![]() |
including being kind of ridiculously buggy, lol
I can't wait for the next DLC. I tore through Dead Money in a night. That shit was great.
Was Dead Money any good in terms of Equipment and Perks and stuff? I don´t care about the story or the places, just what kind of additional stuff I can get for my dude ;)
I kept meaning to buy that, but never end up doing it.
I was also going to get the ad poster for it from Gamestop, but their crappy manager they had then threw it out right before I got there. :( |
Ohhh...Revolvers...there can never be enough handguns in a Fallout game...I remember trying to play F3 with the Chinese Pistol only because I fucking love the design of the Mauser C96...but sadly it´s the weakest gun in the whole game.
I did play a lot with Lucky in FNV though that was a lot of fun :) |
Ah, finally, the Mortal Kombat Demo is free for everyone.
Played it very briefly this morning and I really really like the simplicity of it. Not that many moves, Combos consist of 3 buttons max, easy to pull of specials and fatalities...mix that up with the three-stage-supermeter and you got yourself a really fun game it seems. Day 1-purchase for sure. |
Bought Homefront. Taking it back for a refund.
the mk demo is great it has the 2 character i will probably use the most lol mileena and sub zero
I had high hopes for Homefront. It had a lot of potential; the first thirty minutes had my blood pumping and ready to KICK ASS. However, it started to fall flat pretty quickly. The first thing I noticed was that you can only carry 90 spare rounds for SMGs and assault rifles. This isn't much ammo even before you take into account that enemies take more damage in general than in, say, Call of Duty. The weapons also don't have much weight behind them; none of them feel particularly powerful, and there's little difference from weapon to weapon. Also, when you throw grenades, you don't get any sense of the fuse like in CoD when your crosshair pulses, and the grenade magically leaves your hand before you even complete the throw. The environments aren't much better. You spend less time in iconic American settings, like baseball fields and malls, than you do in random, bombed-out suburbs and unrecognizable holding areas. As for the story: It starts off with you getting your apartment busted into, and you getting arrested, thrown down the stairs, and carted away in a bus. On the way, you see quite a few honestly touching horrors of war, which got me ready to kick some ass. The bus then gets hit by an SUV, which kills everyone inside but you. A resistance member takes you (the exact pilot they were looking for, conveniently.) to their hideout, and you begin a plan to steal three tankers of fuel and take them to the Army. This mission will take up about 2/3 of the four-hour gameplay, by the way. The characters are all pretty much useless. None of them have any development, and I couldn't relate to any of them at all. I honestly wouldn't have been affected in any way if any of them ended up dying. As for multiplayer, I can't say, because the SERVERS WOULDN'T WORK. tl;dr Bad/short campaign, boring gameplay, bad characters, non-functioning multiplayer (for me). |
I wasn't expecting much when the only part of the game getting any press was the implausible story.
Oh well. Another American persecution-themed game for Yahtzee to savage. |
I got Homefront too but only for the multiplayer.
I don´t know what exactly was going on in THQ´s heads when they marketed that game. They only advertise the Singleplayer Mode with the oh-so-great story. Advertisement for the online-modes? None as far as I can tell. That wouldn´t be so much of a problem...it´s just...well, the Singleplayer is utter bullshit and the online stuff is pretty great. It´s just that no one knows about it :D Seriously. I played online for about 2 or 3 hours yesterday. Yes, the servers don´t work well right now cause even THQ themselves didn´t see what kind of game they released there aparently. Anyway, Ground War is a really fun mode. It´s basically Capture and Hold with three objectives and two rounds of play (the objectives are moved after the first round). While there don´t seem to be many weapons, those that are there seem to be pretty unique and each seems to have it´s specific use. There´s one attachment-slot which can take unlockable scopes, grenade launchers and so on. There´s camo for the weapons (useless of course), a special grenade Slot (for flashbangs of EMPs etc.). Now it gets more interesting. Next up are the perks we all know and love though here they give you three points you can spend on 1, 2 and 3 point-perks so you can either have 3 weak ones or one powerful and so on. Where Homefont gets unique is the Battlepoints. Apart from earning XP while playing, every action you do for your team nets you BP which you can spend on two kinds of things. First are the buy-slots of which you can assign two to each Equipment-Set. For example, the Assault-Set has a Flak Jacket and an RPG as it´s default setup. If at any point in the game you have 300BP (about 3 kills for example), you just press up on the D-Pad and voila, a Flak Jacket to make you more resistant to enemy fire. There´s many other things you can buy with BP. Drones (more on those in a bit), Ammo Refils, Airstrikes and, most importantly: Vehicles. From Humvees to Tanks and Choppers, if you have the neccessary BP you can just spawn in a Tank if you want. Gotta unlock them by leveling though. Finally a quick word on Drones. There´s at least 4 kind of Drones in the game and they all make sense (A drone takes up a BP-Slot so choose wisely). Most Drones work by just pressing a button, spawning the thing in front of you and then taking direct control of it until it is destroyed or you are killed. The basic Drone is the Robot-with-a-gun-Drone, it´s nice for taking a cautious approach when it comes to storming buildings or scouting out the battlefield ahead since dying is usually not that advantagous caus you have to run quite a distance to get back into the action most of the time. The next Drone is the...Parrot I think, it´s just one of those little flying hover-thingies. It´s unarmed but you can use it to scout from the air and mark targets and enemies for your allies which in turn nets you more BP so being a Scout can pay off too if your secondary BP-Slot holds an Airstrike for example. The third is some kind of Anti-Vehicle Drone but I haven´t played around with it yet. Anyway, to wrap this up, the Online Modes really have potential. They´re fun, they feel less hectic than Modern Warfare, it kind of feels fair most of the time, the whole Dronestuff and BP-Concept is really nice, the verhicles add another layer of complexity since it can really be a problem if someone walzes through your defenses with a tank an no one has any countermeassures. Good game, but only online. |
Another thing: FUCK. THE. FONT.
Seriously; since I just have a CTR tv, most games are hard to read on it already. I honestly had no idea what I was reading half the time, because they decided not to use a simple font, and instead this weird tiny one that requires the perfect resolution or you can't read a fucking thing on it and boy am I pissed |
Here's a thought: Take the sixty bucks you're going to spend on the next new shiny game and put it towards a fucking serviceable television. I got a 42" LG number on Amazon for $400.
I think you should have spent that $400 on some manners, because fuck you I had the same problem with Dead Rising and it really pissed me off.
I played Dead Rising right up until the first boss, emptied all my ammunition into him, died, suddenly realized that I didn't care enough to make a second attempt, and was very glad that I never buy videogames unless I can get them dirt cheap
Which reminds me. Since I have a macbook now, and some money, I actually was figuring on buying a game for the first time in two years... any recommendations? I haven't really been paying attention, Diablo III won't be finished for a while, and I'm not going to buy one of the three pieces of Starcraft. What the hell other kinds of story-driven/rpgish games have been coming out these days?
Do you have to pay for minecraft?
i'll second mount and blade although it's less storydriven. unless you're talking about Warband
For the beta, yes. The classic version is for free but itīs just an editor more or less. But Minecraft is worth every $ if you ask me. I paid 10 bucks for it, Iīd pay 30 without hesitating too. BUT there should be some kind of demo. I KNOW how great Minecraft is but other people might be reluctant if they canīt at least try it. A timed demo would be the right thing I think. Lets you try the game for an hour before you have to pay or something like that. |
It's fifteen Euros. Most definitely worth it.
And yeah, there's no real story to Mount and Blade, except there might be a little backstory behind your character that you get to pick. Most of it is randomly generated, I believe. You can become almost anything you want. Or get captured and become a slave. I was captured for slavery a lot because I wasn't too good at combat. But Willie's taken over towns, if I remember him right. |
i wiped out an entire empire :sunglasses
I got all my items taken away repeatedly and was forced to fight in gladiatorial tournaments. :dumbglasses
"It’s hard to capture quite how much this game seems to hate you for wanting to be involved..." :lol
lol |
Ha, will you look at that. My Yakuza 4 came in the mail today. I fucking LOVE that series.
And this time we get the whole package again...apart from the quiz, okay. But I´d play this for the Mahjongg-parlors alone :) |
wait you can't play mahjong in 3?
Nah, they cut out mahjong and hostess parlors for the western release.
I can't say I was too broken up about it because I hated the hostess sections and don't know how to play mahjong, but it was still too bad that they cut stuff like that. |
but there's a mahjong place you can enter i thought you could play there
Nope, all you can do is pick up a locker key and leer at the NPCs playing mahjong.
lame also i find it kinda funny thet there are chicks waiting for me at the burger place to go on dates
you're 15 again
Not too much of a stretch, Didn't you just have your Oquincho Orcha last year Darkvare? I remember pictures.
is quinceañera and no, i'm 23
I agree. We (Europe even more than the US) can be happy to get the game at all but there was still no reason to cut all that stuff. Now, I donīt care about the hostess-stuff either but Iīm gonna take a look at it, especially since I just read Tokyo Vice which explains the whole thing along with most other Kabukicho/Kamurocho-related activities quite well. As for Mahjongg...I can play a specific type of Mahjongg and I know the rules but itīs still hard to tell the number-pieces apart without any help...that, and I donīt remember any good hands anyway. Still a lot of fun. Found a shitload of keys too since thereīs double as many lockers in Kamurocho this time (no Okinawa sadly, I love that place)... |
Started playing STALKER again. Does anyone want to try it with me?
I'm digging Call of Pripyat off and on.
One thing I noticed is that there aren't any artifacts, or if there are they're really shitty and pump you full of radiation, which is never worth it. I read something about having to use that weirdo flip-up sensor thing to find them, but I'm a hardcore shootin' motherfucker and Call of Pripyat is a lot less brutal than Shadow of Chernobyl, so I don't think being a superhuman death machine via radioactive magic is really necessary. It also makes artifacts seem like more of a commodity among Stalkers when you can't just walk outside and pick up a ridiculously good one while tiptoeing through the tulips. I do miss being able to sprint forever, though. Even if you have an energy drink IV drip going you still have to stop for a breather every 40 feet. Also, there's one mission early on in the game where a mob boss hires you to gun down a camp full of innocent rookie Stalkers, and you can opt to betray him instead and kill his whole hit squad. Buuuuuuuuut after I did that I went back to the place where he was chilling to see if I could kill him, too, and take all his mad mafia loot. He proceeded to amiably chat about the weather to me, despite the fact that I had just murdered all of his goons and exposed him as a royal dickhead to everyone else at his camp. So, yeah, maybe still a few bugs to work out, but it wouldn't be STALKER if everything worked like it was supposed to. Speaking of which, the dialogue is still at the mercy of Google Translator. |
You use the detectors to find artifacts in the field. The starting one just beeps more frequently the closer you get to one, but the more advanced ones show you dots on a radar screen for where it is and how rare each one is. You can find some pretty good ones right off the bat, like in that big cave complex near the burnt-out village. Lot of anomalies, but also the potential to score some phat loot.
Great. Again I get swarmed by good games...so...Crysis2, yeah...played for about 3hrs (360) and...yeah, it´s pretty good.
Looks good, controls well, the suit is fun...and we get the superb bonus of having the turkish dub along with the german. Funny and sad at the same time somehow. |
Been playing a lot of Black Ops and now Batman: Arkham.
Zombies on Black Ops is fun as hell; when I paired up with a good team that kept close and talked to each other, we got to wave seventeen, and only died because one of us got greedy for a powerup and we lost the firepower. However, for every good match, there's a bad one, where some asshole who doesn't even have a mic will run around to other people's windows the first few rounds and kill the zombies, so HE can get the points. In later waves, it becomes completely terrifying; even having to reload can very well be a death sentence. And there's not much worse a feeling than wen you're backing away from a horde, wasting them left and right, then get taken out the instant you start to reload. As for Batman, all I can say is FUCK. YES. I was pretty neutral about it at first, but got a friend to loan it to me, and I'm having a blast basically scaring the everloving shit out of random mooks; grabbing them and suspending them from gargoyles, throwing remote batarangs into groups of them from a hundred yards away and around a corner, and (my favorite) spraying a bunch of explosive gel on the walls and floor, luring them into it, and blowing them all across the room, leaving them in stunned heaps. |
the stealth challenges were so fun to beat in that game :(
I personally like the survival challenge, because as the game throws more enemies at you, it's really just a test of your reflexes, and really makes you feel like you're kicking SERIOUS ass. |
I thought the game fucking broke on me. That was brilliant.
I'm playing Wind Waker again, which is an incredible game as long as you don't compare it to other Zelda games. I finally got to the point where I can explore unrestricted and I'm having a blast. Fuck everyone who hates the sailing parts.
I'd say Windwaker is better than most Zeldas, actually
And yeah, sailing around sacking towns and shit in any order you wanted ought to be re-used in some sort of pirate RPG. It's awesome. I could see how some people wouldn't like it, though, since there aren't really a lot of encounters to spice up the traveling a bit. Some of them don't work right, either, like how those sharks that follow your boat will never, ever attack you as long as you're moving. It actually took me a while to figure out what the hell they were, since I never swiveled the camera around and they looked like evil seagulls. |
I never got to play Windwaker damn it.
I've been getting back into Starcraft II recently, and decided that I was going to train and become one of the top players in the world... for about five minutes before changing my mind since I realised that I can't be bothered. |
Hey, look! My 3rd-favorite game :) I really wish I had a PC right now...maybe Iīll just play the PSP-Version... |
Being the best StarCraft 2 player in the world is probably a lot like being the best rapist in the world. It's an impressive position, but you'll lose your humanity somewhere along the way, and everyone will think you're a huge asshole.
Why, yes, I do have a rather low opinion of StarCraft and its fanbase, why do you ask? |
I just reloaded Pirates! on my laptop yesterday. :lol
In other news, hey, Mirror's Edge is actually good. Also definitely one of the prettiest games I've ever played.
Actually, I wouldn't really call it a "game," it's more of a super-glorified tech demo. A linear series of seamlessly-connected scripted events, where the enemies exist to provide the illusion of threat rather than anything tangible, and because of this are such fucking horrifyingly bad shots that they would make a squadron of Imperial Stormtroopers double over and collapse in laughter. Except for when the game feels like being a fucker and has 5 of them hit every clip from their machineguns on you in about 1 second, although it only seems to happen when I don't go the way the game wants me to, so I guess it's just a more assholeish way of keeping me on the train tracks. It almost feels like if you took all the police officers out of the running sequences you'd just inexplicably drop dead if you went the wrong direction. It's entertaining, I guess, but the wall-running flat out does not fucking work, and the combat with real actual NPC police is the most horrible and offensive use of QTE spam I've seen since the knife fight with Krauser. |
What are you talking about the knife fight with Krauser was great, the best QTE sequence ever made.
Man, they updated Super Meat Boy with like 140 something new levels but for some reason they don't save your progress yet. Since I only play games for the illusion of accomplishment they're totally inaccessible to me, plus I'm sick as fuck of Super Meat Boy. 44 hours of play time is pretty crazy for a platformer. |
I never even beat it. I got stuck on that room with the button on the ceiling, and the ONE time I hit it, I jump straight in thinking it's safe. Haven't played it since.
i bought re 5 cause it was a greatest hit and now i'm on the hunt for the emblems only 5 to go
Been on another Minecraft binge. I finally found a wolf, tamed it, and my game crashed and now it's disappeared. Fuck.
Wolfenstein. Luckily someone I know wanted to get rid of his copy...and since you´re not allowed to sell the game in germany (officially)...Already finished it when it first came out but it´s still nice to have it on the shelf.
So what you're saying is that seeing a swastika has not caused you to turn into a Nazi? Even though you're in Germany?
I know, it sounds crazy! Imagine all the options I have all of a sudden! I can go to Asia without turning into a drooling killer anymore shouting things like JA! SCHNELL SCHNELL or ACHTUNG IHRE PAPIERE BITTE!!!
:lol Ah, what can I say, that stupid Hakenkreuz/Swastika-thingie is against the law here so everything with such a thing in it is against the law as well... Guess how many of those Swastikas I conciously notice in the game. Exactly. None ;) I think itīs a real shame because that game is really good for just being a stupid shooter... |
I saw "Zooey Deschanel or Action Paper Bite" when I read that. I dunno about anyone else. |
Thats why I love languages so much. Things that already sound stupid to me sound even more stupid to people who donīt speak the language :D or...not as well as I do, I actually donīt know if any of you guys speak german ;)
By the way, Iīm still a little disappointed that the funny nazi guys in Wolfenstein speak english instead of bad german, it was way funnier that way :) now oll zey do iz imitating bet german aczenz mein Herr :lol |
I took German once, which was enough to teach me some pronunciation and a couple words, but my vocabulary leaves a lot to be desired.
I've played Wolfenstein which was enough to teach me some pronunciation and a lots of words. My vocabulary is astounding.
Well...I gues should my country ever resort to demonic magic to take over the world, you guys can at least understand what the soldiers want of you before they mutate into some kind of abomination from beyond the void or something :)
I think itīs kinda interesting how every portrayal of Nazi-germany in games focusses solely on their military campaign and leaves the real evil out of the equation...then again, I really wouldnīt want to play a game about THAT...ugh...Makes you wish those guys only dabbled in ancient magic or some shit like that instead of what they really did... Oh and I still think "Leichenfaust" is one hell of a name for a weapon :lol Who comes up with a name like Corpsefist... |
I need to stop buying Hitman games, because I've been duped into it three fucking times already and they just keep being horrible no matter what people tell me.
"Hey, we've got fun stealthing abound! Come and play with us!" "Ok, Hitman. Hey, wait a minute, your stealth is broken, clunky, and horrible, and the AI isn't designed around it. How the hell am I supposed to do this?" "Why don't you just shoot everyone?" "I didn't sign up for a third person shooter! Not to mention that your gun mechanics aren't much better!" "We promise the next game will be much less horrible than the last!" "I fell for that with Hitman 2 and Blood Money already! Why don't you go fuck yourself, franchise?" |
My friend was playing the new mutation for L4D2 and its you by yourself against only special infected....so no common infected or AI humans. Apparently they don't even show up to the game anymore :(
Again, Iīm at the last boss in Wolfenstein and again, heīs extremely annoying...he was stupid on normal, on hard heīs just...gah! |
I just finished playing the Penumbra series, they're pretty good. Especially since they're not too scary and I'm a total pussy.
Killzone 3 with the light gun. Now I just need another gun and a game that's a co-op rail shooter so I can relieve House of the Dead 2. :)
Streets of Rage Remake v5. I unlocked just about everything and the helper AI is very good, as long as you're not on the rooftops.
Download link if you want it: http://www.sendspace.com/file/qscmlp |
SSF4 is getting frustrating now that my rank is up and people my rank keep clobbering me. Last game ended with stuff skidding across my room. I don't get mad if I'm playing with my buddies in person, in fact, I laugh a little too much. But for some reason online matches really piss me off.
Then I remembered how I used to blow off steam; being the best fucking spy ever in TF2. Which is what I've been doing now. Kinda like the Kunai if I can chain stabs, but I'm so used to the Eternal Reward now that I forget that backstabbing decloaks me. Oh, and Game Dev Story on iphone is fucking awesome. |
Silent Hill 2 for the umpteenth time, LOtR: the third age, and Fatal Frame
Age of Conan free trial.
I'm almost to the end of the big opening single player questline, but it's so goddamn boring. Inside the quest it's not so bad, but everything else is just mediocre. Plus, the find a group mechanic doesn't work, so I haven't been able to team up with anyone the whole time I've been playing this damn game. |
I kinda want to play L.A. Noire when it comes out.
Same here, but I have to admit I'm more interested to see how the detective leveling system works.
What does it mean to be subbed to a game?
subscribed. only rly applies to pay-to-play mmos.
whoops, don't know why I didn't understand something so simple. How embarrassing.
I bought the potato sack a week ago, but it was only for Amnesia and Super Meat Boy. Are any of those other games any good? I thought I'd try out Bit Trip Beat and maybe Audiosurf.
And Portal 2 was only 7 days away by default. I don't see what the big deal is. Then again, that sentence has described my feelings about Portal from day one, so I guess I'm just not one of those guys. |
I just came back from an ARCADE.
They still EXIST! btc took me there for my belated birthday. This place was off the fucking hook. Huuuuuge pinball collection, every version of Street Fighter, a giant Blazblue cabinet, this really funky SNES cabinet that let you play Mario, F-Zero, and Super Tennis, and a shitload of other games. Seriously, it had every arcade and pinball game I've ever seen as a kid, except now I'm an adult so I can spend as much money as I want on tokens ($25 lasted me about 2 and a half hours). btc apparently NEVER heard of REVOLUTION X, which means I had to show him the best Aerosmith Rescue Simulator known to man. I don't think I've ever seen him that happy to see Steven Tyler. Seriously, there were so many games and pinball machines I haven't seen in ages (or haven't seen period) so this was a fucking treat. And I had enough tickets for a Mario shirt. I NEVER got to leave with prizes as a kid. We're definitely going back there again. |
"oh, that's neat." |
Hey guy, maybe you can help me out here. Does anyone here already have Mortal Kombat? I´m asking because the online-passes don´t seem to work in germany. BUT my theory is that it´s simply too early since the official release is...when, next week?
Any info would really help cause...you know, people on the net tend to start crying very easily and half my german board is full of frightened people right now :D And concerning MK in general...man that game is good, just finished arcade mode with Ermac...really good. |
let me try asking on gametrailers
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
The single player is pretty much Ass Creed 2 with a better city and a less interesting story. Still good, but it's not as engrossing the second time around. The multiplayer isn't anything to write home about, which is a shame, because Ubisoft were probably hoping it'd justify charging 50 dollars for what's functionally an expansion pack. It reminds me a lot of Bloody Good Time's Hunt gamemode, only you can't really fight back against your pursuers; you just have to run your ass off and hide. Then when you do hide, you can expect them to pinpoint your location immediately and stab you in the face, since everyone has a compass that points them directly to their target, and anyone with a working brain can tell who is and isn't an NPC with only a cursory glance. You can also expect to kill a lot of people, but it's so fucking easy to do since they can't resist or really escape with any reliability, why bother? I thought the concept of a primarily stealth-based multiplayer game wouldn't really work that well, since sneaking games generally rely on retarded, legally blind enemy NPCs, but Ubisoft fumbled it worse than I imagined they would. Nobody talks, either. I guess silence is preferable to a middle-schooler girlishly cooing the word "faggot" at you over and over again, but it makes me feel like nobody really gives a shit. |
it was pretty fun i guess? i liked the grid puzzle thing for choosing how your attributes level up
If there are any other games out there (online, console, whatever) with that kind of platformer/leveling-up combination I'd like to know about them. I'm having a ton of fun with this.
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