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I have a 300+ hour save :( |
Still doesn't beat my 420+ hour Silver record. I can't believe I wasted that much time over a year.
i have spent around 500 hours on ssf4
My highest save on any game ever was FFX at maybe 75 hours.
For Pokemon games I think Silver wins at around 50 hours. Seriously, how do you guys not hit a point where it gets completely boring. Everytime I play a new game now I set up a system where I go "OK, I need to catch X number of Pokemon between each badge" and even then I don't finish |
Team building. Once you play good players who Max-Min their stats, you need to start building whole teams for specific strategies. Then you start messing withtheir stats. Then you breed duplicates because a Lucario with a Special moveset is different from a Physical moveset. Then you need to breed to get special Egg Moves because the only way to get a Togekiss with Nasy Plot is to get a female Togetic and a Male Nasty Plot Pilachu to fuck. Then one day you wake up and a year has passed and you're covered in goat's blood.
... But Yea if you play it alone it gets old. |
I caught all pokemon, and some through trading. Traded with a lot of people. I also raised most to Level 100. Most legendary ones anyway.
About 3hrs into Splatterhouse. I´m kinda impressed, it´s really not bad. Not that smooth here and there but very nice. Love all the Lovecraft-references :)
And as a special Bonus I finally got revenge on the universe because now I have a Splatterhouse game with german text on the cover, something that was unthinkable back in the day when a young Oxblood saw Splatterhouse 2 when it was new and thought "This is kinda cool, why can´t I get this in Germany?" Oh and of course all three Originals are on the disc too which is especially nice :) |
The bonus splatterhouse games on the disc sounds definitely worth it Ox.
I'm getting hooked on Black Ops. :( |
The old games being on the disc alone make it worth buying. The new game is just icing on the cake. :)
I still play the Splatterhouse games nowadays. Am looking forward to playing the new one. Currently I am playing Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit and enjoying it immensly. Also playing Smackdown vs Raw 2011. Need for Speed is a blast on multiplayer.
I've been bankruptin fools all day. :shocked |
We gotta play sometime steve. I'm going to see if my gf is sleeping right now.
Halfway through BLOPS. Either Reznov's dead or he never existed. Conventions are fucking stupid. I hate games/movies/books.
I thought Gary Oldman couldn't be ruined. :( |
Just got my heart shaped reticle.
Dear Steam:
:lol What did you buy?
I just bought Vampire - Bloodlines after someone mentioned it on here the other day. I even have the disk around here somewhere but Steam makes it so damn easy. :) |
Well outside of the sale so far I got Poker Night and reserved Super Meat Boy (<333333) and so far with the sale I got Audiosurf, Beat Hazard, Rhythm Zone, and the Polynomial (sup Indie pack?) and I have my eye on a few other games.
have you played it yet, mate? It's fucking brutal. It's easily the hardest game I've ever played, but not because it's cheap. It's not the kind of hard that makes you angry. The only other experience I've had that with is Demon's Souls. SATISFYINGLY DIFFICULT. |
Super Meat Boy is the best thing to happen to video games EVER.
I only played the flash version. I told you I don't have a 360 :V
I think I'll stick with my Wii. |
I discovered Dwarf Fortress yesterday. Bad idea. One moment it´s 21h, the next thing I know it´s 2 in the fucking morning...it doesn´t even matter if I try focussing on understanding WHAT to do or HOW to do it...it´s both fucking complicated and awesome at the same time.
Oh and my Dungeon Maker 2 PSP came in the mail today...finally. I could for the love of me not find a new copy around here and only one stinking used version was available on Amazon...I hope that thing works... |
So far, I've failed to beat all three of the Castlevania DS games. Is there something that I'm missing? I've beaten a bunch of the bosses and gotten to the end, after I beat the boss, the castle collapses and I get a game over screen. WTF?
which one you are talking about?
goldeneye for wii
need for speed for ps3 vindictus for pc schimid conned me into getting NFS...it's rly ok at best |
working on Xenosaga: Episode II for like the 3rd time.
Tbh, I still haven't even cracked my ep. III open yet cuz every time I play its predecessors, I'll immediately move onto something else, then forget the minute details of the RPG and can't bring myself to finish the trilogy by starting III. It all has to be fluid, so I'll just start the whole series all over again and like 110 hrs. later, feel the urge to move on to a SH, CT, or something. |
Just play it already.
How can you have no clue how to beat Portrait of Ruin. Just look at a faq.
Just trudge through episode 2. I didn't care for it really until I learned to be really good with the zone breaks. Shion KOS-MOS and Ziggy are the best for consecutive breaks. All of Episode III is amazing. |
Super Meat Boy on PC is buggy as all fuck. It's more stable as of this afternoon and it's getting gamepad support fixed tomorrow so that people without 360 gamepads can play without using a controller emulator. At least custom levels will make up for it in January.
Also I had to skip on of the levels in Rapture and I'm stuck on the last one in The End before the boss. And I can't unlock The Kid because McMullen hates me and wants to drain all the love out of my heart and fill it with burning hatred. It's working. |
i bought sonic the hedgehog 2006 for 360 today because i watched a video showing off all its hilarious bugs and wanted to experience it for myself
schimid and i are actually having a lot of fun with it. well, at it. the game is so broken, it's hilarious. it did however make me yell at it once, and that's the first time i've screamed at a game since mario kart double dash. |
Or since you couldn't beat my ghost.
I like the original Zelda Ocarina Of time but I also played the master quest version which make the dungeon quite different and difficult.
Okay I guess I understand Dwarf Fortress more or less, at least the basics. The Keep is coming along quite okay I guess, some experiments with water flooded some of my caverns but then again thatīs what they were there for.
Ran into a problem when everything froze over when winter came but I realized that my Dwarves can life off of wine and be okay...gotta think about constructing a well when spring comes around again. No enemies so far but if as much as one goblin shows up, I fucked I guess. And I played some Hot Pursuit with two friends yesterday...beat both of them in the first race (normally they are great at racing and I suck more than you can imagine at these kind of games) and wrecked one of them as a racer while he was a cop...he rage-quitted *sigh*. Heīs a great guy but he canīt stand losing...at all. |
I was playing Black Ops online last night and I honestly can't understand what people find so entertaining about it. I've been playing FPS' for damn near 20 years and I still don't understand what's so entertaining about running in circles, shooting each other in the ass. I'll probably never get it though. When you win, it's meh and when you lose it's meh.
I think that the only shooter I've actually spent time playing online was L4D because it was unique and exciting, at least until L4D2 came out and killed the playerbase :P |
Got an email telling me to stop seeding Sonic 4. Which is stupid. I've seeded MUCH better games!
Beat Dr. Featus in Super Meat Boy last night, and the level I skipped in Rapture. Working on the Dark World in world 3 now before I even attempt getting The Kid again. |
I've got A+'s in every level. All I need to beat it is getting the bandages. How've you done on Cotton Alley?
PETA made Super Tofu Boy because they love being piggybacking cock holsters.
Team Meat's response? Quote:
that sounds like a dev team i can get behind :lol
man i might buy the game just for that :lol
Thats amazing.
Played through Dead Nation today. A great little game and wohoo - Germany´s Number 8 (meh) and I´m Number 7 in my Country...was 3rd yesterday...though we only have about 700 People playing aparently.
Ffuuu I'm still going through the Ace Attorney games, up to Apollo's game.
I really want to play super meat boy though... I could fiend that for hours. |
Can someone explain to me why Xenogears is considered good? I tried playing it and couldn't find anything appealing.
I'm not playing it YET, but I pre-order the Collector's Edition of Dead Space 2. It'll come with concept art, a soundtrack, it gave me the code for Ignition (which is surprisingly hard), and best of all, a REPLICA PLASMA CUTTER! A really good deal for $80.
I've been playing the first Phoenix Wright and it's surprisingly entertaining.
An old friend of mine used to get very emotional (read: gay) whenever Xenogears was brought up in a conversation. As if it were a goddamn masterpiece.
He let me borrow it once but I don't have an open enough mind for the "30+ minutes of originally drawn anime" advertised on the back of the case. |
Fuck yes Phoenix Wright.
Phoenix Wright is fucking awesome. I love how the game managed to give me the feeling of fighting a boss while standing in court. It´s the great "boss"-theme from the first game...I think it´s called Cornered...really great game though I never finished it...still got Apollo Justice lying around...
Also, I bought Patapon 2 and Grandia off the PSN, I needed those, especially Grandia, I´ll never forget the music in the main menu, it´s one of those tracks that reminds me why I play Videogames. Then I went and got Breath of Fire 3 for PSP for...5 bucks I think and a new Vanquish for 30 cause I have to play that game before the year is through. Bof 3 is...clumsy I guess. It loads and loads and loads and the battles take forever but I love the BOF-Series so whatever. |
Ryu, Rei and Garr. Rei in leaders spot and use the stance where everyone has the same speed as the party leader. Having Garr get in an Ex attack just feels good.
That prosecutor who trained your rival is a complete dick in Phoenix Wright. I'm stuck on the fourth case (mainly because I've been studying for exams.)
What puzzle games would you guys recommend for the DS? |
What, Manfred von Karma? I laughed my ass off when I first read his name :lol But yeah, heīs a fucking bastard. ...Puzzle Games...hm...Puzzle Quest? Iīm sure youīve played it already but thatīs all I can think of right now...Iīm not a big fan of puzzle games...oh, I kinda liked Meteos though. And the game where youīre that old adventurer-fart and on the lower screen thereīs that match3-Stuff going on, forgot the name...that was pretty cool. |
Puzzle Quest is some addictive shit
I'll try out Puzzle Quest. I had no idea when I got a DS that it had about 6000 games made for it.
Oh yeah, Metal Slug 7 is the shit. |
Heh, the DS is one of the best systems of all time in terms of good high-quality games in my opinion, I really got a lot for my money so far :)
If everything goes well, I´ll get Deadly Premonition today. Now for one, I don´t know what "Premonition" even means. I´ll look it up. I also don´t know what the game is about or even which genre it is. All I know is that it´s supposed to be fucking weird. And fucking weird is just how I like my games and movies. |
I hear its one of those so bad its good kind of things.
What, Deadly Premonition? Yeah I heard about the same. Cult-following and stuff like that. But, since weird shit IS indeed my specialty, I´ll have a look at it (and yes, I´m way weirder and funnier in german than in english, I kinda lack the linguistic tools to really be as entertaining in this language ;))
Yeah Deadly Premonition. Somewhere on Destructoid Jim has one of his "X is blatantly better than Y" articles comparing it to Allen Wake that is quite funny.
It's a wonderful game. And I didn't see that the character that was the bad guy actual was until the end. It surprised me, which is something hard for any story to do.
so i went to blockbuster and found a copy of eternal darkness great game i'm up to the priest episode
I'm playing four games right now: Jet Set Radio Future, Red Alert 3, Ninja Gaiden 2, and Dead Space: Ignition. JSRF is great, for those of you who haven't played it. Re Alert 3 is hilarious, since they basically just decided to dump that last shred of realism, and go with war bears, giant samurai robots, and troop-launching APCs (No, seriously; it shoots them through the air, and they parachute to the ground. Fucking hilarious).
Ninja Gaiden 2 seems a little easier than I remember the first to be, but not a cakewalk, by any means. Ignition? FUCK Ignition. The laser puzzles just have this special way of eluding me every time, and the AI is a cheating bastard in the racing game. The only reason I want to beat it is for the unlockables. |
And for some reason I have to think about Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of Gamedesign right now. I so wanted to love that game but its gameplay later on was so bad...never played through it...which is kinda weak for a diehard Lovecraft fan... |
What are you playing JSRF on? |
My 360. I still have that old game-pack, with JSRF and Sega GT, I think.
I remember beating it five years ago, and trying to unlock that bonus characters. Those damn challenges were made even harder when you had to decipher goddamn Japanese symbols. |
I still think that Call Of Cthulhu was a masterpiece. I loved it from start to finish, it was hard as fuck though.
What was everyones top ten games of this year? I don't think anymore are going to be released so it might be fun to list them. Mine were (In no particular order): 1.Mass Effect 2 2.Bioshock 2 3.Splinter Cell Conviction 4.Dead Rising 2 5.Enslaved: Odyssey To The West 6.Fallout: New Vegas 7.Donkey Kong Country Returns 8.Guilty Party 9.Sonic Colours 10.Trauma Team |
Yeah, I loved Call of Cthulhu. My guy went insane after seeing the shoggoth and that statue of Cthulhu.
My top ten are Fallout: New Vegas and Dead Rising 2.
Nice top ten Fathom :P
And No More Heroes 2. I forgot that came out in January.
Heh. I played Deadly Premonition for about 2 or 3hrs. This is...strangely appealing somehow. It´s weird, the main character makes everyone around him totally uncomfortable, the driving sucks ass, the controls are garbage and I guess that´s part of the charm or something. Just plain weird. In a good way.
Oh I do have a job again...finally. 11 months of unemployment were more than enough, believe me.
I just play a lot of games in my free time. I never said anything about finishing them. At least not if they´re longer than 15 hours. Though I guess that will have to take a step back as more work comes my way in the next months. |
What was so enjoyable about Deadly Premonition? I played it for about an hour and it made me want to walk into a wood chipper. It was so awful.
I don´t really know. Maybe it is one of those Plan 9 from outer space-things. So bad that it´s good? Btw I love that movie.
But the first hour is pretty crappy. It get´s better when you can roam the town freely. |
Now that finals are over i've been playing Forza Motorsport 3 non-stop. Yesterday I played for 6 straight hours.
ghostin' like purple-haired broads, smokin' bitches |
Okay, this is spooky. Somewhere there´s Bizarro-Oxblood aparently. And he made a game and called it Deadly Premonition. I can´t help but feel like this is about the game I´d make if someone let me...
What I´m trying to say is: This game is fucking awesome. Then again, any game which features a fucking Kazoo in it´s main theme is awesome. I can´t get it out of my head and I don´t want to either... |
I liek dis so much |
And guess what. I do have a Kazoo. In my car. HA! I can break out into the theme at any time if necessary .
Just went to Swery65 and played some Darts with my trusty Dart-Gun...and now: I light up a (virtual) cigarette and solve the crime! |
I wish the game didn't focus so much attention on the shoot'em up segments because they're dull as piss. I heard those bits where going to be less significant originally but Swery thought they'd please the Americans so he added more, sorry about that Oxblood.
Mafia 2 is an absolute fucking drag. I can't wait to be done with it. I had no idea that a 7 hour game could feel like a 70 hour game if it was designed poorly :(
I stopped by Gamestop with the girlfriend before we started walking home the other night, and one of the employees we know there was going to sell his DJ Hero and two turntables, but Gamestop won't buy the table, so he said I could have them if I won a round of rock paper scissors. Thus, I got about $150 worth of stuff for free.
The enemies are (up till now) so amazingly random. I mean...pale People that can sense your breath with no eyes doing a reverse and backwards limbo-dance towards you. And each and every time you land a headshot, York has something to say which gets even more funny when you use the SMG. "AmazingGreatHeadshotAmazingAmazingHeadshotGreatsh ot!" I really hope they never explain that :) Iīm happy that games like that are still being made from time to time, itīs like a breath of fresh air among an army of undead remakes and stupid or overused concepts and ideas. Fuck, Deadly Premonition even compensates me for Final Fantasy 13 and that is saying A LOT. Thanks for that, Access games :) |
My top games would prob include red dead, and then couple of the other ones on your list. As for right now, I'm playing Goldeneye for Wii |
Deadly premonition looks and sounds horrible from the way people are reacting to it. I watched a video of the scene with the coffee and fell in love with it.
Here's a great article about Deadly Premonition.
http://www.dreamdawn.com/sh/post_view.php?index=7827 It's what made me want to play the game although I think he makes some parts sound more appealing then they actually are, like the profiling. Edit: Here's an unbroken up version http://www.dreamdawn.com/sh/info.php...+Seeds+Profile |
The profiling is aweseome cause you first think itīs an acutal gameplay-element but it really isnīt anything at all, just a mandatory sequence you have to watch :lol
I mean itīs not like you can do anything to influence or control the profiling. Thereīs nothing there that could be appealing or unappealing about it :D @10kVolt: Does my reaction to the game make you think itīs bad? Itīs brilliant ;) I showed the game to a friend yesterday and he just sat there, eyes wide open, staring at the screen while York was driving and talking to Zach...until I showed him the whistle-theme, that kinda made him happy :lol He also laughed at the fact that Mr. FBI has an Infinite SMG and the fortunetelling via coffee. |
The way that article describes it, every shoot em' up segment is the personification of York's mental profiling (not just when he smokes and puts all the clues together). He also compares those parts favorably to Silent Hill's otherworld which is a bit of bullshit.
Hm, that might be, I never thought about it that way...then again, I´ll wait for the game to finish before I try to make sense of anything in it :D
I don´t know if you could compare those parts to Silent Hill but I´m really not a fan of those games cause they´re fucking horrible in terms of gameplay most of the time...and boring. |
I love how the shooting parts are never, ever explained and the enemies you're fighting have nothing to do with the main story.
I've been trying to get all the cards. I think I have about 40 of them. |
Reverse Limbo-Asshole-Zombieghoulghosts ftw. |
When it wasn't explained for the first, probably seven hours or so, I had a feeling it would never be.
And man, it doesn't disappoint. |
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