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what are quickbars? just wondering
You know the extra bars you can assign stuff to in MMOs?
i hate that shit
the crack forhitman absolution is taking forever:(
also dishonored isa great game it runs flawlesslyon mycomputerandonlytakes like 5 seconds to load
i justwish there were more fun ways to kill people |
some things about assassin creed are so well designed and other things are so retarded
wanted posters on fucking rooftops after i climb some shit i cant just stab the motherfucker in the back why am i assassinating someone by fighting through 50 guards and then killing him in his face im a stealthy assassin but everyone and their mother can outrun me |
So, husband got a 360 and bought me 'Alan Wake' because it was 'killing things with light' not shooting things, except it's totally shooting things.
The only console I've ever played is an ameiga. I am so out of my comfort zone. |
i got a cool ship from my fatty sith boss now i can go cruising YEEEEAAAA!!!!
![]() I almost have enough energy crystals saved up to buy a shield. |
hitman absolution is kinda gay
if u restart from a checkpoint it respawns everybody, even the ppl who you killed before you got to the checkpoint. i got a silenced weapon in one level. finished the level and at the end he drives to the next level. the next level begins and i no longer have the silenced weapon. :/ 90% of the game so far is running from/through stuff seriously the more i think about this game the more i think its gay so far there haveonly been like.. 2 hits. both were so easy that its a joke. Pretty sure i got the highest rating on both of the only missions where i had to kill someone without even trying. Both times they basicallywalked into a room by themselves. :\ the restof the game was just running through shit or trying to sneak through an area where there's not even the goal of killing a person. wtf. did the makers of this game ever even PLAY A HiTMAN gAME? |
they should've called this game absolutely runningman
seriously this game is a piece of shit fuck videogames now adays
theres literally levels where u dont kill anyone and dont have to sneak or anything. one level all i had to do was talk to a bartender. it was like a tiny ass space and the level ends immediately after. basically all u do is sabotage some electricity panel and it startsa bar fight which is almost cool and then you just walk through the level and realize that the entire thing was pointless. whatever i hate whoever made this game. the level immediately after that is a gunshop and again you dont have to kill anyone or really do anything there and its basically another tiny space. BUT YOU CAN GET ACHIEVEMENTS IF YOU DO IT DIFFERENTLY OR TOUCH DIFFERENt WeAPONS WOW. BET YOU CANT WAIT TO WALK THROUGH THIS TINY TEN BY TEN SPACE WITHOUT KILLIng ANYONE SLIGHTLY DIFFERENTLY THAN THE LAST TIME CANT WAIT TO GET THAT ACHIEVEMENT FOR LOSING THE SHOOTING CONTEST. THEN ILL GET THE ONE FOR WINNING IT AND THE ONE FOR TOUCHING A GUN THAT IVE ALREADY TOUCHED BEFOR make that a cutscene you stupid fucks dont buy this piece of shit |
I play it on the hard hard hard difficulty and it's needlessly hard. So I turned it down. The levels are far smaller than in Blood Money, but Chinatown comes close to capturing the same thing.
But it's a fundamentally different game and should be judged on its own terms. I kept my expectations low and came out finding a few small things in the campaign that were nice. But the contracts mode is amazing. In fact, I get the feeling that they just designed giant playgrounds for the contracts mode and put in a story in the last ten minutes before it shipped. |
i get the feeling that this game was designed by retards. "giant playgrounds"? lol. thelevels are like the sizeof my house.
chinatown is the gayest level. you play through 30 levels of running from thecops orw/e and then you get that piece of shit. if that level makes you happy than you have a serious problem. how much space is that level? like, 200 square feet? my house is probably bigger than that level. and the whole thing is stupid contrived. it's so straightforward its a joke. YOU CAN GO LEFT AND KILL HIM THIS WAY. OR GO RIGHT AND KILL HIM THIS WAY. i got silent assassin on that level first try and i wasn't even trying. same thing in the vixen bar. they just both wander off by themselves. SAME THINg WIth THE OTHER CHINAtOWN level. what the fuck. thats not a hitman game. or i should say itsa hitman gmewithout ass strong the illusion of beinga hitman game fuck this fundamentally different game judged on its own terms shit. thats just an excuse for it being a piece of shit game. everytimei play it i lose interest within a few minutes. why does this gunshop level exist? its pointless. you can't do anything important there. none of the guns you take will probably carry over to the next level. its only there forgay ass achievements. SHOOT THE DUCKS. LOSE THESHOOTInG COMPETITION. DONT LOSE THE SHOOTING COMPETITION fuck that. those aren't even cool challenges. and thats like half the game. gay ass challenges on gay ass levels that just have me thinking, "WelL There WILL PROBABLY BE A HIT ON THE neXT LEVEL" and then its chinatown the shoebox level. that level shouldve called it little trouble in tiny china. ive never beensomad at a videogame before. i guess this generation of videogame makers is just horrible. Quote:
yep bullet time sure is great. thats what we need is more games with bullet time. im glad when i pirated this game that i was pirating max payne 3. you know what this game remindsme of? one of those ADVENTURE GAMeS where everything is basically laid out for you and sure u can do different stuff to see some different cutscenes but basicallyitsallthe same. also sometimes u get to shoot stuff@! WOWWWW |
It was the second part of Chinatown, my bad. It tries to do the Murder of Crows thing, but not as well.
They should just make more Kane and Lynch games as opposed to anything good. One thing I've heard people do is pretend it's a Splinter Cell game instead of a Hitman sequel, as it seems to share more with them than the games previous. |
Also, fuck you. I already said that the story is balls and the contracts are where it's at.
well i pirated the game so i cant play contracts :(
maybe that was part of their goal to makecontracts so fun and the story so gay that i have to actually buy the game to enjoy it. its not gonna work though. |
yea the second part of china town was almost fun. i was like, man, im gonna bash this dudes head in with a sledgehammer! and i did that and it was almostcool. then i found that guy kicking the other guy. then i sabotaged the guy at the gas thing. which was super easy because of the way they designed checkpoints so that they reset the entire level, so all i had to do was go there, save at checkpoint reload so the chef who can somehow spot cops isnt there, sabotage the gas thing then run to the second guy who was kicking the other guy off by himself in an easily accessible alley.
level complete :| now time for 30 run from the cop levels and several stand around and do nothing really levels rosewood level was fun cuz i just killed everyone with bullettime and fireaxes and felt satisfied doing so. HEY FATHOM ZEROI HAVE THIS IDEA FOR A LEVEL. OK WE'RE gONNA POPULAte this hitMAN leveL WITH TWO DISGUISES. ONE DISGUISE IS THE DISGUISE EVERYBODIES WEARing SO IF yOU WeAR It everyBODY WILL be on tO YOU. ThE othEr DIsGUISe is THE DISguise THAT EverYBODY IS TRYING TO KILL SO IF YOU WEAR IT EVERYBODY WILL TRY TO KILL YOU. SOUNDS GREAT RIGHT? gayest shit i ever heard |
You've yet to murder everyone in Chinatown silently with the katana and the Chipmunk suit, though.
That's another thing - the levels themselves are filled with these grim, dark, hilarious things and none of that ever translates into the cutscenes and the story. And it hasn't been that way in any Hitman game, as a matter of fact. I get the feeling like they don't know what it should be and part of it is self-aware that it should be a fun game while another part isn't. I'm playing the game like a solo sneaking mission. When I said Dishonoured should be more like Hitman, this wasn't the game I had in mind. So far, I like this Hitman more, honestly. I have a lot of problems with Dishonoured that still exist, although the level design is unparalleled in that game. As a murder simulator, it's much better. |
i havent finished dishonored yet but considering its the first game in the series its way better than this piece of shit. i actually had a lot of fun in that game.
I had a tremendous amount of boredom in that game, which turned into anger after I kidnapped Sokolov or whatever his name was and had to carry him through Batman: Arkham Asylum.
i guess i just like making rats eat people and tricking people into running through forcefields that burn them into embers :( im actually on that level u got bored with somaybe ill get bored too
you know what i realized what is really wrong with hitman. and it is the level design but not just because its small. ive read they didnt want disguises to be like godmode when you find the best disguise (which is dumb cuz from what i remember in hitman bloodmoney people would be on to you if u stood around too long in front of the wrong people in the wrong disguise). so hey here's an idea dont make disguises that make you have god mode and don't make disguises easy to get. or hey some guards are more perceptive/something than others problem solved. how was that hard to think up? just have lots of different disguises and each one has some kind of weakness. maybe some characters even know each other so when you try to sneak past jimmy as his brother john it doesn't work and hey you could discover this type of information through the retardely scripted conversations that are everywhere. wow that took me not six years to think up fucking lazy uncreative idiots |
dude so what the fuck. i finish the shaving lenny level and when i get to execute him theres a bunch of guns in the trunk. drive down the street to the next level and open the trunk and the guns are gone.
wtf did he make a pitstop to throw away his guns for no good reason? fuck this game in its stupid asshole this game is worth 3 dollars |
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