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Phoenix Gamma Aug 20th, 2010 07:24 AM

Metroid Prime Trilogy. I need something to hold me over till Other M, which I really really really want.

I never really liked the first Prime all that much. Dunno why I beat it. I figured playing with the Wii controls would make me like it more, but...ehhh...it's not as much fun as the 2D games, for a lot of reasons. I'll probably boot up one of them today and get my fix.

DougClayton4231 Aug 20th, 2010 09:44 AM

I heard that the new Dragon Quest is coming out for the Wii, I can't wait to play it.

The thing I've noticed about motion controller technology is that it all depends on the quality of coding from developers. MPT on the Wii plays perfectly even though it doesn't use motion plus, but I had a lot of strange issues with getting the controls to work in Red Steel 2. Kinect might get better with time and experience, like all technology. PS Move has no reason for having lag though, developers have been working with lesser tech on the Wii for 4 years now :P.

OxBlood Aug 20th, 2010 10:43 AM

Yeah, I suppose the lighting has to be optimal or something for it to work perfectly...I´m not really a good person to talk about motion-control, cause I don´t get it. I don´t understand why you wouldn´t want to play efficiently and fast by using a controller, doesn´t get much faster than that until they plug those things into our brains :D

I still remember the time when the EyeToy came out. I was fun, sure. For about thirty minutes then we all went back to playing with controllers *shrugs* But as I said, I don´t get it.

Sacks Aug 20th, 2010 10:49 AM

I just started playing through Castlevania: SotN. I played it a long time ago but for only 30 minutes. It's pretty awesome.

TheCoolinator Aug 20th, 2010 02:03 PM

Batman: Arkham Asylum on hard is extremely difficult. (punches wall*)

DougClayton4231 Aug 20th, 2010 03:21 PM

I've been thinking about playing through Arkham Asylum on hard again, I love that game.

Motion control works for FPS's, RTS's, Adventure games and that sort of thing. I don't see the point in motion controls for like RPG's though. Maybe that's the future lol.

Dr. Boogie Aug 20th, 2010 03:50 PM

I'll believe it when I see it. Until then, I'll just think of the success of the Eyetoy.

Dimnos Aug 20th, 2010 03:57 PM

Right. :lol I would like to see a demo of someone using it to play and FPS. Can the damn thing tell when you squeeze your trigger finger vs you just moving your hand(s) for aiming? How does it know when you throw a grenade? When you make the throwing motion right? How does it know what kind of grenade you want to throw? Stuff like that.

Dr. Boogie Aug 20th, 2010 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 695877)
How does it know when you throw a grenade? When you make the throwing motion right?

Two words: windmill.

Dimnos Aug 20th, 2010 05:13 PM

But how does it know if I wanted to use a frag or a flash? Maybe I wanted to throw my C4 over that wall.

darkvare Aug 20th, 2010 05:47 PM

theres fotage of kinect playing half life 2 let me find it
here i dunno if its real so don't bug me about it

Supafly345 Aug 20th, 2010 06:05 PM

With how little control they have over the game, It has a decent chance of being real.

Dimnos Aug 20th, 2010 06:17 PM

No sound. No explanation on what motions he is making to get it do to anything. And Half Life 2? Probably one of the most simple FPS games out there. 90% of the game you just use that dumb grav gun. Does it even have grenades? Play some Team Fortress or Counterstrike on it then I might take it seriously.

Dr. Boogie Aug 20th, 2010 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 695886)
But how does it know if I wanted to use a frag or a flash? Maybe I wanted to throw my C4 over that wall.

Windmill, double windmill, jazz hands.

LordSappington Aug 20th, 2010 08:28 PM

Just beat Dante's Inferno, Bioshock 2, and playing L4D2 again. I just can't get enough of that damn game. :(

DougClayton4231 Aug 21st, 2010 11:30 AM

Whoa, whoa, whoa party people, I was talking about the Wiimote/Move type of motion controls, not the laggy Kinect bullshit. Other than the dance game, I think it might be a utter flop at launch.

BTW Dr. Boogie, you're hilarious. Any game that includes jazz hands will be instant success.

Fathom Zero Aug 21st, 2010 11:38 AM

I'm playing through Gears of War. Never finished the first.

darkvare Aug 21st, 2010 02:41 PM

theres a video of killzone 3 played in move

10,000 Volt Ghost Aug 21st, 2010 04:15 PM

Found out how to level up sub weapons and spells in Castlevania HD so trying to get everything to level 9 right now.

Dr. Boogie Aug 21st, 2010 04:43 PM

Get the Mastery Ring. I don't know how much easier it makes it, but it works for both Shanoa and Jonathan.

10,000 Volt Ghost Aug 21st, 2010 05:22 PM

Even with the mastery ring it was taking forever so I checked out survival mode. Basically you equip the item that uses HP instead of MP for skills then just burn through it using the one you want to level. When you die you respawn with full health. Rinse. Repeat.

Also select the main subweapon you want to use as DOWN B, then use it while hitting LEFT BUMPER. It will spam the attack faster so its easier to level up. Still takes forever though.

DougClayton4231 Aug 22nd, 2010 02:04 PM

Trying out Mafia 2 today, I'll be sure to tell you all how it is.

MrAdventure Aug 23rd, 2010 03:43 AM

i play tf2 like it's a second job aka i a p big faggot

Phoenix Gamma Aug 23rd, 2010 07:37 PM

Beat Metroid Zero Mission in one sitting last night, 'round 2 and a half hours? I was trying to get 100% but some of the items require some absurd Shinespark abuse to get them, so I settled for 60%. But man, that game is probably THE best remake ever made.

Playing Super Metroid now. So hyped for Other M.


Originally Posted by MrAdventure (Post 696169)
i play tf2 like it's a second job aka i a p big faggot

Me too. I've been cutting down, but earlier this month there were two nights when I looked at the time and was like "SHHHHHHHHHHIT". I don't play as much now mostly because the more you play, the less drops you get. And I've been having internet problems.

Dr. Boogie Aug 23rd, 2010 08:28 PM

Finished up Nier last week.

The story was surprisingly interesting, and had very little of SquareEnix's usual JRPG bullcrap. The problem is that the main story is about 10 hours long, and the rest is side quests that are almost entirely gather/fetch quests. And they threw in fishing and gardening minigames because they felt like the main game wasn't slow enough.

darkvare Aug 23rd, 2010 10:58 PM

damn i have this weird thing every time i lend a game to a friend i have the urge to replay the game i lent brutal legend to a friend and now i wanna play it more than ever

OxBlood Aug 24th, 2010 05:42 AM

Concerning Nier, it´s still THE best RPG-Story this year and so much better than the abomination known as FF13...ahem.

Still waiting for Baroque, I don´t even know why I want it so bad, it´s not very good but I guess I just hate waiting for stuff...still have to play the second phase of Kuon. It´s a little irritating that the first phase took less than four hours but whatever, the game´s pacing is slow enough as it is.

Even more talking in Ar Tonelico 2 as my Reyvateils get to understand each other and in turn forge Combo-Songmagic. Guess they just have to talk for hours and hours about how they hate but secretly like each other...very cheesy stuff that should be done by talking over a beer in a bar for about an hour, not diving into a strange cyber-dreamworld for (game)weeks that connects their minds and forces them to re-live each others past.

But maybe that´s just japanese mentality for you, no easy way to communicate one´s emotions.

Oh that reminds me of one thing I always wanted to ask you guys. Correct me if I´m wrong but a standart greeting in the US is "how do you do", right? Do you expect an honest answer to that or is it just a greeting that you answer to in a specific way?

Cause I heard that the "common American" is suprised if someone answers in a negative way...don´t know if it´s true though, hence the question. I love these little differences about different people, makes life interesting :)

DougClayton4231 Aug 24th, 2010 09:09 AM

Mafia 2 feels very...been there, done that. It's good, but the whole racist "Italian gangster" motif has really worn thin and the voice acting doesn't really satisfy.

I don't know, I feel like I'm falling more and more out of playing video games. I use my Wii far more frequently than my 360 or PC, and I only really enjoy older games that I can't get enough of. (Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines anyone?)

10,000 Volt Ghost Aug 24th, 2010 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 696269)
Oh that reminds me of one thing I always wanted to ask you guys. Correct me if Iīm wrong but a standart greeting in the US is "how do you do", right? Do you expect an honest answer to that or is it just a greeting that you answer to in a specific way?

Cause I heard that the "common American" is suprised if someone answers in a negative way...donīt know if itīs true though, hence the question. I love these little differences about different people, makes life interesting :)

It's a pretty common greeting along with "How is it going?" or "What's up?" or "How's it hanging?"

Most of the time the same greeting is returned without an answer to the question such as:

Me: What's up?
Ox: What's up?


Me: What's cracking?
Ox: Not a lot. What's cracking with you?
Me: Same old stuff.

The movie Gran Torino has a really great breakdown of how it goes.

Sacks Aug 24th, 2010 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 696276)
Mafia 2 feels very...been there, done that. It's good, but the whole racist "Italian gangster" motif has really worn thin and the voice acting doesn't really satisfy.

Yeah seriously. Why don't they ever make a game about the not-italian mafia?

Dimnos Aug 24th, 2010 10:54 AM

I want a game that centers around the IRA. I want to blow up some brits.

OxBlood Aug 24th, 2010 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 696276)
Mafia 2 feels very...been there, done that. It's good, but the whole racist "Italian gangster" motif has really worn thin and the voice acting doesn't really satisfy.

I don't know, I feel like I'm falling more and more out of playing video games. I use my Wii far more frequently than my 360 or PC, and I only really enjoy older games that I can't get enough of. (Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines anyone?)

Bloodlines was and is an amazing game. Few game experiences can compete with playing a Malkavian in that game :)

@10k Volt Ghost
What I meant is, is the typical american thrown off if he asks me how I do and I answer "horrible, this and that happened"...in the sense that the question is really just a formality...I donīt know how to describe it any better, sorry.

Fathom Zero Aug 24th, 2010 11:02 AM

A better thing would be to say "What's happening," if you're not yet comfortable enough to go too deep. It's pretty straightforward.

Dimnos Aug 24th, 2010 11:09 AM

It really depends on who you are talking to. Its only a surprise if you dont really know the person. If I were to come home and ask my wife and she were to answer with something along the lines of "horrible..." aside from feeling bad for her its no surprise she would share that with me. Same could be said about any of your friends or family. Now if I were to cross paths with someone while walking the dog and asked them and they unloaded on me then I would surprised.

10,000 Volt Ghost Aug 24th, 2010 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Sacks (Post 696278)
Yeah seriously. Why don't they ever make a game about the not-italian mafia?

Like the P-Mob.

Fathom Zero Aug 24th, 2010 01:26 PM

The Yiddish mafia.

Phoenix Gamma Aug 24th, 2010 02:51 PM

I finally 100%ed Super Metroid :rock

Took me forever to find them all. I wasn't keeping track of the ones I already collected, so when I needed to find 15 more upgrades after beating Ridley it took way longer than it should have.

10,000 Volt Ghost Aug 24th, 2010 03:10 PM

I've never gotten 100% on Super Metroid :(

Dimnos Aug 24th, 2010 03:53 PM

I have never finished Super Metroid. Something always happens. :(

Sam Aug 24th, 2010 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 696285)
Like the P-Mob.


Phoenix Gamma Aug 24th, 2010 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 696303)
I've never gotten 100% on Super Metroid :(

Yea it's pretty hard cause some of the rooms are really well hidden. Also this was my first time finding the Spring Ball in that game. I didn't even know it was IN Super Metroid! :lol

Some of them are just super sneaky too. Like the old Mother Brain room on Crateria from the beginning of the game. That one holds a missle upgrade, and another one in the long shaft connecting that room to the overworld that requires a shinespark and ice beam. Once I did the shinespark for that missle in Maridia, I figured the other upgrades would take way less skill and went for 100%


I have never finished Super Metroid. Something always happens. :(
Do it. If I didn't 100% the game I probably could have beat it in three hours.

Watched some speedruns of the game last night. 32 minutes is the record. I felt like shit when I realized half the stuff can be obtained way earlier without most of the upgrades.

10,000 Volt Ghost Aug 24th, 2010 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Sam (Post 696311)



Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 696315)
Yea it's pretty hard cause some of the rooms are really well hidden. Also this was my first time finding the Spring Ball in that game. I didn't even know it was IN Super Metroid! :lol

Some of them are just super sneaky too. Like the old Mother Brain room on Crateria from the beginning of the game. That one holds a missle upgrade, and another one in the long shaft connecting that room to the overworld that requires a shinespark and ice beam. Once I did the shinespark for that missle in Maridia, I figured the other upgrades would take way less skill and went for 100%

Do it. If I didn't 100% the game I probably could have beat it in three hours.

Watched some speedruns of the game last night. 32 minutes is the record. I felt like shit when I realized half the stuff can be obtained way earlier without most of the upgrades.

I've gotten around 89%. I missed a lot of the missiles in ridley territory.

Phoenix Gamma Aug 24th, 2010 04:51 PM


That an Maridia are the most annoying levels in any Metroid, ever.

DougClayton4231 Aug 24th, 2010 04:56 PM

I've gotten 92 or 93% as my best in Super Metroid. I've beaten that game at least 40 times over the past 15 years lmao. I say FUCK MARIDIA!

I'd like to play a game about any ethnic group without it devolving into a smarmy mess of absurd stereotypes, but with games being developed mainly by American and Japanese males in their 30's/40's I think that might be a pipe dream. I mean, they still haven't even been able to portray women realistically yet. Either they are subservient, annoying psychos, or emotional wrecks. Not to mention that 3/4's of them have double d's and/or dress like street whores.

10,000 Volt Ghost Aug 24th, 2010 05:12 PM

What part of that is off?

Dimnos Aug 24th, 2010 05:31 PM

Phoenix Gamma Aug 24th, 2010 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 696323)
I've gotten 92 or 93% as my best in Super Metroid. I've beaten that game at least 40 times over the past 15 years lmao. I say FUCK MARIDIA!

I'd like to play a game about any ethnic group without it devolving into a smarmy mess of absurd stereotypes, but with games being developed mainly by American and Japanese males in their 30's/40's I think that might be a pipe dream. I mean, they still haven't even been able to portray women realistically yet. Either they are subservient, annoying psychos, or emotional wrecks. Not to mention that 3/4's of them have double d's and/or dress like street whores.

What's wrong with Samus? :(
Also Jade from Beyond Good and Evil.

DougClayton4231 Aug 24th, 2010 07:04 PM

Samus isn't really much of an exception. If you don't remember, when you die, you see her in a bikini and that was also her special costume in the NES original lol. I'm pretty sure that no one actually played Beyond Good and Evil, so Jade doesn't count lmao.

darkvare Aug 24th, 2010 07:12 PM

anyone has tried shank?

MarioRPG Aug 24th, 2010 07:21 PM

I want to play Shank so much. It looks pretty sweet!

Sacks Aug 24th, 2010 07:22 PM

The girl in Zombies Ate My Neighbors, the lady characters in Pokemon, Princess Zelda, Mirror's Edge lady, Tifa and other ladies in FF, several women in fighting games, Maria from Castlevania... It's not too hard if you think about it.

Phoenix Gamma Aug 24th, 2010 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 696345)
Samus isn't really much of an exception. If you don't remember, when you die, you see her in a bikini and that was also her special costume in the NES original lol. I'm pretty sure that no one actually played Beyond Good and Evil, so Jade doesn't count lmao.

Samus wasn't in a bikini in the original game until after you beat it (and fast enough). The rest of the time, people thought she was a dude/robot. It's likely that they gave her a bikini to indicate she was a woman, like how Mario has his mustache to show his small face and overalls to show the rest of his small body.

After that, she's stuck with the leotard/full body suit, which isn't that badand actually makes sense; you'd want to wear as little as possible in a giant metal suit!

And popularity doesn't exclude characters like Jade from existing, jerkface >:>:>:>:>:>:


...the lady characters in Pokemon, Princess Zelda...Tifa and other ladies in FF, several women in fighting games...
Everyone in Pokemon is one dimensional. They don't have personalities at all. Zelda exists solely to be rescued, Tifa's a walking pair of tits (though surprisingly more likeable than Aerith), FF girls post-FF6 have generally had flat personalities and skimpy clothes, and fighting game chicks exist solely to give boners.

darkvare Aug 24th, 2010 08:48 PM

what about kameo from the launch 360 game or ophelia from brutal legend?

executioneer Aug 24th, 2010 09:18 PM

what about laura bow

kahljorn Aug 24th, 2010 10:19 PM


Like the P-Mob.

Sacks Aug 24th, 2010 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 696350)
fighting game chicks exist solely to give boners.

Makoto, Ibuki, Sakura, Rose, C. Viper from Street Fighter. Leona, Mary, May Lee, Yuri, Mature, Kasumi, etc from King of Fighters. May, Baiken, Justice, Millia from Guilty Gear. Just off the top.

I don't think you play fighting games, or you play those 3D ones that exist solely for breast physics.

darkvare Aug 24th, 2010 11:10 PM

so is it true mafia 2 has nothing to do outside the missions? doug

Phoenix Gamma Aug 25th, 2010 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by Sacks (Post 696367)
Makoto, Ibuki, Sakura, Rose, C. Viper from Street Fighter. Leona, Mary, May Lee, Yuri, Mature, Kasumi, etc from King of Fighters. May, Baiken, Justice, Millia from Guilty Gear. Just off the top.

I don't think you play fighting games, or you play those 3D ones that exist solely for breast physics.

*deep breath*

First of all, don't tell me Sakura doesn't flash her panties the whole time. Her overhead may as well be called "HEYLOOKATMYBUM". C.Viper's pretty tame save for her big 'ol cleavage she shows off. Makoto's supposed to be as close to a boy as possible, so I'll give you that, but Ibuki actually shows some skin around the waist for some...odd reason. Even the comics get fixated on it in one issue. And while all those characters walk a very fine line, you still have Cammy, Juri, Elena, and Rainbow Mika letting it all hang out.

Mary (I assume you mean Blue Mary?) has a huge rack and a tube top, Mature shows off some boob (and leg in some versions). The rest get a pass (though Leona switched her jacket for a tube top, and Yuri would be another Sakura if she didn't have those tights). May Lee's totally okay though. And KOF still has other sluts like Angel and Mai and Bonne Jennet. I think Hotaru from Garu: Mark of the Wolves is in one of the KOF games. And HER super involves her pinning you down and fucking you to death. Like, holding you down, whipping her head back and moaning as your character is engulfed in whatever sex-fu energy she uses in place of chi.

For Guilty Gear, Baiken's got milk silos and isn't afraid let her clothes open up and show them. Maybe it's not immediately apparent during fast matches, but one look at the sprites shows a lot of boob. Millia's got a short skirt, but doesn't seem to pull any Sakura shots. May is underage, so you know someone's into that somewhere. Then there's I-No and Dizzy with their clothes and assets. Now, I didn't know Justice even had a gender, so point to for you that. But Guilty Gear is another one that is hardly innocent of whoring out the ladies. Blazblue, it's successor, is even more guilty (har) of this.

And that was the longest post I've ever made about imaginary boobs :(

OxBlood Aug 25th, 2010 05:00 AM

I actually don´t see the problem there. Males are also portrayed in a...let´s say "favorable" fashion, aren´t they? I´m not 2.10 Meters in height, I don´t have muscles like the goddamn Hulk.

Men are strong, Women are beautiful, that´s all there is to it, both stereotypes ignore intellect and inner values most of the time. Though I will admit that women get off worse when the japanese are involved. But I´m sure as hell not gonna complain about that, why would I?

And there ARE more than enough psycho-wreck women in this world, that you can believe me, yes Sir.

Phoenix Gamma Aug 25th, 2010 05:27 AM


I find it really hard to believe that gaming's examples of masculinity are there for the benefit of women, who in my opinion just aren't into steroid abusers who solve all their problems with chainsaws. That particular kind of objectification is pretty clearly there for us guys who need a pretty obvious symbol for the kind of power we don't have.
The rest of the video pretty much covers the entire topic. Chicks should be more than hair and tits, but usually aren't, and while there are totally examples of such, for each strong chick, there's 30 others wearing nothing but dental floss. The chicks and dudes are created to appeal to males, but not females. Preaching to the choir, but whatever. I mostly just have a mancrush on Scott Sharkey.


I just beat Metroid Fusion. 3:40 with 100%. Man, that game's really fun if you stick to the main stuff, but once you start going for all the upgrades, it's really annoying. There's way more, and they're either super obscure to the point where you need a guide, or super challenging requiring a bunch of chain sparks. Or both. Which is really weird considering that the game's actually more linear.

Watching this fan video makes me want to play Sonic 3 & Knuckles again, but I truthfully never liked the Sonic games. Just the comics and the cartoons. Which in retrospect are way worse.

DougClayton4231 Aug 25th, 2010 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 696350)
Samus wasn't in a bikini in the original game until after you beat it (and fast enough). The rest of the time, people thought she was a dude/robot. It's likely that they gave her a bikini to indicate she was a woman, like how Mario has his mustache to show his small face and overalls to show the rest of his small body.

After that, she's stuck with the leotard/full body suit, which isn't that badand actually makes sense; you'd want to wear as little as possible in a giant metal suit!

And popularity doesn't exclude characters like Jade from existing, jerkface >:>:>:>:>:>:

Everyone in Pokemon is one dimensional. They don't have personalities at all. Zelda exists solely to be rescued, Tifa's a walking pair of tits (though surprisingly more likeable than Aerith), FF girls post-FF6 have generally had flat personalities and skimpy clothes, and fighting game chicks exist solely to give boners.

I was just kidding about BG&E, I loved that one lol. But seriously, no one bought it :(


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 696365)

That makes me cry for humanity.


Originally Posted by darkvare (Post 696368)
so is it true mafia 2 has nothing to do outside the missions? doug

So far, absolutely nothing lol.


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 696384)
I actually don´t see the problem there. Males are also portrayed in a...let´s say "favorable" fashion, aren´t they? I´m not 2.10 Meters in height, I don´t have muscles like the goddamn Hulk.

Men are strong, Women are beautiful, that´s all there is to it, both stereotypes ignore intellect and inner values most of the time. Though I will admit that women get off worse when the japanese are involved. But I´m sure as hell not gonna complain about that, why would I?

And there ARE more than enough psycho-wreck women in this world, that you can believe me, yes Sir.

I think that stereotypes are offensive in general. They always portray people who play videogames as ugly, socially awkward fucktards or nobel prize winners. I fall into none of the above, which is kind of awkward. I was a model for two years and during those two years, I met nothing but other models (men and women) who also played videogames. I'm sure the rest of you don't fall into the stereotype either. I guess it's easier to lump a minority together and refer to them as the majority.

Sacks Aug 25th, 2010 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 696383)
*deep breath*

First of all, don't tell me Sakura doesn't flash her panties the whole time. Her overhead may as well be called "HEYLOOKATMYBUM". C.Viper's pretty tame save for her big 'ol cleavage she shows off. Makoto's supposed to be as close to a boy as possible, so I'll give you that, but Ibuki actually shows some skin around the waist for some...odd reason. Even the comics get fixated on it in one issue. And while all those characters walk a very fine line, you still have Cammy, Juri, Elena, and Rainbow Mika letting it all hang out.

Mary (I assume you mean Blue Mary?) has a huge rack and a tube top, Mature shows off some boob (and leg in some versions). The rest get a pass (though Leona switched her jacket for a tube top, and Yuri would be another Sakura if she didn't have those tights). May Lee's totally okay though. And KOF still has other sluts like Angel and Mai and Bonne Jennet. I think Hotaru from Garu: Mark of the Wolves is in one of the KOF games. And HER super involves her pinning you down and fucking you to death. Like, holding you down, whipping her head back and moaning as your character is engulfed in whatever sex-fu energy she uses in place of chi.

For Guilty Gear, Baiken's got milk silos and isn't afraid let her clothes open up and show them. Maybe it's not immediately apparent during fast matches, but one look at the sprites shows a lot of boob. Millia's got a short skirt, but doesn't seem to pull any Sakura shots. May is underage, so you know someone's into that somewhere. Then there's I-No and Dizzy with their clothes and assets. Now, I didn't know Justice even had a gender, so point to for you that. But Guilty Gear is another one that is hardly innocent of whoring out the ladies. Blazblue, it's successor, is even more guilty (har) of this.

And that was the longest post I've ever made about imaginary boobs :(

I love that this has come down to 'these women are too sexy because they have breasts'.

Has anyone here played Noby Noby Boy? My friend gave it to me and it's kind of hilarious.

Fathom Zero Aug 25th, 2010 01:45 PM

There's another thread for arguing about imaginary things.

Phoenix Gamma Aug 25th, 2010 01:49 PM

Oh don't be a dick, Sacks. We both know it's not because they have breasts, but because they let them hang out in an exaggerated fashion, or because they have minds of their own and are trying to break free from their barely clothed prisons. Not everyone runs around with double D's and the world's smallest shirts.

(not the same genre, but same point)

Let's be reasonable man, KOF doesn't go overboard, but Guilty Gear and Street Fighter? Come on dude. "Flower Kick".

DougClayton4231 Aug 25th, 2010 02:31 PM

Why couldn't this be real?

10,000 Volt Ghost Aug 25th, 2010 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 696365)

I was talking about the polish mafia. what. Kind of mob do you have near you? it sounds awful. :(

Also, everyone woman that has breasts flaunt them. You just have. To catch them at the right time. Also, I'm going to replace the word tits in my vocabulary. With tactical advantage.

Phoenix Gamma Aug 25th, 2010 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 696410)

Because we're stuck with Sonic Team :(

Dr. Boogie Aug 25th, 2010 04:15 PM

This discussion about women in games reminded me of GTA: Chinatown Wars. It was pointed out that there was only one female character in the game, who was in the game for about 2 minutes, and whose only raison d'etre was so that Rockstar could use a female character in their ads.

DougClayton4231 Aug 25th, 2010 04:24 PM

Wow, that's kind of depressing. The only games that have ever really been marketed towards women have also been pretty sexist. There's Barbie games, fitness or cooking games, or games about raising babies. No wonder most women refuse to take part in them. They really only have two choices, be offended or be more offended.

I really do wonder what the amount of over-sexing that women have in video games is doing to the human psyche. I remember playing that Sin Episodes game when I was like 13. The only reason I played through it was that there was a lady with huge titties in it. I'm still ashamed of sitting through that piss poor excuse of an FPS for that reason alone. Any thoughts?

Phoenix Gamma Aug 25th, 2010 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 696417)
This discussion about women in games reminded me of GTA: Chinatown Wars. It was pointed out that there was only one female character in the game, who was in the game for about 2 minutes, and whose only raison d'etre was so that Rockstar could use a female character in their ads.

:lol I remember that. I was like "um...I just started the game and now she's DEAD...but she's on the cover...so maybe not?"

OxBlood Aug 25th, 2010 05:03 PM


Man´s nature is man´s nature. I accept that I like different things about different kinds of people and some thing are purely physical. For example, I like certain eye colors more than others, I like the "tactical advantage" women have a lot and I got no problem telling a woman that, because it´s just natural for me.
That said, I´m not fixated on the physical aspects of real women. I love to talk with women a lot for example. Sounds stupid at first, but I really enjoy conversations with them because of their different point of view in many things. At least that is my experience.

But I would lie if I said I didn´t pay attention to a female body or that specific types of said body catch my attention more than others. Purely natural thing I think. Inner values are fine and all but part of me is made of flesh and bone and is drawn to my personal definition of physical beauty.

Makes sense, at least to me.

Phoenix Gamma Aug 25th, 2010 05:07 PM

Oh I forgot I just finished Portal. Haven't touched the game since it first came out. Remembered it had some new stuff added to it. Still a great game, even if the internet hype machine got out of hand.

I really want a Portal gun though. It'd make life way easier :(

10,000 Volt Ghost Aug 25th, 2010 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 696419)
Wow, that's kind of depressing. The only games that have ever really been marketed towards women have also been pretty sexist. There's Barbie games, fitness or cooking games, or games about raising babies. No wonder most women refuse to take part in them. They really only have two choices, be offended or be more offended.

I really do wonder what the amount of over-sexing that women have in video games is doing to the human psyche. I remember playing that Sin Episodes game when I was like 13. The only reason I played through it was that there was a lady with huge titties in it. I'm still ashamed of sitting through that piss poor excuse of an FPS for that reason alone. Any thoughts?

That's the whole reason I wanted to play Lunar when it came out because it had nekkid anime babes in it.

darkvare Aug 25th, 2010 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 696423)
:lol I remember that. I was like "um...I just started the game and now she's DEAD...but she's on the cover...so maybe not?"

that one was great the second cut scene she is in she dies

DougClayton4231 Aug 26th, 2010 08:38 AM

@ OxBlood, I never understood men who don't enjoy talking to women. Maybe they didn't get the memo that 95% of a relationship is communication. Beats me.

@ 10K Volt Ghost, Thanks for making me feel less bad about myself lol. Was Lunar good? I never got to play it because I gave my PS away.

Started playing this game Ivy The Kiwi on the Wii. It seems like a pretty cool puzzler.

10,000 Volt Ghost Aug 26th, 2010 10:05 AM

Lunar is amazing. I've only played the PS version Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete. They remade it a couple of times and I can't vouch for the other ones though.

Dr. Boogie Aug 26th, 2010 09:15 PM

I first rented the Sega CD version years ago, and it blew my young mind that there was suddenly partial nudity out of nowhere. Good times.

Playing STALKER: Shadow of Pripyat. It is a ton of fun. They took all the previous additions to the series and put them together in such a way that the game feels a lot less arbitrary about everything happening to you. The downside is that now there's no reason at all to replay the original.

DougClayton4231 Aug 26th, 2010 11:21 PM

I hated the original Stalker. It was buggy, it ran like shit, and the enemy AI was completely random at times. I didn't like the first expansion either. I dunno if I should even bother with Pripyat.

Dr. Boogie Aug 26th, 2010 11:29 PM

What I most enjoyed about the series was that sort of haunting isolation as you explore the wasteland, and they kept that for the sequels. Clear Sky was lame, but in Call of Pripyat they really cleaned up the major issues that really kept you from enjoying the game.

Fathom Zero Aug 27th, 2010 02:17 AM

Lunar is the shittiest RPG I've ever played. I figured it out after I got past the animated cut scenes.

Phoenix Gamma Aug 27th, 2010 04:43 AM


Actually, the game's got a lot of things that annoy me. Sometimes, the game stops you, forces you in first person, and makes you look around until you look at the right thing. You need to move the cursor over it and press B, but you need to Hold B to look around. And they make you look at the tiniest fucking details. Like green blood on the ground (covered in green grass and brown dirt. Thanks!) or little brown bugs in a black corner of a dark purple room that's occupied 90% by a giant purple flower thing, which is much more important since IT'S THE GODDAMN BOSS.

The whole thing with the missles also pisses me off. Enemies take a lot of hits with the beam, and there were times where I wanted to pop off a few missles like any other Metroid. Pointing to shoot missles sucks, and not moving while you're doing that sucks even more, especially mid-fight.

Aside from that, I really like it. The cutscenes are fantastic and transition into gameplay really well. The game's really cinematic. Things are happening all the time. It's really cool. The story is also surprisingly good; not the next Great Gatspy, but Sakamoto's a guy who knows his Science Fiction.

DougClayton4231 Aug 27th, 2010 09:36 AM

I hated the inventory system from Stalker. Did they completely remove that too?

I'm so jealous Phoenix. I won't be able to get Other M for a while.

darkvare Aug 27th, 2010 11:34 AM

i was wondering to thosse who played the scott pilgrim game on ps3 did you encountered music stuttering or frezzes?

Phoenix Gamma Aug 27th, 2010 03:29 PM

Yea. Certain levels make the music drop for me. Only in the parts with the giant boulders you need to dodge.

Just beat the main story of Other M. The game starts off kinda iffy, but man does it get fantastic at the end.
And then it just stops.
Surprisingly good story, with a lot of fantastic twists, but it kept ramping up and ramping up, and then it ended. At least it's VERY heavily rooted in Metroid fiction. Even Metroid II is a heavy influence in the game. Hell, the manga (which was accepted as canon by the series creator) has it's role as well. And when a character actually speaks words like "Tourian", you know this game is serious about its continuity.

But the cool thing is that after the credits, Samus goes back and you're in control again, trying to recover something for an epilogue mission. So maybe THAT will have a better finale. It's awesome to start running through everything again totally powered up.

Dr. Boogie Aug 27th, 2010 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 696524)
I hated the inventory system from Stalker. Did they completely remove that too?

You have an inventory, if that's what you mean. Help me out here, Doug.

Fathom Zero Aug 27th, 2010 07:00 PM

Blocks and space, I guess. Most games have one like that, though.

Playing Deathsmiles. Mega Black Label will fuck with your dreams.

DougClayton4231 Aug 27th, 2010 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 696540)
You have an inventory, if that's what you mean. Help me out here, Doug.

I hated the rapidly degrading weapons and the real-time inventory. I kept getting shot while I tried to change one busted gun for another. Is it less ridiculous in the new one?

I finally finished Fallout 3 with Broken Steel and man was that anti-climactic. I hope that New Vegas will be better.

kahljorn Aug 27th, 2010 10:35 PM

thats why you get them repaired :(

OxBlood Aug 28th, 2010 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by darkvare (Post 696526)
i was wondering to thosse who played the scott pilgrim game on ps3 did you encountered music stuttering or frezzes?

Had that too. The music just pauses for a second or two every now and then.

Played some SH shattered memories yesterday. Pretty nice stuff somehow. Iīm not really missing the battles, they were lame anyway. The whole psychology-stuff is pretty neat too but I guess it doesnīt change that much...what was it? The way some characters look?

Phoenix Gamma Aug 28th, 2010 06:42 AM

The way some characters look, some of the cutscenes, some of the places you go to...

I had to go through a bar with some kinky chicks, but my friend went through one that was cat themed. Another part in the school puts you in different classrooms with different puzzles depending on the answers. And the endings are all different too and based on your answers. Then it gives a fun little evaluation at the end.

OxBlood Aug 28th, 2010 09:19 AM

I think that´s a pretty cool way of handling these things :)

DougClayton4231 Aug 28th, 2010 10:25 AM

Early in the game you can't afford to get anything repaired.

Metroid Other M is gorgeous, but the control scheme is absolutely retarded. To be honest, I would have rathered it be a 2.5D game (Meaning no movement in 3D but 3D environments.) The acting is atrocious, they need to stop letting Japanese people write scripts in English. The same problem was in Arc Rise Fantasia. They should just pay someone in America to write it for them.

Phoenix Gamma Aug 28th, 2010 01:21 PM

I think the controls work just fine until Missles are involved. The game does a great job of moving you with the curvature of a room so you're not messing with the D-pad (except in the really big rooms. Which aren't too often) and combat felt really good up until you need to use missles. If they had just used Minus to toggle missles (or even B. I think that's unused in 3rd person) then if could avoid a lot of it's problems. A nunchuck would have made the controls perfect, though, and add first person movement, but for some reason Sakamoto was really stubborn about just using the remote.

As for the acting...I've heard worse. Nothing even close to Oscar worthy, but I didn't hear any one voice that was offensively bad.

bigtimecow Aug 28th, 2010 01:43 PM

brutal legend

i want to like this game so much, but it's so hard to tell what the fuck is going on. the humor is great, characters are great, controls are alright, but jesus fuck if i can tell where i am or where i'm going. the world really is fully realized as a heavy metal universe or whatever, but everything blends in. i drove by a "devil horn vine" thing and i most definitely did not see it, but eddie claimed he did. then i tried to go back and find it and it was impossible. everything blends in waaaaaay too much

DougClayton4231 Aug 28th, 2010 02:25 PM

I hate how Samus repeats herself 85 times a cutscene. I.E. "the boat was red." Then two seconds later, "it was a flotation device with a reddish hue." It's really annoying.

I also hate the camera, it seems like it wants you to fail at times, like with the multiple worm boss.

You're completely right about the missiles Phoenix. I have no idea who was drinking heavily when they decided to do the whole first person perspective. It was a mistake, just like the lack of alternate control methods. At least they didn't use the balance board lol.

Phoenix Gamma Aug 28th, 2010 02:49 PM

Oh, I loved the camera. In the corridors it's perfect, and adds a lot of impact to some of the areas.

I don't remember a worm boss. But I already beat the game so I remember lots of bosses :lol

The post-credits stuff is pretty cool, just running around collecting shit. And the whole time I was thinking "you know...it's not a Metroid game unless it has THIS thrown in. Kinda weird that they left it out." Then they totally threw it in at the very end, and I was happy :D

Got 56% on my first run through, which is the EXACT percentage I finish every Metroid with on my first try. It's kind of aggrevating that I never do better on my first go >: At least the game lets you load up your finished save and keep collecting.

Dr. Boogie Aug 28th, 2010 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 696605)
Early in the game you can't afford to get anything repaired.

They improved the pacing a lot. It's much easier to locate valuable artifacts and such to build up money, and you can get decent guns and armor much sooner that you normally would.

It's done so well I couldn't believe it was made by the same dev, but I guess a lot of the bugs have been taken care of since the game was initially released.

darkvare Aug 28th, 2010 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by bigtimecow (Post 696619)
brutal legend

i want to like this game so much, but it's so hard to tell what the fuck is going on. the humor is great, characters are great, controls are alright, but jesus fuck if i can tell where i am or where i'm going. the world really is fully realized as a heavy metal universe or whatever, but everything blends in. i drove by a "devil horn vine" thing and i most definitely did not see it, but eddie claimed he did. then i tried to go back and find it and it was impossible. everything blends in waaaaaay too much

pretty much how i started, but now i'm spoting bound serpents everywhere (also i don't get the claims about the difficulty) i don't wanna spoil anything but after you repair a certain bridge make your way to the bottom left of the third island and look for the greatest solo

DougClayton4231 Aug 28th, 2010 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 696629)
They improved the pacing a lot. It's much easier to locate valuable artifacts and such to build up money, and you can get decent guns and armor much sooner that you normally would.

It's done so well I couldn't believe it was made by the same dev, but I guess a lot of the bugs have been taken care of since the game was initially released.

Oh cool! I'll have to check it out, I always liked the concept of the Stalker games.

I've been playing the original Metroid Prime and I forgot how much I loved it.

OxBlood Aug 29th, 2010 01:40 PM

Finished Shattered Memories and Ar Tonelico 2 (finally). Liked both a lot.

I guess, I´ll start Yakuza 2 again tonight since I want to play the crippeled third one some day.

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