii. Also, import of Sin and Punishment 2. I have no idea what's going on (again) but the game's pretty cool, and a lot easier now that the controls are actually designed for the Wii.
I'm trying to play TF2. But it's stupid.
I'm thinking of getting DJ Hero for the Wii (xbox broken), has anyone played it on any of the systems?
Currently playing Blood Bowl. |
I can't play TF2 anymore without getting a migrane.
I should be hating Valve for ruining the game, but really, I'm thankful that I was able to beat out my horrible virtual opiate addiction. |
Yeah, PC. What's your buddy code?
Call of Duty 4.
It's all right. British Spec-Op levels are cool, US Marine levels are boring. I'm not playing online because fuck that. |
It's...weird. It's a lot more confusing than the other rhythm games out there. You definitely need to "grow into" the weird controller. But DJing is something I've always wanted to try, so it was kinda neat. I downloaded the mash-ups from the game. Some are kinda meh, but some are really awesome. Playing to the beat of "Ice Ice Baby" mixed with "You Can't Touch This" was weird. Daft Punk actually made a few of the mash-ups too, though I think all the tracks they made are of other artists' songs. |
Carnival Games sure are fun yep
The place I got it from gave away a free Daft Punk album with every copy, so I was reasonably pleased with that. |
Someone buy Dragon Age, preferably on PC, and let me know how it is. I need to know if I should buy this or just be happy playing Borderlands for now.
Well quit talking to me and go play it already. :rolleyes
I just like making scratching gestures. Wikky wikky! |
COD4's Chernobyl stealth level is a fucking masterpiece :(
It only gets better from there. :lol
I like that all the marines got killed and I don't have to play as them anymore.
Spoilers. |
Still enjoying an all-english-language playthrough of Fallout 3...man the Addons can make a low level dude pretty overpowered pretty fast but who am I to complain about power?
I did the Operation: Anchorage stuff first, before anything else in the game, and I just went around slaughtering everybody with Jingwei's Shock Sword when I got out. I killed every Outcast and many many others.
The fucking crossfader on the DJ Hero controller is fucking pissing me off now. You can't flow from left to right easily because there is a "middle" part that the fader slots into. You have to go left - middle - right, rather than just left - right.
Still, just playing some awesome BEATSIE BOYS mixes and am impressed enough to ignore it. |
That's dumb. Just dumb.
Whats the verdict Sam? I must know.
I played some Arkedo Jump. it's pretty fun and addictive.
EDIT: Also playing through BFME 2. |
Thank you your excellency. :bow
Just finished Borderlands. Great game, but a really crappy ending.
I imagine it to be like L4D Fallout style.
I like to playing games
Right now I am playing assassin's creed - this game is beautiful, but really wish it had a subtitles option. somewhat hard to understand, and i generally play video games in a room with a lot of people, so you know what i mean. but yeah, controls are nice, gameplay is nice, direction is a little confusing, and yeah, i understand what everyone was saying about repetition
i like to playing games too
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 by myself :(
I was playing Bioshock, but my Xbox had other plans. Namely, dying.
I don't know why I didn't think of just buying a bunch of film and spamming the camera the first time I played it. Gunfights are way less annoying and Half-Lifey when you do 3x damage to everything; otherwise you might as well walk up to enemies and start spitting on them. You also get free tonics, the best ones being the wrench boosters. I stacked those on top of the 50% damage increase you get for studying Bouncers and got stupid powerful to the point where I was taking out Spider Splicers in one or two hits. |
Beat Modern Warfare 2. Its more of COD4 style gameplay and scenarios and its a great game
The campaign in Call of Duty 4 was suitably epic, I could only imagine that Modern Warfare 2's is just as much.
I'm stuck on Legendary in Africa for UA2. I keep getting to the one boss after Havok, (maybe Abomination?) either way he's like a green beast that wrecks me. I tried it with my roommate but he's horrible at anything except using Thor's godpunch. I need some help
:wink |
I hate playing games like that with other people. I'm greedy and like to take all of the coins and things.
I know what you mean. Everyone shares everything in MUA2 but I can't even tell you the amount of time I've spent playing Gauntlet with my friend and have heard "Valkyrie needs food badly" followed by "Food Mine!" :(
I would love to help you guys but I'm stuck on PSN. Maybe I will win that fancy xbox from distructoid. :\
I started playing Borderlands eight hours ago, haven't stopped, and am now at level 18.
I've almost beaten GoW2 for the second time around. I love that game.
It's A-Bomb that I'm stuck on. Also, new DLC for MUA2. Cable and Psylocke :)
i think there's place you can buy new xbox 360's for less than 150 dollars now :O
Less than a hundred. And less than that on eBay.
That XBOX is mine! I entered the contest, then I rea;ized they most likely won't send that shit to canada :( |
Nope. Sure wont. America only. So clearly it will be mine. :lol |
New Super Mario Bros. Wii got leaked.
Fucking awesome. Harder with more people, though. Not sure if that's good or bad. |
i'm replaying warcraft 3 the game uses voodo to keep me coming back i still hate the orks campaigns though
also phoenix can you make some videos of the mario game? |
I've been meaning to search for the mario game, I'm sure it's not all that hard to find, but since it would take 3 days to dl it I haven't yet. Or will I find the time to play it. :(
I've been playing some Super Metroid again. |
Got my Modern Warfare 2 today for nice 10 Bucks...sometimes, Gamestop has its uses. And it is still very hillarious, listening to those Rangers talking plain german with waaay to little effort in their voices...if that sentence made any sense.
"Aus der Hüfte schiessen trifft nicht nur nichts, es sieht auch noch scheisse aus!"...I thought it was funny...ah well. |
Google translate spits that out as
"Shoot from the hip not only not true, it does identify some shit out" :lol |
I get a free Mario cap when I pick up my pre-ordered copy of the new Mario Wii game.
MW2 on PC uses Steam for some reason, during install Steam crashed and closed, now the game won't install for some reason. I REALLY FUCKING HATE STEAM.
HOLY SHIT! Steam blocked the game until the 12th. Yay!
pc gamers always get raped.
Why would they do that shit?
I hope Doctor B reads this.
Another reason why Steam is useless. Retail copies can play right now while DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION which is supposed to get games to you faster, is delaying it 2 days
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