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Amazing game by the way. |
i finished dante's inferno really cheap ass game with a lot of begginers traps
Ugh, that's so much money.
i got ssfIv for ps3 if anyone wants to play i'm up for it
Hm. Kinda bored now. Don´t wanna play any of my 5 million unfinished JRPGs even though Tales of Vesperia really deserves it...I think the next thing that comes out would be...3D Dot game heroes...looking forward to that :)
Also my little OxBlood look-a-like wrestler in SVR2010 keeps on losing because those fuckers in the career just keep countering everything I throw at them... |
Started FF13 and completely confused, Fight Night Round 4 is hilariously bad at times, and Condemned 2 is a shit-stain on mankind. Oh yeah, Assassin's Creed 2 is just as deplorable to play as the first. Ubisoft should really give up at this point. Their games are getting worse and worse and their PC DRM is a joke.
I really enjoyed Condemned 2. It was no way as scary or intense as the first one, of course. But it was just so much fun to beat all those crazy idiots to a pulp :)
I also really liked AC2, quite a lot more than the first one in terms of gameplay. FF13...sold it really fast after finishing it...very forgettable mediocre game. |
The combat in Condemned 2 is just as horrible as the first. I hate it so much. It's like a retarded rock-paper-scissors.
AC1 and 2 are identical in terms of gameplay from what I've experienced. I got maybe 3 hours in and I'm giving up on it. FF13's battle system is so dated and horrible. I mean, it's 2010 not 1997. |
Condemned 2 had very nice brawls. The first one had horrible combat, that´s true...what´s wrong with RPS-concepts? All fighting games have that.
AC 2 get better later on at least that´s what I remember, it´s not as stupid as the first one. FF13...well...the battle system is the ONLY thing remotely interesting about the whole game. I still want to punch the guy that wrote the story. THAT is something you can´t pull in the year 2010 anymore if you ask me. Give me a piece of paper and one or two hours and I´ll give you something ten times better in terms of character-development and world design. God that game was boring. Rent Nier, very good story and a normal Real time battle system. WAY better than FF13 and Nier is still just a high 70 to mid 80% title. I know, I know, different genre but still... |
AC2 is SOOOO much better then the first one.
AC2 is identical in 90% of cases. The combat is the same, the exploration is the same, even the story seems to be the same type of dribble from the first. The only differences I've seen are the customization and the stupid ass puzzles in between sequences. The whole switching in between italian and english is fucking stupid. The whole game should be in italian with subtitles. The only fun I've had is shanking random guards.
The combat in Condemned 2 is horrible, there is no fluidity and it feels clunky. I dunno I just don't enjoy the stiff controls. Maybe some of these games will get better. In the mean time, I'm going to play some Punch Out on the wii. |
It´s a good thing that tastes differ I guess ;)
Just ordered the Warhammer Invasion Cardgame, I didn´t notice it came out in german (no one would play it with me if it was english :D ) Oh, and I noticed that I never finished Dragon Age, the combat was just too boring I guess... |
You didn't miss anything. The ending of Dragon Age is a total let down. The good guys win, there are no downsides, Morrigan is still a bitch, blah blah blah.
i was playing ssfiv online and i actually managed to pull the raging demon attack of akuma but got owned anyways
SF4 was the moment when I finally had to admit that I am getting old. Apparently I can´t keep up in twitch-reflexes anymore...I´m still fucking fast, but not fast enough...okay, it might have worked better if I had something other than the normal 360-Controller.
lmao, I think they nerfed Akuma in SSF4. He doesn't rape nearly as hard. BTW 360 controller has the worst d-pad in existence. How is the PS3 one?
i think what's killing me is the location of the joystick on the ps3 i use the joystick on every fighting game on 360 and hadn't have a problem
Playing Castlevania Dawn Of Sorrow. Lovin' it.
lmao. I haven't played a Castlevania since Aria Of Sorrow. Is it good?
Aria of Sorrow was the one that set the bar for me. And then I went and tried the other gameboy ones. Haha.
Dawn Of Sorrow is pretty good sequel wise. They updated the controls and some fundamentals (equipping, etc). I've only played two or so hours, but I'm impressed. |
Order of Ecclesia is really good too. Kinda hard in the beginning and it doesn´t take place in the castle all the time but that´s nice too every now and then.
Deus Ex again.
It's sorta less poopy when you play through with maxed-out Rifle skills, but a heavily modded assault shotgun can one-shot pretty much anything from the other side of the map. Hilarious, but game breaking! Now I'm playing through with the crossbow and melee weapons while trying to be ultra-sneaky. You have to run away a lot since tranquilizer darts take forever to actually knock someone out. :( |
About to try Lost Planet 2 and Alan Wake today. I'll make sure and give the best analysis I can for everyone who has to wait for the retail release :P. Getting games way ahead of time is pretty sweet.
How come you're getting games so early?
How do I check if there is an Arcade convention going on in my part of the woods? |
I have great connections :P
Alan Wake is a pretty great title. The facial animations are a bit lacking though. So far the story is very interesting, and the gameplay is wonderful. I really like this one. Beat Gears of War 2 tonight with a friend on couch co-op. I started off hating the game and by the end, I really did enjoy it overall. It's bizarre and crude, but fantastic at the same time. Gonna try Lost Planet 2 tomorrow or the next day :P |
What a bastard.
I really want to try out Alan Wake. My one friend has been pumping it up for a long time.
any one has a recomendation for a psn game? i got 16 dolars to spare
I've heard that Vagrant Story is really good. You should try to play Alan Wake asap. I think it's fantastic and apparently they will be supporting it with DLC at a later date. I've heard it's a little short though.
but is not out yet :( and i love remedy so i will probably buy it
how does vagrant story plays is not like final fantasy is it? ![]() freddy mercury dudley rocks |
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory.
It's fun, but it took me a while to get used to the lack of a "sneak" key. I guess you have to go diagonally if you want to run, which is sorta awkward, but whatever |
Man I want SFIV Super so bad :( But I can't buy it because it's just like SFIV with added extras.
God damn it why couldn't it be DLC |
Super Street Fighter 4, and it's AWESOME.
Alan Wake is about 8 hours, according to the reviews, so it should clock in at about 6-7. Not enough lenght for me to spend more than 20, maybe 30 bucks on it...and again, it is another victim of the fucking blight known as DLC. Finish the fucking game and then move on to the next for the love of Shub Niggurath. I hate this shit.
I CAN however live with the DLC for Mass Effect 2 because the game was finished before they released bonus-content. The new SMG is really awesome and I continued my Insanity-Playthrough with my Infiltrator. Suprisingly easy I must say but I blame it on the class. Total Aggro-wipe-invisibility for 6 Seconds is a real lifesaver. Strongest regular Weapon in the game with 175% damage slow-motion-even-more-damage-headshots every 10 seconds? Why did I play that stupid Vanguard again? Can´t remember, all he can do is his super-suicide-charge... |
I love Dudley, such a better boxing character than Balrog. I actually used to finish off my friends with his Rose taunt in SF:III 3rd Strike. They used to get so pissed.
To me it is important to stay entertained while spending a reasonable ammount of money for that entertainment. 8 really entertaining hours are nice and all but that´s one evening of my time and the next day I´m bored again because the game was...well...short and I´m done with it. No matter how much fun I had during those 8 hours, they´re still just 8 hours and over VERY quickly. I guess I should get a really time-intensive job or something like that, maybe then I´d like these short games more...who knows. |
oh shit, alan wake is out?
May 18.
Some games are just more conducive to replays. |
10K do you have the SSF4?
I tried renting it but they're out. Going to try again tomorrow for 360. I told my roommate I was going to trade in regular SSIV. He was like "That was my christmas present from you." I told him I understood that but that why I was such a good roommate. How many people get an upgrade on their gifts 6 months later???
also, :BILLHORN |
Ryu in SSF4 is unbelievable. In CPUvCPU matches on Hardest, Ryu beats everyone. EVERYONE. All due to his overpowered Shoryuken. |
i finally won my first match online on SSFIV and made a new friend from mexico as well
But as I said, I don´t have the luxury to buy all the games I would like to play when they´re released so I buy games that keep me entertained ideally for a long time so I don´t have to buy a new game every week. Don´t have the money for that. I have to play economically so to speak. The last game that really stood out and had this "more than a sum of it´s parts"-thing for me still was Bayonetta. Games these days don´t have that much artistic value anymore, at least most of them. But take 3D Dot Game Heroes for example. The game is short too but I´ll so buy it right on releaseday and I´ll happily pay 45 bucks for it because I really like what they did there. |
Found a copy of SSFIV last night. My roommate doesn't have a gold account so I had to swap controllers with him between rounds.
I totally judge dread'd SAM. I won and was all like "EXECUTIONER, JUDGE AAANNNDDD JJUUUURRRRIIII." As soon as I said that I got a 10 point achievement. I like to think it was for a good pun. |
It was during our Juri vs Juri fight too. :tear
"UH OH, WE GOT A HUNG JURI" :lol That line would have also worked for the Chun Li vs Juri fight :hypno :orgasm |
I played a shit ton of worms armegeddon, wrestlemania 2000 and perfect dark for 360 with 3 friends. Also some goldeneye slappers ltk.
I'm down for street fighter iv tomorrow. Team battle? |
WITH MY CAMMY, AND YOUR.... someone... (mostly my Cammy) WE'LL BE UNSTOPPABLE!
I'm really liking gouken and ibuki(sp)
L4D2 is still a buggy, unbalanced mess :(
Is it any better than the first L4D? I was kinda dissappointed with it but then again, I´m hard to please when it comes to Zombies...which L4D has none of :D
Haha. I guess there are two kinds of gamers on this forum.
I never play Versus.
edit: Double
Not a fan of the passing DLC for L4D2 either. |
Those who enjoy Left 4 Dead and those who don't. :P
I didn't mean anything poignant, hahahah. |
Right. :D
I really wanna start Dragon Age again but there´s no time...3D Dot this week, RDR next week...and I think Alpha Protocol 2 weeks after that...I´m so looking forward to AP... |
L4D is much more polished than the sequel. I currently can't even play L4D2 due to a bug with Nvidia graphics cards and Windows 7 (The game slows from 60fps to about 2-3). It's pretty much ass anyways, nothing but ragequitting and a lack of user content. Even the Valve content is pretty pitiful. They have all but abandoned both games so I won't be surprised when L4D3 is announced at E3. I'm not buying any more Valve games.
Skate 3 is a complete waste of money if you already have Skate 2 because there are far too few improvements. Lost Planet 2 has been completely confusing and sucks if you're going to play single player only because it's one of those "co-op only" games.
I'm half-way through Alan Wake and still immensely enjoying it. |
Love tech N9ne. He's stupid fast.
i just finished dino crisis really good game
Finished replaying EarthBound. Forgot how much of a mindfuck the final boss was. :x
But let´s not get started on Space-Dinosaurs which is part 3. |
They really shouldn't have made a 3rd dino crisis.
On another note, Alan Wake's story goes south very quickly once you approach the end of the game. The game is still a lot of fun but the plot needed a lot of TLC. Edit: I just finished Alan Wake. If you're looking for a game with a coherent plot, you may want to avoid Alan Wake. The ending makes no sense at all. |
Daytona USA - Dreamcast
Very challenging. |
I loved Dino Crisis and Onimusha when I played them in high school. When I came back to them as an adult, that view quickly changed lol. Man do I not miss those pre-rendered camera angles and shitty tank controls.
I never played them but always wanted to. The only Onimusha game I played was Onimusha: Blade Warriors. Hella fun. |
yesssssss. It was brilliant. I've had every Onimusha. It is my favorite game franchise, most likely.
Even 4 was suprisingly good I gotta say. Dawn of dreams...hm.
i remeber playing blade warriors with zero
Onimusha 1 & 2 are definitely the best out the franchise. The first one started out as a Resident Evil clone but by the second one it defintely started to take on its own innovative persona. |
3 was my favorite, besides 1! :eek
I remember vividly though that the way Jean Reno said the name "Henry" (ONRI!) pissed me off and the storyline reminded me of an 80's movie. Kind of like if you mixed Bill & Ted Excellent adventure with Back to the future and just tossed in some demons and samurai swords. |
It wasn't Jean Reno's voice, though. If it did have his voice, then it would probably have been 500% better for you.
Just finished playing Stonekeep. The combat in that game has some unresolved issues, as evidenced by me killing monsters by throwing arrows at them. Not shooting them from a bow; throwing them.
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