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i dont understand the point of this game i dont even do anything ;/ just stand around all the time
That game is...awesome, thanks for bringing it up :) Love the pixelated style of the battlearena.
good old games is giving away dragon sphere just to let you guys know
I still need to do better fights in anti idle. and my button keeps breaking in the button breaking game.
By the time you get to like level 150 the features you can buy are few and far between, and then once you actually get to the necessary level you learn that the wait wasn't really worth it. But fuck man you're still loving the game :(
I'm at level 412 now and it's still way more fun than it has any right to be. |
Playing New Vegas again. I have ED-E and Boone as companions this time around, so it's more like 'Everyone Within 200 Yards Dies: The Game'.
New Vegas is some good shit, even if it crashes hourly on me.
As per usual with Bethesda, it's horribly buggy; NPCs will regularly get stuck in tables, the ground, and buildings, usually while they're fighting you, making shooting their ears off at point blank doubly hilarious. I think my favorite quirk is how sometimes, generic townsfolk NPCs are supposed to take part in scripted events, and when the event is over and they start their "wander around staring at walls" routine again they'll all perform a certain action before they take off: light up a cigarette, say "HI THERE," etcetera. The problem is, when there's more than one NPC involved in the event, they tend to do these things in perfect unison when it's over. It's really fucking unsettling to have a group of like 10 guys all turn towards you and go "YOU WILL BE UPGRADED; MAN WILL BECOME CYBERMAN" at the exact same time when you finish a quest, I've had it happen like 5 times already. The stealing system still seems to be wonky as fuck, too. I picked up a cigarette butt at the Primm casino, and everyone in the building turned around and shot me in the face for it. Not that it matters, since my stealth skill is so high that I can basically crouch in direct sunlight 5 feet away from the Pope and nobody will notice me. Not even when I'm wearing a spacesuit with reflective fishbowl headgear. |
My biggest problems with the game are tat it seems to be a lot harder to find decent guns and ammo than in Fallout 3, to the point where I was stuck with generic, weak guns until the very end, and that on the extreme opposite it's REALLY easy to get tens of thousands of caps later in the game with no trouble at all. I'd basically go kill a shitload of high-level enemies, take their weapons, and sell them to merchants all over the place. By the end of the game, I had something like 20,000 caps or something around that figure.
Also, the Fat Man seems like it got nerfed a lot. |
Yeah, it's almost like the ability to launch multiple tactical nuclear strikes might be a bit unbalanced.
One thing I'm worried about is the nerfing of unarmed combat. It's been overpowered as all hell in every Fallout game so far, but I haven't started my traditional "Fist of the North Star" playthrough yet so I don't know whether they kept it the same as the other three. I'm seeing a lot of boxing aids that cause "fatigue damage," which sounds like some bullshit. When I punch a man in the face in Fallout, I want that face to explode into a fine mist and fertilize the plant life. |
At least in Fallout 3, the Fat Man was like a 'Oh fuck this shit, I don't want to deal with this bullshit' weapon. In New Vegas, it's just a really expensive and impractical missile launcher.
The unarmed is buffed compared to Fallout 3. I used spiked knuckles for a while, and was doing a pretty nice amount of damage, even without buffing my unarmed stats at all. I'm sure if you take Bloody Mess and raise your unarmed a shitload, you'll be popping torsos to your heart's desire. |
yeah the spiked knuckles are the most overpowered weapon you can get in the early game, head explosion city
The Fat Man and mini nukes do seam WAY underpowered. My last playthrough, when I was working for the Legion, I was down in the BoS bunker and they have some turrets all over the place. Shot the turret as close range as you can be without killing yourself and it barely took any damage. After three nukes it still wasnt even half dead. WTF! Quote:
Oh and the Legion slam ability is balls awesome. |
Niffy tip about unarmed and those pesky turrets in the BoS bunker if you dont have the science skill to hack them... If you walk up to them and start punching, none of the other turrets or the BoS guys will give a shit. Only the turret you are attacking will fight back and if you just sidestep around it while you punch it will never be able to target you.
Rented Dynasty Warriors 7. I hate using the horses now that I'm used to my RDR horse.
In DW7 ANYONE can use ANY weapon(as long as its not gender based) so it kind of takes the point away from trying different chars because of their weapons. Also, Samurai Warriors 2 was still better. |
So I guess the NCR's questlines are closed to me forever, since my first quest for Camp Forlorn Hope requires me to talk to an NPC at the power plant that died in a Legion raid
God fucking damnit |
can't you just do a respawn cheat code or something? find his body and type, "resurrect"
fucking google reads minds. I typed in respawn npc and the first thing that showed up was new vegas :O |
Im playing OOt but Im also at the end of act 4 on gears of War 2
Dude that Anti-Idle just got majorly revamped, and although I'm aware that there's way more cool shit than before I have to get reused to everything again >:
Cheat codes are for girls, and I abandoned all that questing tomfoolery in favor of just going all Rambo on every Legion NPC I could find. I pretty much won the entire war by walking into Ceasar's camp and murdering everything that moved.
Of course, nobody seems to have noticed that he's dead, or that I did anything. And why the hell do I get negative karma for stealing from people who are inarguably horrible, evil douchecanoes, like the Power Gangers or the Legion? That's like saying, "oh, you can't steal from the Daleks or the Nazis, that's totally underhanded!" |
cheat codes are for people who play games where key characters can inexplicably die :O like stalker
I just started an unarmed specialist character. Her name is 'ME RIKEY PUNCHY'; her strength, endurance, and agility are 10, her luck is 7, and everything else is 1. We consider her functionally retarded, and she is completely chaotic neutral. Every single living creature she encounters MUST be killed. No excuses. I've been giving her stats in unarmed, medicine, lockpick, and stealth.
So far, the starting town, Primm, the NCR tents OUTSIDE Primm, that outpost down South, and Nipton are now completely devoid of life, ever since that teenage girl with a mohawk bludgeoned all their inhabitants and anything along her way to death with her bare fists. This is really fucking fun. I failed the main quest within five minutes of getting control of her in the game; the only thing left to do is kill. |
Finnaly found a copy of DOOM 3 (for 10 bucks)
I've been meaning to finish Doom 3 for at least a decade.
Huh. So apparently the 50% Reflect is just the normal Rate that all Characters have...okay, why not. Craftet myself a nice 234 Atk Naginata, now I can almost idle the desert. The Sandgiant-thingy might get me though but luckily I found the protection ring again so my stuff is safe at least. |
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