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Guitar Woman Feb 6th, 2011 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by darkvare (Post 712056)
renekton is ok sivir can be annoying at times but easily killable

Well, I mostly play as Sona and I can never seem to level as fast as everyone else, so they cause problems. It could also be because Sona just sucks.

PG: Were you playing on an extended maptime server or whatever? I generally only break 100 in under 30 minutes if I'm being incredibly awesome.

Have also been getting back into Mario Strikers Charged lately and was surprised to find that a whole lot of people still play it. It's understandable, really; since Brawl's online support is a horrifying 12-foot lag, tomato, and cheese combo sandwich and Mario Kart Wii is a roadtrip over the Blandlands in the Blandmobile headed straight to Blandytown, Strikers is basically the only good online game on the whole system. Correct me if I'm mistaken, of course, since I like proving that I am a bigger nerd than other people in virtual battle.

Fathom Zero Feb 6th, 2011 08:35 AM

Nunu is a pimp once again.

Phoenix Gamma Feb 6th, 2011 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 712079)
PG: Were you playing on an extended maptime server or whatever? I generally only break 100 in under 30 minutes if I'm being incredibly awesome.

There was a lot of back and forth on two of the points so time just kept getting added and added. Normally I'd get frustrated and leave but I was on a roll.

Also, I swear, no one EVER spy checks on top of stuff. Ever. Turn a corner and crouch jump and you're in the clear.

Dimnos Feb 7th, 2011 12:36 AM

You still playing LoL FZ? Whats your summoner name? Im Dimnos on there too.

Fathom Zero Feb 7th, 2011 12:42 AM

I just play with my roommates, honestly, but I'm Raggamofyn if you ever happen to find I'm on.

darkvare Feb 7th, 2011 02:42 AM

dimnos never plays with me on LoL anymore :(

OxBlood Feb 7th, 2011 04:50 AM

I´m guessing LoL is League of legends, right?

Still playing Inazuma Eleven (and Dead Space 2, Ignition and Extraction) and now I´m kinda stuck because now I have to play a match in a very specific way versus the Occult High School which simply curses me aparently. Strange game.

Oh and I saw Ghost Trick in the store the other day, didn´t know it was already released here...the game was pretty good, wasn´t it?

cb94 Feb 8th, 2011 05:09 AM

I am currently playing Little Big Planet 2 although I am trying to get some better games for PS3. Also, on NES I am trying to complete Contra (and failing), and for the SNES I am trying to complete Clay Fighter 2. I am also trying to complete the Doom II Master Levels.

Guitar Woman Feb 8th, 2011 03:30 PM

Finally got Ico. I like to claim that graphics aren't everything, but playing Ico made me realize they actually count for a whole goddamn lot. If characters in a game look and move like real people would, it helps the world come to life, and even today with all of our fancy billions of polygons on screen not enough games take advantage of this. Ico is a first generation PS2 game, for fuck's sake, and it's quite a bit more visually stunning than a lot of current-gen games I've played. I wasn't not expecting this, since Shadow of the Colossus is a game that I consider perfect in nearly every way it is possible to be perfect, visuals being no small exception, but it's still pretty impressive how something as simple as, say, having Yorda and Ico hold hands while she's in standard "Escort character following" mode is just instantly more powerful an image than it would have been if she'd just been tagging behind you like, say, Ashley and Leon. They also made a point of having her run slightly slower than Ico, making it look like she's struggling to keep up as he pulls her along; that, plus her habit of looking curiously at unimportant pieces of scenery, and her default posture, implies all sorts of things, like fear, confusion, uncertainty, and most importantly, a growing sense of trust for Ico/the player, who she follows despite them constantly pulling her into all sorts of hazardous shit. With Ashley, I felt like I was just protecting her because I wouldn't be able to finish the game otherwise; In Ico I feel like I have to protect Yorda because I'll come off as a complete bastard if I don't. All of this is communicated through the default walk-cycle animations.

Oh, and actually playing the game is pretty neat as well. It's like The Sands of Time without any wire-fu tomfoolery. I dunno if I like it as much as Shadow yet, but it is quite good.

Phoenix Gamma Feb 8th, 2011 06:53 PM

Ico pissed me off because Yorda is such a pain in the ass to pull around, and the fights really aren't very fun :\ It'd be cool if the protagonist was older and could just hang her over his shoulder or under his arm. I definitely prefer Shadow of the Colossus in terms of fun.

Played some of the original Rhythm Heaven on GBA. Way better than the DS sequel. HEY BAYBEH. HOW'S IT GOIN? THIS. BEAT. IS NON. STOP.

Guitar Woman Feb 8th, 2011 07:12 PM

I also got MGS3, which has sucked for the first 4 hours or so

Someone told me it was less cutscene-heavy than the other games, and in my youthful innocence, I believed him

Really, I don't see the point of adding in a bunch of fancy new camouflage mechanics and a wound-healing system if you're never going to let me play the game. I also don't see the reason you even need to put work into purty graffix if you're going to have half of the cutscenes be still images and line-reading; this is something referred to as a Visual Novel, Kojima, and they're supposed to at least have porn in them to keep my interest. I also also don't see the need to even make this a video game, as you obviously have no enthusiasm for audience participation. Why not write a novel, then go to a hospital and read it to patients in traction for 5 hours a day?

Maybe I should have tried out one of those Sly Cooper games for my sneaking jollies.

Fathom Zero Feb 8th, 2011 07:20 PM

Are you sure you're playing MGS3? Because I don't remember the cutscenes being anything like that.

Guitar Woman Feb 8th, 2011 07:25 PM


Kojima's got a major problem with "Show, don't tell," apparently, or he thinks everyone who plays his games is a retard

Honestly, I feel like one for not learning from my experience with Twin Snakes. Then again, at least shit fucking happened in that game

I don't even seem to be able to save and quit in MGS3 without having pointless, meandering Seinfeld conversations. I do not need to learn about the history of Godzilla in the middle of a Black Ops mission, nor do I need to have a scene in From Russia with Love described to me, because I have purchased a Metal Gear Solid video game which can only mean that I am a massive nerd who already knows everything about any pointless pop-culture phenomenon you care to name.

Basically what I want MGS to do is shut up and let me be a fucking superspy like it promised it would. Maybe I'll try to play the game without watching any cutscenes or listening to any of the codec chats. I basically know the plot already since /v/ has at least 5 Metal Gear threads every fucking day, so I can just make up scenes in my head in which everything is explained coherently and with a hint of subtlety.

This is the best idea I've had in a while.

Fathom Zero Feb 8th, 2011 07:36 PM

They're not for you, then. :\

dextire Feb 9th, 2011 12:50 AM

The floor was clean before I arrived. :)

OxBlood Feb 9th, 2011 05:28 AM

Meh, MGS3 was harmless in comparison to 4 if you ask me. I enjoyed 3 quite a bit, since it´s about the only time you play as the cool Snake. I never played the revised version with the better camera but still, I liked it a lot. Way more than 2 at least.

Twin Snakes was...fucking retarded but funny if you knew the original game...and it was fucking expensive so I´m not gonna hate it too much ;)

But I agree, Kojima does have a serious problem in the storytelling-department, he just doesn´t know how to do it right which morphed into his strange and unique style over the years that is not for everyone.
It´s unique but it´s NOT good from a writing-technical point of view.

I started with Ghost Trick yesterday and I love that game. That is some awesome animation going on there and the story is pretty nice too. And Missile (WELCOME!), yeah of course.

Oh and what game is that, Dextire? Looks like fun.

dextire Feb 9th, 2011 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 712274)
Oh and what game is that, Dextire? Looks like fun.

Night Slashers. And it is fun. :)

Phoenix Gamma Feb 10th, 2011 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 712274)
Meh, MGS3 was harmless in comparison to 4 if you ask me. I enjoyed 3 quite a bit, since itīs about the only time you play as the cool Snake.

Someone never played the PSP games. Peace Walker is fucking brilliant and probably one of the strongest games in the series.


I don't even seem to be able to save and quit in MGS3 without having pointless, meandering Seinfeld conversations. I do not need to learn about the history of Godzilla in the middle of a Black Ops mission, nor do I need to have a scene in From Russia with Love described to me, because I have purchased a Metal Gear Solid video game which can only mean that I am a massive nerd who already knows everything about any pointless pop-culture phenomenon you care to name.
Then be a real man and stop saving! >:

Fathom Zero Feb 10th, 2011 04:30 AM

Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising. It's on sale this week!

And it made me get back into Dawn of War. Yayyyy

OxBlood Feb 10th, 2011 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 712324)
Someone never played the PSP games. Peace Walker is fucking brilliant and probably one of the strongest games in the series.

Oh, right, there was Peace Walker. I somehow always forget that game exists. Didnīt finish it but I liked it more or less. A very good PSP-Game but not as good as the PS2 ones IMO.

Itīs way better than 4 of course ;)

Grislygus Feb 10th, 2011 04:57 AM

Lol yeah, MGS3 was the first Metal Gear game that actually interested me at all, I sat there for the first two hours wanting to shoot something so goddamned bad... only to have to continue sitting and watching the GI Joe/Cobra rejects jabbering at each other. Oh, and stare at


I had a blast once I actually got to PLAY it, though.

Guitar Woman Feb 10th, 2011 01:23 PM

Yeah I'm gonna go out there and say The End is one of the coolest boss fights I've ever seen. I didn't die once and it still took me an hour to finish, and at no point was I bored or not paranoid as shit that he was watching me.

Which I'm glad for, since The Pain and The Fear really phoned it in. I was afraid this one wouldn't even get the bosses right at first, which is what MGS is all about as far as I give a shit.

I also finally got StarCraft working with online play, only to very quickly wish I hadn't.

Fathom Zero Feb 10th, 2011 01:35 PM

I feel so badass for killing him in five minutes when I played it. I was King Shit.

Fathom Zero Feb 10th, 2011 11:36 PM

my keyboard doesn't have those characters ;_;

10,000 Volt Ghost Feb 11th, 2011 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 712231)
I also got MGS3, which has sucked for the first 4 hours or so

Someone told me it was less cutscene-heavy than the other games, and in my youthful innocence, I believed him

Really, I don't see the point of adding in a bunch of fancy new camouflage mechanics and a wound-healing system if you're never going to let me play the game. I also don't see the reason you even need to put work into purty graffix if you're going to have half of the cutscenes be still images and line-reading; this is something referred to as a Visual Novel, Kojima, and they're supposed to at least have porn in them to keep my interest. I also also don't see the need to even make this a video game, as you obviously have no enthusiasm for audience participation. Why not write a novel, then go to a hospital and read it to patients in traction for 5 hours a day?

Maybe I should have tried out one of those Sly Cooper games for my sneaking jollies.

I love using the aligator headpiece, lying in the water, looking up at a guard then shooting at them.

LordSappington Feb 11th, 2011 06:18 PM

Finally have my own copy of OoT. Also got Pokemon Snap. Let the nostalgia begin anew...

DougClayton4231 Feb 12th, 2011 11:48 PM

Shit, I've been gone for a while...what did I miss?

darkvare Feb 13th, 2011 12:03 AM

damn i installed wow and i'm liking it i must try not to get hooked

Big McLargehuge Feb 13th, 2011 03:11 AM


Tadao Feb 13th, 2011 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by darkvare (Post 712619)
damn i installed wow and i'm liking it i must try not to get hooked

You will gain 40 pounds and your ass will become sore.

Guitar Woman Feb 13th, 2011 05:18 AM

Alternatively, you'll get to about level 20, enter the dungeon-swag game and realize how incompatable you are with being ordered about by condescending fuckheads with no life

Which, incidentally, is why you should never play TF2 with me.

Playing Ico and MGS3 side by side has made me realize why I hate the latter; since Metal Gear Solid on the Playstation (and indeed, maybe even Metal Gear, which I forgot came with the Subsistence editon of 3), MGS as a franchise has done little to no evolving, and anything resembling changes have all been in the wrong direction, see also the increased tendency towards 20 hour cutscenes and retro-camp-deprecation humor. MGS1 got away with that shit because a, it was relatively conservative about applying silliness lest it mar the super-serious-business dramatic storyline trying to occupy the same space as a sarcastically self-aware low-res stealth game, and two, shit was brand cracking new and seemed to make people collectively realize that games could be just as inclined towards storytime as any other medium.

But while other people took Metal Gear's erection for pushing games into semi-literate territory and have improved upon it - see my previous post on Ico in which I describe the emotions being portrayed by the in-game walk cycle - Metal Gear itself just made the fucking cutscenes longer, effectively doing the opposite of other guys: saying nothing with a million billion words. Per minute.

So, that's what I don't like about Metal Gear as a series: it obstinately refuses to move forward, except to increase the amount of things in it that belong in a cartoon show. Kojima knows the shit out of that, too, since he made Metal Gear Solid 2, but I guess now his mind's just snapped and he's taken to wallowing in his own spunk like Death Proof era Quentin Tarantino. I could also be talking out of my ass since I haven't gotten around to playing Guns of the Patriots yet, but I hightly doubt it!

Although, as a non-ragey aside, the soundtrack in MGS3 is all kinds of awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5b3PqMezmk

They also really nailed the ambient jungle noises, I think, and even though the level design by and large was shitty as hell, I'll find enjoyment wherever there's stealthan to do. And I guess the bosses were ok. I guess. The End and The Fury are major high points, although I was stoned badly fighting Fury so he may have been marginally less terrifying than I originally thought. I also spent the entire game looking forward to fighting The Boss, only to have the camera now be fixed instead of mapped to the right thumbstick, crippling my visibility and forcing me to just put on snow camo and Geisha makeup, hide in an extreme corner and snipe her to death. It worked, but it was stupid.

DougClayton4231 Feb 13th, 2011 11:00 AM

I've been playing the leak of Crysis 2 and....wow....it's actually good. I hated the first Crysis with a passion because it was a boring, plodding, slog with bulletproof Koreans and a suit powered by hearing aid batteries. The sequel fixes all of the first games problems and actually delivers a convincing narrative with solid gameplay and great pacing. Color me surprised.

Dr. Boogie Feb 13th, 2011 02:21 PM

FotNS: Ken's Rage. This game is easily the most faithful video game adaptation of anything I've ever seen. And it's so satisfying to pull of a signature move that wipes out a huge crowd of mooks. But how the hell do you decide that the name "Thouzer" is pronounced "sow-zer"?

I want to second what GW was saying about the MGS series. The innovation in that series seems to come on the cinematics side rather than the gameplay side, and the stories in those games are not so great that attention should be drawn to them. A lot of the game series that I most enjoy are guilty of having relatively little change from one game to the next, but it seems like to really enjoy the MGS series, you need to be a fan of Kojima's particular brand of storytelling, which is crummy.

That's why I was so worried when I saw he had even a tangential link to the last Castlevania game. And as it turned out, those concerns were fully justified.

DougClayton4231 Feb 13th, 2011 08:45 PM

@Dr. Boogie: You weren't surprised by the whole "I'm Dracula" thing? lol, I have no idea why they did such a hamfisted job of ending the story of that game. I mean if you pay any attention throughout the game, you can make that assumption by about half-way through.

I didn't play MGS4, is that pretty much the end of the series?

Fathom Zero Feb 13th, 2011 09:08 PM

Well I liked all of them, so I guess I'm stupid. I will be playing Rising when it comes out next year, as well.

LordSappington Feb 13th, 2011 09:38 PM

I constantly hear about how the Metal Gear series is more like a dissection and parody of video games and media, but really that just makes me angry, because I just don't like it because it's too deep for you, man.
That said, I liked

Dimnos Feb 13th, 2011 11:18 PM

The first one was good. The second one was good right up to the end where it got all Kojimafied. The third was fun for the gameplay. The fourth was down right ridicules.

King Hadas Feb 14th, 2011 01:13 AM

I'm with Fathom Zero I love Metal Gear Solid.


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman
MGS as a franchise has done little to no evolving, and anything resembling changes have all been in the wrong direction, see also the increased tendency towards 20 hour cutscenes and retro-camp-deprecation humor

I know nowadays cutscenes are considered outdated and anathema to game art but you know if what your watching is interesting then I don't see the problem and to be fair there is interactivity in MGS2 and up's cutscenes, it's not a lot but you shouldn't overestimate how much interactivity is needed to keep the player involved. And please don't tell me that Kojima should have just made a movie instead because it wouldn't be the same. Paradoxically, Kojima is probably the best in the business at using video game interactivity for dramatic and comedic effect; The sorrow boss fight, the torture scene in MGS, that scene where you get pissed on in MGS2, etc. Also, retro-camp-deprecation humor is a spot-on bit of wording but I don't see how it's a point against the series.

One thing I can't defend about Metal Gear Solid is Kojima's method of delivering exposition by weaving factual and semi-factual and pseudo-factual information along with his own fictional scenarios. But even this I don't really hate.

OxBlood Feb 14th, 2011 05:17 AM

I donīt hate Hideoīs modified reality-storytelling at all, that I actually like. I just think heīs really pushing it with the lenght of each and every dialogue and cutscene in Part 4.

Iīm playing GTA4 at the moment cause I never finished it and after several hours Iīm kinda sure this time will end the same...those fucking idiots should learn how to utilize checkpoints.

Itīs NOT fun to drive to the mission three times in a row, not at all. I mean the cues for the checkpoints are there, theyīre in plain sight but noooo, one chance, thatīs all you get.
Got rushed by the last cop in the mission? Sorry, youīre losing 20mins of progress, nothing we can do...

One other strange thing...my girlfriend fucking LOVES Saintīs Row 2. Sheīs never played with a 360 before and Iīm pretty sure the same is true for any console but dang, does she have a lot of fun running people over with her gangster-chick...and she canīt even control where the fuck the vehicle goes let alone the camera :lol

I never thought it could be so much fun watching someone being bad at videogames but being happy about the whole thing at the same time.
And I gotta say, that girl earns a lot of points in my book :love

Guitar Woman Feb 14th, 2011 05:46 AM

They actually did include checkpoints in the middle of missions in both of GTA4's expansions, and fixed most of the other problems people were complaining about. Motorcycles no longer suck, you never get nagged about man-dates anymore, and you can totally pretend like you're playing the opening scene of Akira all the time, especially during the "bikes-plus-baseball-bats" racing minigame.


And please don't tell me that Kojima should have just made a movie instead because it wouldn't be the same.
No, it definitely wouldn't be the same as if he made a movie. I think part of the point of the first game was to show that video games could do things movies couldn't, which is why I liked it. Loved it, even. I also seem to be in the minority when I claim to like MGS2, but I remain steadfastly gay for the direction it took in the second half. Meta, brilliant, probably made on drugs, and I get to be a smug prick with the air of an intellectual when I talk about how deep it is. This is something I like to do. That shit is fruitcake.


Also, retro-camp-deprecation humor is a spot-on bit of wording but I don't see how it's a point against the series.
It boils down to "I just think it's too silly," pretty much. I always had the impression of Metal Gear being a mostly serious drama with a point to make, and anything that seemed too ludicrous to believe I wrote off as a bit of comic relief, or something I thought was retarded but the writers and some of the players might not have. So, watching the sequels, Snake Eater especially, be intentionally ridiculous and point to themselves going "ha ha, look at how camp I am, remember how stupid we used to look?" makes me cringe more than a little bit. The first four seasons of the Doctor Who revival had the same problem, and like with that I get more worked up about the things it's doing wrong because when it does shit right it's an absolute joy to behold.

I'd equate it to having a good friend who is gradually becoming an embarrasing prick because of his crippling cocaine habit. I mean, you love the guy, but you can hardly stand him a good half of the time and don't want to be seen together in public.

But really, maybe all Kojima ever wanted to do was make campy comedies, and he's passive-agressively getting back at us for demanding more Metal Gear and distracting him from his real passions by breaking our hearts. Or, rather, just mine, since I seem to be the only one with a problem. I wouldn't put it past him, crazy dickhead.

By the by, did anyone else play the one on the Gameboy Color? It's a crime how overlooked that game is.

LordSappington Feb 14th, 2011 08:19 AM

Yeah, it had a little too much far-out humor than I would have liked. I got sort of tired of getting to some serious part, then the awkward "We're all kind of dysfunctional! WAR IS HELL!" jokes would start to kick in, and it just didn't do anything for me.
Also, Vamp. Why the hell he was even in the games is beyond me. Fuck that guy.

Fathom Zero Feb 14th, 2011 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 712802)
By the by, did anyone else play the one on the Gameboy Color? It's a crime how overlooked that game is.

It's on my desk. Shit's great. :rock

MarioRPG Feb 14th, 2011 05:28 PM

I've playing Half Life 2: Episode 1, between study bursts. Pretty sweet so far! Also I bought Arkham Asylum today which was probably a bad choice with exams coming up.

captain516 Feb 14th, 2011 11:45 PM

I started on Champions Online. Anybody else play?

Phoenix Gamma Feb 15th, 2011 04:34 AM

the best MGS3 tracks are Snake Eater (sup, ladder?) and Sea Breeze.

Also Tactics Ogre PSP is really good but hard as balls.

10,000 Volt Ghost Feb 15th, 2011 10:04 AM

Snake eater was the James Bondish theme where he climbs that 8 mile ladder right?

OxBlood Feb 15th, 2011 12:28 PM

Yup, that´s the one. I thought it was pretty funny since Snake is not exactly a Gentleman-Spy, he´s more of the Stfu-woman-Im-looking-at-my-gun-Spy.

My favorite tune is the original Theme from MGS1. That and the Codec-Beep of course, I´ve used it as my message-tone on my mobile for as long as I can remember...which is fitting I think. I never found out what kind of phone they used when they first discovered it...

10,000 Volt Ghost Feb 15th, 2011 02:38 PM

That's awesome. The one thing in MGS3 that I've seen done but wasn't able to do myself was kill the bodyguard for the end pushing him in his wheelchair. I have his sniper rifle and camo from a different run but if you shoot the bodyguard the end just kind of sits there. Then you can either kill him or drug him without having to fight him later.

Mad Melvin Feb 15th, 2011 07:46 PM

Been playing Condemned: Criminal Origins. I remembered it being pretty good and I was correct. Too bad the sequel never made it to PC.

LordSappington Feb 17th, 2011 01:58 PM

Been switching around from DJ Hero, Dead Space 2, Red Alert 2, Skulltag, and Ninja Gaiden 2. My attention span is absolutely awful.

Dr. Boogie Feb 17th, 2011 04:40 PM

Went through Dead Space 2 in a couple nights. Contemplating a hardcore run, but I don't think I can justifying having to lose 2-3 hours of play, especially if it comes as a result of something stupid like a blown window.

DougClayton4231 Feb 17th, 2011 05:09 PM

Just played Bulletstorm. Do yourself a favor and don't waste your money. It feels like a game from 1997 with HD graphics along with the worst dialog I've heard since Earth Defense Force. I barely got through the introductory mission before I contemplated snapping the disc.

Dr. Boogie Feb 17th, 2011 05:19 PM

You've got to give me more than that because I loved the dialog from EDF.

Also, didn't Duke Nukem 3D come out around '97? That was a fun game.

darkvare Feb 17th, 2011 05:54 PM

got mvc3 i beat the game twice fought a couple of times online before i could figure out how to switch characters and finally asked a dude online lol

LordSappington Feb 17th, 2011 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 713229)
Went through Dead Space 2 in a couple nights. Contemplating a hardcore run, but I don't think I can justifying having to lose 2-3 hours of play, especially if it comes as a result of something stupid like a blown window.

I'm beating it on Zealot first. Are there still checkpoints in Hardcore?

Dr. Boogie Feb 17th, 2011 07:23 PM

No checkpoints. You die, you have to load your last save.

Fathom Zero Feb 17th, 2011 07:34 PM

That sounds awesome. I'm gonna love playing it.

LordSappington Feb 17th, 2011 08:24 PM

Oh fuckkkk. Well, apparently the monster's damage and your health is at about Survivalist, but the ammo is at Zealot level. So far, Zealot hasn't been too much of a problem for me, so I think I can do this, as long as I break it up over two or three days.

Fathom Zero Feb 17th, 2011 08:34 PM

Then it's gonna be so easy. The only problem I have on Survivalist is the amount of ammo, which I constantly run out of. :( I've almost got it beat, though. I believe I'm on chapter 13 or 14.

DougClayton4231 Feb 17th, 2011 09:19 PM

Bulletstorm reminds me of games like Turok 3, where you can just shoot enemies all day and they won't die. The level design is modern (read: straight shot to the finish). It just feels completely generic and the story seems like it was written by a emotionally challenged 12 year old. The voice acting isn't funny at all, it's just horrible. Honest to god, one of the actors utters the line "Holy piss shit" in the first level.

It's really sad, I had hope that this was going to be a decent game.

On another note, Dead Space 2 completely failed to scare me and I'm at chapter 11. Do I have anything to look forward to or should I just stop playing?

LordSappington Feb 17th, 2011 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 713251)
Then it's gonna be so easy. The only problem I have on Survivalist is the amount of ammo, which I constantly run out of. :( I've almost got it beat, though. I believe I'm on chapter 13 or 14.

On Zealot mode, you get half the ammo in drops; 3 plasma charges, 2 (sometimes 1) force gun/ripper ammo, I think 16 pulse rounds... It sucks, but I got used to it pretty quick.
Frankly, it didn't scare me too terribly much, either. There were moments were I got startled, and a LOT were I was paranoid, but it didn't make me lose any sleep.

DougClayton4231 Feb 17th, 2011 10:34 PM

I haven't been paranoid or scared once. I'm not difficult to scare either, which is the weird thing. The first game also managed to not be the least bit scary.

I played a bit more of Bulletstorm which resulted in me hearing the worst sentence ever uttered in English: "You scared the dick off me." WHO WROTE THIS?

Zhukov Feb 17th, 2011 11:13 PM

I'm playing through SOnic 4 after getting sick of Dead Space. GOD. Why did I buy this tripe? I'm shallow enough to say that the graphics just ruin it completely.

Sam Feb 18th, 2011 11:39 PM


Dr. Boogie Feb 19th, 2011 06:12 PM

Tried the demo for "Dungeons" last night.

It has some of the Dungeon Keeper feel to it, but I didn't really like the gameplay as a whole. Instead of accumulating wealth and fending off snooping heroes, you have to build up wealth and use it to bait heroes to visit your dungeon, killing them only after they've had their fill of your gold (filling their "need" bar), but before they can escape. You can lay down monster lairs, but the monsters mainly exist to fill the heroes' combat "need" bar. Plus, they never leave their lairs for any reason.

So whenever you need to kill a hero, you have to do it yourself with your evil avatar. It sounds fulfilling, but in practice you feel more like you're micromanaging a daycare center.

10,000 Volt Ghost Feb 19th, 2011 06:44 PM

Do you get your gold back when you off the hero?

Dr. Boogie Feb 19th, 2011 07:19 PM

You do, yes.

When all they want is gold, turnaround isn't too bad, but when they want to fight, you wind up having to keep a close eye on them while you're trying to focus on dungeon expansion/objectives.

10,000 Volt Ghost Feb 19th, 2011 09:08 PM

It sounds kind of fun on paper,

Dr. Boogie Feb 19th, 2011 09:33 PM

It loses a lot in the execution. Having a strong evil lord sounds great, but when you have to do everything yourself, it loses a lot of the fun factor.

Having finally tried the 360 Bulletstorm demo, I am now a lot less broken up about the PC version not getting a demo. The trick shot thing just isn't doing it for me, and the dialog... I like over-the-top, and yet this game has shown me that there is a limit to that liking.

On the other hand, I can't wait for the Zero Punctuation review.

DougClayton4231 Feb 20th, 2011 12:03 PM

I told you Dr. Boogie lol. It's just annoying, not entertaining.

Dr. Boogie Feb 20th, 2011 04:22 PM

I was expecting bad, but I wasn't expecting to start things off with a 20-minute video of Steve Blum shouting 5th grade insults at me.

Nick Feb 20th, 2011 09:40 PM

Sounds like my kind of party.

Grislygus Feb 21st, 2011 01:31 AM


made of fantastic

10,000 Volt Ghost Feb 21st, 2011 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 713532)
It loses a lot in the execution. Having a strong evil lord sounds great, but when you have to do everything yourself, it loses a lot of the fun factor.

Having finally tried the 360 Bulletstorm demo, I am now a lot less broken up about the PC version not getting a demo. The trick shot thing just isn't doing it for me, and the dialog... I like over-the-top, and yet this game has shown me that there is a limit to that liking.

On the other hand, I can't wait for the Zero Punctuation review.

It reminds me of this old made up game by PSM called "LAST BOSS"

Where you wait for hours on end for the hero to show up and no matter how many times you kill him he'll get revived and fight you again.

Dimnos Feb 21st, 2011 02:41 PM

Makes me want to load up the ole Dungeon Keeper. :\

Phoenix Gamma Feb 21st, 2011 11:34 PM

Zelda turned 25 today, so I'm playing Link to the Past because it's the best Zelda and anyone who disagrees is gay or something unless they want to argue that Majora's Mask is the best in which case we would agree to disagree like gentlemen :posh

Zhukov Feb 21st, 2011 11:55 PM

OoT :posh

Fathom Zero Feb 22nd, 2011 12:30 AM

Destructoid's doing a livecast of a Spy Fiction playthrough


darkkitten Feb 22nd, 2011 01:14 AM

Im playing Prototype on the X-Box 360

dextire Feb 22nd, 2011 01:57 AM

Is Prototype any fun?
I finally picked up MvsC3 on Friday and played it all weekend. Also playing around with Inside A Star-Filled Sky.

Phoenix Gamma Feb 22nd, 2011 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 713675)
OoT :posh

Sure, if you like a blurry version of LttP :posh

Dr. Boogie Feb 22nd, 2011 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 713678)
Destructoid's doing a livecast of a Spy Fiction playthrough


There were so many irritating bits in that game, like the bizarre eavesdropping mechanic, and the finicky chokeout mechanic, and the awful combat. Stealth was interesting, though.

Edit: so I subconciously wrote "awesome" instead of "awful" combat, so maybe it wasn't as bad as I remember.

DougClayton4231 Feb 22nd, 2011 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by dextire (Post 713688)
Is Prototype any fun?
I finally picked up MvsC3 on Friday and played it all weekend. Also playing around with Inside A Star-Filled Sky.

Prototype is pretty fun up until the end when it becomes rage inducing. I didn't pay attention to any of the story, so I can't comment on it.

10,000 Volt Ghost Feb 22nd, 2011 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 713673)
Zelda turned 25 today, so I'm playing Link to the Past because it's the best Zelda and anyone who disagrees is gay or something unless they want to argue that Majora's Mask is the best in which case we would agree to disagree like gentlemen :posh


Zhukov Feb 22nd, 2011 11:33 PM

So I went to play some of my old PC games since I was feeling nostalgic, but I've given up in fury.

Lost Total Annihilation.

Lost the CD keys for Supreme Commander.

Lost Dark Reign and am rubbish at computers so I can't download it or anything like that.

Red Alert 2 disc is scratched or broken or whatever; starts to run then just stops.

I hate the world.

kahljorn Feb 23rd, 2011 12:38 AM

with like 20 minutes of dicking around you could probably figure out how to download a torrent and use it. total annhilation would probably take like five minutes to download :O :O well maybe in hour in australia

google Supreme Commander cd key or contact the company if you made like a username to play online i dunno how that one works.

Zhukov Feb 23rd, 2011 12:44 AM

You need a photo of your receipt or of the box. If I had the box the CD key would be inside so I wouldn't be in this problem, and I don't have a receipt. Nor do I have the energy to ring up the company and organise all that shit.

I did look around for torrents and shite but I got bored.

Turns out Medieval 2 Total War will work with 1111-1111-1111-1111 as the CD key, which is awesome.

I'm now playing Total War.

executioneer Feb 23rd, 2011 12:50 AM

i have total annihilation around here somewhere, i should see if it still works

darkvare Feb 23rd, 2011 01:26 AM

i have a torrent search engine attached on my firefox browser

Fathom Zero Feb 23rd, 2011 02:57 AM

So I got Bulletstorm for the PC. Stand by for some sort of review, I guess.

OxBlood Feb 23rd, 2011 04:01 AM

Got it for PS3 yesterday and played the first chapter. Doesn´t look very good and tears a bit but it´s a fun little game. I especially like that you have a use for your points in the campaign (you buy ammo, charge-ammo and upgrades with them).

In terms of story, the game is über-stupid but I like that somehow. Doesn´t take itself very serious which is a good thing. kicking people into cacti and screaming fuck and dick at the top of your lungs is not exactly highlevel poetry...

Fathom Zero Feb 23rd, 2011 04:51 AM

I think it's a beautiful game. It's as good-looking to me as Bioshock is. No mystery why, though - they're both very colorful and run on the same engine.

Fathom Zero Feb 23rd, 2011 03:57 PM

In Act 2. Best game dialogue ever. Waggleton P. Tallylicker.

Mad Melvin Feb 23rd, 2011 07:06 PM

Borderlands. Never played it, 'cause it didn't seem too interesting. A friend of mine kept bugging me about it, so I went ahead and bought it. Been playing it in co-op mode and I must admit that this game is totally radical. It's basically just Diablo in first person mode and post-apocalyptic scenery, but then again, I fucking love Diablo.

Guitar Woman Feb 23rd, 2011 11:01 PM

Also been re-playing Zelda a bit. I realized the other day that my opinion on Zelda is pretty much "It's the Star Wars of video games," by which I mean "I feel so bad about comparing these games to anything else because I love them so goddamn much that they will always win." Not to mention the way both serieses boil down the essential tropes of their respective genres and then inflate them to ridiculously iconic levels, and how they got pretty horrible all of a sudden. Zelda's even got its own equivalent to the Holiday Special, the CD-i games.

I haven't played any of the handheld games past Oracles, despite owning all three. Capcom doesn't do Zelda very well.

Although I could be mixed up in thinking they did the two DS games, maybe I'll give those a shot. Here's hoping they don't fuck Skyward Sword up as badly as Twilight Princess.

MarioRPG Feb 24th, 2011 01:22 AM

Oddly enough, I just started playing the Oracles. Finished up Seasons yesterday and decided to give Ages a go. I don't think they are 'fantastic' but they are enjoyable enough. The Roc's Cape is a stupid item though.

Also this is coming from someone who has only played through less than half of Link's Awakening so I can't compare it to anything else really.

Grislygus Feb 24th, 2011 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 713784)
with like 20 minutes of dicking around you could probably figure out how to download a torrent and use it. total annhilation would probably take like five minutes to download :O :O well maybe in hour in australia

google Supreme Commander cd key or contact the company if you made like a username to play online i dunno how that one works.

Nice thing abut this is that there are plenty of torrents that include every add-on pack ever, official and fan-made

Problem is no more online play, which is turrible. The game ran silky-smooth on the laptop I had before I had to trade up for a macbook, no matter how much madness was hordeing up the screen... some guys did some sort of downloadable online-only version or something, though. Not sure if that's still going or what

Grislygus Feb 24th, 2011 02:12 AM

Actually, I can see if I still HAVE my torrented ultra-everything-copy on my old high-school external hard drive; I'll put it up if I do. Most of the fan-made units were redundant as hell/useless, but some of them were really fun and game-changing

Phoenix Gamma Feb 24th, 2011 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 713860)
Also been re-playing Zelda a bit. I realized the other day that my opinion on Zelda is pretty much "It's the Star Wars of video games," by which I mean "I feel so bad about comparing these games to anything else because I love them so goddamn much that they will always win." Not to mention the way both serieses boil down the essential tropes of their respective genres and then inflate them to ridiculously iconic levels, and how they got pretty horrible all of a sudden. Zelda's even got its own equivalent to the Holiday Special, the CD-i games.

I haven't played any of the handheld games past Oracles, despite owning all three. Capcom doesn't do Zelda very well.

Although I could be mixed up in thinking they did the two DS games, maybe I'll give those a shot. Here's hoping they don't fuck Skyward Sword up as badly as Twilight Princess.

Aw, I liked the GB and GBA games. Especially Four Swords. That shit was awesome.

As for the DS games...they're Nintendo made, but Phantom Hourglass is pretty shit. Only one good puzzle (wasn't even in a dungeon :T) and the rest of it was just a less interesting Wind Waker crammed into a tech demo. Spirit Tracks won me over though. The Zelda partner mechanic gets really cool later on, the puzzles are a little better, the writing is actually pretty funny a few times, and the whole game is just more fun.

OxBlood Feb 24th, 2011 07:58 AM

To me both DS-Zeldas are shit. Phantom Hourglass was just annoying with that fucking temple and uninspired and Spirit Tracks was boring as hell but what can you expect if your main activity is waiting for your stupid train to get where you need to be while you move on linear paths...

My favorite Zelda is and will always be A Link to the past. Still gotta play Majora´s Mask though but I´m afraid that the fuck-ugly graphics will hinder my experience, it´s what happened when I tried playing OoT a few years ago...Many N64 games are among the most ugly pieces of shit I´ve ever seen.

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