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Guitar Woman Nov 5th, 2012 06:55 AM

I like playing as a medic in DayZ.

One time while I was patching up a bunch of noobs in a barn, the admins on my favorite server came after me and started shooting at the building continuously with L85s (thermal-scope assault rifles, i.e. endgame loot) for about 5 minutes until they picked the poor little guys with their double-barrel shotguns and crossbows off one by one, then killed me; I didn't have any stuff they wanted, so they hid my body so that I couldn't run back and re-arm. I was pretty irritated!

Tonight, I noticed that they were gathered in a channel on the teamspeak server that had no password, so I settled in, started chatting them up, then asked if I could roll with them in their vehicle convoy. They actually let me in; I can't imagine how fucking stupid you'd have to be. They even gave me a DMR! (Semi-auto sniper rifle; two-shot kill, 20 bullets as fast as you can fire them.) So I rode with them, making idle conversation, looting buildings, helping them kill zombies, and casually dismissing the way they were using their admin powers to locate more vehicles and find players to kill, all the while laughing softly with a huge grin plastered all over my face. When the time was right and we were all parked and preparing to storm a high-traffic city, I casually walked up to the ringleader and shot him in the face about 15 times, then jumped into his car and drove off while everyone in the channel started freaking the fuck out. I just started laughing, like I was Char Aznable fresh from leading Garma Zabi into a barrage of artillery fire.

It would have been a lot more awesome if he hadn't immediately banned me, but I think I'm done playing DayZ for a while because nothing I do in the game from this point forward is ever going to be as fucking amazing as what transpired tonight. I really wish I could have recorded it.

I love this game, guys, you should be playing it!

kahljorn Nov 5th, 2012 02:48 PM

what a bunch of bitch admins

Nick Nov 5th, 2012 08:17 PM

Picked up a 3DS XL with Mario 3DLand and Cave Story today because I really want to play that Adventure Time game coming out.

Dr. Boogie Nov 5th, 2012 10:45 PM

That is a great DayZ story, but it definitely confirms the idea that the game is mainly a trolling paradise.

I wonder if that betrayal will turn the admin into a paranoid nut.

kahljorn Nov 6th, 2012 04:59 PM


what is this warz shit is it just dayz that you have to pay for?

Nick Nov 6th, 2012 05:47 PM

Pretty much. Some chucklefuck hack indie dev thought they could make bank off it. Go check out the gameplay on youtube. Looks terrible.

kahljorn Nov 6th, 2012 06:39 PM

i hope they get sued or some shit

OxBlood Nov 7th, 2012 09:48 AM

War Z is basically the exact same game. And don´t forget you have to pay for Day Z too since you gotta get Arma2 first. These guys were just quicker than Rocket, that´s all.

Mad Melvin Nov 7th, 2012 11:48 AM

X-Com still. In ironman mode. I thought I had this game in the bag. I had great gear, high-level soldiers and every UFO/Terror/Abduction mission was a breeze. The I found the alien base and went in expecting it to be easy as something really easy. Two sectopods + muton elite soldiers + chryssalids came at me all at once and totally slayed my elite team. Now I have a bunch of rookies and have to level them up, which is taking forever.

This game is awesome.

dextire Nov 7th, 2012 06:34 PM

Ha, same here. It was the first time I really noticed environment effecting the difficulty of the aliens. I don't have much time to play games anymore, so I haven't even finished my first play-through yet, but I'm immensely enjoying this game.

Nick Nov 7th, 2012 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 763591)
War Z is basically the exact same game. And donīt forget you have to pay for Day Z too since you gotta get Arma2 first. These guys were just quicker than Rocket, thatīs all.

Except you know, crappy. You're also buying Arma 2, not Day Z. You can play Day Z for free as well if you download Arma 2: Free.

Arma 2 is also a pretty neat game to have for only $20.00. Much better than some gimped cash in on a ripoff of a popular mod.

Guitar Woman Nov 8th, 2012 03:55 AM

Final Fantasy 10. It's not bad at all, color me surfuckingprised. Fantastic art direction in particular, except for the retarded clothing.

It's really bothering me that they didn't go back and synch the mouth flaps with the English dub, though. It's less like I'm watching a 70's kung-fu movie than it is like my Youtube video's lagging out.

OxBlood Nov 8th, 2012 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Nick (Post 763611)
Except you know, crappy. You're also buying Arma 2, not Day Z. You can play Day Z for free as well if you download Arma 2: Free.

Arma 2 is also a pretty neat game to have for only $20.00. Much better than some gimped cash in on a ripoff of a popular mod.

Hey, the more Zombie-Paranoia-MMOs, the better I say ;)

Speaking of MMOs, I played Planetside 2 for the first time yesterday...still a little unpolished but hell of a lot of fun, really gives me this part-of-something-greater feeling that normal Shooters donīt :)

I just canīt decide which faction to pick.

Dimnos Nov 8th, 2012 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 763617)
Final Fantasy 10. It's not bad at all, color me surfuckingprised. Fantastic art direction in particular, except for the retarded clothing.

It's really bothering me that they didn't go back and synch the mouth flaps with the English dub, though. It's less like I'm watching a 70's kung-fu movie than it is like my Youtube video's lagging out.

I thought its combat and leveling system were rather cool.

kahljorn Nov 8th, 2012 01:12 PM

leveling system was great + all the cool shit you could get.

that game called Path of Exile kind of has a similar skill tree to ff10

Guitar Woman Nov 8th, 2012 04:39 PM

The switching members in and out of your party instantaneously during battle is sort of like a prototype version of the paradigm system from 13, but I like it a lot better since it gives you a reason to actually use all the characters instead of just building a superstar tagteam of the most broken / least annoying people.

Nick Nov 9th, 2012 03:28 AM

Except you actually get to play a game when you put FF10 in your console.

OxBlood Nov 9th, 2012 09:08 AM

FF10 was really good and I don´t care if the story is stupid and Tidus looks like a little girl. The combat was quick and a lot of fun :) 10s Combat with 9s cast...that would be nice.

Why 9? Because Zidane was more or less the first protagonist with a positive outlook, which was very refreshing after 7 and 8...

Guitar Woman Nov 12th, 2012 11:23 PM

I like Tidus because whenever someone pulls some bullshit jargon out of their asses and is all like "WE HAVE TO STOP SIN FROM BLOWING UP THE CLOISTER OF THE HYMN OF THE HIGH WALKER" I'm like "what the fuck does that mean?" and pretty much on cue Tidus'll go "what the fuck does that mean?"

Really, it would have been nice to have someone like that in FF13.

Also Cloud is the best protagonist from anything ever, don't even talk shit.

Phoenix Gamma Nov 13th, 2012 12:05 AM

My friend bought 007 Legends. It was somehow worse than I anticipated, and I anticipated the worst after Call of Goldeneye. He seemed to like it, though, so I kept my mouth shut about how he was playing a subpar shooter that kiiiiiinda reenacts Bond films except not really.

Activision really needs to stop chasing Goldeneye. EA learned their lesson and made Everything or Nothing and From Russia With Love, and those games were great (especially EoN).

Nick Nov 13th, 2012 05:33 AM

I used to think Cloud was awesome back when I was playing FF7 on my PlayStation, but all the fan-pandering Capcom did has soured my FF7 boner.

Phoenix Gamma Nov 13th, 2012 06:17 AM

Yea, I can't believe Capcom dumped Mega Man for a million Final Fantasy XIII sequels :lol

Nick Nov 13th, 2012 09:24 PM

They should have sold Mega Man to Squaresoft.

OxBlood Nov 14th, 2012 06:36 AM

Cloud? Nah, I liked the fact that he carried that big ass sword around but even back then his personality got on my nerves...same with Aeris by the way...I mean...how can you be sad when she dies?

1. She is killed off by Sephiroth and let´s be honest here, dude´s cool when you´re about 15 so it´s hard to stay mad at the guy for long.

2. I clearly remember being super upset because I wasted my fucking time with her. Meaning, I spent time leveling her up and bam, she´s dead. Is ANYONE using Aeris these days? I mean, you know she´s gonna die, why would you use her when all Characters are basically the same anyway?

I´m also playing Don't Starve right now, which is fucking awesome. Wildernes-Survival looking like a flash-version of a Tim Burton Movie...really good, especially for a beta.

Also Planetside 2, lot´s of fun.

darkvare Nov 14th, 2012 11:54 AM

sign this pettition for time splitters hd collection, the guys at crytek said that if they see enough support they'll make it come true and my love for the series makes me want to ask even you

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