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Fathom Zero Sep 30th, 2010 06:47 PM

And you bet 'em from the knife store, yeh. That's the helmet from Ghosts n' Goblins, (and Maximo, I think).

10,000 Volt Ghost Sep 30th, 2010 06:49 PM

Did that last night, just not on my game. I just gave katey her first zombrex on my file.

Zhukov Sep 30th, 2010 11:40 PM

Starcraft II has been fucking up for my brother and I for the past week and a half; wont let us go online or get achievments. Plus it took me about a day to download the patch, as that kept stopping and starting of it's pwn free will too. I guess it's just for the Asia Pacific region or something :(

So in the meantime I've finished Halo Reach, and it isn't as bad as I first thought. The missions where you drive vehicles are definitely the best and most entertaining.

Now I'm off to buy Civ V or Dead Rising 2.

Fathom Zero Oct 1st, 2010 03:29 AM

Beat Dodonpachi Resurrection on Hard without continues. I was in the zone today. I'm just shy of being in the top thousand worldwide, but I'm still in the top 17%.

OxBlood Oct 1st, 2010 06:08 AM

Oh come on, why didn´t I notice Minecraft earlier? It´s so much fun and well worth the ten bucks...sadly, it doesn´t really run on my crappy computers (Netbook, 5 y/o Laptop, fucking weakling of a work-PC) but still...a lot of fun. Needs more crafting though but hey, it´s still in Alpha.

Phoenix Gamma Oct 1st, 2010 03:30 PM


Love the new spy set. The pistol's a little...eh, but the set as a whole is so much fun. No one ever hears the quieter decloak when you've got it equipped. And the new knife is so clutch. Also Aladdin and Austin Powers jokes :)

The Powerbox or whatever is pretty great too. And, oh man, I need to play Scout more. The Fish is just too hilarious. Even the physics for it. Everyone just cheers you on when you string some fish combos together. Wasn't keen on his new primary weapon at first, but then someone pointed out it's a smaller spread, then I started loving it. The milk's just okay though.

Good stuff all around, though. Glad the new weapons are easy to craft, and the option to pay a few bucks for stuff instead of waiting for a random drop is nice. Valve's updates are worth a few bones here and there.

I laughed when my Sandvich became a Vintage Sandvich now. Deli meat ages like a fine wine :lol

Dr. Boogie Oct 1st, 2010 08:57 PM

I've been trying to get through my huge backlog of unplayed PS2 games.

Just finished Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. It's weird to think that this game came out only a week earlier than Dark Alliance 2, both made with the same engine, and yet DA2 was so great and this one is such a turd.

Every great stylistic element of the franchise is absent from the game, range combat consists of you and the other guy standing and shooting at each other until one of you falls over, there's virtually no difference between the different characters, and they took established characters and tried to change the canon storyline in a shitty way. But hey, at least we have Slipknot doing the soundtrack!

Oh, and they copy and pasted the ending of Resident Evil 2.

DougClayton4231 Oct 1st, 2010 11:29 PM

lol, I never got to play that Fallout.

I haven't had any time to play anything this week.

I just tried out Enslaved and I'm really enjoying it. The story and the acting are very good. The gameplay is pretty great as well, it's like a Prince Of Persia game with elements from different genres put in. I can't wait to play more of it, but my 360 is freaking the fuck out and freezing lately. I've got to open it up and clean it again :(

Guitar Woman Oct 2nd, 2010 08:34 AM

Holy fuck, this TF2 update is godlike. I was worried putting in a bunch of new shit would throw the game out of whack, but everything they added is really fucking cool and well-balanced

My favorite part is definitely the new Spy knife, which sits somewhere between "extremely awesome" and "the most overpowered shit of all time" when used defensively. I always pair it with the Cloak and Dagger so that I can slink around and catch pushes without having to hop between ammo boxes and chance losing my cloak and being undisguised out in the open.

I like the new Sniper rifle, too, although I kinda wish it caused bleedout or burning instead of Jarate, since anyone who isn't killed by the initial shot is usually too far away from me or my team to be in danger. I could see creative Snipers combining this with the SMG for retarded damage. Also, The Danger Shield is fantastic with the Huntsman.

The only thing I'm not too keen about are the full-outfit buffs, especially since you have to have the hat to get them and that's basically Valve charging people for an in-game advantage like they said they wouldn't do. Although, they all do generally have downsides, with the exception of the Solder's and the Scout's

I hope Valve focuses on maps for the next major update. I wanna see more open-ended CP maps like Gravelpit, Junction, and Steel.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 2nd, 2010 11:47 AM

I need to get a Nintendo 3DS now for Megaman Legends 3.

darkvare Oct 2nd, 2010 02:32 PM

i got a 7 hour trial for starcraft 2 but i refuse to play cause i know i will get hooked :\

DougClayton4231 Oct 2nd, 2010 10:36 PM

The new Castlevania and Enslaved are both pretty awesome. If you have to pick one to buy now, get Castlevania. It's like 20 hours long (on 2 discs), the combat is pretty sweet, and the graphics are amazing. Enslaved is amazing too, but I don't think that it's as long of a game for $60.

OxBlood Oct 3rd, 2010 11:19 AM

I´m looking forward to Castlevania next week. I know, it´s basically God of war and blahblah. I don´t care and I though God of war 3 was pretty weak and not that much fun. I prefer the darker Castlevania-Setting.

And the Tower of Ox is growing and growing in Minecraft though now there´s a mountain in the way that I´ll either integrate into the tower or get rid of, don´t know yet. First order of business is to carve a temple out of the hill on the other side of the tower...already took me two hours but the basic shape is beginning to take form and the interior is finished too. I do want more gates and doors though since there´s only one tiny door design, you can´t use that for a fucking temple, I need a portal or gate of some kind to keep the stupid animals from wandering into that place of wicked prayer and sacrifice...hm..sacrifice...okay, maybe I´ll let those pigs and cows wander in who knows.

DougClayton4231 Oct 3rd, 2010 11:45 AM

It's not like God of War at all. The combat is much more fluid, the art design is amazing (reminds me of Super Castlevania IV), the protagonist isn't a douchebag, there's actual variation and skill to the combat, and you don't bang a bunch of chicks either. Overall it's a game made for Castlevania fans, not sex and violence starved adolescents.

executioneer Oct 3rd, 2010 12:03 PM

finally got all the DLC for fallout 3 (ITS HALF OFF NOW), spent all night finishing every achievement.

now to kill every named npc that is possible to kill

Phoenix Gamma Oct 3rd, 2010 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 699775)
the protagonist isn't a douchebag...and you don't bang a bunch of chicks either.


OxBlood Oct 3rd, 2010 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 699775)
It's not like God of War at all. The combat is much more fluid, the art design is amazing (reminds me of Super Castlevania IV), the protagonist isn't a douchebag, there's actual variation and skill to the combat, and you don't bang a bunch of chicks either. Overall it's a game made for Castlevania fans, not sex and violence starved adolescents.

Sounds good to me. Played the demo again just now and I think I liked it better this time around. Now, I am a Castlevania fan but more of the Sotn-Era games, not of the classics, though they DO have the best music in the industry.

My only fear is that it might be a bit like Darksiders which was pretty good but leaned on the puzzles too much for what it was. You entered a dungeon, you were faced with the local mechanism for the level and then you stumbeld about for 20mins to find levers, parts or whatnot and when you finally got what you needed, you had already forgotten why you set out to find all that stuff in the first place. Never finished it because of that...that and there was a lot of useless running around. Like a Zelda that went wrong.

Concerning Castlevania vs. God of war 3.
Honestly, I kinda lost my respect for the Gow3-Guys when they first showed Kratos ripping Heliosī head off. I mean...really? Is it really necessary that we sit a meter away from that stuff happening there? And...apart from that needless violence (which was really just there for the sake of being totally violent)...it really wasnīt a very good game gameplaywise I mean. Their only trick is to make enemies a 100 meters tall, thatīs it. Thereīs no plot, thereīs no character to anything in there.

Kratos is just a very angry and even more stupid man that wonīt listen to anything someone says and goes about killing everything in sight because he feels like it, thatīs Kratosī character in the third and he hasnīt evolved one bit since the first game...he would slaughter a fucking town because someone forgot to give him his change in a drugstore.

Oh, question for you Doug, there is holy water in the game as a subweapon, right? Itīs my favorite :) Which is kinda ironic, me not having anything to do with the guys that make that stuff :lol

DougClayton4231 Oct 3rd, 2010 06:26 PM

The game is very open ended. You are put on a clear path (with no camera controls) with diversions on the sides to explore (purely for optional upgrades). The game also encourages you to go back to old levels and look for more shit with your new upgrades. The holy water is a side arm as well (and it's totally killer, light magic ftw :P ).

I've never seen what people liked about the GOW games. The third one had good graphics, that's about all I can think of. None of the characters were likable in the least, the combat was bland (and there was way too much of it), and no one likes mashing buttons to open doors or restore health. It wasn't hard either, I liked the difficulty in Ninja Gaiden 2 a lot more. I still can't believe I beat that piece of shit on Warrior.

King Hadas Oct 3rd, 2010 06:41 PM

I felt the same way about God of War 3 as Oxblood. I could forgive the story (I did with 2) but the gameplay was weak; no sense of challenge. Half way through I wondered if I should of played it first on hard mode. And Kratos being a mean, cold-hearted bastard was fine in the first game, it was a surprise, but now it's just predictable and tends to piss me off. It'd be nice to be able to spare some people.


Phoenix Gamma Oct 4th, 2010 09:18 PM

Etrian Odyssey III. Way better than the first two. Still hard as balls, but the new classes make it a little easier; even your spot healer can deal heavy damage (the Monk) and isn't a weak piece of shit you need to defend. The Prince is another favorite cause he basically just has to be alive and he'll be healing your party a thousand different ways at once. Is he a full health? Everyone gets HP. Did he just use a buff on someone? They get HP. Did he survive the battle? HP for everybody. Walking? have some HP each step. He's so vital and makes the game actually feasible this time around. I can't wait to star mixing subclasses.

Sailing is also pretty cool. Gets you a lot of money a lot quicker, and some next sidequests.

DougClayton4231 Oct 5th, 2010 09:27 AM

I just defeated the king of the werewolves and I'm moving on to the frozen wasteland of the vampires in Castlevania LOS. Good lord does this game now how to make me smile. The upgrades for combat and exploration are completely awesome but fuck chupacabras!

Zhukov Oct 6th, 2010 12:09 PM

Civ 5 is owning my life. I'm not going to bed this week :\

DougClayton4231 Oct 6th, 2010 09:49 PM

Is Civ 5 good? And will someone who completely sucks at turn based games suck at Civ 5?

MLE Oct 7th, 2010 04:05 AM

I liked it, and I typically don't like turn based games. Make sure you have someone around, at least on AIM or something, who you can ask for help when you can't figure out something dumb.

Zhukov Oct 7th, 2010 05:17 AM

I've loved all the Civ games, Civ I being pretty much one of the only games on my childhood computer, and they have all been better than the last; number 5 is the same.

I think all the changes that they have made are great. They've really made the game more streamlined and easier to manage, but at the same time made it deeper and more fulfilling, strangely enough.

The Hex based rather than square based was something I was worried about, but it works fine enough, I haven't had any problems. The graphics and design are really nice too.

I had help turned on when I first played it, and I think it did a pretty good job of teaching me the new things (and also the basics of Civ), and that's not even part of the 'tutorials' they have. So I would say it's definitely the best for beginners, too.

I'm playing it now.

OxBlood Oct 7th, 2010 05:23 AM

Playing Castlevania LOS and just finished the 4th chapter. A lot of fun, I´m glad the game turned out as good as it did. The combat is deep and fun, there´s a shitload of skills to unlock, the magic system is well designed (only lose mana when you actually USE your magic instead of losing it just by turning the mode on) and really useful. I always hated the way health was managed in God of war, here I can manage it myself by using light-magic.
There´s a lot to do and to find, the levels have a good lenght, the enemies are varied, even the story is good though it find Patrick Steward´s narration in the loading-screens a bit odd at times.

The only thing I don´t like are two of the subweapons, especially one seems...strange (the "up" one).

This is definetely a good 3D Castlevania game, though it doesn´t have that much to do with the franchise to begin with...

DougClayton4231 Oct 7th, 2010 09:25 AM

Thanks MLE and Zhukov.

I heard that it has more to do with the other games once you get further. Those titan boss battles are beautiful, I had no idea that they could push the 360 as far as they have.

Phoenix Gamma Oct 7th, 2010 01:08 PM

Been playing Pix 'N Love Rush on iPhone. Man, I'm just smitten by that game. Best dollar I've spent in a long time.

OxBlood Oct 8th, 2010 04:44 AM

Hm, aparently, Lords of shadow can crash and destroy your (only) save in the process. Or it can crash and just, well, crash without touching the save...a little stupid, to go and make a backup every few levels but what can you do...

DougClayton4231 Oct 8th, 2010 09:32 AM

I've noticed that Castlevania and Enslaved can crash a 360. The only game that I've had crash a 360 beforehand was FFXIII and that red ringed mine.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 8th, 2010 10:09 AM

Castlevania LOS is owning my time now. Only on Chapter II, trying to do the extra challenges on each stage. Having trouble with the "Get poisoned then kill 10 enemies" in the one stage so I'm just going to come back when I get stronger. Really like Patrick Stewart narrating it.

Only thing I don't care for is Gabriels face sometimes and voice actor. I really liked the PS2 Castlevania so its kind of cool seeing how this kind of ties into it.

Dimnos Oct 8th, 2010 11:15 AM

Which PS2 castlevania? Lament of Innocence? Or the other one?

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 8th, 2010 11:41 AM

Lament of Innocence. Curse of Darkness was the 2nd Ps2 castlevania. Actually liked CoD a lot better but Lament of Innocence was still fun.

Dimnos Oct 8th, 2010 12:46 PM

Sweet. I really liked Lament of Innocence. Yeah it wasnt the greatest Castlevania game but I think it really is underrated. So LoS is bad ass? Should I go ahead and pick it up now or wait for a used copy?

DougClayton4231 Oct 8th, 2010 02:28 PM

The new Medal Of Honor feels just like CODMW2+. It's more of the offensive, jingoist bullshit that plagues all of the modern war games. The funniest thing is that this game realistically portrays the racism and ethnocentrism of US soldiers, which is an achievement.

If you excuse me, I'm going to go back to playing games that aren't nauseatingly "patriotic". Ugh.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 8th, 2010 02:53 PM

I'd say grab it up Dim. There's 50 levels in the game. Once you complete a level you can go back and do extra challenges. Gabriel Belmont is sweet too.

Dimnos Oct 8th, 2010 03:15 PM

Is Dracula even in this game?

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 8th, 2010 03:17 PM


10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 8th, 2010 03:18 PM

Don't look into any material that might ruin the story. Lets just go with yes.

Dimnos Oct 8th, 2010 03:20 PM

Not that it is really going to keep me from buying the game after all the great stuff you and Ox have said about it. Just curious.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 8th, 2010 04:03 PM

I guess this game is kind of a reboot but since you have played Lament of Innocence.....Gabriel Belmont is the main character. In the first chapter of the game you find out he is an orphan

I was like :O Sweet.

Dimnos Oct 8th, 2010 04:15 PM

A reboot? If he is an orphan then how... Bah... Ill just have to play it and find out I guess.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 8th, 2010 04:25 PM

I don't know yet either, I just know so far he took his name of Belmont from the love of mountains. His name from the spoiler.

As far as I know Capcom marketed as a reboot. So far they've heavily mentioned Rinaldo Gandolfi as well.

Dimnos Oct 8th, 2010 04:38 PM

So have they actually thrown the Conqvist name around at all? Or was it thrown in as speculation?

Dimnos Oct 8th, 2010 04:40 PM

Have they put a year on this game? Because Lament took place in 1090 or something like that right?

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 8th, 2010 05:07 PM

In the menu they have a bestiary/character info. Its one of the first things it mentions. I believe later on in the story they mention it more.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 8th, 2010 05:09 PM

Lords takes place in 1047. So even though its a reboot...the timeline still kind of matches up.

Dimnos Oct 8th, 2010 05:17 PM

Fuck it. Im clocking out and going to pick this up.

Phoenix Gamma Oct 8th, 2010 05:32 PM

Final Fantasy 4 Heroes of Light is pretty fucking charming. Pretty as hell, and nice music to boot. The combat is kinda weird...like Chrono Cross meets Riviera. The game's so old school, but to the point where it knows it.


Doesn't waste my time with bullshit. I dig that.

I kinda prefer Etrian Odyssey III cause it's just deeper and more rewarding for each little bit of progress you fight for. But this is better for portable play I think.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 8th, 2010 06:13 PM

FF IV is great.

Phoenix Gamma Oct 8th, 2010 06:14 PM

Final Fantasy 4 Heroes of Light. Not FF4. Different game :V

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 8th, 2010 06:21 PM

Bad times then. Is it like the crystal chronicles one?

Phoenix Gamma Oct 8th, 2010 11:47 PM

I just described it :(

It's not really like Final Fantasy. You got four dudes and they can hold 15 items, so you can't carry 99 of everything so you need to plan each quest. It's a little like the NES and first two SNES games, though; you start the game and pretty much walk wherever, and you have to talk to everyone for clues and items and shit cause there's no tutorial. And like the first game you go meet the king and he's like "sup? The princess is gone. Get her please? Y/N?" and you're like "kay" and he gives you a sword and tells you she's thataway.

The combat's just weird cause the game selects targets for you based on HP and weakness. And there's no MP because everything runs on Action Points that you spend.

It's Diet Oldschool RPG in a pretty bottle. All the fun of an oldschool RPG but without all the bloating so you can enjoy it on the go.

OxBlood Oct 9th, 2010 06:24 AM

Sounds interesting but does the auto-targeting work ok? I never like it when the game thinks it can decide for me...

Edit: Ah, who am I fooling, of course I bought it in town just now...but hey, not the usual 39 bucks but 29, why not.

Castlevania is still awesome though they wasted quite a bit of potential with the story. There´s a lot of character-developement for Gabriel but we never get to see it, we just have to take Patrick Steward´s word for it to be there (it´s only described in the loading-screens, Gabe is really just "yeah okay, whatever" most of the time).

Oh and I love how GT specifically mentioned the clocktower as hard, tedious and complicated when it really wasn´t at all. You just climb up and turn a crank, that´s it :D But I guess nowaday timed jumping is considered "hard" or something...

DougClayton4231 Oct 9th, 2010 09:06 AM

Anything involving platforming or puzzles is now "outdated" lol. I really do hope that video games go back to being fun and stop trying to be bad movies.

OxBlood Oct 9th, 2010 09:55 AM

I could understand GT if there WAS a puzzle in the clocktower but there isn´t :D
Just for the record, I really don´t like puzzles in video games anymore, I hate the Layton-Games for example but here? That´s not real puzzeling that´s stopping and looking at the room and then doing the right thing.

I like Castlevania´s pacing, it´s pretty well done. Tired of fighting? Well, just climb around and do some light thinking here and there before you beat up demons again.

And I agree, I prefer my games to be games and not movies. One reason I didn´t like MGS4 that much, the balance was just gone in that one. The other three had a nice ammount of gameplay and movie.

So yeah, I finished the first two dungeons in 4 Heroes of light and hey, I´m kinda impressed. It looks really nice, it plays great, even with the auto-targeting...glad I read the forums today, thanks Phoenix :)

DougClayton4231 Oct 9th, 2010 06:23 PM

OMG, MODOK is in MvC3. Of all people, I really didn't expect him.

I just beat the S rated ending of Dead Rising 2, and man, that must have been the only game where the protagonist really had a good reason for wanting to kill the bad guy.

Castlevania continues to rock my world.

Phoenix Gamma Oct 10th, 2010 12:03 AM

Oh you picked 4 Heores up? Neat. It's a fun little portable game. Charming as fuck. Not quite as deep at Etrian Odyssey III, but that game really worked me out so I needed a break lol.

I'm downloading Shantae 2 right now off DSiWare. I'm excited to try it. I was gonna try Sonic 4 on iPhone since I'll just pirate it on WiiWare, but $10 for an iphone game that I'm pretty sure is gonna be mediocre is a waste.

OxBlood Oct 10th, 2010 10:55 AM

Yeah, I spent quite some time with 4hol yesterday...what I don´t like is that you have to play "find the trigger" in every town...that and that those guys leave each other behind every five minutes. It´s FOUR heroes of light, not one or two. Just got the Merchant-Class and I think it´ll be VERY useful when I get all 4 together again...
I also really like the battlesystem in this game, it´s so compact and pretty fast too :)

But now...off to find out what the fuck to do to get my mainchar back from plant to human...
Oh and how about my favorite question when it comes to games like these...what did you name your characters, Phoenix?

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 10th, 2010 02:16 PM

Capter 4 of LOS. Capter 3 and Chapter 4 look kinda.....short.

MLE Oct 10th, 2010 02:18 PM


MarioRPG Oct 10th, 2010 02:59 PM

About to load up some NBA Jam... Boomshakala!

Esuohlim Oct 10th, 2010 03:07 PM

I hope you're talking about the NBA Jam from the early 90s, fuck yeah

OxBlood Oct 10th, 2010 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 700349)
Capter 4 of LOS. Capter 3 and Chapter 4 look kinda.....short.

Theyīre not the only chapters with only 2 levels but the levels tend to get longer later on.

Just finished the game on normal. Cool stuff. Great ending and great post-credits cutscene, I wonder what will happen with this new variant of Castlevania.

Dimnos Oct 10th, 2010 04:41 PM

LoS needs online troll boxing.

OxBlood Oct 10th, 2010 06:23 PM

Alright, there´s one thing I want to punch the developers in their faces for in 4Wol. The fucking solo-parts. YOU DONT RUN AROUND SOLO IN A JRPG BECAUSE YOU WOULD DIE!

*deep breath*
Goddamit I think I´ve reset the game 20 times now already. I can´t play as any class other than freelancer because I WILL die and then I´ll lose my gems. But playing as a freelancer doesn´t help either because he can´t do shit. Who the fuck came up with this stupid idea? Zehnmal gottverdammte Mistfickdrecksscheisse, that´s what it is!
Not only would I have NO idea where to go without a walkthrough I also can´t beat the part because I AM ONLY ONE GUY! You can´t do that! You need AT LEAST two for fuck´s sake. Healer and DD, it doesn´t work with one! *head--->table*

Phoenix Gamma Oct 10th, 2010 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 700338)
Yeah, I spent quite some time with 4hol yesterday...what I don´t like is that you have to play "find the trigger" in every town...that and that those guys leave each other behind every five minutes. It´s FOUR heroes of light, not one or two. Just got the Merchant-Class and I think it´ll be VERY useful when I get all 4 together again...
I also really like the battlesystem in this game, it´s so compact and pretty fast too :)

But now...off to find out what the fuck to do to get my mainchar back from plant to human...
Oh and how about my favorite question when it comes to games like these...what did you name your characters, Phoenix?

Well, it's supposed to be an oldschool RPG (to some degree). So you need to talk to everyone. Which is kind of shitty to some degree, but just this once, I like the environments enough that I don't mind walking around and getting little hints.

I'm not too far. I took a break to jump into Shantae 2, but I'm at the part with Guy #2 and Princess. Fucking LOVE the Black Mage hat. Got him the matching cloak to go with it. So fucking badass.

I used default names for the characters because I have a serious problem with thinking too hard about Character names. When I signed up for the FF14 beta and started making a character, I literally spent something like...an hour and a half to two hours working on a name that fit my character (it'd have been an hour shorter if I didn't have to think of a surname too). :x On the bright side, I came up with a really awesome name for my awesome character (Ezio Lacriox. Blended right in with the NPC characters.). On the down side, that was a lot of time wasted thinking of a name, looking up names online, etc. Then the game turned out to be really, really awful...

If a game doesn't offer a default name, there WILL be problems. Etrian Odyssey III was another one where you have to make your own party...ugh. On the bright side, I get to use my imagination to flesh those guys out, so I accidentally fell in love with my whole guild and making up stories and conversations for everyone :love Makes me kinda wish I did name my guys in 4 Heroes cause I kinda do the same thing since the story's intentionally bare. But like I said, I'd be up all night looking up English-y sounding names for them.


DougClayton4231 Oct 10th, 2010 07:47 PM

I beat Medal Of Honor today. It's like a whole 4 hours long and then the rest is all on Live. It's kinda bullshit that there is no coop and no local multiplayer. The game was pretty and it was pretty good, it was just short and repetitive as fuck.

I guess Call of Duty Black Ops will have to make up for the lack of local options.

Fathom Zero Oct 10th, 2010 08:04 PM

I fucked y'all up in Dead Rising the other night. OH YEAH

OxBlood Oct 10th, 2010 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 700376)
Well, it's supposed to be an oldschool RPG (to some degree). So you need to talk to everyone. Which is kind of shitty to some degree, but just this once, I like the environments enough that I don't mind walking around and getting little hints.

I'm not too far. I took a break to jump into Shantae 2, but I'm at the part with Guy #2 and Princess. Fucking LOVE the Black Mage hat. Got him the matching cloak to go with it. So fucking badass.

I used default names for the characters because I have a serious problem with thinking too hard about Character names. When I signed up for the FF14 beta and started making a character, I literally spent something like...an hour and a half to two hours working on a name that fit my character (it'd have been an hour shorter if I didn't have to think of a surname too). :x On the bright side, I came up with a really awesome name for my awesome character (Ezio Lacriox. Blended right in with the NPC characters.). On the down side, that was a lot of time wasted thinking of a name, looking up names online, etc. Then the game turned out to be really, really awful...

If a game doesn't offer a default name, there WILL be problems. Etrian Odyssey III was another one where you have to make your own party...ugh. On the bright side, I get to use my imagination to flesh those guys out, so I accidentally fell in love with my whole guild and making up stories and conversations for everyone :love Makes me kinda wish I did name my guys in 4 Heroes cause I kinda do the same thing since the story's intentionally bare. But like I said, I'd be up all night looking up English-y sounding names for them.


Interesting :) I can normally pull a bah-zillion names out of my head at any given moment but there´s 4-5 names I´m always using, which is why my 4hol-guys are Miles, Galthar, Melissa and Alice (I just like those "normal" names and Galthar was created out of accident a while ago :))

I finally got to that fucking ice-cave with Male2...by making him a Blackmage again...and yes, that hat is fucking awesome indeed. I just hate it that the game makes me basically do each dungeon twice. First I´ll run it normally, save in the boss-room, die on the boss, reload, transport back to town and buy the stuff I would´ve needed the first time :lol

And hey, I just got a crown by solving math-problems. And I´m...err...I don´t know the word for it. It´s like being illiterate, only with numbers. So yeah I´m really really bad at math, can´t solve anything in my head. But somehow I got a highscore and now I have the badass Beastmaster crown :)

And bam, two more crowns for beating a small dragon, that´s how I like it.

Hm and concerning games where your Char has to have a last name, I just use a version of my real last name because it´s awesome...at least that part about me is :D

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 11th, 2010 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 700387)
I fucked y'all up in Dead Rising the other night. OH YEAH


I need to get way better at those games.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 11th, 2010 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 700371)
LoS needs online troll boxing.

I would WARG you up.

Fathom Zero Oct 11th, 2010 01:31 PM

I kick ass and take names in Bounty Hunter and Slicycles.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 11th, 2010 01:50 PM

I've never seen Bounty Hunter before then. Usually its Zombonis, the shooting one where zombies open up in elevators, the blender head one and slicycles.

OxBlood Oct 11th, 2010 06:23 PM

It´s interesting how one percepts time every now and then. I´m at "Phase 2" in 4wol now and thought it took about 5-7 hours to get there. Actually it took 15 hours. Hm. Anyway now my guys don´t abandon each other anymore every 5 minutes (and they actually reencourage each other not to do so for a while :D) and the game suddenly became WAY better (no suprise there).
Already maxed the Black mage for one guy and man is his ultimate useful. Massive damage on alle enemies for 4 points? Yes please. The bard is also quickly becoming one of my favorite classes. Seems like he´s super fast and he definetely is extremely useful. The game should´ve skipped that first part after 3 hours and it would have been so much better overall. It´s really a shame.

Oh and a friend just gave me a nice press-copy of Valkyria Chronicles 2, it´s nice to get presents every now and then I guess :)

DougClayton4231 Oct 11th, 2010 06:50 PM

Oxblood, that sounds like a major time sink. How do you get things done and play it?

Esuohlim Oct 11th, 2010 07:28 PM

I wish I had time to play video games. I can get maybe an hour in per week, and only if it's a good week :(

OxBlood Oct 11th, 2010 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 700505)
Oxblood, that sounds like a major time sink. How do you get things done and play it?

What do you mean, how I can sink so much time in Videogames in general? Or specifically this game?

Phoenix Gamma Oct 11th, 2010 09:01 PM

Just played Sonic 4. It's kinda like New Super Mario Bros.:

-Graphics are prerendered and cheap looking.
-Music is awful (but unlike New Mario, Sonic 4's music is nothing but midis from Jeffery's First Geocities Site!)
-99% of it is rehashed from the older games, except not quite as fun

Oh, and the final boss is a randomly huge spike in difficulty. I had to fight it about 8 times, listening to the same 10 second midi loop (I counted) every time. Lots of stuff off screen killed me too, and a lot of the time I was just left thinking "That's not fair in the slightest." The homing attack was unnecessary; I can aim my jumps, Sega.

It's not as bad as Unleashed or Sonic '06, but that's really nothing to be commended for. That's like commending a grown man for going a whole day without shitting himself.

I dunno how much it is (pirated it on WiiWare) but it's $10 on iPhone, and that's a ripoff for 12 levels and 5 bosses.

The Doctor Oct 11th, 2010 09:22 PM

Just went through Splatterhouse one and two and now moving on to three. Simply because of the time of the year.

Sam Oct 11th, 2010 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 700468)
I kick ass and take names in Bounty Hunter and Slicycles.



Fathom Zero Oct 11th, 2010 10:05 PM

Sure, that's why I came out on top in two of the three games.

Phoenix Gamma Oct 12th, 2010 08:03 PM

The new Scribblenauts game is pretty fun. Fixes a lot of problems with the first game (controls, physics) and the adjectives are really fun to fuck around with. My friend said he made a Pregnant Baby, which more or less makes the game awesome. It's basically everything the first should have been, and anyone who was a little bummed by the first game should try this out.

MarioRPG Oct 12th, 2010 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 700360)
I hope you're talking about the NBA Jam from the early 90s, fuck yeah

:rock The best multiplayer.

The Doctor Oct 12th, 2010 10:33 PM

We have an old school NBA Jam tourney on the SNES at least once a year at my friends house.

DougClayton4231 Oct 12th, 2010 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 700530)
What do you mean, how I can sink so much time in Videogames in general? Or specifically this game?

Just that one, it sounds like a giant grind.

I just beat Splatterhouse 2 the other day, that game is brutal. I can't wait for the new one.

Phoenix Gamma Oct 13th, 2010 03:44 AM

Okay I just typed in "Smart Phone" in Super Scribblenauts and it gave me a phone with a graduation cap. I don't know if I got punked or not but I fucking busted my ass laughing.

Fathom Zero Oct 13th, 2010 04:02 AM

That's hysterical

Fathom Zero Oct 13th, 2010 04:34 AM

To be 577th in the world out of 7440? I'll take that. :\

OxBlood Oct 13th, 2010 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 700642)
Just that one, it sounds like a giant grind.

I just beat Splatterhouse 2 the other day, that game is brutal. I can't wait for the new one.

Oh okay. Thereīs not that much of a grind in the first half, levels alone donīt do much for you, all they do is increase your stats slightly, itīs mostly about equipment and classes which you get by story-progression. You donīt die because youīre too weak in the first part, you die because you didnīt bring the proper stuff along that you couldīve bought in the city before.

By the way, there are relatively simple ways to get the two things that you need which are Gil and Gems.
For Gil thereīs a minigame in one of the towns, you open up your own shop and sell your stuff at insane prices to the sheepish hipsters in town
And Gems...well, thatīs what the Merchant class is for. You get more gems as loot simply by having a merchant with you and each merchant can find two more Gems per battle via Skills.
You can even exploit Bosses for Diamonds (they donīt drop elsewhere) by having a classless Character or a special accessory with you. Just dig up the goods in battle with Merchants, die, donīt lose your Gems and repeat as desired. Diamonds are needed to level up classes to their maximum level so they do come in handy.

And I love Splatterhouse. I so wanted to play that game as a kid (of course, considering where I live you can imagine it didnīt happen). Played it years later thanks to the glorious invention that is emulators but itīs not the same if you havenīt played it back in the day...still, a fun and pretty hard gameseries.

Zhukov Oct 13th, 2010 10:06 AM

I'm ranked 86th IN THE WORLD in the Asia Pacific Starcraft servers. Gold league. :picklehat That's almost the best league, too.

DougClayton4231 Oct 13th, 2010 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 700672)
Oh okay. Thereīs not that much of a grind in the first half, levels alone donīt do much for you, all they do is increase your stats slightly, itīs mostly about equipment and classes which you get by story-progression. You donīt die because youīre too weak in the first part, you die because you didnīt bring the proper stuff along that you couldīve bought in the city before.

By the way, there are relatively simple ways to get the two things that you need which are Gil and Gems.
For Gil thereīs a minigame in one of the towns, you open up your own shop and sell your stuff at insane prices to the sheepish hipsters in town
And Gems...well, thatīs what the Merchant class is for. You get more gems as loot simply by having a merchant with you and each merchant can find two more Gems per battle via Skills.
You can even exploit Bosses for Diamonds (they donīt drop elsewhere) by having a classless Character or a special accessory with you. Just dig up the goods in battle with Merchants, die, donīt lose your Gems and repeat as desired. Diamonds are needed to level up classes to their maximum level so they do come in handy.

And I love Splatterhouse. I so wanted to play that game as a kid (of course, considering where I live you can imagine it didnīt happen). Played it years later thanks to the glorious invention that is emulators but itīs not the same if you havenīt played it back in the day...still, a fun and pretty hard gameseries.

That sounds way too complicated for me lol.

I've been replaying Resident Evil 0 and I forgot how much I loved the old RE series. Why did 5 have to ruin everything?

OxBlood Oct 13th, 2010 01:10 PM

What are you talking about, there is no Resident Evil 5. Or 4 for that matter but I suppose you mean Chris Redfield´s Boulderpunch 2009 ;) I loved that the older Resis are so short. That is one series of games where being short actually was a GOOD thing. Gotta play 2 again on the PSP...still gotta do the B-Plot :)

4Hol is not as complicated as it sounds, the whole fighting is very intuitive but I wouldn´t recommend the game to younger audiences as its looks are decieving. Looks a bit kiddy but plays way oldschool. BUT it´s really a lot of fun. Give the rom a whirl I´d say ;)
Though as I said, the beginning really isn´t well designed.

executioneer Oct 13th, 2010 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 700705)
I've been replaying Resident Evil 0 and I forgot how much I loved the old RE series. Why did 5 have to ruin everything?


OxBlood Oct 13th, 2010 04:29 PM

Nah, 4 was the one that ruined the classic Resident Evil concept, Zero was just a bland episode...(as was Code Veronica, but pssst...you didn´t hear that ;))

DougClayton4231 Oct 13th, 2010 08:52 PM

I loved 4 (even though it was different). I actually liked 0, purely because it was needlessly difficult at times, like when you have to fight a Tyrant by yourself as Rebecca. The only RE that was truly bad was Survivor on the PS1. It was fucking unplayable. RE5 is godly compared to that miserable piece of shit.

Phoenix Gamma Oct 13th, 2010 10:32 PM

RE4 was great. My first RE game. Scared me pretty good a few times.




Oh, and I beat Sonic 4. Meh. Everything about it was mediocre but the music, which was so horrible that they're using Michael Jackson's spinning corpse to drill for oil.

OxBlood Oct 14th, 2010 03:31 AM

Resident Evil 4 IS very, very good, no doubt about that, but it has nothing to do with Resident Evil anymore, that´s what I was getting at ;)

Still farming Gems like stupid in 4wol just because I want to get some classes to max. Also remembered that I can upgrade weapons and armor and it really helps a lot, at least in normal battles.

Fathom Zero Oct 14th, 2010 04:16 AM

Got back into Gears 2, since it was released on Games on Demand. I climbed to the top of Horde on some Snowblind map, beating scores of people 80 or 90 levels above me.

DougClayton4231 Oct 14th, 2010 09:30 AM

Sonic 4 was incredibly disappointing, purely because of the running and jumping physics. You can WALK up walls for Christ's sake. Who the fuck was drinking in the programming department?

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